• ✍️ WORDS ✍️

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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier

Post your rhymes, free-form poems, ANYTHING! :)

A drop of blood was all it took,
that red plume in the fluid that got me hooked.
My bitter-sweet love that taunts me with her looks,
That seductive aroma of the deception she cooks.
With a poisonous kiss that pierces my skin,
she makes me want to feel her seduction again.
Just a taste is all it takes to let her control begin.
Under the power of a poppy red lord,
I bow to her with my slow, dying corpse.
Begging for mercy from her beautiful torture,
I silently scream for help as I'm asking for more.~
"Coming down from your throne on high,
You died on the cross for me.
Raised up from the dead you live
To give me the victory.
O, O, Blessing, glory and honor,
Power, and might, and dominion
Be unto thee my blessed Lord.
Walking in the Spirit;
Abiding in his mercy;
In the presence of the Lord is great joy.
Walking in the Spirit;
Abiding in his mercy;
At his right hand are pleasures forevermore," (Blessing, Glory and Honor, His Word, David Morris).
Fire as fuck.

Commence the messages, sent to relent messy intentions
Dispensing sentences bent on selfishly inventing sentience
With due respect, I can't expect a bit of comprehension
neglect to give attention all except resent and condescension
I've reached a new dimension, diffracting liquid thoughts through prisms
A simple system exists to sublimate the vision
sans the wisdom
sans the distance
sharing hands to keep the rhythm
peace on earth, observed further seems to reek of euphemism
when definitions simultaneously wind up vague and complicated
love expands the schism hate breached and lacerated
decimated, desiccated
originality levitated
intoxicating minds with beauty nature always syncopated
can't find it anywhere else lest you create it yourself
relating statements of greatness to your mental health
bid thee farewell, as introspection bleeds to supernova
with inflection, I selected these words to show ya

Recent works.


Scars and burns
up and down

these clumsy hands;

Faded ink,
adorning flesh,
reminding me

to heed

the creeping decay of:




This eternal wasting
until we
are nothing
but another



Catharsis doesn’t cover it;

If you only knew
half of what I went through
to reach this moment;

This exact point in time;

And now it’s passed,
I am left empty;

No woman to coddle me;

Without even peers,
I now stand.

There is no romance
in this revelation,
as even apocalypse
would imply

For we
marked men,
there are only
the rigid demands
of our conditioning;

Right up
to the bitter


One cannot reason with the dead,
as the passed are but a memory.

Those days and nights spent by their side
can only be spoken in hushed tones
or jubilant outcries,
never re-lived.

It is the one thing that I have
in common with you,
without doubt.


She egged me on
until I was but a puddle
at her feet;

And the sad truth
is that I would have done
the very same thing.

You see,
it’s the struggle
that haunts me;

Not the easy speech of whimsy.

The failure of words
is what draws me,

but that doesn’t translate

to flowery poetry,
or romantic gesture;

No, you see,
for me,
it’s the playing
of dark and light;

Like shadow puppets
on an unfinished
cabin wall
on a cold winter night.


It’s hubris,
this incessant whine
in my head,
like a beehive set
in the center of a field
filled with tuning forks
planted right side up;

handle with care,
we were sold lies
of dystopian dreamscapes
and made reality
a living nightmare;

Having sex
with pieces of plastic;

Wading through fetish
and pools of dog water;

Tirelessly travelling
these miles of snail trails.

Don’t expect me for dinner,
I’m a little bit
busy tonight,


Bleary eyed;

Am I depressed
or exuberant?

Only alone
in my room
will my mind
know the difference.



It’s such a foreign concept
until it comes upon you;

Talking to yourself
just to hear a voice;

Masturbating to memories
of better lovers;

Keeping up appearances
just to avoid conflict,

Piping in news
from New York,

It used to be so simple,
I told myself last night;

But now I look in the mirror,
and my eyes tell me otherwise.


c2016 Jacob Michael Peter Welch
"One fine day when the trumpets play
And the dead in Christ shall rise,
A chosen few will gather
To proclaim Him Lord Most High.
With joyful Hallelujah
The heavenly host will sing
Every knee shall bow,
Every tongue will shout,
He is the King of kings!" (How Excellent Is Thy Name, Arise and Sing, David Grothe).
"Open up your hearts and rejoice before Him,
For the LORD is your God!
Arise and sing ye children of Zion,
For the LORD has delivered thee!" (Arise and Sing, Arise and Sing, David Grothe).

Check it. I'm super proud of this.

Have you figured it out yet?
It's glaring, but apparently you paid no respect to the tension
Only paid the fees needed to keep you from paying attention
It's staring, flagrantly, basically blatantly
All up in your face, but you evasively got away with the latent circumvention
masked by the paranoia
Gave up on retention, found someone to do it for ya
So he hides in your shadows, thinking through the algorithms
Of day to day conversation, cause you just can't keep the rhythm
He's the voice in your head, driving your thoughts at the speed of sound
Or driving you crazy when there's no one else around
Wishing he'd keep quiet when your nights get violent
virulently vibrant volumes violate the silence
But vocalizing your fears, you might fear retaliation
he's near, can he hear, feel the delirium, frustration?
He's cut you before, thought he would bring you to the end
abject trepidation that he might do it again
But he's nowhere near, the fog clears, did he leave for someone else?
Envy, in a frenzy, you can't find him yourself
This must be immensely unhealthy, to be mentally devoted
To a voice that, without, you find yourself missing components
Tore the covenant, the silence resonant, feel the elements as a whole
This is a testament to the decrement of your soul
He's gone
isn't it profound
for all the noise he made, he left without a sound
But you feel his absence to this day, tones lost in the duet
And you still haven't figured it out yet
Your silhouette
Left shaded all the wrong tones of blue
You make the cuts yourself this time
And figure it out
He was you
"There are many of us here,
Exalting the name of the Lord.
And in his name we declare
Our victory in spiritual war.
We bind the powers of the air;
By wielding the word as our sword," (One of Us, Highest Place, Bob Fitts
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Two towns west of the place where I had witnessed two trees with elephant ears that had grown all the way up the trunk, I saw another tree with a trunk filled to the brim, and overflowing, with elephant ears.
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In Mission, there was another tree with elephant ears--very large elephant ears--grown, not just up the trunk, but, also, very far up one of the branches.

It was in Texas where I first encountered a bush with leaves--not uncommon, surely. But, this bush also had "flowers". Again, not uncommon, but there is a reason that the word "flowers" is in quotations. See, these particular "flowers" were composed of the very leaves of the bush. However, whereas the leaves were green, the "flowers" composed of the leaves were, instead, purple, or orange, or pink and white, depending on the variation in each bush. It was as if the leaves had decided to become flowers, huddled together, and changed their color. To top it off, in the center of their huddle they had each devoted a stamen to their cause of flowering. They're very beautiful bushes.
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The Week In Review

Here's my writings from the last week. Things are starting to get too personal/self-centered, so I'm thinking it best to take a short break.


I never thought
I’d live to see
an easy woman
seeking company;

by the bleating
of her hungry mates;

between the fence
and her mundane fate;

by the desires
of those she cannot sate;

Cold and calculating,
until she’s all alone;

And if she has not yet
been moved to tears
by irrational fears,
or unfettered words
spoken without trepidation;

Well then, I pity her.


I was born in a new port town
where the James River feeds
into the Chesapeake Bay;

In my mind
I can still see clearly
the weathered remains
of the old fort’s walls,
degrading down at the shoreline;

And to this day I still
hold within me
the grim vantage
over McLean’s lawn:

The imagined stench
of gangrenous limbs;

The implied cacophony of splintering bone
and the caterwauling of men
already doomed,

but not yet aware;

This was merely the beginning.


It seemed such a simple task:
work a job,
find a wife,
have a kid,
maybe two;

And now I find myself wondering
if it’s too late to even try
to turn it all around;

I’ve got my money,
and notches on my belt;

I wouldn’t make much of a father,
but I would try my best;

And I’ll be damned if I didn’t
give every single aspect of my life
that same treatment;

So how’d I wind up here,
in a room full of hollow stares,
stale coffee
and broken smiles?

When did life get so predictable,
so boring,
so effortless?

Wake up;

Punch in;

Punch out;

Sit down;

Kick back;

Wake up;

Who decided
that this
was how I
was going
to spend
the rest of my days?


It was my childhood,
throwing clays in the field;

Picking wild berries
in the tall grass;

The dam’s siren,
and the deluge swallowing the bank
every hour,
like clockwork;

Listening to cattle,
grazing in the pasture,
on the other side of the river;

Stalking the woods with a .22,
while my father staked the property lines;

So many squirrels crucified,
just to be thrown in a cooking pot;

A snake without a head,
splitting it’s body down the sides,
its final grimace,
hanging in a tree branch
over the fire;

A hunting party as a young boy,
the smell of pierced intestines,
and the crack as antler
was separated from skull;

Catching catfish with tree grubs,
and throwing back the common carp;

Like that recurring nightmare:

In a bed with posts,
in the middle of a field,
with a blue tarp overhead,
shaking violently;

The cold nights
and exposure;

Seeking warmth around the oven;

Shitting in a bucket in the corner;

There was a baby bird
that fell from the rafters
of the new patio;

Its brain looked like creamed corn.


c2016 Jacob Michael Peter Welch
"Lord, you are my God.
You alone are my joy.
Defend me, O God," (For You Are My God, You Are My God, Jeff Hamlin).
Hi, my name is Matthew, and I'm a cynicaholic. I keep needing more and more cynicahol everyday, and my tolerance is getting out of control.

They say if you scratch the surface of a cynicaholic, you'll find a disappointed recovering idealist. It's a stupid old adage, really - recovering idealist is just another word for realist, really.

What i'm trying to say is, I'm an incurable drug addict. That's my main point. Actually, that's my only point.
Having been attached to nearly every addictive substance from my late-teens till early thirties, at which time I began praying relentlessly for Gods' help to overcome, what I say next does not come from a place of self-righteousness, or high-horseness, but love.

Someone once noted that alcohol, and by my own extension I presume all drugs, are an 'escape from reality'(end paraphrase). Anyway, having done much soul-searching in the past four years of my cold-turkey cleanliness--Praise the LORD!--(plus I just had a revelation of this same topic while sitting on the toilet in the library), it seems to me that what it is, specifically, that some people are attempting to escape from in much of their drug use, is an incurable case of emotions.

It was once understood that to be kind, gentle, patient, humble, loving, joyful, and peaceful were good qualities for men and women, and to desire the same from others was natural(This assumption is actually the basis for what is commonly referred to as 'the golden rule'--do unto others as you would have them do unto you). Then, as time passed it became socially acceptable for men to let go of these qualities, though women could retain them(which is where the not-too-distant-past idea of these qualities as "feminine" came from...I think). But, today, in this post-modern era, those qualities are no longer good for men or women, and are deemed a weakness, and so they are repressed, disguised and hidden under many things, and for some, such as myself at one time, that includes drugs. Thank God for his mercy. Before I ever even really believed, or was saved, I just started praying relentlessly for his help, while trying to quit, and not only did I never touch another drug or alcohol, but within four months I was done with cigarettes after 15 years. And I haven't done a single bit of it since--Praise the LORD.

It was only after that that I actually started trying to actually be a Christian--a real, genuine one. I had done some research and to me, Christianity put the most pieces of the puzzle of 'the meaning of life' together, and so I went for it. This was after two years of research into religion and philosophy to discover the "truth". The impetus of which was when my truck went over a hill at 65 miles an hour in a snowstorm, flipped 5-7 times, was crushed from both sides with all the glass broken out, but I stepped out without a scratch on me. It was a miracle by the mercy of God. Anyway, so yeah, after doing some research and prayer that actually worked(when combined with a sincere desire for change, and very little heavy-lifting), I said that little prayer where you ask Jesus to come into your heart, and, guess what? Nothing happened. I have to say, I was somewhat surprised. But I remained undeterred. I remembered that scripture in the bible where it basically teaches that you can believe, but not enough, and so I started praying hardcore and poured out my heart to God three times a day. After about two months of that, one day during my prayer-time, while my eyes were closed, and I was clean of all drugs, I saw a light dive down inside of me, like airplane coming in for it's landing. I stood up immediately. I knew I wasn't crazy, and I knew something had just happened for real. I got up from the floor and opened my bedroom door and the first thing that I saw was the tv, and on that tv there was a giant cake that filled the whole screen. And on that cake were written the words Happy Birthday, Stephan(my name is Stefan)(in Koine Greek there is no 'v' sound so they are pronounced the same in the original Greek). And I knew right then that I had been born of the Spirit, born-again, Spirit-baptized, among other names. Anyway, life became a rollercoaster for awhile, but finally I did what God was trying to tell me(this took two years from the time I had the Spirit-experience) and I began walking to Arizona to start a new life. That was on June 5, 2014, and I have made it to south Texas with the last leg of my journey set to begin at the beginning of Spring. Lord-willing and I live, I will arrive at my destination in Arizona sometime in July of 2016. It's been a great learning experience and transformational journey.
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Until you understand that goodness(kindness, patience, gentleness, humility, mercy, joy and peace) is the highest quality of humanity, and not intelligence, you will never see the beauty of the LORD, you will never desire his love, you will never humble yourself and receive his power to be good, nor will you live forever in peace and joy with the very Son of God, and all the greatest human beings that ever lived. Singing and dancing and playing like children forever and ever and ever. Hearing all those amazing stories, first-hand, from all those humble people through whom God did amazing things. Imagine sitting around with Abel, and David, and Moses and hearing their stories from their own mouths. The stories of Jesus, Paul, Matthew, Andrew, and the apostles-- and every other person from throughout the many eons that humbled themselves and received the eternal power of righteousness--right from their own mouths. How gloriously good it is going to be; and it will never end.

Case-in-point, if all the world were good there would be no evil, nor suffering. If all the world were "smart", it would at least be as evil and destructive as it is now. If not much more.

I understand, there isn't much to see of goodness in the world these days. But there is an eternal supply of it in God, and he'll give you all you need if you seek him with all your heart.
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I'm an oxygen thief, a soul whose intentions are questionable.

Aimless without volition
Apathetic without care
Hopeless without vision
My inner world is bare.

I'm addicted to escape
Schizoid my lonely state
Sexless broke and friendless
I still can't find my place.

Come close for I am scared
Stay away for I might drown
Out in space without a helmet
Don’t spare me yours,
I’m an oxygen thief.
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Life with nothing
Is better than living in a pile of shit
Without it
Everyone in society is taking it
Up the ass from a porcupine
The porcupine of all which binds
Society will see it in time
For as a world, lives we have nine
The whole world will one day dine
On the fruits of our minds
No more shackles which binds
We will all find
World peace and harmony
When we all go back to living off the land
Humanity will work together as a beautiful band
Of geniuses, architects, shamans, and without rulers of the land
Because the land isn't ours
For society puts us all behind bars
The bars of our mind
The bars of our technology
The bars of corporate slavery
We are all setting ourselves free

I feel that everything in society is artificially constructed. I feel that in order for humanity to advance to the next era, society as we know will naturally begin to fail. Everything from the corporate and political systems will simply cease to work, and they will slowly become weaker and ultimately cease to exist entirely. In some ways, it will be similar to the middle ages....... only humanity will not enter a period of darkness. Instead, mass enlightenment will be reached. The system is already starting to crumble. When this happens, people will begin to live the way that mankind has lived for countless centuries. We will begin to live as humanity was meant to be, and the world will be a healthier place. All this environmentally destructive technology and all this organization we supposedly have is actually holding us back, but people ignore this.
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Life with nothing
Is better than living in a pile of shit
Without it
Everyone in society is taking it
Up the ass from a porcupine
The porcupine of all which binds
Society will see it in time
For as a world, lives we have nine
The whole world will one day dine
On the fruits of our minds
No more shackles which binds
We will all find
World peace and harmony
When we all go back to living off the land
Humanity will work together as a beautiful band
Of geniuses, architects, shamans, and without rulers of the land
Because the land isn't ours
For society puts us all behind bars
The bars of our mind
The bars of our technology
The bars of corporate slavery
We are all setting ourselves free

I feel that everything in society is artificially constructed. I feel that in order for humanity to advance to the next era, society as we know will naturally begin to fail. Everything from the corporate and political systems will simply cease to work, and they will slowly become weaker and ultimately cease to exist entirely. In some ways, it will be similar to the middle ages....... only humanity will not enter a period of darkness. Instead, mass enlightenment will be reached. The system is already starting to crumble. When this happens, people will begin to live the way that mankind has lived for countless centuries. We will begin to live as humanity was meant to be, and the world will be a healthier place. All this environmentally destructive technology and all this organization we supposedly have is actually holding us back, but people ignore this.

A very audacious idea, I appreciate it a lot. I have also felt this way at times. YOU for president haha
The Bible-tabs that I recently attached to my Bible in order to get to the books more quickly included a tab for a 'Life' verse. I chose Psalm 40:8-- "I delight to do thy will, O my God; yea, thy law is within my heart."

Which is a prophecy of Jesus 1,000 years before he lived. But, having his Spirit as I do now, he is making me as such, and it is beautiful, peaceful, joyful.
Eternally Experiencing Darkness Audio Psychopathically Alcohol Derlious Fearing It, Verbalized Marksman Sadomasochistic Certified Belligerence Letting Burners Fly, Uncharacteristic Properties Perceived Addictive Tendencies Envisioned Intellect Sniping Distant Like Socrates Breathe Lyrically, The Alphabetical Massacre Self Destruct Electrically Pulsate Tentacles Destroying Like Fractures, Krystalized Fortress Assasinating MCs Hysterically Morbid Pencil Petrifys The Conceived Like Ovaries Surgically Operating Openly Vocally Overcome Prosperity