⫸STICKY⫷ Post your Recordings - Lets hear em, Kid.mp3

Droppersneck, love the tune... Hope you wrote it yourself.... And a nice guitar too, Martin?

I'd say just try to milk your ending a bit more , once your finished with it.

I'd like to post a link to my one man project "...and for such a long time".

The link will take you to my 25 track album "Spice up the strawberry jam with imaginary creatures from your own private hell", that is available for free download.

The tracks are ranging from more traditional folk, over psychedelic pieces to straight out experimental noise and ambient, and the album consist of a mixture between instrumentals and songs with vocal and lyrics, all recorded with a spontaneous approach and intimate expression, put together in a way so that it creates an interesting coherent musical journey.


And if you should want to like my facebook page:


And for you who are interested in more music I helped create:

Look up:

Janosch - Inhere Outthere on last.fm (bass, lead guitar, some backing vocals and aditional lyrics)

Janosch - Hole song on last.fm (bass, lead guitar and some backing vocals)

Menfolk - Double Date on bandcamp (one of the basses)

Menfolk - Are we enemies on bandcamp (one of the basses and aditional lyrics)

Janosch is lo-fi pop while Menfolk is hardcore/math/noise rock

Or just look it up on Spotify or something similar (only Menfolk and Janosch is up on Spotify)
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i feel like no musicians really LISTEN to each others music , its a shame, cause lots of good ones on here. but everyone is all self promotion-y
I got off work early a few days back , started doing solo acoustic video recordings ,

heres one , jumps around a bit, would love your feedback

Hey I liked it. Thnx for the comments on my video. I actually dont usually post those as I usually just record melodys I come up with on my phone in order to remember them to make songs later. All the lyrics and everything in that video was improved.

As for your tune I liked it. I will say probably drop or lower the vocal effects. Also tighten up the verse and chorus's make them more clear and concise. The verse melody isnt bad just stick with it for maybe 2-3 lines and then jump over to the chorus. Switch the chorus chords and melody up more so there is a distinct difference which makes shit more interesting sounding. And if ever possible figure out a cool guitar/melodic signature riff to throw in before a chorus or as the intro this always serves the song well. Over all it was great imho
gratis^ it was all mangled up - basically two songs married because they were in the same key
I don't know much about notes and stuff. I just latch on the neck (heh) and play.. And I don't ever intend for my music to have lyrics, that is of course unless someone wants the track to make it their own and do what they want with it..

That's a pretty old link by now.. I recommend you check out this, I'm a little more proud of it I guess???

I don't know much about notes and stuff. I just latch on the neck (heh) and play.. And I don't ever intend for my music to have lyrics, that is of course unless someone wants the track to make it their own and do what they want with it..

That's a pretty old link by now.. I recommend you check out this, I'm a little more proud of it I guess???


I really dig this, man.
Thanks bro, that means a lot coming from you, seriously!
I'm pretty satisfied with the post rock style outcome that I came to with that track. I just sort of rushed into it, got the effect going, put hte k-pow(sp?) almost as close to the pickups as I could get them and just went for it with the little amount of space available to play with and it wound up being exactly what I wanted it to be. I just wish I had some real drums behind it, or at least my own drum samples as opposed to a preset.
dude i fucken dig it, starts to get real crunchy at about a minute in