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On the cusp of the end of my 30's, I can say that the decade is a lot more solid than 20's. I think this tends to be the case for a lot of people. It's ironic because in your 20s you are so indestructible, full of potential and intelligence. Yet it's not until 30 you begin to grasp the fact that you're mortal, and have just one life to live, so you begin to buckle down and make something out of it. Hang in there, it gets better. It takes effort, but also I think there's a chemistry change in the human male mind around that time where you slow down on questioning every fucking thing, get more in touch with what you really want in life, and get on with it.

I think there's something tough about the mid to late 20s for a lot of guys. I know I went through it, and I've seen it for a lot of other guys too.

I think you need to reduce your drugs and booze usage for a while, to make it easier to get back to center. But you know yourself better than I do, this is just some chats of a forum.
Re: Solipsis and Pregabalin, I also use it for the same effect of smoothing out the energy on a day-to-day basis. It was been a great help keeping my nerves level even in situations where I would normally feel a little irked or uncomfortable, and those feelings ripple out into asymmetric energy oscillations over time that amplifies imbalance from all the 'energy pollution' in the world around us...if that makes any sense.

The 'disorder' I have is that I am hypersensitive to all kinds of energies, so I need to be careful what settings I expose myself to, but lyrica helps me get through it when I have no other choice. Its an extra layer of protection in a sense. I'm not trying to get off it any time soon because it has been a non issue for a few years now except for the couple times I ran out of my script before I could refill it and had to grab other supplements to fill the gap. I've learned to have a backup supply if anything happens.

I use phenibut this same way. I have used pregabalin too and I find it to be very similar in subjective effect to phenibut, except stronger and more intoxicating. I'd try it again if I had it, no doubt, but phenibut is legal, cheap and easily accessible, and very useful.

I agree with you guys, I have never had that "money making mentality" and even now when I'm pretty wealthy in every standard (I own a house on a good area without mortgage plus I inherited over 100k € lately + I own some land and wood, a car too) I don't really appreciate money that much. I'm happy as long I can pay my bills, have a little fun here and there. Materialistic people disgust me. I'm pretty much set for life when I graduate from university and get a decent job. Having the dream summer job at the moment but it ends in a few weeks and I go back to studying.

That's very fortunate for you, congrats. :) Live it up!

On the cusp of the end of my 30's, I can say that the decade is a lot more solid than 20's. I think this tends to be the case for a lot of people. It's ironic because in your 20s you are so indestructible, full of potential and intelligence. Yet it's not until 30 you begin to grasp the fact that you're mortal, and have just one life to live, so you begin to buckle down and make something out of it. Hang in there, it gets better. It takes effort, but also I think there's a chemistry change in the human male mind around that time where you slow down on questioning every fucking thing, get more in touch with what you really want in life, and get on with it.

I think there's something tough about the mid to late 20s for a lot of guys. I know I went through it, and I've seen it for a lot of other guys too.

I think you need to reduce your drugs and booze usage for a while, to make it easier to get back to center. But you know yourself better than I do, this is just some chats of a forum.

Yeah I'm 3 years into my thirties and I am amazed by how much more stable these years are than my twenties. I actually have more energy than I did then, because I am happier and healthier, and I feel very youthful still. But at the same time I am more mature and wiser, and I know myself much better and am far more comfortable with who I am. I feel like I'm totally entering my prime just these past 2 years.
P.S. The machine elves have been fucking with me HARDCORE, man. I have some incredibly bizarre stories for you if you're interested, vortech.
Dude you can't just tease us with something like that and then not put out! Something something machine elves?
By the way, if it has anything to do with 3meo, put it in the book we just started! Also, p.s. I'm getting back on this train in about 5 minutes
I nailed that down to the second. I picked up the mail, took a bike ride back to my house and am now officially riding on this train. Smells as expected. That first encounter after weeks of abstinence is always a nice 'welcome home' feeling. Now to focus on flowering and blooming this consciousness cultivation.
yeah interesting stories about 3-meo-pcp coming up, i just bought the ticket ;)
Getting on the K subway myself, again...

Also I am reading beautiful things about 4-HO-DPT..
I'm 29, so I hope you guys are right about the 30s. A touch of stability would be nice, methinks.

I've been dipping into my rather limited MXE reserves again lately. I really wish this chem were still widely available, because in many ways it feels like a more recreational alternative to psychedelics. Lying around watching trippy sci fi and playing iPad games while moderately dissociated is a blast. It has a funny way of being very confusing/disorienting without feeling at all unpleasant. Not the positive mood push of something like MDMA, but a contented indifference. Dissociation doesn't feel much of anything like opioids, but the mental state it puts me in is oddly familiar. I can definitely see how frequent use could be very habit-forming.

Speaking of which... I'm bored, I can't sleep, and it's 7am. Sounds like a good time for a lil' MXE.

edit: and there goes the last of it. Not much left, as it turned out. So long, MXE. T'was nice to know ye.
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I'm 29, so I hope you guys are right about the 30s. A touch of stability would be nice, methinks.

I've been dipping into my rather limited MXE reserves again lately. I really wish this chem were still widely available, because in many ways it feels like a more recreational alternative to psychedelics. Lying around watching trippy sci fi and playing iPad games while moderately dissociated is a blast. It has a funny way of being very confusing/disorienting without feeling at all unpleasant. Not the positive mood push of something like MDMA, but a contented indifference. Dissociation doesn't feel much of anything like opioids, but the mental state it puts me in is oddly familiar. I can definitely see how frequent use could be very habit-forming.

Speaking of which... I'm bored, I can't sleep, and it's 7am. Sounds like a good time for a lil' MXE.

edit: and there goes the last of it. Not much left, as it turned out. So long, MXE. T'was nice to know ye.

The giggles of confoundedness are a deep well of museness. Your empty bag of MXE is not.

Congratulations for making it to the finish line....and condolences for your loss.
I'm getting off work soon for the next 10 days of vacation. First, right after work I'm headed to a music festival that I'm getting into for free as VIP, to spend tonight and tomorrow at, whereupon numerous drugs will be taken (ALD-52 and maybe methylone tonight along with some MXE, and tomorrow probably DOC). I'm gonna spend the day there tomorrow, swim in the river, listen to music, hang out with my friends, and then leave tomorrow evening so I can get some sleep and wake up to catch a plane to northern Wisconsin to spend the week with my family at the lake. I get to see my brother and sister and parents which will be awesome. :)
Hi all!

Any mountaineers here?

A big part of the psychedelic experience for me is about beauty: of the profundity of certain ideas they foment; of the indescribable balance and space in music, which they enhance; of other human bodies and minds who are sharing the same experience, which one understands on a much more subtle level.

All this to say that, as far as I can see, being out in the mountains appeals to the same temperament! The stunning calm of waking up in a bivvi bag at dawn at 4000m; the unique textures and light you get up there; and the friendships that leave much unsaid, but run deeper than most kept in safe environments. Then there's the mental toughness - cross tolerant, if you will. A perfect fit! (I will stop short of saying they combine well - you really do need physical strength and your wits about you up there(!) - although a dramatic natural landscape on, say, LSD, can be achingly and nigh weepingly beautiful).

So, anyone else get 'high' on those green and white pyramids, sober or otherwise?
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I'm no mountaineer, but I've had a few forays into the peaks that pierce the rarefied air up there. Is a transcendental experience to get high and be humbled by the grandness of our planet!

I'd love to combine a safe trip into the mountains with a small dose of acid. Never done it, can't recommend it, what a stupid thing to do!
That could produce ripe content for the book. I'm seeing this project as something far beyond the concept of a 'book', with video, and music, geo-locked to the canvas, like put a song and video recording of it to document our collective 3-me0- inspired journey. I'm trying to get everybody on the same page with collaborative seeds. Blow it UP
I'm no mountaineer, but I've had a few forays into the peaks that pierce the rarefied air up there. Is a transcendental experience to get high and be humbled by the grandness of our planet!

I'd love to combine a safe trip into the mountains with a small dose of acid. Never done it, can't recommend it, what a stupid thing to do!

Silly of me to use such a boxed-in term. I meant mountain fans, basically. If you make it up there more than once, I consider you a fan (it's like Salvia).

Isn't it just? The contrast to city life can be dismaying when you land - a real culture shock. I like techno and beer and all that, but it seems like everything's geared towards prising ourselves open at certain times, and then living on a more functional level at others. No such dichotomy in the hills, and not for lack of one or the other state.

As soon as things start getting rocky and snowy, then one should clearly stay away, but a tab and a gallop across an alpine pasture is garden of Eden material. I can​ recommend it! :)
My friend managed to score some MXE while buying 3-MeO-PCP :D I can't wait to see if it's really her, miss methoxetamine

Dionysos (Phencyclidine? :D) is the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, fertility, theatre and religious ecstasy in Greek mythology.

Methoxynos, is it really you? :3
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Xorkoth, document! Books will write themselves, flipping the script of what conventional media programs us. Programs become the programmers.I imagine a 'book' that is more of a matrix of hyperlinks and audiovisual, people getting tuned , connected and capturing every bit of magic. Now THAT is a BOOK
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