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Problems with getting visuals on LSD


Feb 21, 2008
Ex-staff Ex-crulighter
LSD Without Visuals

I recently took 2 hits of white on white blotter and was really surprised by the lack of visuals. The trip was intense and i had extremely different head space, but i can't figure out why i didn't have hardly any visual distortion. The people who i was tripping with also reported the same effects. I can't figure it out...

Is this common or what? Can someone shed any light on the mystery?

LSD isn't all about seeing pretty colors.

After a period of heavy use I almost never got "visuals" per se but just sort of visual enhancements and focusing in on colors, etc., still seldom do.
really!? It seems like the more I take LSD the more visual it becomes...the visuals are so deep, like indefinitely 3-dimensional if ya know what I mean...deep.
Yeah, totally. I feel like I burned out my ability to get visuals from L. Last really visual experience I had was off a few milligrams 8o
SomeKindaLove said:

LSD isn't all about seeing pretty colors.

After a period of heavy use I almost never got "visuals" per se but just sort of visual enhancements and focusing in on colors, etc., still seldom do.

I'm well aware that you aren't always going to be fully immersed or anything like that, but it still seems odd that i would get such a lack of visuals when i normally have intricate ones.

Can someone give an explanation for my friends trips?
Different trips are different. Some trips are more visual than others.

I think it could very easily have been LSD.

DOx compounds are plenty visual at least in my experience, not so sure about 5-MeO-AMT, but that would've been pretty self-evident ...
yeah I think so...I've also had very minimally visual trips (although never no visuals, as my experiences have almost categorically been incredibly rich visually to the point of incapacitating my 'normal' vision)...it does happen from time to time...

When I've had friends tell me they don't see visuals, I notice they are usually uptight in their trip and not relaxed and flowing with it. Just an observation.
Gaian Planes said:
When I've had friends tell me they don't see visuals, I notice they are usually uptight in their trip and not relaxed and flowing with it. Just an observation.

Yes, this, very much, and also, the visual effects of LSD are broader than just "seeing shit" ... changes in visual perception are not necessarily hallucinatory or involve seeing patterns/colors/whatever ... this is very hard to describe, but perhaps you know what I'm on about? A trip can be "visual" without visuals...
yes color saturation and also perception of depth can change (visually). Also different depth perceptions can elicit stronger emotional responses than normal (in a psychedelic way often like wide open spaces may trigger a fear response).

LSD 'Visuals' go past simply tracers, patterns, twinkling, sparkling, tryptamine stuff. Incredibly deep psychedelic, LSD. I am amazed at how it gives you access to some of the more mechanical aspects of how the human mind works.
SomeKindaLove said:
DOx compounds are plenty visual at least in my experience, not so sure about 5-MeO-AMT, but that would've been pretty self-evident ...

It definitely wasn't a DOx compound. I've taken D.O.B before and it was actually the most visual trip that i've ever had.
I'm no stranger to the psychedelic experience and i've had plenty of mushroom trips that had minimal visuals, but i'm still confused about these doses. There was more depth to my vision, and colors were more vibrant, as well as the general distortions that i am unable to describe. What else could it have been, if it wasn't LSD? It certainly felt like an ergoline...
I would be surprised if it were anything but LSD. You just had an experience that happened not to be visual... just as you could have an experience that had characteristic X, Y, or Z...

Some people say that certain "types" of LSD are more visual/more mental, etc. This is probably not a real phenomenon ... but who knows? Experiences like this are probably what lead people to say such things.
^ I don't understand how that could happen though. If it really is LSD then shouldn't it produce similar effects in most normal situations. I've never really understood the concept of "clean" acid. Shouldn't the dose be the only thing that would really change your trip?
^ Dose, set, and setting, and random variables of circumstance and your physiology and pharmacokinetics and deep variables in your psychology and neurophysiology and a whole soup of unknowns that make the psychedelic experience what it is. Each psychedelic experience is unique...
I was having a little trouble getting visuals too, I made a thread about it.

I took 4 hits recently and had great visuals that lasted like 7 hours.

My advice.....try to just zone the fuck out. Don't think about it too much. Just go with the flow and relax your mind and float down stream. It works.

sort of like that magic eye puzzle thing. Just relax your eyes and go into a trance. The more I think about things, the less visuals I get. This is the best advice I can give. Taking a bigger dose is the easy way out, but will probably work.
I find that when I trip with friends, I have way less visuals then I do when I trip solo.

Try taking the same dose again by yourself and see if you have more visuals. I also find solo tripping just much more intense in general.
People will disagree with this:

But you most likely had low potency but high cleanliness LSD.

Lavender blotters layed at 70ug in 2004 were more visual than white crystal or other very pure crystals with slightly higher potency today.

There is just something about dirty acid that makes the trees twist at even low doses.

But I'll take 500ug of the clean stuff any day just to watch the clouds reach down and touch me. And with far less anxiety and tension than 100ug of some crappy crystal.

I speculate that clean LSD causes less anxiety and tension, therefore our brains are more relaxed, therefore the visuals are less "in your face" and more what you make of it.
Also keep in mind that a trip need not be visual in order to be a good trip. Part of the amazing greatness of the ergoloids is their dopaminergic component and generally broad receptor-binding profile. I believe that this tends to make the ergoloids more "mental" or "intellectually" active in their effects than the pure 5-HT2a agonists (things like the psychedelic amphetamines, simple tryptamines other than 5-MeO-DMT).

All the decades and decades of debate about so-called "dirty" LSD or "clean" LSD...I wonder if the truth will ever be revealed. Of course, I myself have experienced this phenomenon, with certain trips being utterly free of peripheral side effects and certain trips being more "body-centric." Perhaps someday we will know whether or not the PNS wigginess of certain "LSD" experiences is due to the presence of more peripherally-acting things like iso-LSD and lumi-LSD.