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☮ Social ☮ [POLL] Your Psychedelic Use: Spiritual or Recreational?

How would you characterize your use of psychedelics?

  • Strictly recreational

    Votes: 26 5.9%
  • Recreational, but open to spiritual use

    Votes: 196 44.6%
  • Spiritual, but open to having fun

    Votes: 206 46.9%
  • Strictly spiritual

    Votes: 11 2.5%

  • Total voters
Why can't it be recreationally spiritual (or spiritually recreational if you want)?
Like a lot of people, somewhere between 2&3.

I take them for awesome visuals, and the ability to have fun with anything, but I like the spiritual side as well, and just feeling at peace with the universe, and being able to step back and really look at my life and what I want out of it.
parrot said:
Like a lot of people, somewhere between 2&3.

I take them for awesome visuals, and the ability to have fun with anything, but I like the spiritual side as well, and just feeling at peace with the universe, and being able to step back and really look at my life and what I want out of it.

Yup! The thing about psychedelics is that you are kind of "forced" to have a spiritual experience too. You can submerge yourself into that experience, or "party it away", but it still lingers around somewhere and leaves some trail. That's the difference with other drugs which are used only recreationally like alcohol.
It's sad to see that not as many people take psychedelics for more spiritual reasons. I thought more people honestly used psychs to get themselves "there" and question life as a whole. Guess I was wrong.

Selected spiritual but open to having fun. The experiences themselves will always have that spiritual essence, it's just something which goes hand in hand with almost exclusively psychedelic states. However after facing many demons and becoming at one with the singularity of infinite, the fun associated with tripping has greatly increased. It is as though I have climbed a mountain, and after a treacherous year of climbing, I have made it over the top, and am welcomed by paradise.
I really don't try and select what my experiences are going to be like. I always try to put both fun and spiritual in it if possible, but sometimes it ends up one way or the other. Like I said be before some drugs lend a hand to either side.
I put two, but that's just because spiritual insights don't come often nor do I take a drug expecting to change myself. Generally I take psychedelics to have a good night by myself and just relaxing and getting absorbed into my favourite things in the world: music, nature, art, whatever. Any great insights that tag along (generally with mushrooms above anything else) are greatly appreciated.
Recreational, but open to spiritual use. I need to admit this to myself. I used to think my use was rather in the Spiritual, but open to having fun arena, but I now think that was self-delusion.
^ I reckon a lot of folk are kidding themselves that their use is primarily spiritual :\
dilated_pupils said:
It's sad to see that not as many people take psychedelics for more spiritual reasons. I thought more people honestly used psychs to get themselves "there" and question life as a whole. Guess I was wrong.


psychedelics come with an adventure. why cant my spiritual adventure be recreational? i think its absolutely ridiculous if you are using a substance to solely understand the universe or question the reality you live in. a substance will never bring the answer but you may bring the answer to yourself. you cannot force a spiritual experience or your conclusions will not be truly genuine. might as well have fun and if the time comes that something does reach a spiritual level, then so be it at that moment; not every single moment.
Last time I said it was more recreational, but I really have to change my mind about that one and say it's in a sense more spiritual. They change you a lot.
I usually split the time as I choose after I dose on the drug of choice, usually mushrooms or ayahuasca. With mushrooms, I usually alternate between introspection and goofing off with my friends based on the onset of that sleepy sensation. I go off alone, see what I need to see, then come back with renewed energy ready to act or play. This pattern continues for all six hours or so. I go from spiritual use to play as I see fit.

With ayahuasca, my use has been different each trip. First time I was disappointed in the brew and figured I'd head out to the movies. Turns out I didn't screw up as bad as I thought, so it kicked in before I even made it there. The circumstances dictated that recreation became spiritual, so it was an odd sort of night. Second time was strictly recreational and I passed the time alone with the aliens. Last time I just kinda goofed off, played with the entities and then settled down with some friends to watch a movie. All hell broke loose, I fled to the supposed comfort of my room and then embarked on the most deeply spiritual psychedelic journey I've made.

Basically, what happens happens. I figure if I've taken a good solid dose, my mind will give the the recreation or teaching that I need.
I voted 3, but I don't really see the dichotomy. Creation is the very defining act of God. Recreation = re-creation.

(All this and I'm considered a right-wing conservative, orthodox Protestant!)
i enjoy using psychedelics to spiritually enhance my life, but since i know you cannot purely rely on a substance to mature your mind, i think its important to see and respect the "fun, recreational" aspects to tripping, as well as the spiritual