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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Euphoric Rambles for Swirling Souls

This page is all, like, 2006 and stuff.

Do you smell the indole in the air?
Its the most beautiful aspect of psychedelics and dissociatives. The deep remembering of what is true.

I deeply value my experience yesterday, it got even more grand and expansive towards the end. :) 4-Ho-MET iced the already crystalline cake.

I still feel really...deep, thoughtful, slow and measured :D
Nice man, nothing like a good, cleansing psychedelic trip. :)

I had a really cool jam and chill last night. Hung out with two different groups at different times, in the first one we started having really intense conversations for hours, felt like we were tripping but we weren't. Maybe we were getting a contact high from you swilow... 8o
Ha yes those are some special posts, makes hairs on my neck stand up and 8( trip balls
I was beautifully confused. Felt like everything at once. :)
I've been going too hard for a few days, I don't feel it yet but I know I will crash when I stop this train. Only a few more days, then it's time for a cooldown.

My biggest concern is some kind of post-trip psychosis. But I guess I shouldn't worry about that kind of stuff too much to not manifest it.
Ease your way back to earth, meditation would help :)

I'm pleasantly stoned on some nice vegan weed cake thing my mate constructed. I think its got carrot and zucchini in it. Brain sleep time.
Yeah I have a lot of relaxing stuff to do, I'm just going to chill for a few days after this weekend. Worst case, I have to take benzos. :D
Well then :)

How about this for some rattly brain cells:

So many odd feelings throughout this track :) Circus-ish at points, lots of clockwork, gears, some kind of jaw harp, electronic kalimba, matches, fingernails tapping each other.
^^ Nice, I like it. :)

I gotta chill down too... I've been drinking and smoking too much on band nights. Only on band nights, but those are 3 days a week. I also use propylhexedrine a fair amount on those nights too. I haven't been exercising since before Christmas either, partly because my left elbow hurts, no idea why it started, I didn't do anything to it that I know of but it's been hurting in certain ways for like 3 weeks now, it's always the same. I just feel less good than I did last year and it's certainly because I generally tend to go pretty hard. I've been going pretty hard basically since 2015, not constantly obviously but just pretty regularly taking drugs on average, and the amount of alcohol I drink is probably the highest it's ever been. I had also been using tobacco/smoking every day for a couple of years, lately it's just been some band nights but even so that's not good. Just time to take stock I guess and reduce consumption of things.

Actually I realized I've been taking phenibut too much too, it's starting to produce weird body pains much more than it ever did. I've been getting the feeling that taking it consistently every other day for a long period of time is a bad idea, it just feels like it's probably pretty hard on my body. During Christmas I had some stimulants some nights, and lots of social obligations and an intense situation with my dad, and I ended up taking phenibut 5 days in a row, and after that I would start to feel anxious and slightly uncomfortable in the second half of my usual day off. So I've been tapering down the dose and being really strict about skipping a day, and now today for the first time since then I'm going to skip the second day (took it Wednesday), and take it again tomorrow... unless I just don't need to, then I'll just stop taking it for a good while and let it clear out. So far I feel totally fine.
^ Hey Xork, sorry if you've answered this question a billion times on BL (if you have, can you link me to a post?), but I've been enjoying the occasional (or not-so-occasional) gram or so of kratom, and I'm wondering if you've experienced any negative side effects other than physical or psychological dependence? I just want to know what to look out for, in case I start overusing it.

Tangentially related, I love the taste of kratom. I've seen other people gag on it, but I literally think it's delicious.

Good luck getting your mitillating tatters under control Xork. You're a very wise and thoughtful person, I have no doubt that you can make whatever changes you need to make. :)
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I like 'flutter' from Æ, also the fact that there's different speed versions of the track, and actually a lot more tracks from them.. i wish i could do MAX MSP like that..

Dropped 3-MeO-PCP today, now added 2C-B pill..
^ Hey Xork, sorry if you've answered this question a billion times on BL (if you have, can you link me to a post?), but I've been enjoying the occasional (or not-so-occasional) gram or so of kratom, and I'm wondering if you've experienced any negative side effects other than physical or psychological dependence? I just want to know what to look out for, in case I start overusing it.

Tangentially related, I love the taste of kratom. I've seen other people gag on it, but I literally think it's delicious.

Hmm, no I didn't, aside from addiction which became a tremendous problem for me. After a long time of doing it 3 or more times per day, every day, I started to get constipated from it like one would from any opiates. I'd take a shit like every 3 days and when I did... oh god, it was horrible. So painful and difficult and my asshole would be in agony for the rest of the day. If at all possible, save yourself that bullshit (literally - don't force yourself to have the take shits the size and ferocity of a bull).

Other than addiction and constipation, I found kratom entirely benign. Incidentally, before it got to the point of constipation, I found kratom to be an excellent diuretic, it would get my bowels moving like it was morning and I had just drank my cup of coffee. I really think kratom is great, if you can control yourself. It's a very enabling and functional drug. But if you start trying to be on it all the time it will fuck your life up like any opiate. Please stay away from daily or near-daily dosing. If you have a set schedule, I think that's not a good sign because it implants a structure for you. If you do it once a week and actually keep it that way, it's probably gonna be okay, but then it might change to twice a week, to every other day, to once a day, to twice a day, to 3 times a day.... you get the picture. With opiates (and kratom is one, don't fool yourself, it hits the mu opiate receptor, so it's an opiate) you have to set yourself strict rules that are based in fact (like for example dosing kratom every Saturday night and only then) and if you ever find yourself breaking them, that's your red flag that you're on the path to addiction. It's best to keep it to an occasional thing, because as soon as you have a schedule, at least if you're me and countless other ex or current opiate addicts, that schedule gives you power to make small increases. And those small increases add up. If you find yourself behaving that way, my best and heartfelt advice is to stop. <3 If you're prone to opiate addiction, you'll play games with yourself, you won't be aware you're doing it until you're well on the path, and opiate addiction is a soul crusher. The depths of a 10 year opiate addiction for me were indescribably horrific, something I would'n't wish on anyone. And it always starts innocent, and no one ever realizes that they've gone too far until they are already well in there, turn around, and realize the path is gone and they're lost.

Good luck getting your mitillating tatters under control Xork. You're a very wise and thoughtful person, I have no doubt that you can make whatever changes you need to make. :)

Thanks man. :) Yeah my whole journey the past 2 years has been in developing my sense of continual conscious oversight... whenever I feel anything or have any sort of reaction to anything where I question the usefulness/goodness of that action/reaction or it results in feeling negative emotions, I try to consciously step back from myself and be the pure observer I've been on a variety of psychedelics, that immutable force of awareness that gives sentience to my human self, and I objectively decide how to truly believe I should behave as a result of whatever stimulus it is. Sometimes I get annoyed or angry and I determine that it's justified, but 95% of the time I come to the conclusion that lashing out is going to result in a net negative in the situation. This process of self-reflection helps me to act externally the way I think I should, removing myself from the heat of the moment, which improves my life and the lives of those I interact with. This is one of the very main things psychedelics have helped me learn. That, and that emotions are just chemical/hormonal impulses and it's not always necessary or beneficial to succumb to them. It's possible to let them wash over you and never externalize them, if externalizing them would hurt yourself or others, or worsen the situation.

In the same vein, I now know when I am being ridiculous with my drug usage patterns, and I'm able to do something about it because if I'm looking at the bigger picture, it's abundantly clear that it will be better if I stay mentally and physically healthy and able to work on the things I am working on. :)
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^ Thanks for the words of caution! I know you have the experience to back it up, more than anyone here probably.

you have to set yourself strict rules that are based in fact (like for example dosing kratom every Saturday night and only then) and if you ever find yourself breaking them, that's your red flag that you're on the path to addiction.

Yeah, that's totally what happened to me with MXE. Initially I set myself a once-per-week rule, and I think if I had stuck to it, I would've been okay, but I rationalized myself into reckless abandon. Luckily kratom doesn't have the same pull that dissociatives do for me.

Yeah my whole journey the past 2 years has been in developing my sense of continual conscious oversight... whenever I feel anything or have any sort of reaction to anything where I question the usefulness/goodness of that action/reaction or it results in feeling negative emotions, I try to consciously step back from myself and be the pure observer I've been on a variety of psychedelics, that immutable force of awareness that gives sentience to my human self, and I objectively decide how to truly believe I should behave as a result of whatever stimulus it is. Sometimes I get annoyed or angry and I determine that it's justified, but 95% of the time I come to the conclusion that lashing out is going to result in a net negative in the situation. This process of self-reflection helps me to act externally the way I think I should, removing myself from the heat of the moment, which improves my life and the lives of those I interact with. This is one of the very main things psychedelics have helped me learn. That, and that emotions are just chemical/hormonal impulses and it's not always necessary or beneficial to succumb to them. It's possible to let them wash over you and never externalize them, if externalizing them would hurt yourself or others, or worsen the situation.

That seems like a great skill to have. I've noticed that sometimes it's enough to simply acknowledge that whatever I'm thinking or feeling is unhealthy, and my attitude changes in response. Self-awareness is pretty powerful.