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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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Tennis is the only sport I like, just watching. I've no interest in playing sport though.

I'd love to get into rock climbing or mountaineering.
Tennis is the only sport I like, just watching. I've no interest in playing sport though.

Yeah tennie is awesome to watch, probably my favorite sport to watch too.

Saw Sara again tonight. We picked up some Thai food, then smoked a bowl and watched a TV show (Please Like Me) and a movie (Seven Psychopaths) while cuddling on her couch. It was a really great evening :)

Nice man. :) Snuggling is (among the) best.

Congratulations on your superior reading voice. As a person who is typically obsessed with the superficial presentation of things, I treasure a good voice. For awhile I was unhappy with my own; it seemed a bit boyish. Have you ever been close to a man whose deep, loud voice you felt physically vibrate your chest, like a subwoofer? That's what I wanted. And believe it or not, with some conscious intent, I have somewhat learned to control the relevant muscles involved in producing that sound. It's pretty fun.

Almost everyone I've ever met (myself included) seems to dislike their voice when heard back in a recording. I think it's because it sounds so much different to you, since your head is vibrating with it. Sounds a lot deeper.
Yeah, I had the exact same reaction to low dose ALD-52. Although I'd say museum dose for me would be more like 20-30 mcg. For those levels I like to use liquid measurement.
After some more reflection I think I might agree. But I am going to have to do further testing. :)

I know it's stupid, but that would give me so much anxiety, haha. Although probably not as bad as public speaking. Hopefully someday I can overcome that fear. Giving some sort of public talk seems like it would be really fun, especially if I were passionate about the subject, sans the stage fright. Or maybe someday if I learn an instrument well enough, I could perform it live.

Congratulations on your superior reading voice. As a person who is typically obsessed with the superficial presentation of things, I treasure a good voice. For awhile I was unhappy with my own; it seemed a bit boyish. Have you ever been close to a man whose deep, loud voice you felt physically vibrate your chest, like a subwoofer? That's what I wanted. And believe it or not, with some conscious intent, I have somewhat learned to control the relevant muscles involved in producing that sound. It's pretty fun.
Oh public speaking is not a problem at all for me. Just talking with people I don't know pretty well one on one in an informal setting though... 8( Thankfully a good friend went there with me, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone.
Have you trouble while speaking publically, so to speak, or is it only about feeling anxious before you have to? I used to always be afraid before I had to do a presentation or whatever in school or university but the minute I started talking I never had much problems if properly prepared. It was only a matter of doing it often enough that I kind of got the message that I really didn't have to be afraid of it.

And definitely try to learn how to skateboard, it's never too late for that. My grandfather learned inline skating at almost 70 to do it together with me and my brother when we were kids.
lots of minimum wage jobs in the US even drug test. our society is so hypocritical as to be absurd.

Yeah, you gotta find a small business, thankfully my majority works hours, waaaaaaaaaay less than minimum wage job, is a gig that pretty much just hires addicts and the only qualifications are that you are physically present and capable of doing the job, the other place lets me by just fine hungover, with breath mints.

@psoli - Didn't you retire, or is my memory bad?

How's it been PD? I've been occupied with America, which is jusyeah.
^Good to see you, I was literally thinking just earlier, "I wonder if anyone's heard from THR recently?"
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Yeah, you gotta find a small business, thankfully my majority works hours, waaaaaaaaaay less than minimum wage job, is a gig that pretty much just hires addicts and the only qualifications are that you are physically present and capable of doing the job, the other place lets me by just fine hungover, with breath mints.

@psoli - Didn't you retire, or is my memory bad?

How's it been PD? I've been occupied with America, which is jusyeah.

Hey man, good to see you post, you seem like you're doing pretty well. Or at least that's the conclusion I postulate from a few lines of text. :)

I'm doing well, same old I suppose, but same old is pretty good.

And yeah soli retired and then came back.
Heya THR how's life? How exactly occupied with 'murica? Can't even begin to imagine but it seems really messed up..

Yeah I left when I just had to quit using, jumpstart my life and get my priorities in order - stuffs going well now :) still love psychs and pd though
Just might be a little busy sometimes but i can help out in my own way

Am really glad urine tests are not much of a thing here unless maybe some serious government / particular responsibility job
I agree about getting out more often. You know what randomly hit me this morning? I kinda want to learn to skateboard. When I see videos of skilled skaters gracefully and effortlessly ripping through skate parks, or anyone demonstrating some physical finesse really, it makes me feel like I'm missing out on an activity that would exercise my mind-body connection in a valuable way. Plus, maybe I'd meet some kewl sk8ter br0s if I hung out at the local skate park. Who knows?

Do it, TAC! I learned how to skate four years ago and it's been one of if not my favorite hobby since. I recommend learning on a longboard instead of a classic skateboard though. The combination of larger and softer wheels, a larger wheelbase, more weight, and wider as well as RKP instead of TKP trucks just makes things so much easier when starting out. And then once you've found your balance, a skateboard is only minor additional learning in regards to the basics.

While I do enjoy skateboarding, hitting bowls, doing tricks, etc. my favorite thing is actually dancing. Anyone here know what that is? Cross-steps, peter pans, etc.? I find it so pleasing. Check this out:

*waves at NKB*

I'm also waving at him and you, see *wave wave* :)

Feel so sloppy and half intoxicated still and I got a meeting at a local University this morning as I may be doing more study. Hopefully I do not fall over or vomit, either seems likely! :\
I'm feeling pretty aimless this week, since I'm just kinda waiting for the drugs to flow out of my fat and into undetectability, and for my job interview on Thursday. Bit nervous for it but I know I'll be a good fit, just gotta tell them so and make em believe it!

Last night's acid trip brought quite a few realizations to the forefront again, that had been present in past trips, but are now much more in my face. I'll make a list:
-I need to play less video games; they serve no purpose to advance me as a person I'm looking to become
-I seriously wan't to learn an instrument; while I'm still at home my folks have an old piano here and I figure that's the best place to start; would love advice on how to begin self teaching the piano
-I need to take better care of myself and my diet, through exercise and eating right
-I really need to start packing/getting rid of/sorting things if this job indeed accepts me because I'll be moving 5 hours north
-I'm about to enter a fairly lonely, friendless time of my life and it will be important for me to maintain longer distance friendships as well as cultivate new ones and old neglected ones
-I want to see as much live music as possible in 2017; I've spent far too long neglecting it
-I need to get back into reading; the Bob Weir docu I watched has spurred me to read The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe since it has been sitting on my shelf so long, and before it I read On the Road so it seems the perfect next step, with the transition between the two counter-cultures occurring from the 50s-60s
-I want to listen to more Dead, I've been satisfied to listen to a few concerts in passing in the past, but no more; I wana be able to holdup in a convo with other Heads
-I want a 'Make America Grateful Again' hat or shirt because I just saw some online and it is cheeky as fuck; would serve the dual purpose of mocking Trump, as well as signifying to others my interest in the Dead

In summation, I had an extremely strong trip for it only being a half tab of ALD-52. The more I take that drug, the more I fall in love with it. It's so hard to tell it apart from LSD itself!
Yeah man, ALD-52 is amazing. :) My half tab trips have consistently been powerful. Sounds like some really good convictions.
crossed that bridge last summer. believably, the world felt exactly the same afterward. :) happy birthday man.
Today is officially my last day as a twenty-something.

My thirties have been the best years if my life so far (33 now). I am really liking the 30s. The 20s are intense, when you figure everything out with much difficulty. In the thirties you start to just know who you are and be comfortable and confident in that. Ideally anyway.
Turning 30 was a turning point for me personally.

The past 4 months have been an upheaval of undoing everything in my 20s...
I spent my 20s insanely recklessly, up until about 28 after I got married and had a kid. 30s were spent in large part wondering how I survived my 20s. lol Now, as I'm approaching my 40s, I find myself trying to rebuild myself so that by my 60s I'm financially independent, and can provide for my family in all ways. Then I plan on spending my 70s like my 20s. lol
Haha nice, that's the spirit!

I was definitely more reckless in my twenties, but I am still kinda wild compared to most people. The biggest difference for me is I finally feel really comfortable with myself and confident in my own capabilities, and I feel a lot more emotionally stable.
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Oh no!! That means in a couple of years I will have to undo everything I did until I was five, shit!!

Xorkoth, maybe your way is to go - postpone that shit and start undoing everything when you are 80 ;)

Anyway seriously I might still be wilder if I didn't feel so physically fucked sometimes. Not sure if I am more damaged, more sensitive or just not active enough... maybe it's not just being wild but really 'terminal' like me when I had a period when I really ate enough MDMA to die from, let alone the other drugs.
It's probably a good thing that I am wisening up my act, for my own sake even later on.

My stomach and duodenum feel raw and I don't like the hypertension / paraesthesia etc type shit from the dex I take. There's more that I am taking as a sign that my body is budging a bit compared to what it was used to, but I can also just not tolerate much. Actually makes me think with some frequency that I will unavoidably be some opiate addict and or end it prematurely when I get old enough.
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Oh man, the band is going so well. Our old formation broke up, you may remember me talking about how the old lead singer/rhythm guitar player got a girlfriend, she joined the band, it was bad, and that the bass player joined a different band... well we went down to a 3 piece, me on keys, plus guitar and drums, and we're doing mostly all instrumental now. We had a long adjustment period where we had to figure out how to fill all the bass frequencies between us, but we're at the point now with 5 original songs where we pretty much are ready to spend a weekend getting the perfect live takes to work on an EP... and another song in the works. We're going for a 6-song EP by the end of the summer and starting to play shows again next month. One of the songs, actually the best one, is one where we could never get it right with the 6-piece band, but it's so great now, I love it. Every time we practice (3 times a week) there is improvement.

Feels good man. :)
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