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☮ Social ☮ PD Umph: Hearts Rainbows and Butterflies Social

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This page is filled up with love! <3 :)...

...SO... how's everyone's day? Mine's pretty good. And tomorrow I'll be taking some phenibut and a low dose of DOM. And I'll be making some sweet, sweet love. =D
ive smoked about 3 or 4 times this entire month. The beggining of the month was rough but now i feel fine.

And you're right having a lower tolerance makes the pot high very enjoyable and psychedelic.

Last night a friend smoked me up and i had the giggles and strange conversations all night. It fealt like it used to feel.

But at the same time i do enjoy the effects of smoking daily aswell. Nothing beats coming home after a long work day, gettin on the couch, watching some colbert report and ripping the bong with L*L.
The problem is i cant seem to keep it to just nights when i smoke daily. It becomes an all day everyday thing.

Hopefully after this month of (almost) no weed, once we start buying again we can keep it to once a day, which is essentially my goal (with exceptions on the weekends or special occasions).

But pot is godsend for me as far as curing anxiety, helping me with sleep, and alleviating the general boredom i feel with life sometimes (maybe the anxiey comes from the boredom?).

I have similar feelings towards opiates as you do with kratom. Using it these days makes me feel guilty and even 1 use will have me feeling WD's. I havent used opiates for a long time exceptt for an oxy a couple weeks ago and that experience proved to me im better off not using opiates (even though while i was high it was great, its not worth feeling like shit afterwards).

Enjoy the DOM and love making tomorrow (as im sure you will)

Ill be going to boston for the weekend and probably trying out some 2ct21 (and if not that then probably some other psychs).

And have fun with the fam. Ill be visiting my parents in CA in january (my sister just had a little baby boy last week) and going to see LL's family in FL in a coule weeks.
I <3 family reunions. Not being around them all the time makes it so much more special.

some type of fungus.;) which i have had small experiences with before, but nothing like this. there was a lot of crying and a lot of laughter. it was like meeting up with everyone i've ever encountered in my life, not only have known, but all strangers i've laid eyes upon. i could 'communicate' even with the microorganisms in the snot dripping out of my dose. i learned so much. i could not stop muttering phrases like "i get it now" and "this was so obvious, right in front of me my whole life." i'd even go so far to say i experienced enlightenment, in every sense of how i interpret the word.

thank you guys, i love you too.:)

Sounds beautiful.
Ive had similar experiences on LSD and mushrooms. Its what made me fall in love with psychedelics.

...and DMT tends to do it for me everytime i breakthrough, but in a different way thats a bit hard to explain.
Almost like it reassures me of what ive learned from previous trips on other substances.
^^ I've got a big grin, reading your post, Jammuh. :D Sounds like an incredible time. I remember my first (and only, really) "epiphany" trip.

I plan to get three hits, take one onetime, just to be safe and see how strong they are, then take the other two on another occasion. OMGICANTWAIT.

Boy, are you in for a treat... Fuckin' hell, acid is something else! =D

Hey, here's a cool Terrence McKenna quote:
LSD burst over the dreary domain of the constipated bourgeoisie like the angelic herald of a new psychedelic millennium. We have never been the same since, nor will we ever be, for LSD demonstrated, even to skeptics, that the mansions of heaven and gardens of paradise lie within each and all of us.

Seems like a lot of the benefits I've personally gained from LSD (and other psychedelics) have stemmed from having been awakened to the depth of sheer beauty and joy that a human being is really capable of experiencing. Once you're aware of it, your goal becomes very straightforward - seize this bliss and zeal for life, hold fast, and spread it as far and wide as you possibly can! %)

I like how I dream more when I don't smoke, and I just generally feel more together. Plus, then when I do smoke it's more special and psychedelic. :)

Yes!! If I keep to a bi-monthly THC regimen, I can get extremely profound effects from cannabis. It really starts to become comparable to low dose serotonergic psyches.

And I'm doing quite well this evening - thanks for asking. :) Still kinda afterglowing from the fantastic LSD + Grateful Dead therapy session I had this weekend.
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what do you mean by bi-monthly?

I understand you dont smoke every other month, but how much do u smoke on the months that you do use pot?
Oh, I just meant that I smoke pot twice a month, at regular intervals (i.e. every other week). It's a great system, I recommend trying it! :) Once a week works similarly.
You guys amaze me with your smoking schedule's , I couldn't imagine going that long without pot

I smoke everyday , probably around 5 or 6 times. It helps keep me from getting bored and it helps with my stomach issues. I always wake up feeling really nauseous and hungry as hell. And as soon as I eat a yogurt and smoke a bowl I feel so much better. Then I have some tea and im good to go for awhile. Then when it starts wearing off I'll smoke again , Ive been on this routine for a long time now and it works for me. Sure im a lil burnt most of the time but its all gravy , I just eat alot of food everyday.
PD Social - Artifical Crab Meat & Cherry Scented Detergent : To Wonder is Wonderful

To wander, ponder, & wonder is a wonderful set of gifts. Put it on your x-mas list perhaps if you don't already have the set?

Keep it real.
Holy smokes you guys are verbose today. So much work reading haha :D

who's not planning on leaving her hometown and getting out into the world.

I think there's something to be said about having a connection to your home and building roots.

I never really left my hometown and while I was at college I still saw my high school friends somewhat often.

My acid connect is an old high school friend.

It seems like these days a lot of people don't grow roots in their home communities. People seem to move around a lot more.

While I never left my home area I also don't feel like a sheltered person. I've seen what is out there in the world but I chose to live a mellow life in the boons. :)

I just don't think staying in your hometown should be viewed as a bad thing. :)
Maybe you can merge the last 50 posts or so into this one if you want the conversation to continue on where we left off in that thread?
^God damnit i hate waking up everyday with my stomach doing what i can only describe as trying to eat itself.. its like being so hungry that i cant even eat, i have no appetite and i have to force myself to start eating.. every damn morning....

this is to charlies last post in the other thread..
Yeah, I posted my last post in the old thread but saw it was closed so I moved it. Delsyd, so we don't do double modding, want to being the last couple pages in here?
^God damnit i hate waking up everyday with my stomach doing what i can only describe as trying to eat itself.. its like being so hungry that i cant even eat, i have no appetite and i have to force myself to start eating.. every damn morning....

this is to charlies last post in the other thread..

thats why I eat yogurt and applesauce so much , its quick and easy when I first wake up

taking a shower always makes me feel better too , its so relaxing in the warm water

sometimes ill stay in there for a half an hour :)
I'm thinking about investing in some GHB. Anyone here have words to say about GHB?
Yeah, I posted my last post in the old thread but saw it was closed so I moved it. Delsyd, so we don't do double modding, want to being the last couple pages in here?
works for me

I'm thinking about investing in some GHB. Anyone here have words to say about GHB?

tis lots of fun, compulsive and very addicitive.

be careful.
^ Yeah, I already did it, no worries.

Here I go on a train of unsolicited advice again. :\

So I'm really glad he's coming here alone so I can have real conversations with him. I think I can get him sorted out

Just a though; maybe you're wanting your brother to follow in your footsteps a bit too much?

Not everyone is a world traveller and I think people today put too much pressure on making people think that they have to leave their hometown to have a real life.

Maybe your brother is someone who is okay with staying in his hometown with his high school sweetheart. It seems like the modern world is so cold these days when it comes to love. People split when an inconvenience arises, infidelity seems very common, that kind of stuff. Maybe this girl is the right one for your brother but they've hit a snag in their relationship that seems to be based around an extremely simple thing; a 3 hour distance that is only temporary in the grand scheme of things.

If they really are in love they won't let a measely temporary 3 hour distance get in their way, or you for that matter. ;) :D

I don't mean to sound like a prick; I just think it's a good idea to keep in mind that people are different and maybe your brother has a different view of life than you. :)
I've decided it, for myself, by myself. With the exception of the occasional psychedelic chemical, I'm going sober. I'm actually going to be attending a place called Sobriety High, sounds dumb, but it's really small and personal- I need that if I'm graduating. I will now have many new freedoms (being 17) such as getting my permit and license, being able to travel with friends alone, and just having parents that trust me haha.

My friends that got in trouble with H are also doing the same. One being a female best friend that I'm very much in love with. I doubt her BF will react well to this and I think new opportunities will arise ;) Not being malicious, and not much focus is being put there for my own well being, but I can't help but wonder lol
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