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Opium use is actually pretty common in the US but not in the traditional resin form. Poppy pod tea and poppy seed tea are both forms of opium consumption and are pretty common (particularly the later).

Ah yes. You are indeed correct. I was thinking of smoking Opium in particular. I'm curious as to how prevalent this practice is. I don't know anyone who has consumed in the manner in which you speak but have seen a good number of postings on the internet regarding it. Thanks for mentioning it. :)

How interesting, I just thought it was the Naloxone in Suboxone, I learn more of this site then I do on Google and Wikipedia lol

Indeed. It appears that this is quite a common misconception. Compared to some other medications the combination product that is Suboxone seems in particular to have a preponderance of misinformation regarding it. :\

As for myself here's a wee bit of coke I picked up for a lil treat for my wife & I. Other than a one off line approximately six months ago IIRC I haven't had powder in years. I haven't had rock besides a couple hits once or twice in the last few years either but I digress. My wife has something to do later but thinking we'll get to give it a try today. Hopefully it turns out to be at least decent as the price was on the higher end. Though it's understandable considering the supply issues in general. If it turns out to be of good quality I might consider giving it a whack; we'll see. Either way I haven't really "done drugs" in quite sometime so I figure it'll be a nice change of pace. The substances I'm consuming on a regular basis at this point I don't really see as falling into the traditional "doing drugs" category. Buprenorphine for pain isn't particularly recreational but again I digress. Anyway here's hoping it turns out to be good & that my wife & I have an enjoyable evening. 🤞

Ah yes. You are indeed correct. I was thinking of smoking Opium in particular. I'm curious as to how prevalent this practice is. I don't know anyone who has consumed in the manner in which you speak but have seen a good number of postings on the internet regarding it. Thanks for mentioning it. :)

Indeed. It appears that this is quite a common misconception. Compared to some other medications the combination product that is Suboxone seems in particular to have a preponderance of misinformation regarding it. :\

As for myself here's a wee bit of coke I picked up for a lil treat for my wife & I. Other than a one off line approximately six months ago IIRC I haven't had powder in years. I haven't had rock besides a couple hits once or twice in the last few years either but I digress. My wife has something to do later but thinking we'll get to give it a try today. Hopefully it turns out to be at least decent as the price was on the higher end. Though it's understandable considering the supply issues in general. If it turns out to be of good quality I might consider giving it a whack; we'll see. Either way I haven't really "done drugs" in quite sometime so I figure it'll be a nice change of pace. The substances I'm consuming on a regular basis at this point I don't really see as falling into the traditional "doing drugs" category. Buprenorphine for pain isn't particularly recreational but again I digress. Anyway here's hoping it turns out to be good & that my wife & I have an enjoyable evening. 🤞

dude i don't even like blow but this is just really pretty. hope it's good.
Ah yes. You are indeed correct. I was thinking of smoking Opium in particular. I'm curious as to how prevalent this practice is. I don't know anyone who has consumed in the manner in which you speak but have seen a good number of postings on the internet regarding it. Thanks for mentioning it. :)

Indeed. It appears that this is quite a common misconception. Compared to some other medications the combination product that is Suboxone seems in particular to have a preponderance of misinformation regarding it. :\

As for myself here's a wee bit of coke I picked up for a lil treat for my wife & I. Other than a one off line approximately six months ago IIRC I haven't had powder in years. I haven't had rock besides a couple hits once or twice in the last few years either but I digress. My wife has something to do later but thinking we'll get to give it a try today. Hopefully it turns out to be at least decent as the price was on the higher end. Though it's understandable considering the supply issues in general. If it turns out to be of good quality I might consider giving it a whack; we'll see. Either way I haven't really "done drugs" in quite sometime so I figure it'll be a nice change of pace. The substances I'm consuming on a regular basis at this point I don't really see as falling into the traditional "doing drugs" category. Buprenorphine for pain isn't particularly recreational but again I digress. Anyway here's hoping it turns out to be good & that my wife & I have an enjoyable evening. 🤞

Yeah report back im curious how you like it.
Yeah report back im curious how you like it.

The report is in; sadly enough it's a -10 (n)

I have no idea how whatever the substance is passes for coke & people continue to buy it. The appearance was nice but in this case appearances were very deceiving. Upon opening I noticed right off there was no smell whatsoever. That's not a good sign as despite the passage of time I do recall that cocaine has a very distinct smell. It also seemed far to hard & crunchy for what it should be. I figured eh, maybe it's just cut to shit I'll do a line & test it out. I'd completely forgotten that I still had some coke test kits. :oops:

I have no idea what the substance was but it sure as hell wasn't cocaine! I didn't feel much of anything at first but then felt somewhat "noddy" for a few min. After that I just started to feel "manic?". I'm usually in full control of my mental state but whatever the substance in question was changed that. I had racing thoughts, emotions going up, down, left, right, all over the place. Not much in the way of physical effects but the mental feelings it gave me definitely were unpleasant. I have no idea what the substance in question was but I did not find it in any aspects of it's effects to be pleasant. I ended up taking some clonazepam which took care of the negative effects of the substance in question. I don't know how I mind blanked on the fact that I had test kits in the first place but upon my wife reminding me I still had a box with various kits I proceeded to test the substance in question. It tested negative for cocaine. :!

No point guessing at mystery chemicals though so I'll just have to be happy we found the box of test kits for future use. Honestly I didn't think it would be necessary. We got it from someone we trust & other people have said they enjoy the same product so I figured it would at least be coke even if the quality was sub-par. I have higher standards than most in my area due to having had experience with high quality product in the past so I figured it might not be good coke by my standards but it would at least be coke. I was mistaken. Our guy doesn't do it himself so he wouldn't know & apparently other buyers just have no fucking clue what cocaine is. Whatever this mixture was it had numbing properties & what not but I don't get how anyone with experience with the product would purchase it again. Either way it is what it is. :\

My apologies if my post is a little disjointed. I felt like I needed a "reset" &/or a change of mental state as I still felt out of sorts today so I decided a little bit of K was in order. =D

Feeling considerably better now & hoping that it stays that way. I've yet to do a high dose "K-Hole" type dose but plan to do so at some point in the future. I don't have all that much experience with it but what experience I do have has been positive. :) Speaking of which I might as well throw up some pics seeing as the last one's were a bust. I'm just happy I was able to turn my mood back around. Despite the clonazepam still in my system lowering some of the effects the K is doing what I was hoping it would. Even nicer is the fact that this time the K is working for my wife! In the past she must have dosed to low. So I'm back in better spirits & in the spirit of the thread here's a few pics of the tiny stash of K I'm getting into. ;)

So I'm back in better spirits & in the spirit of the thread here's a few pics of the tiny stash of K I'm getting into
Rocks of K, what the fuck lol K doesn't form rocks like that, have you tested it?

K is a liquid it is evaporated and the stuff left behind is crystals, normally shards its not blocks or chunks

Yours might have K in it yeah, it's been recrystallized and reformed into rocks by looks of it, it's bashed with something

Ketamine doesn't form into rocks
Three bupre and about a gram of coke

Rocks of K, what the fuck lol K doesn't form rocks like that, have you tested it?

K is a liquid it is evaporated and the stuff left behind is crystals, normally shards its not blocks or chunks

Yours might have K in it yeah, it's been recrystallized and reformed into rocks by looks of it, it's bashed with something

Ketamine doesn't form into rocks

Honestly it's been a few years since I got it & I don't recall off the top of my head but am 90% sure that that I'm recalling correctly & that I did. I'm not that familiar with K as that image is the only K I've ever encountered to be perfectly honest. IIRC though I tested it & it came up positive. My recollection isn't that great but to the best of my recollection I tested it & it came back positive. Considering that there are kits listed on an invoice from a point in time that falls into the time frame when I acquired the substance in question I would assume that I would have tested it. I'd have to get the box back out to check for certain to see if I have any applicable kits in stock at this point in time to re-test it as I put the box of kits back away after using the cocaine kit to. :\

It's quite likely that it is as you put it "bashed with something". I'll have to see if I still have applicable kits left next time I get that particular box out. My invoice for it appears to suggest that I do but I'll want to double check as to ascertain that considering I know I've given out a number of kits of various sorts to other people. In terms of the effects profile the effects seem to fit what I would expect based on my understanding of what the effects "should be". Factoring in the dosage profile as well it seems to be relatively accurate. The substance in question seems to have proportional effects that are within the realm of what again is to the best of my knowledge the range that said effects to dose should fall into. The dose required for the expected effects seems to be in line with what information I could gather regarding dosage ranges. I weighed out said dosages with the standard 'Gemini 20' that IIRC is quite popular among users of this site. I've seen images that appear somewhat similar but more "jagged"? When crushed the results appear consistent with images I've compared it to however. As you stated it's quite likely that it's a mixture of some sort. I honestly can't recall about the testing as like I mentioned it's been years. At that point in my life I was doing a lot of shit & my recollection is quite hazy. However I normally test things & as mentioned kits are listed on the packing slip. As such I'm inclined to believe I would have tested it. I can't think of any reason I would have tried the substance let alone saved it over the period of time involved if it had tested negative. :unsure:

Regardless I'm just on for a moment today as I have things to do so I'll wrap this reply up. I'll keep this in mind next time I'm getting that box out & if as this invoice indicates I have an applicable kit in my supply I'll retest it. to In this particular case I would've been more surprised if I had received a pure product as opposed to a cut one sadly enough. :\ Either way I'll try to remember to post back if / when I retest it. :)
I've got a K testing kit that would of tested positive for K as there was K in the bashed stuff I bought a while ago, some kits test positive because there's actually some K in the product even if it's cut, some other kits will turn say orange quicker or more strongly depending on how good the K is

How long have you had this "K" just laying around then lol?
Ah yes. You are indeed correct. I was thinking of smoking Opium in particular. I'm curious as to how prevalent this practice is. I don't know anyone who has consumed in the manner in which you speak but have seen a good number of postings on the internet regarding it. Thanks for mentioning it. :)

Indeed. It appears that this is quite a common misconception. Compared to some other medications the combination product that is Suboxone seems in particular to have a preponderance of misinformation regarding it. :\

As for myself here's a wee bit of coke I picked up for a lil treat for my wife & I. Other than a one off line approximately six months ago IIRC I haven't had powder in years. I haven't had rock besides a couple hits once or twice in the last few years either but I digress. My wife has something to do later but thinking we'll get to give it a try today. Hopefully it turns out to be at least decent as the price was on the higher end. Though it's understandable considering the supply issues in general. If it turns out to be of good quality I might consider giving it a whack; we'll see. Either way I haven't really "done drugs" in quite
I'm with you there, i'm quite curious about smoking opium myself. I'm interested in seeing how it compares to the many painkillers that are either derived from it or modeled off it.
The report is in; sadly enough it's a -10 (n)

I have no idea how whatever the substance is passes for coke & people continue to buy it. The appearance was nice but in this case appearances were very deceiving. Upon opening I noticed right off there was no smell whatsoever. That's not a good sign as despite the passage of time I do recall that cocaine has a very distinct smell. It also seemed far to hard & crunchy for what it should be. I figured eh, maybe it's just cut to shit I'll do a line & test it out. I'd completely forgotten that I still had some coke test kits. :oops:

I have no idea what the substance was but it sure as hell wasn't cocaine! I didn't feel much of anything at first but then felt somewhat "noddy" for a few min. After that I just started to feel "manic?". I'm usually in full control of my mental state but whatever the substance in question was changed that. I had racing thoughts, emotions going up, down, left, right, all over the place. Not much in the way of physical effects but the mental feelings it gave me definitely were unpleasant. I have no idea what the substance in question was but I did not find it in any aspects of it's effects to be pleasant. I ended up taking some clonazepam which took care of the negative effects of the substance in question. I don't know how I mind blanked on the fact that I had test kits in the first place but upon my wife reminding me I still had a box with various kits I proceeded to test the substance in question. It tested negative for cocaine. :!

No point guessing at mystery chemicals though so I'll just have to be happy we found the box of test kits for future use. Honestly I didn't think it would be necessary. We got it from someone we trust & other people have said they enjoy the same product so I figured it would at least be coke even if the quality was sub-par. I have higher standards than most in my area due to having had experience with high quality product in the past so I figured it might not be good coke by my standards but it would at least be coke. I was mistaken. Our guy doesn't do it himself so he wouldn't know & apparently other buyers just have no fucking clue what cocaine is. Whatever this mixture was it had numbing properties & what not but I don't get how anyone with experience with the product would purchase it again. Either way it is what it is. :\

My apologies if my post is a little disjointed. I felt like I needed a "reset" &/or a change of mental state as I still felt out of sorts today so I decided a little bit of K was in order. =D

Feeling considerably better now & hoping that it stays that way. I've yet to do a high dose "K-Hole" type dose but plan to do so at some point in the future. I don't have all that much experience with it but what experience I do have has been positive. :) Speaking of which I might as well throw up some pics seeing as the last one's were a bust. I'm just happy I was able to turn my mood back around. Despite the clonazepam still in my system lowering some of the effects the K is doing what I was hoping it would. Even nicer is the fact that this time the K is working for my wife! In the past she must have dosed to low. So I'm back in better spirits & in the spirit of the thread here's a few pics of the tiny stash of K I'm getting into. ;)

Looks like the Chinese type stuff, had it a fair few times, really enjoyed it 😀