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Pics of your Stash

May I present to you, a world war medical kit from the battle fields

That's absolutely fucking cool, I fucking love drug history stuff, this is legit wicked I'm not even high I just love this type of stuff

Where's the perviton meth pills? you know the good guys and the bad guys had meth pills lol, Hitler even got injected daily with meth he was a fucking meth head, I'm not sure who'd of actually won the war if he had kept a level head, you know he fucking tweaking his ass off all day long, missing shit he should of been on the ball but nope, he was forcing his doctors to hit him up with bloody meth

Where's this kit? Is it yours or in a museum or what?
Sadly enough I've never had the pleasure of consuming the substance in question to be able to compare it. To the best of my knowledge Opium is quite rare in where I'm located in the USA. Considering the compounds contained in Opium I'd assume it is quite the experience.

Opium use is actually pretty common in the US but not in the traditional resin form. Poppy pod tea and poppy seed tea are both forms of opium consumption and are pretty common (particularly the later).
That's absolutely fucking cool, I fucking love drug history stuff, this is legit wicked I'm not even high I just love this type of stuff

Where's the perviton meth pills? you know the good guys and the bad guys had meth pills lol, Hitler even got injected daily with meth he was a fucking meth head, I'm not sure who'd of actually won the war if he had kept a level head, you know he fucking tweaking his ass off all day long, missing shit he should of been on the ball but nope, he was forcing his doctors to hit him up with bloody meth

Where's this kit? Is it yours or in a museum or what?
It's in a museum yea, this is from world war 1iirc so the benzedrine was used to stay up and by the air forces on long flights. A lot of it also went to soldiers before they went over the top of the trenches, a speed pill an hour before then once your about to go over, a swig of strong drink mostly whiskey, and your (most likely) last draw from a cigarette, then the whistle blows and your off into hell on earth
I love drug history too man, when I seen this I had to take pics lol
I think Hitler was persuaded to take all the drug cocktails by his doctor, he was quite against smoking and alcohol iirc from a documentary I seen, but that didn't stop his doctor rigging him up with speed and bull testosterone for his...umm. ..'marriage problems'
Goes without saying this is not my stash but one from a battlefield
4 cocaine ampoules, 5 novacaine ampoules, 30 benzedrine pills, 40+ laudenum pills (the brown pills) 3 sodium barbital pills, countless procaine pills (the small yellow pills), surgical dressing and (out of picture) there's some adrenaline too

May I present to you, a world war medical kit from the battle fields

Id Pay mad bread for those ampoules. Jesús Christ...
A lot of it also went to soldiers before they went over the top of the trenches, a speed pill an hour before then once your about to go over, a swig of strong drink mostly whiskey, and your (most likely) last draw from a cigarette, then the whistle blows and your off into hell on earth

Fuck that, I can barely look anyone in the eye when I'm on uppers, cocaine and I couldn't even leave my bedroom, I hate that shit lol

I think Hitler was persuaded to take all the drug cocktails by his doctor, he was quite against smoking and alcohol iirc from a documentary I seen, but that didn't stop his doctor rigging him up with speed and bull testosterone for his...umm. ..'marriage problems'

The documentarys I've seen made out as if he wanted the meth, maybe both are true, maybe he was talked into it at first then couldn't get enough, and the doctors like "no you've had enough" and Hitler is like "no mate one more fucking hit" lol

Yeah he didn't smoke or drink he just was a meth head

I don't smoke or drink but I certainly can swallow pills and sniff my K lol

I can't believe that kit survived the war, its hard as fuck to find anything like that these days, it's all been either used up, broken, corroded or at the bottom of the deep blue sea
Some heroin and my GENETIC TRASH! face.
Yea, I guess he has a habit of doing too much. Half of the heroin was his and it was his choice to do a 100mg shot as a starter. I should have told him not to do that much but I didnt :/
Be careful you don't go into precipitated withdrawal man, it's fuckin hell

That will only happen if he has Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone) won't it or can that happen with just Buprenorphine?

I thought Buprenorphine/Subutex was different to Suboxone which is Bupe and Naloxone, the Naloxone being the part that make you go in to withdrawal if you take to soon?

That weed looks outstandinggg.

I can currently confirm it really is. Can feel the music through my body.

That will only happen if he has Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone) won't it or can that happen with just Buprenorphine?

I thought Buprenorphine/Subutex was different to Suboxone which is Bupe and Naloxone, the Naloxone being the part that make you go in to withdrawal if you take to soon?

Can happen with just bupe too. Bupe is a partial agonist with high binding affinity and a long half-life, so it can basically fight other opioids off the receptors for a long time.

Naloxone is virtually inactive orally, it's only there to stop people using Suboxone by other ROAs.

In most countries you just get bupe on its own.