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Pics of your Stash

Correct my man. My weed guy promises it's "Cali import" but this is a marketing term often thrown around in the UK to actually mean "stuck some weed in fake dispensary packaging."

However this guy has been supplying me some absolute fire weed as of late. So I don't really give a single fuck where it came from haha.

Nice. I live in the states but I think I know what type of packaging you're referring to. My smoke usually comes in a branded package. Similar to the fake packs except that our hookups pack's have custom graphics & branding. They also sell hoodies, rolling trays & other accessories with there branding on it. Since the CV thing they've been just vacuum sealing it for ease of disinfection though as that's much easier to clean thoroughly. I don't have a large stash of anything to share ATM. I do have a lil K & a point of DMT I've been saving for quite some time that I'll have to try sometime but since cannabis has been mentioned & I already took the time to take some pics for the flower thread I figure I'll share here as well. Grabbed a zip of this whatever this strain is? Once again with the no contact thing on delivery we didn't get a chance to ask what it is & they forgot to sharpie it on. Good quality regardless of it's actual origin. :)

@Wilson Wilson despite my giant stash... fuck you man I want that oramorph and bromaz >.>

Haha I don't blame you, it's fucking cloud nine especially with a nice low opiate tolerance. I didn't get the spoon that's supposed to come with it to measure 5ml doses so I've been using the lid instead. According to Google the average bottle lid is around 20ml. So I'm doing 40mg each go like a fuckin MAN none of this 10mg shite.

Currently been slowly redosing Oramorph all day. In the morning had it with 6mg bromaz, this evening I've had 1mg alpraz with my next dose to switch things up a bit.

What I really wish for is temazepam, that is the best benzo to have on morphine holy shiiiiit.

Sadly my greed got the best of me. I nodded out while my weed dealer was about. By the time I woke up and hit him back, he's back home. I've rearranged the deal for tomorrow and told him to apologise for wasting his time I'll give him a free strip of dex. He seemed fairly happy with this offering, I believe exact words were "holy fuck yes mate love you."

no bitch gets between me and ma dope.

"Chase a high, never chase a bitch."

Wilson Hendrix, 2020
Keep your sources happy and your sources keep you happy.

He's also a mate who goes out of his way to help me out a lot so I felt bad he was sitting around waiting for me while I was on the nod ya know.
i still owe 1xxx peruvian currency to my main dealer, he knows i'll pay him back eventually. he's got my silver chain and some other shit. Too bad he doesn't give me any more credit haha :(
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Was supposed to be getting an eighth of wax plus a couple xans and hydros but my dealer's taking awhile to get them together since he doesn't often sell pills, so I got a pair of carts as a stop gap.
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Can't think of many better sentences in the English language than "This bottle contains a total of 1000mg of morphine sulfate."

Still nodding this morning too. I did take 120mg DHC, a tiiiiiny sip of the Oramorph (like three quarters of the cap?), and 3mg bromaz because my leg kills from passing out in a weird position. Also took 10mg dex but still keep nodding even as I type this.

Think I should try a dex + morphine speedball see that's like.

Ohhh Highest in the Room just started playing 😂

Ohhhh could watch Drugstore Cowboy one of my my favourite films.

Feeling like Schoolboy Q:

Howd you imbed the video? Is that a gif?
Agreed, that's truely drug abuse, lol. Remember kids, Only users lose drugs. haha

You know what they say: it's only a drug problem if you run out of drugs!



Very big sticky nugs on this, lovely relaxing head high with a significant body high too, no paranoia to be found. Absolutely lovely stuff and I'm glad I got a Q.


Still got so much left! And truly Oramorph, bromazepam, and gooood weed is like the holy fuckin trinity.
You know what they say: it's only a drug problem if you run out of drugs!



Very big sticky nugs on this, lovely relaxing head high with a significant body high too, no paranoia to be found. Absolutely lovely stuff and I'm glad I got a Q.


Still got so much left! And truly Oramorph, bromazepam, and gooood weed is like the holy fuckin trinity.
That weed looks outstandinggg.

I collect different pharmaceutical boxes/strips
This was my stash before I quit benzos because it got too hard to get out and get them without hassle from the lads in blue watching my dealer (he ended up getting caught again) so have no contacts anymore
The only positive about lock down is all the bupe take homes