• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Art Post some ART that you're feeling today - and why?


I really like that guys stuff, very salvia-like!




Incase anyone missed the link


A piece called "Valentine" by one of my favorite artists: Derek Hess.

He does a LOT of band work, such as posters, fliers, t-shirts, etc. But, either way, his work is amazing.

But, why I'm feeling this piece:

To me, it's saying no matter who says what, all you have is yourself. And sometimes, you can't even trust yourself, or even rely on your own instincts or thoughts. Because at times, they can be misleading.

...But, those are my thoughts. And, that's just one more reason as to why I love art so much. So many different interpretations can be made, from one single piece of work..
@Tranced: is there a specific name for that style of art?

It's just simple. Just a simple fun/cute picture lol... Idk I love it though!! xP
^^ i agree! good find PT!

this is a local artist here in Phoenix, Lalo Cota. several of the hipster bars feature his work and i find myself drawn to it everytime. very Día de los Muertos.

kind of has a nostalgic feel to it for me. plus, I'm feeling a bit isolated, as most of my friends are either living away from me at the moment, or out of town for the next week or so. :/