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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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This was the Alter Ego, she picked it out and figured out who I was again. She is a smart cookie and she knows me very well and my writing style...I have a hard time not shouting about my psychedelics escapedes from the rooftops. Im very passionate about such things as your aware, and every time I say purple hair its a dead give away...it's how she found me the first time.
Yeah you don’t hide at all and that I love in anybody, though there’s a few people saying that I’d be quite content to see hidden deep inside of caves lol.

The only way is honesty. With ourselves, with all around us. Sod a life of lies, acting, pretence, insincerity, facade right?

Keep it up man. I’ll keep doing the same at my end. I’m going to look up that movie you mentioned too, it sounds interesting, see if it’s available on DVD affordably, I don’t do Netflix etc, my TV is internet compatible but comes installed with a free hiatus lol, it sees the WiFi network. Where there should be no problem, there is one, it’s ass just won’t connect.

I used to go fishing for “Fun”, they call it Coarse fishing, should have just called it Fun Fishing to begin with IMO. Would have saved my young boy’s learning mind from the unclear association between coarse-fishing-fun-necessity (or rather, non-necessity).

I used to get up at 3 am, pack bicycle, bags, tackle, rods, bait, lunch, weed, ride miles to lakes to be all set up in the morning mist before dawn, wow being lakeside in pure silent natural morning Misty still peace.

I was a crap fisherman, but very suited to being in nature, I would spend forever through school holidays, didn’t need company or books, music anything.

I used to (think) I liked catching Tench. Great fish. Green. Early morning feeders, right in the margins. Float would rise up, slowly sink off one way or the other.

Age 17 I had the most vivid visionary dream from my higher self. Like a picture book of images- I used to tie string and a tennis ball onto a half fishing rod to play with our dogs in our house.

I would cast the ball into the dining room table under chairs. Let the dog(s) get in there, create the illusion it was an even fight.

They loved it. So did I tbf.

Anyway, my dream...one minute, I’m in the “living room”, proper fishing rod and line. I was hooked into a giant green Tench. The dining table and chairs were covered by a curtain....or call it- a veil! (Over my consciousness), as that’s what it represented and the curtain was about to be pulled.

This Tench was behind the curtain as I “played” it to shore. All I saw, was it’s tail sticking out. It was at least 40 Ib’s or more. Tench don’t even reach 15 Ib’s so you can imagine my delusional excitement.

Next second- curtain gone. Table and chairs gone. Fishing Rod gone. Just me, and an Andrex Puppy Dog (Andrex was a UK loo roll, did an advert with a cute baby golden Labrador).

Meaning- my higher self to me- wake up dude. Be honest with yourself. Okay you eat fish, meat. But do you REALLY have a license to go and just “catch” them for fun? Because the government says it’s legally and morally acceptable?

Because I paid them £26.50 a year for that license?

Because the other fishermen tell me, and themselves far less convincingly, that “they don’t feel it blah blah...”

As if a fish feels no pain, no fear. Just because we cannot perceive it. I mean, how unintelligent is that? Shockingly IMO.

So, story short...I want a license (and I’ll pay at least £80 a year for it), to throw a hamburger on a big hook over the back fence on a Saturday morning and catch me a big Rottweiler! All in the name of coarse...ahem, I mean....Fun! Lol.

But that would be regarded as morally unethical, inhumane, as the Rottweiler would be making hell of a racket. Not like a 40 Ib Carp deep beneath the waves, unable to make a sound on bank. I mean, you get me?

So where do we draw the line on ethics here? Fox Hunting is (kinda) now banned in UK after it was finally decreed that the Fox’s trauma, suffering, fear and pain cannot be justified as due collateral for the pleasure and thrill 18 rich Country Folk get out of it on their “High Horses”, how appropriate to use an old catch term meaningfully.

So would it be acceptable, legal trade, licensed to cast my fishing Rod into a tree with a worm. Hook a Magpie. Wind it in. Unhook it. Put it back?

Or a squirrel? I can’t think of any alternate candidates where there’s no real ethics involved. So coarse “fish”ing it is lol!

It’s so true! I’m a hypocrite I know. I do eat fish, and meat, moderately. With so many allergies they are vital foods for my survival.

But from that day, aged 17, that one amazingly clear dream, I never went fishing ever again. Not for fun or rather, torment’s sake at least. I did actually, but only to get high on riverside with friends, never casting a rod in.

And I loved the whole ritual of it. But my higher self told me to get real.

The solution? Satellite controlled fish. They look, swim, smell, like the real thing. Except they’re artificial, and you pay for them with your broadband provider.

So for your 8 yr old daughter’s birthday, you can take her fishing, and “book” a 7 Ib Bream at 3 pm.

Or a 200 Ib Pike for a lot extra. Take a photo with heads between teeth before you put it back for an extra £35.

I’m not even taking the piss! While I am, but very seriously.

I was only going to say, then got distracted....I picked up a bunch of Fishing DVD’s I stick on for an escape from reality’s enclosure and circus.

Just lakeside, quiet, birds singing, men fishing, licking their lips admittedly but not taking anything away from the scenery.

So WHO doesn’t think I’m crazy, NOW I wonder lol!
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This is the next Tapestry im getting its gonna look great above the counter where I cook and I love the moon it looks so vibrant as the focal point. Figured since the other one has the sun it would be getting to go with this, Black and White color scheme is pretty dope as well. After I get my next check im gonna look for some trippy curtains for the windows and a new shower curtains im probably gonna get a few of those and rotate them here are some of them I like most so far. Haven't looked for window curtains yet that will be next.




They are all quite lovely ❤
Went on a little excessive venture with Tiletamine over the weekend.

My daughter was gone so, and wanting to trip, I was undecided as what to do. I was looking for Something light and easy, given my shortcomings of late (and thus the poor mindset). But given my housemates were around I didn’t wanna go full on psychedelia... so I landed on Tiletamine, again.

I’ve dosed the past 2 weeks Slowly titratting my dose (2x 20 spaces by 30 min, 40). Given the tolerance I decided to go with with 50 mg on Saturday (2x half, one for each side), separated by 5 minutes). And given I’ve been toking with the last couple doses (it really seems to bring out the dissociation and psychedelia) I decided to preload with 100mg of thc edibles at t-3 hrs.

Now either my Insufflation game is weak or the angle was off but I ended up getting a decent drip a few minutes later. I promptly puked lol...

It was a decent ride but given the tolerance I was kinda disappointed I didn’t go further. With the late start I was in bed some 5 hrs thereafter, after some yoga.

I awoke still feeling wonky. More yoga followed by a nice walk. Feeling compulsive I dosed another 30 before my daughter got home. It was nowhere near the 40mg from 2 weeks prior, given the tolerance... but it kept the vibe going. Hell I even continued down the positive road - more yoga, cleaned the garage, went for a walk with the family, once they returned, helped with dinner and clean up, hung out with the fam and more.

More positive work Monday morning before work. Then, figuring I was carpooling to work, and feeling compulsive, I decided to do a small, Unweighed bump before work. Thinking about it all day, more followed after work.

But honestly by dinner I just wanted to be sober enough to think clearly. I had work emails to respond to and I was in no headspace to concoct a response lol...

This morning I said no to the compulsion. I gave in after work and grabbed some booze for the first time since Thursday.

Tl;dr... drugs are keeping me, momentarily, off booze (my obtrusive vice) and helping to instil positive traits to furthur my goal of becoming healthier. However, my compulsion towards escape also extends to dissos (something I’ve long known) and I need to be mindful of my use.
How is tiletamine? The reports are so mixed, with some people saying it's incredible and some saying it's garbage. Some say it's super psychedelic and great, and some say it's cold, clinical and soulless. It really seems to diverge in effects profile between individuals.
My extremely limited experience with Tiletamine was due to it (according to people on old drug forums) having been somehow a contaminant in a batch of MXE that was going around. I never verified those claims personally, but that MXE was awful.
I had MXPr for almost a year now but hadnt gotten around to taking it. Well dropped 24 mg an hour ago. I quite like it. Got pretty dissociated from what I thought would be a small dose.
I've been playing around with MXiPr today. Look at us go.
I'm just getting my toes wet. I will definitely be trying to find out what a MXiPr hole is like at some point, but not tonight.
Wow, 24mg is pretty low. I have only tried MXPr one time still so far, but I took 30mg with a 25mg booster if I recall correctly, and found it exceedingly pleasant but quite mild, in fact I didn't even really feel dissociated so much as I felt an almost psychedelic sharpening/clarity of thought. But I have had MXiPr a number of times, and I have had a huge variance in strength of the effects that seems to have very little to do with dosage amount. The last 2 times I took it, I took 120mg in 4 x 30mg doses one evening, and found it mild but enjoyable. Then the next morning I took 30mg and was wildly dissociated, I felt like I was sliding around and barely even felt present in my body, and lost track of pretty much everything for a time. It was so strange how the effects could be so massively different with just less than a day separating the experiences. I never noticed that with MXE, it was pretty consistent, I mean of course some times were more intense than others but I roughly knew how it would be every time I took a given dose. But it seems like that is not the case with MXPr and MXiPr.

I really want to try DMXE and HXE. I ordered DMXE ages ago, it's been like 4 months or something and no sign of it, another victim of COVID-era international mail. I want to order HXE, but I'm kind of afraid to order anything from Europe right now, I also have seen no sign of a quarter gram of DOB that was sent even longer ago. No sign of it, if it was confiscated at customs, I should have received a letter about it.

When I sniffed 100mgs MXiPR with 25mgs 2C-E.

All mixed up togther, I went into a definite hole and emerged from it in tears of joy after being reunited with my deceased father. It was so beautiful and cosmic and all that you would want from a psychedelic/dissociative experience.
It was quite enjoyable but very short lived. By the second hour I was already coming down. I'm still residually dissociated but the most interesting effects are gone. I laid down in the dark and listened to music during the peak and was lost in the sounds and thoughts. I see a lot of hole potential for this one, with a duration close to ketamine I would guess. But subjectively, it kinda reminded me of MXE. Specially the body sensation. Maybe a little less warm, slightly more sedating.

Weird about the variance in the intensity of effects, Xorkoth. Could it be that your second dose by the morning was potentiated by what was still on your system from the night before? Otherwise it seems pretty curious.
Yeah I suppose so, it's just that the duration subjectively seems so short, I mean I felt sober again by the time I went to bed and then I slept a full night and woke up feeling totally normal. But yeah, could be. It also seems from reports that dosages are all over the place, but I'm not sure if people are experiencing variance between doses, or if it's just different people that are more or less sensitive to it in general.
Some of these ACHAs seem to linger on in the body. 3-MeO-PCP comes to mind. I'm sure I was experiencing potentiation when I dosed two days in a row, sometimes even when the second dose was a couple of days after the first. The other explanation would be some kind of reverse tolerance, which is unusual but not impossible.
In my opinions reported dosages from dissos are all over the place in general. People seem to use them in very different ways, for very different reasons, expecting to get different things from them. Besides, they just seem to be weird drugs in almost every sense ! Lol

I smoked a small amount of weed just now, and achieved a veeery pleasurable state. I give MXPr two thumbs up.
Going to smoke up later tonight when i get this assignment handed in doing moral philosophy and politics elective. So far gotten A+ in everything i truly believes its due to all my psychedelic trips and thinking about the human condition and morals.

might candy flip on bicycle day see how things goes.
Good job man. :) University is great, I really miss it. Hard work at times, but really worth it. And when you're done you'll be in a way better position to be financially stable in your life.
I wasted my uni years in a way due to crippling social anxiety, but that's how life goes sometimes. I hope to go back one day to study something like pharmacology, neuropharmacology or some kind of bioscience... but yeah I concur, well done @TripSitterNZ, A+ in everything is a massive achievement. Kudos. 😃

Man I've been doing too much speed the last few days. But, this month I'm finally gonna start stepping back from my job, taking a big pay cut to do it but fuck, no amount of money is worth this stress. Ideally gonna be doing like 5 hours a week for the next few months although in practice might be a little more than that. Hopefully I can handle that, I'm aware how weird and dumb this might sound but my work just stresses me out so much right now it's like I have no space in my mind for anything else...

Gotta meet a potential buyer for my company over the weekend. Fuck me I hope it goes well, just want this shit to be over. Gonna rest up and abstain from everything tomorrow so I'm as lucid as possible... not just for the benefit of our prospective buyer, mind, but also because I can't afford to be emotionally vulnerable in any way in the presence of my one time good friend and partner who is a fucking insufferable narcissist and so difficult to be around. Any emotional vulnerability is an opening to be exploited. Had like a 2 hour video chat this morning and fuck me it was horrific.

I've been ranting to people all day about it so I'll skip the details here for the benefit of my karmic balance but probably 75% of that 2 hours was just enduring a tirade of abuse and refusing to be drawn into pointless discussions or invitations to argument. Have no interest in influencing the story this person wants to tell themselves about their life, about me, about how selfish and shit I am at everything. They can believe what they want but why in the fuck have I been involved so heavily for almost 10 years if my value is supposedly almost nonexistent? CHRIST.

Eh, I know this damn speed is making me pointlessly agitated and bitching about someone none of you know or, if you're lucky, never will is pointless... and it is bad karma, I know. But, fuck me...what a nice way to start the day. 😡
I postponed going for a PhD after I finished my master, started working and time flew by ... I was getting serious about applying for a doctoral position in a lab abroad, I even had a meeting with the professor I wanted to do my thesis with, but that was exactly a year ago, and the pandemic started and ruined everything lol.

I think it is the right thing to do, if I am to continue in the line of work I'm doing now I will be needing the grade. But oh well, if things settle down a bit this year I think I will apply next year.

probably 75% of that 2 hours was just enduring a tirade of abuse and refusing to be drawn into pointless discussions or invitations to argument. Have no interest in influencing the story this person wants to tell themselves about their life, about me, about how selfish and shit I am at everything. They can believe what they want but why in the fuck have I been involved so heavily for almost 10 years if my value is supposedly almost nonexistent? CHRIST.
Wow, that sounds awful, is he a business partner?
Yes - we are 50% partners in a business we founded 9 years ago now. Once, we were very close and good friends... but the warning signs, in retrospect, were there early. All my other old friends listened to their gut and cut him off but by that point our financial interests were too entwined... and fuck I guess I always wanna give people the benefit of the doubt. No one really chooses who they are. And I still believe in his heart he's a good guy... unfortunately the path from good intention to actual, in world action for this poor fucker is so twisted that, whatever the intention, the result is just to isolate, alienate, and push everyone away.
I feel that, man. I also always try to see the good in people, sometimes to my detriment, though overall it is a net positive for me as it prevents me from experiencing too much cynicism, and has landed me a lot of close and enriching friendships, and I am even making new ones all the time at almost 40 years old.
Yeah... I think honestly I'm too blind to the bad in people. But if this is what I needed to learn a life lesson, then it is what it is. I wish the guy happiness even so, and recognise it can't be easy to lose the last friend who stuck by him since childhood. Also - I have in some ways just done s shitty job for a good few years - but I've really fucking tried. I also explicitly expressed my desire to leave, more than once... and there's an interpretation in which I was essentially manipulated into staying. I also made quite clear my terms on workload at the very beggning, ie, I am not into stressful work. If you want to put in more hours than me, that's fine, but I didn't ask for it thus won't be unduly grateful for it or feel like I owe anything. Equally there have been times I've worked fucking hard, I've acted as essentially the Director CTO alone in a fairly tech-illiterate group for a long time. The software underpinnings of the company are entirely proprietary, many of the deeper modules several years old and still rock solid. Am I supposed to just make up shit to do when things are working perfectly for long stretches, or try to innovate? I did the latter but in a sense fucked that too by allowing a non-technical partner (there are only 2 partners so guess who) to attend an important technical meeting, before that the project might have succeeded, after that it was a fucking mess than I could not rescue and we eventually just gave up the £8k spent on that.

But I can't properly innovate coz I'm not allowed to fail. And I can't properly do my job anymore before the infrastructure I've created has grown to the point that it's just too difficult for one person to manage. But, sure, I'm lazy. I have a typical coder arrogance I guess that OK well great you made some pretty pictrures today, I built a fucking virtual factory... I think lack of proper division of labour has been another issue. I just don't give 2 shits about advertising, aesthetics, it's a pain to be asked. But if I could just code all day I'd probably be pretty happy and would never ask for feedback on the elegance of the code... at least, that was true once, now I know whatever I do is gonna be somehow shit so why even fucking bother.
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