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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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Gonna be taking 2.5mgs DOB on Tuesday morning first thing when I wake up. Just got my scedule from work and I have a shift the next day but im gonna go for it. On Thursday im going to stay at that girls house and get some pussy so that is wonderful to say the least. Gonna bring a 100mg Viagra with me and Pop that on the low not gonna be using any drugs or nothing. Pretty much what I will do each week is have my one Swirly day and then a sober day full of sexy time, bask in the afterglow. Deff gonna go downtown and eat her pussy a few times, im really gifted at it trademark move and I have to make seriously good impression. I like this chick alot pretty sure she will end up my next long-term girlfriend, been lonely since I lost that purple haired vixen but I have to move on, she stopped answering my calls and etc...I loved her.
Mixing some high CBD bud (hemp) with your THC flower will take away a lot of the anxiety people report with smoking weed. And overall feels like a more well rounded experience. Not as much in the head, it adds a stronger body component to the high.

Once the THC anxiety has really set in, using CBD concurrent to THC does nothing for it. I could take 200mg of CBD orally, or take fat rips of a CBD pen, and still be just as anxious.
Once the THC anxiety has really set in, using CBD concurrent to THC does nothing for it. I could take 200mg of CBD orally, or take fat rips of a CBD pen, and still be just as anxious.
Kava does really help to mitigate thc anxiety, more noticeably than CBD. The two, cannabis and kava, have a superb synergy.

With Kratom, I particularly enjoyed taking a late afternoon dose with a cannabis edible dose. Fantastic synergy with linear peaks.

With kava, I prefer the injection of some clean uplifting weed vaporisation. On a sufficient Kava buzz, I don’t feel the anxiety or mental tension from the weed, just extra colour, euphoria and peace.
Just plugged 50mg of aMT freebase. Been over 10 years since our last time together, should be a great day in the sun :)
Have a great day indeed man. Just gotten nice and high on weed today, 35 grams kava has been plenty too.

Slowly recovering my digestion, been so plugged up for last 6 months it takes a difficult while after a good treatment to get movement and function back.

Better though! Also nice afterglow from last friday’s 520 ug trip, now on day 3 off seeing more energy and brightness- the post LSD, post few melancholy days positive swing back effect.
Just plugged 50mg of aMT freebase. Been over 10 years since our last time together, should be a great day in the sun :)

Good stuff man im sure you'll have awesome day. Can't wait till my next experience with it, haven't fallen so deeply in love with a drug like this in awhile. One of the most rewarding compounds out there.

Will surely have fun with the DOB tommorow tho, and it will be 5 days since id taken psychedelic so will have slight tolerance drop hopefully. May actually take between 1.5mgs for the first trial and see how I react to it, haven't decided yet. Gonna need to go buy small bottle of vodka tonight regardless, see how I feel in the morning.
Even with a plugged dose the come up on aMT is taking forever. 2.5 hours in and I am just getting off baseline. Added a gram of Ps. Cyan's to spice it up. Starting to get somewhere now :)

About time for the usual, "I'm not really feeling it, better smoke some weed". Cue head exploding in a cloud of bong smoke haha.
Just plugged 50mg of aMT freebase. Been over 10 years since our last time together, should be a great day in the sun :)

Hope you had a good time! Did you make sure to void your bowels well before plugging?

In any case, AMT takes quite a while to come up even plugged. Honestly plugging doesn't come on a whole lot faster than oral, it's just smoother and less prone to nausea. It is faster, but not by a lot, I find. Mostly it starts to come up faster, but the come-up still takes hours.
A bit of a nonsequitur but what is the desired isomer of MDMA?

Uhm, no idea. PIHKAL says S.

Is it not regarded to be the case that it’s neither in a sense, but both combined, maybe not to an equal ratio, produces best effects?

Although I believe S would hold higher regard, longer lasting I think, more stimulative, maybe more empathagenic. One of them is slightly more neurotoxic than the other possibly too.

Damn I forgot all the facts of it now. There was a guy selling the S isomer, he claimed, 97% on IG. Minimum order was 5 grams but product pictures did look very interesting.

He was certainly openly marketing the S isomer as being vastly superior.

I could swear the Shulgins or some study, concluded the best subjective experience was obtained by a combination of the two.
when you go through your old playlists and have top comments on songs saving it saved your acid trip then 50 + people are relating to it lol.
Hi. I always appreciate openess and support so thanks. But I can’t really attribute the term heroic to myself regarding huge doses of LSD. It’s as much tomfoolery as bravery in my mind.

It takes a rare character too to really push the boat so far into the deep, never actually returning to shore, and still remain afloat.

I have always been unusually grounded and rooted, so deeply in my own mind and consciousness, it’s not like writing in the sand until the wind blows it over, it’s really ingrained in the hard rock underneath the sand which the wind never touches, but which is not immune to the elements nonetheless.

Not everybody is so firmly rooted deep down in their inner consciousness and mindset. Some people are much more prone to losing that trail of breadcrumbs.

I’m not exactly together and stable currently but if I was perfectly physically well, I don’t think I would whine and grumble at all, and would be as bright, chatty, chirpy and apparently together as anybody.

Infections and side effects have really messed me up, in my intestines and digestive system. I’ve had these problems for decades but have always accessed various treatments at crucial, vital points to bolster, reboot, repair, and recover.

End of 2019 I was actually the most well all round I have been since Lyme’s crippling onset in 2005.

Come Lockdown 1 I gathered some problems, but was denied access to any and all treatments. Things escalated in a way I would never have allowed them to, it’s been a vicious circle since. So many problems and each time I found a vine, started to climb, boulders knocking me from my grip, lockdown again at times I desperately needed treatment for chiropractic, and especially digestive and intestinal complications directly due to intestinal infections, blocking treatments, prolonging and deepening the impact of the disruptions.

It’s been impossible for myself, in such an unusually complex immune destroyed body to cope without the treatments which have always pulled me out of the deep into the shallows, physically health wise.

Add the stress and trauma of really seeing what is actually going on, I.e. plain pure genocide and planet wide take over, mass life destruction on a scale we’ve never seen, all in a lie, not the best recipe for dealing with pain and trauma.

It’s gone too far currently. My chiropractor who I saw Friday, I left it so late. Flu, multiple Coxsackie viruses since 24 th December, messed up my guts so bad.

I was first blocked from vital treatments in June 2020 which usually would enable me to reboot things.

By November, finally some access, things had swung the entire opposite way from 12 months prior. Zero digestive absorption, diverticulitis, malnourishment, minimal immune function and more.

All directly related to specific nasty viral infections I refer to frequently, the Coxsackie viruses I’ve battled with for decades.

I had my own brush, no immune system bare in mind and guarantee of severe widespread respiratory infection every new infection, with Corona last year.

Well knowing how to treat respiratory infections very well, it was a park walk to beat it down very quickly, no lasting complications.

But 2 different Coxsackie viruses in the fall is what messed my intestines up so bad. Both were infinitely harder also to lower and clear from the respiratory tract fully, months to complete vs weeks with Corona, with side effects and consequences I would not have survived without specific diagnosis and treatment in November.

I just started to turn the bend when true 6 week flu hit at Xmas. I was due an important follow up appt in January, which was paramour to ongoing recovery besides the Flu in between.

So that too was cancelled. 2 out of those 3 essential treatments blocked during lockdown.

Additional avenues were also denied, and things have escalated unnaturally in ways they simply would not have done in normal times and rightful circumstances.

On Friday she found my intestines very badly twisted. A hole in one area. Nothing was functioning, as I intuitively was aware, no organ, or system. Extreme malnourishment and anemia.

She corrected everything and treated every part of my intestinal tract.

For weeks, maybe months I’ve not been able to sleep, rest or relax due to a totally non functioning digestive system, and from that one far too delayed treatment, I went to sleep late Friday night, I was so over exhausted I could get up at all yesterday, Saturday. I’ve only been getting up because it was impossibly to sleep and too uncomfortable to lie there. I have lost so much life force though, I slept brokenly, but much deeper, all yesterday and night. Well over 24 hours sleep.

Having the most awful nightmares as a reflection of the deep ditch I’m in just to keep going in life currently.

I have no fight left atm. It will be quite miraculous if I see another year. I seriously would not see another 2 weeks had I not seen my chiropractor on Friday. I can’t guarantee I will even, so progressed was my exhausted state directly due to the intestinal disturbances which are entirely un drug related, but infections and stress.

Lockdowns really have destroyed my own health, life and chance of survival for a pandemic that doesn’t really exist, a virus which isn’t even worth a mention in my own health history and prognosis in my own direct experience with it, my mum’s (71 old) and others we know.

So I understandably fume, IMO at the injustice and sickness of it.
Many here strongly disagree I know. Some by their own differing personal experience, but most by the media alone.

But @woundedhealer your girlfriend, first thought is the MDMA is very distinguishable from most psychedellics including LSD in it’s propensity, or almost guarnteehood to mentally and emotionally unhinge a person, however emotionally stable and fortified.

It’s really quite impossible to take MDMA frequently and not suffer severe disturbances.

Heavy LSD use can be a really tough ride, but you CAN get away with it.

In her position I would feel, leaving off MDMA primarily, drop THAT particular crutch as you correctly observe, would be my own encouragement.

She will need your support for a long time I feel, but will have to put a lot of work and dedication in herself and she needs to be deadly honest and real with herself too, moving forward. She may be in for a ride by the sounds. Just do your best for now to positively encourage her to be totally self honest, and consider amending her drug routine.

I would usually offer more but I’m pretty bedridden still from over exhaustion. I won’t say I’m hoping to survive. I lost the mythological hope a long time ago. Now it’s more of a predictive game but so uncertain. Still, I guess I do still hold hope. Just need to hope it will be possible for me to rejuvenate and recover, as it’s really slipped out of my hands.
@AutoTripper I'm so sorry to hear of how much you have been suffering in the past year. I hope you kick those parasites and you can feel well again. You will get out of the ditch and recover. You have a lot of support here so please reach out. You write about your experiences so beautifully. I hear a lot of compassion and love in your words, despite the pain you are going through. I wish I could give you some more concrete help so I'm sending you hope and love! Get well soon my friend!

I agree that MDMA and I would add cannabis unhinges me more than any other substances and it seems to be doing the same thing with her. I had a talk with her about it yesterday but all I got back was defensiveness and anger. She is constantly high and she doesn't see a problem. It looks like she is avoiding something in herself. I have a very strong constitution and can take a lot of drugs and I can feel my consciousness dimming when I take too much in a week. It's kind of like a lightbulb getting dimmer, duller. I'm at my wit's end. She doesn't have anyone around her who will tell her their truth except me and I feel like I am being gaslit by her.

Sending love
Hope you had a good time! Did you make sure to void your bowels well before plugging?

In any case, AMT takes quite a while to come up even plugged. Honestly plugging doesn't come on a whole lot faster than oral, it's just smoother and less prone to nausea. It is faster, but not by a lot, I find. Mostly it starts to come up faster, but the come-up still takes hours.

No issues with the admin, my usual ROA. Things definitely got going once the mushrooms kicked in. Can't say it was a worthwhile addition, just seemed to magnify the unpleasant side effects.

Will be my last experiment trying to push aMT to be a "full" psychedelic. In the future i'll just enjoy it for what it is, a damn good time :)
Watching that movie "Magic Trip" again I got a free trial of the EPIX App for 7 days its on there right now. I feel asleep both times I tried to watch it last night. Love the part when they take the aMT, make me feel all warm and jovial inside. Ended up sleeping until 12:25pm tho and it was lovely I feel great now just having some coffee, bananas, yogurt and waffles...same breakfast ive been eating daily lately. Not sure if im gonna trip I might take another week off actually bet y'all weren't expecting me to say that, lol. If I do take something it will possibly be a lightish dose of Psilacetin maybe 30mgs, kinda feel like vibing with a Tryptamine.

Really gotta catch ahold of this tolerance before it gets outta control and I also wanna prove to that other purple haired vixen I can exhibit more self control tho she is happy about my progress as I said before. I really hope she takes me back and gives me another chance now that im cleaning up and being honest with her. She is reading this right now surely like she does my other posts and I hope she knows how much I love her. I dont wanna be with that other woman and only started talking to her cuz I was lonely and she stopped answering my calls/messages.

And I know that I can be hard to handle at times but there is so much love coming outta my soul and it needs an outlet, and id want it to be you over every other human. That's gotta mean and stand for something and hopefully at least leaves you flattered kitten 😻
@AutoTripper I'm so sorry to hear of how much you have been suffering in the past year. I hope you kick those parasites and you can feel well again. You will get out of the ditch and recover. You have a lot of support here so please reach out. You write about your experiences so beautifully. I hear a lot of compassion and love in your words, despite the pain you are going through. I wish I could give you some more concrete help so I'm sending you hope and love! Get well soon my friend!

I agree that MDMA and I would add cannabis unhinges me more than any other substances and it seems to be doing the same thing with her. I had a talk with her about it yesterday but all I got back was defensiveness and anger. She is constantly high and she doesn't see a problem. It looks like she is avoiding something in herself. I have a very strong constitution and can take a lot of drugs and I can feel my consciousness dimming when I take too much in a week. It's kind of like a lightbulb getting dimmer, duller. I'm at my wit's end. She doesn't have anyone around her who will tell her their truth except me and I feel like I am being gaslit by her.

Sending love
Hi there. Thanks, those are very kind words of support.

I am very imagery by nature. I think, calculate a lot, but ultimately I go with my gut, feelings, what comes to mind.

I have this image of your girlfriend. Like she really has her heels dug in. This stems from fear usually, as I can’t help visualise with her.

She needs unending support by your description, but you also need support. That’s got to be difficult, feeling like you maybe have no outlet for that yourself.

I say this, because I want to encourage you to let her feel your steadiness, dependability, and commitment by her side. Dig your own heels in in that sense, so she feels like she can drop the reigns. That’s just my mumbo jumbo psychologist mind thinking aloud really.

I think it’s fair assertion to say that some fear is driving her behaviour and addiction. That fear thing is pretty influential and determining when it comes to behaviours and coping strategies, in every one of us.

Hopefully by seeing that she doesn’t need to fear you sticking by her, she might relax, pause, take a step back, a wider look, be more honest with herself, release some of that fear, pressure.

Maybe then she could gradually come around to accepting and considering certain things in a new, more realistic light, less shrouded in fear.

That sounds so airy fairy, but this is how I’m visualising your situation with her, from one angle.

I mean without knowing her, I really hope she can find a happier way of living and feeling about herself and life.

But continual prolonged MDMA use would be one thing to focus on and seek a different coping mechanism. As you are rightfully aware.

And regarding her being told the truth by those around her, I would suggest the only person she needs to hear the truth from is herself.

All you can do is give her as much space and time and support, room to feel less pressurised, not on a timer of any sorts.

And yourself too, you may feel overwhelmed by pressure at times. I would just say, be mindful of that. Try and allow yourself positive mental space to continue to move in.

Sounds good on paper doesn’t it? Lol. $40 please!
Forgive me if it’s just plainly patronising.

My brain function could be a lot sharper currently, so much healing and recovery to do, in past it’s often taken full focus and commitment to a comprehensive and thorough treatment regime to pull things back together, purely physically health wise.

This is the most they’ve ever been pulled apart and that comprehensive treatment protocol I would and always have employed, needed now more than ever, is impossible let alone tricky to string together right now. It’s like slow Chess. Shifting pawns around for now. Keep cool. Hoping to get my Bishop back in play at some point.

Just to be metaphorical for a change!
She is reading this right now surely like she does my other posts and I hope she knows how much I love her. I dont wanna be with that other woman and only started talking to her cuz I was lonely and she stopped answering my calls/messages.
May I suggest an alter ego? A second username account. Your new alias will take on the demanding role of being Bluelight’s leading psychedellic head lol, your current persona will remain in line, say all the right things.... ;)
This was the Alter Ego, she picked it out and figured out who I was again. She is a smart cookie and she knows me very well and my writing style...I have a hard time not shouting about my psychedelics escapedes from the rooftops. Im very passionate about such things as your aware, and every time I say purple hair its a dead give away...it's how she found me the first time.
Im sure it could be confusing to follow but I have three woman in my life, the ex-wifey from NYC a therapist by trade that I actually ceased communication with for now and havent spoke to but once this week. We were in emotional sorta relationship since we broke up but havent been physical in like 8 months. We are talking at all for awhile she is having this affair with a married man and treats me pretty bad and it causes me alot of pain. We were very codependent and it took me alot of willpower to break it off but until she is done with that dude I am finished with her. She also doesnt accept me as I am and I will not turn my back on my swirly nature, and the friends that come along with it.

And then we have the purple haired vixen that makes children books for a living. She is really smart and I love the way she makes me look at things from a different perspective and she is always trying to get me to work on myself and get healthier. She played a major role in helping me quit Narcotics. She is the sexiest Person ever and the best love I ever had I have been around the Block a few times. Her booty is so luscious all of her purportions are and she knows all the sexiest stuff to say all the time, she drives me wild.

Then we come to my new girl the plus sized model and makeup artist, she has huge following on instagram actually and I cant give away to much Info that could lead her to this place. She is real sexy short black girl and sweet as can be. Accepts my psychedelic use which is refreshing as long as im responsible. Plans of cooking this extravagant dinner for us this Thursday and bought some coffee for me as I assume she wants me to stay over. She like the purple haired woman lives pretty close which is nice, I like her alot and she seems to be really Justine. Told me she has her period coming on so im not sure how sexual it may get and this will be our first encounter in person, we have been facetiming and talking on the phone frequently tho.

But with all this said if I had my choice I would wanna be with the second girl cuz our chemistry is off the charts, I love her so much that whatever words I write down here could never do her justice 🧡🌺🌻🌼

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