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post your roll tricks HERE! (MERGED)

my boyfriend has a fucking INDUSTRIAL MASSAGER.
It's a huge massager (and kinda heavy, so maybe if you're rolling its kinda hard to hold it), and when you even lightly put it against a body part your whoooole body just vibrates. It's the more intense thing I've ever felt.
I have no idea where to buy one and how much it is, but if you find it you should definitely buy it!
(This is for people who would roll at home, you can't take it to raves because you have to plug it in a wall socket or whatever)
im sure its been said already but brushing your teeth with some really minty toothpaste and showering with a sponge. then getting into your comfy bed. omg its just the perfect way to end the night. plus you feel so dam clean.
Tricks and tips while rolling.

recently i read about vicks while rolling, and had a inhaler around, so gave it a go.
i loved it, and also converted a few mates with it too [lol, was quite funny seeing the bouncers stare at us sniff this thing, maybe wondering 'what the fuck??']

another thing i loved, while in the peak was a girl i know just ran her nails down my back, randomly while in the smoko que. :! fuuuuuccckkkk me :! , i just jizzed! dont think i let her go dance all night after that lol =D.

anyway, im heading down to melbs for a wicked party and rave, just wondering what other little items or tricks you think feel great while on a roll? time to try some new ideas out...
kissing with ice
having a girl run her nails up and down my torso

and an unexpected one was having a girl chew on my pec, nipple sensation was nuts
Im not sure if this is safe but once when i was rolling i took a whippit. Man was that shit crazy..
I posted this another unrelated thread, but heres a trick that might work on only some individuals. 1. Pop it. 2. Wait for the nausea if you get it. 3. Shut all the lights in the room off. Prefferably controlled all by 1 switch. 4. Sit there in the dark near the switch. 4. Wait to start getting anxious. Like really anxious where you know ul be rolling or already are. For me I cant stand a dark room while im rolling... makes me anxious for some reason. Not sure if its common. Then. 5. BAM! Lights on! Music on! Make the room as bright as possible with 1 light switch. Itll be the greatest and happiest relief to see all these lights and music. Especially when I hold out long enough to think im dying in the dark. lol
I posted this another unrelated thread, but heres a trick that might work on only some individuals. 1. Pop it. 2. Wait for the nausea if you get it. 3. Shut all the lights in the room off. Prefferably controlled all by 1 switch. 4. Sit there in the dark near the switch. 4. Wait to start getting anxious. Like really anxious where you know ul be rolling or already are. For me I cant stand a dark room while im rolling... makes me anxious for some reason. Not sure if its common. Then. 5. BAM! Lights on! Music on! Make the room as bright as possible with 1 light switch. Itll be the greatest and happiest relief to see all these lights and music. Especially when I hold out long enough to think im dying in the dark. lol

Wow thats crazy that you cant be in a dark room while rolling!! If anything being in a way-too-bright area would kill my roll lol so I always try to be in a place that isn't too illuminated but has some cool light effects (aka raves :p :D)
Wow thats crazy that you cant be in a dark room while rolling!! If anything being in a way-too-bright area would kill my roll lol so I always try to be in a place that isn't too illuminated but has some cool light effects (aka raves :p :D)

Well, confirms the fact that it affects each person differently. Sometimes I might be calm and chill and someone else im w/ might be wicked hyper. Or the other way around.
The best thing in my opinion is just to eat healthy, preload and postload properly, stay hydrated, and use in moderation. That's what I do and I roll face everytime
Light shows; definitely.
Massages;; definitely.
Cuddling;; i love it!
Kicking ur leg back forth while laying down;; A M A Z I N G !
Ice being thrown on u while getting a light show.
Vix being rubbed on u.
Like they put it on the glow stick and rub it across ur nose every once and awhile.
Lay down, with ur hands up, on ur stomach

Someone pulls u up gently. Try and keep ur head down on the floor.
While their putting u back down try ur hardest and touch ur head on the floor.
Amazing, feels like ur floating.
Hot showers with someone in the shower with you(in ur bathing suit if u want.)
Thats all I can think of at this particular moment...
Oh and to add to that one above my last one..
Sit in ur bathroom, squeeze as many as u can in there.
And make it like a sauna!
if i'm going to get into a shower/bath with someone while we both are rolling, its NOT!!! going to be with clothes on. though i do have a long term girlfriend and we only roll together, so thats not a problem as theres always a roll buddy.... i'm just saying though, showers HAVE to be naked. even better with your bf/gf.

OH!!! and ice cubes will absolutely rock your world in the shower while rolling.... just remember that.
if i'm going to get into a shower/bath with someone while we both are rolling, its NOT!!! gong to be with clothes on. i do have a long term girlfriend and we only roll together, so thats not a problem.... i'm just saying though, showers HAVE to be naked.

OH!!! and ice cubes will absolutely rock your world in the shower while rolling.... just remember that.

Rolling at home with G/f or wife....has to be completely ass hole naked period!

Don't think there was ever a time we weren't ass hole naked within the 1st 45min of rolling with my wife lmao.
yep, seriously.... we ALWAYS get naked.... like in the first 30-45 minutes after drop. its always like "DAMN, ITS GETTING HOT IN HERE, WE BETTER TAKE OUR CLOTHES OFF AND COOL OFF SOME".... "WE NEED MORE BASS, TURN UP THE SUB SOME".... " WE NEED SOME PSY-TRANCE NOW"...."LETS GET INTO THE SHOWER"....