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post your roll tricks HERE! (MERGED)

2 more.

Great thread ...

here are my two cents ...

1. Buy an Airzooka, these things are so much fun.

2. Gather up all of the towels in the house. Take half of them and put them in the freezer. Take the the other half and put them in the dryer. After an hour or two, take off your shirt, and have someone take out the cold towels and throw them on you. Then after a minuite, have them throw the warm ones one you too.

or vise versa. If your cold start with warm one's. Repeat, as desired.

3. Cartoons

4. An XBOX is great. load all your fav rave songs, grab the controller and hang on! Also try taking pictures of the trippy screen, see what master peice you can create!

5. Trip toys are a must for me. I like the blue light up swords, I must have pushed that button over a million times @ Beltek.
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2. Gather up all of the towels in the house. Take half of them and put them in the freezer. Take the the other half and put them in the dryer. After an hour or two, take off your shirt, and have someone take out the cold towels and throw them on you. Then after a minuite, have them throw the warm ones one you too.

or vise versa. If your cold start with warm one's. Repeat, as desired.

That sounds sooo awesome! I don't really have any tricks yet, but this thread is great inspiration ha
Great suggestions, the Etard bible thread is awesome as well.

My favorite thing to do while rolling is give massages...Feeling wet hair and skin while rolling is inexplicably good. They have to be into the massage for it to really be good though. My favorite thing to have done to me is a head rub with ice cubes in the palms. When I'm dancing and this is done I melt into the floor.
ok so you get an oven rack a wooden spoon and metal spoon and two shoe laces. You tie both shoe laces to the end of each side of the over rack short side up. then wrap each shoe lace around your pointer fingers so the oven rack is now hanging down in front of you. Put your fingers in your ears and have someone go up and down on the rack with the wooden and metal spoons at random. This create intense chiming in your ears. Be careful ive seen people fall over after this from being to zooted! ;)
sounds awfull complicated when you can just push the play button on an MP3 Player :)
what makes it the amazing is when someone goes OK OK OK IM GOING TO NEED AN OVEN RACK! You can also use the oven rack and spoons and other kitchen items to make play music SCREW ROCK BAND!!!!!! THIS IS HOW WE DO!!!! ive done this with friends just as the sun was coming up and your brain starts to go pop pop good times!!!!!!!
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That sounds sooo awesome! I don't really have any tricks yet, but this thread is great inspiration ha

It is awsome, I even do it sober sometimes. lol, but if you've never tried it then I would save it for a good roll, as it is favorite trick.

I picked up one of these the other day ...
^ Now that is fucking awesome...I.want.so.bad

Where did you get it from man?
Alrite this is seriously the most INSANE expierience ull ever do if you do it right.

Its kind of like an 'elevator' but much safer (as you wont hit your head) and MUCH more intense. Seriously this is no joke this will send you into another world for a couple of seconds its really intense. Basically its hyproventilation but the most intense one around.

So what you do is sit down on the floor with something supporting your back. Its better to do this with others. Basically, someone starts out blowing really deep breaths. Everyone doing it with you has to follow the same patern as everyone else. Your going to do this for about 30 seconds. Take DEEP breathes and keep doing it for about 30 seconds. When ready, put your thumb in your mouth and blow hard on it. Make sure your not letting any air out when you blow on your thumb. So do this until you cant anymore and ull notice your body will relax and ull litterally go into another world for a couple of seconds. Its seriously FUCKED. we showed someone how to do it at a rave and he litterally wouldnt shut up about it the rest of the rave its that intense lol.

We always called it "blowing your head off"

Crazy, CRAZY stuff
Well to be honest usually what i do to ensure i have a good time before hand if possible is eat an apple and down a glass of orange juice hour or so prior to taking my roll. i rarely ever drink oj while rolling but once in a while will do so when coming down, i find this usually softens the blow (comedown)
Another method i use to ensure a strong rolling experience is crush up the amount of pill(s) you are going to ingest and mix it into an 8oz shot glass with hot/warm water. Take the shot but immediately chase it with ice cold water. This usually makes me start to feel a come up within 20-30 min. The pill is already dissolved beforehand so your stomach doesnt have to do too much work breaking it down. But be careful, cause this usually makes me gag and i know friends that have threw up their roll(s) while trying this haha but if your able to keep your spew down your in for a hell of a time (assuming you have good pills)
We always called it "blowing your head off"

Crazy, CRAZY stuff

I know exactly what you're talking about. I've been wondering if anyone does this as well. Except I don't do the deep breathing for 30 seconds but I will try that now. It seriously does take you away for a moment and is such a rush. Be careful not to do it too hard when standing though. One time I pushed the air into my head really hard when I was dancing and nearly fainted but it was great. It's good to do when you start to comedown so you still feel little spurts of the E.
Alrite this is seriously the most INSANE expierience ull ever do if you do it right.

Its kind of like an 'elevator' but much safer (as you wont hit your head) and MUCH more intense. Seriously this is no joke this will send you into another world for a couple of seconds its really intense. Basically its hyproventilation but the most intense one around.

So what you do is sit down on the floor with something supporting your back. Its better to do this with others. Basically, someone starts out blowing really deep breaths. Everyone doing it with you has to follow the same patern as everyone else. Your going to do this for about 30 seconds. Take DEEP breathes and keep doing it for about 30 seconds. When ready, put your thumb in your mouth and blow hard on it. Make sure your not letting any air out when you blow on your thumb. So do this until you cant anymore and ull notice your body will relax and ull litterally go into another world for a couple of seconds. Its seriously FUCKED. we showed someone how to do it at a rave and he litterally wouldnt shut up about it the rest of the rave its that intense lol.

We always called it "blowing your head off"

Crazy, CRAZY stuff

try getting some nitrous.
lightshowes,newports,really cool friends, hot chicks, back rubs, hugs,atb, loud music, nature walks, good weed, just good darn times altogether, recaping the days events, taking care of yourself pre and post rolling.
Here are some VERY good ones.

TRIPLE HIT CIGARETTE - Take a good drag, inhale, another, inhale, another, inhale, (don't let any of the hits out) now hold it in as long as your can and then stand up and let it out. Get ready to sit back down...Works best with menthol cigs. (cannabis works as well but I think cigs have a different effect). Spliffs with menthol tobacco are amazing for this as well.

MELTING (may have already been covered)

-One person lies on the floor face down the other grabs their hands and rocks their back up keep telling them to relax everything in their body. Make sure the music is relaxing. Slowly lower them after about 20 seconds, rocking them down to the floor all the way to their fingertips and press their hands into the floor. It feels like you weigh 100lbs and are being sucked down to the floor but in the most relaxing way.
What to do after rolling at a concert.

Go to itunes and hit view. Go to visualizer and click the one that says jelly. Of course first pick out an awesome song and if you can, put this shit on a big screen. You'll be laughing in 2 hours when you realize that you and a room full of others haven't moved an inch.

This is only if you pay a whole bunch of money to see a big ticket DJ and he only plays an hour long set. I did not choose to be rolling with nothing to do but stare at a screen. I would mention names...but he knows who he is...bastard. anyway hopefully you have something better to do than this, just the best looking visualizer that itunes has to offer without buying one. I wouldn't do this if you enjoy mdma banter because you'll pretty much be a drooling statue. We had already gotten plenty of frolicking and merriment in on the walk home.Be safe out there you crazy pot heads and hooligans hope to see ya around.
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Haven't read every page But haven't seen anything close.... menthol halls cough drops sends a sensation through your ENTIRE body back and forth! Cherry is my favorite

Tibetan singing bowls. Listening to one of these during a roll is one of the most soothing, pleasant, calming, healing experiences you can have. The bigger the better.
I dunno what this is called and it's probly been described here before.

But basicaly you just give someone a really intense if not forceful, and quick head massage starting near their forehead and working your way back and blowing on their face as you reach the back of their head. start kinda slow and quickly build up speed. it's all done in a pretty quick motion, and it feels like your head is being squeezed through a massage machine with a cool mountain top breezey release at the end.