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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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There are also people who are developing high CBD/low THC strains. But I kind of agree that it's too strong nowadays usually if you're getting the top grade stuff.

That's another benefit to legalization, I think: While the dispensary strains may get stronger as a whole with better growing conditions, quality control, etc. the buyer usually has their pick of the litter at the shop when it comes to the high they want.

Yeah high CBD/low THC is one example I was thinking of or just the understanding that high THC levels could be evened out by higher CBD levels. I mean it's understandable that growers want to explore the limits of what they can get out of the plant and as long as there are people who enjoy smoking it there's a market for that. And I agree that it's a very important appeal of dispensaries to offer not just good quality but variety, so unless you guys here are the absolute exception there should be enough of a demand to give incentive to growers to cater to that crowd, right? On the black market "not that strong" usually means not well grown, but a legal market gives opportunity to fill out different niches like very well grown weed that is just not meant to be that strong. It's America right? Free market and all! Go vote with your money! ;)

Smoking some kind of Cheese strain atm. What a smell! Also thankfully it's a lot more relaxed than the Jack Herer I had before. Yeah first world problems...

I also find it interesting that a lot of people seem to read my name as tozeku. :D
i need to quit smoking weed next week while i'm doing my Zarxio shots in preparation of my stem cell harvesting... and those shots make all your muscles and joints ache... i've gotten them before as immune system boosters after chemo and they hurt enough at that dose... this is going to be like 5x that dose 5 days in a row... bleh.

the next couple months of my life are going to be pretty fucking miserable.
physical chemistry exam tomorrow. awfully prepared. and my head hurts.


should be fun

ps: hang in there, tnw... why do you have to stop smoking during this regimen?
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Pharmakos: I am very sorry to hear that you are going through all of this. Rest assured that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

I just need to get all of this off my chest and I have absolutely nobody to speak with, so here goes...

My best friend moved across the country last week. He has a terminal health condition and does not want to be a burden on anyone, so he is basically disappearing off the face of the earth to die alone. My mother has been suffering terrifying bouts of vomiting and stomach pain for which they can find no cause. My father is overmedicated and becoming more mentally and physically impaired by the day. My oldest friend (and former bandmate) has become a shell of his former self due to drugs and alcohol. I have not been in a serious relationship in over ten years after being hurt very badly by a few women, one of which I was engaged to before I caught her having an affair with a mutual friend who was actually going to be an usher in my wedding!

And then there is me... I have been fighting multiple addictions (opioids mainly) on a daily basis and have not held a full-time job in almost two years as a result. I suffer from depression, anxiety, OCD and ADHD, which I am currently on several medications for. Some days I am aware of my potential and feel that I am ready to get back on my feet. Other (most) days I feel so helpless that I just want to curl up in a ball and die.

Please forgive me if I sound self-pitying. I rarely reach out to anybody because I was raised to believe that men should be strong and silent. I just feel so lost that I need to tell somebody. I feel like a loser for even writing this. I know that there are people with much larger problems than my own. I'm sorry for hijacking this thread with my personal crap. Thank you very much for reading.

Peace, Love and Faith,
Dreamflyer :(
I fully believe everyone should spend at least a year in retail so they can learn to appreciate the people who work it (the sales floor and customer service people, not management)

THANK YOU!!! I have always said that. In 30 years of employment experience, including a relatively high-ranking corporate position, the hardest job that I have ever had was in fast food when I was a teenager. I had five minutes to memorize an entire menu, and then I was expected to make any sandwich perfectly in under 15 seconds. At the same time, I was taking orders at the (inaudible) drive-thru window, unloading deliveries, mopping the floor, cleaning out the coolers/freezers, sweeping the parking lot and doing anything else that you can imagine!

When people say things like, "You're going to be flipping burgers for the rest of your life.", I feel like saying, "Well at least I can do it. Let me see YOU try it!".

Peace, Love and Faith,
ps: hang in there, tnw... why do you have to stop smoking during this regimen?

i'm not entirely sure yet, gotta ask my doctor when i see her on tuesday... those shots i'm getting for the week beforehand total to probably about $25,000 if i was paying out of pocket, so i'm guessing they want to minimize the risk of anything causing them to not work. not sure on the mechanism tho.

dreamflyer thank you, and my thoughts will be with you as well. opiate addiction sucks, there are a lot of people in this thread that can relate. and those people have often "hijacked" this thread for personal posts like that. don't worry, that's part of what this thread is here for. <3
dreamflyer, you're not a loser for getting that off your chest, or for being in the situation you're in. Calling yourself a loser is in fact part of the problem. I was in an abusive relationship from age 18 to 30, and I was addicted to opiates from age 20 to 30. I started doing opiates because I got a good high from them and loved it, but pretty quickly I became addicted, and from then on I was never off opiates for more than 8 months (that was one time when I was 27, every other time "quitting" it would be for a week or two, or even for a day). It gradually became my coping strategy for dealing with the fact that the person I loved was horrible to me and intensely mentally controlling, and I was basically experiencing stockholm syndrome. This of course got worse and worse as the years went on, compounded by me lying to her about using drugs over and over again. I also worked up about $40,000 in debt over that time, to help fund my habit and then increasingly it became necessary to even buy food because I was paying so much in credit card interest. I felt like such a fucking idiot, I was borrowing money from my parents repeatedly and I was basically not doing anything with my life (except I held my job, which was made easier by the fact that I work from home as a programmer). At the worst of it, the constant stress and suppressed rage and fear and the total betrayal of myself every single day (by breaking the promise I made every previous day, that it would be my last time and I was gonna do it this time) was so overwhelming that I came to believe I would never be free, I gave up hope and I wanted to die. I didn't want to kill myself nor did I plan to, but I fantasized about it daily.

Well, eventually I found my way out of the relationship, and she went to live 700 miles away with her mom. Managed to break the spell finally and it was over and I moved on. I declared bankruptcy, removed my unsecured debt which would have taken 25 years to pay off with $1100 in minimum payments every month (SO FUCKING STRESSFUL for years). I started to feel a lot better but I was still just as addicted to opiates, even though being free from my oppressor was great. I decided to do an ibogaine flood dose in search of addiction removal, and it worked. It gave me a huge help by disrupting the mental patterns and the physical addiction (I had gotten 90% of the way through acute withdrawals before taking it though, 7 days). I came out of it feeling refreshed, or reborn, or more like I had woken up from a place of insanity. The key to the fact that I haven't touched an opiate or even wanted to in almost 3.5 years since then is because I had removed the thing that was the most toxic for my life. After ibogaine, I realized I needed to eat right and work out and get in shape. So I did. I started looking at other aspects of my life that work or don't work. I started removing the negative things from my life, and I realized some positive things I needed to add. For me, it was playing music again, primarily, it was a huge void in my life that I had forgotten was even a void. I have this thing now that I absolutely love and am passionate about, that I spend my time on outside of work. It makes me feel good about myself, and I'm so much closer to people now. I think a big part of the emotional problems many people have in life are due to people not doing what they love, and to getting stuck in negative life patterns that don't work for them, whether that's a relationship or anything else. The physical addiction is really tough to get through, but the reason opiates hook people so badly is because you're generally using them (if you're addicted) to mask something painful.

I was really lucky to have done ibogaine and had the experience from it that I needed... but I still learned a lot about the nature of addictions of all sorts. I still had to do the work on my life, and if I hadn't, I have no doubt I'd still be on opiates. I can't imagine how hard experiencing all of the things you're experiencing right now is, I feel like a wuss compared to that. :) <3 But opiates really just make it worse (as you know), the addiction starts to mess with your thoughts and emotions really hard. But taking steps to fix aspects of your life that bring you chronic stress will help. One step at a time. If you can improve your situation, it will be easier to quit opiates.

I can say that I recommend iboga, it truly did help me to change my life a lot.

i need to quit smoking weed next week while i'm doing my Zarxio shots in preparation of my stem cell harvesting... and those shots make all your muscles and joints ache... i've gotten them before as immune system boosters after chemo and they hurt enough at that dose... this is going to be like 5x that dose 5 days in a row... bleh.

the next couple months of my life are going to be pretty fucking miserable.

Sorry dude. :( I wish there was something I could do. I think about you often and wonder how you're doing. To be honest I'm really shaken up by your diagnosis and what you've told us about your experience with it. It makes me realize (that along with losing my friend recently) that this shit can happen at any time, to anyone. It makes me paranoid that every weird thing I feel is the onset of cancer or some other thing. It makes me really nervous that my girlfriend will get it, because she has some relatively serious stuff that comes and goes that doctors don't have a clue about. Life is fragile and precious and it can be gone in the blink of an eye. I found out today that a co-worker died last night, I work with the guy. Worked I mean. It was unexpected too, just, bam.

But man, I think you're going to beat this, you can do it. <3 Have you looked into anticancer mushrooms?
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Sorry dude. :( I wish there was something I could do. I think about you often and wonder how you're doing. To be honest I'm really shaken up by your diagnosis and what you've told us about your experience with it. It makes me realize (that along with losing my friend recently) that this shit can happen at any time, to anyone. It makes me paranoid that every weird thing I feel is the onset of cancer or some other thing. It makes me really nervous that my girlfriend will get it, because she has some relatively serious stuff that comes and goes that doctors don't have a clue about. Life is fragile and precious and it can be gone in the blink of an eye. I found out today that a co-worker died last night, I work with the guy. Worked I mean. It was unexpected too, just, bam.

But man, I think you're going to beat this, you can do it. <3 Have you looked into anticancer mushrooms?

the biggest mistake i made in all of this was waiting 9 months to see the doctor after the lump showed up on my testicle. at the time, living in America, it made sense to avoid the doctor. i wish i hadn't, tho... had i started chemotherapy earlier my first round probably would have cured me. i get mad at my friends and family when they put off going to the doctor now... saving a bit of money in the short term isn't worth your life, y'know? so if you learn anything from my experience, let it be that...

i have looked into anticancer mushrooms a bit, as well as some other possible natural treatments, and honestly i just think my case is too far gone for them... i'm stage 3C, which would have been called stage 4 a few years ago...

and as far as the chemicals we do causing my cancer, i'm pretty sure that if any of them were the culprit it was one of the dozens of synthetic cannabinoids that i ingested over the course of five years of daily use.
and as far as the chemicals we do causing my cancer, i'm pretty sure that if any of them were the culprit it was one of the dozens of synthetic cannabinoids that i ingested over the course of five years of daily use.
Yeeesh... Yeah, my last synth. cannabis product was called head trip. I remember puking bile up for 5 hours post toke up. Dear god... Only alcohol has ever come as close to killing me, drug-wise at least. My teenage angst almost killed me a couple times but those incidents were in remarkably sober periods of my life :|

We <3 you tnw, feel better soon. I'll take your advice and be more vigilant about my own health. I always wear sunscreen when out in the sun now, never did when I was a kid... well, at least I know what caused my abnormal growths :\
Thank you all SO much for the kind replies. Words cannot even express how much they mean to me.
Here's one more reply from the other side. I'm only 6 months into clean time, which means it's still fresh, but I don't have the bigger perspective quite yet. I do know opiate addiction takes a toll on the psyche and spirit just as much as it wears down the body, so recovery for a lot of people requires a strong multi-pronged or holisitic approach. Many times people must come to terms with past traumas in their lives that the addiction may be rooted in. That helped me. Rebuilding self-worth and sense of a connection to a higher power (or at least a sense of purpose) are also important. It all takes baby steps, and if you have failed many times, let that empower you instead of defeat you. Failure is a part of life and helps you learn how to succeed.

Feel free to reach out because that is a part of the process as well- there is a lot of reconnecting that happens in recovery, and it is beautiful to behold the process at the clearing of the woods.

Speaking from personal experience, once I became fully committed to shedding my burden, the Universe shined brightly upon my decision and helped me at many points along the path. You will still be tested though, so fortify your fort with all the tools available.
Had a fucking great time! Did molly before Lucy and it was stellar:)

Hope life is going well for all you psychedelic degenerates!

Funny you all were talking about THC:CBD ratios. I am buying a strain called harlequin which is suppose to have increased CBD.
Also I am like 99% positive cannabis saves the brain. Im still experimenting but my research looks promising:D
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Pharmakos and dreamflyer, I can't offer prayers like some others here do, but you guys are in my thoughts. <3 Remember no matter how overwhelming and all encompassing the suffering can seem, there are still good things happening in your lifes, even if it's just little things.

This chorus from a german rap tune always manages to remind me of that when I am feeling down. I hope the translation is not too clumsy, lyrics aren't easy to translate.

"These are all just little things, that don't really matter much in the big picture
because the big things take all of our attention, and every day there are so many of the little things.
So the little things get lost in the big picture until the faintest sound suddenly makes a lot of noise
and when a little thing gets so big, that it makes the big things seem small, is it still just a little thing?"
TNW, <3 You are in my thoughts. I wish I could do something for you but I can only offer you my good will and genuine love <3 You are a great guy. You don't deserve this shit but life is unfair and often brutal. I hope and believe you will make it through this; what do you think? What is the possible outcome?

You're a brave guy. I'll send out the positive ROBOT vibes to you <3

And then there is me... I have been fighting multiple addictions (opioids mainly) on a daily basis and have not held a full-time job in almost two years as a result. I suffer from depression, anxiety, OCD and ADHD, which I am currently on several medications for. Some days I am aware of my potential and feel that I am ready to get back on my feet. Other (most) days I feel so helpless that I just want to curl up in a ball and die.

Please forgive me if I sound self-pitying. I rarely reach out to anybody because I was raised to believe that men should be strong and silent. I just feel so lost that I need to tell somebody. I feel like a loser for even writing this. I know that there are people with much larger problems than my own. I'm sorry for hijacking this thread with my personal crap. Thank you very much for reading.

Peace, Love and Faith,
Dreamflyer :(

Brother, thanks for sharing your story. Never feel afraid to do so here, I've unloaded a heap of crazy shit in this thread and its cousins over the years. . I struggle daily with my addiction too, I have been clean-ish for the last 2 months; I've used codeine twice. It still haunts me daily, I get intense cravings for it that are very difficult to overcome- the only way to escape it is waiting and being patient and it subsides. Every time something stressful happens I want to use it. Its fucking ridiculous, I feel I cannot escape this even though I've somehow managed to largely remove it from my life. You're not alone in this <3 What is it you are using? Do you want to quit? Do you have a qualification? Frankly speaking, getting a degree was the best thing I've ever done. I am actually contemplating going back to study sound engineering again (which I have a useless degree in too :|). You need a light at the end of the tunnel, a way out, even just a possible way out . . . What sort of stuff interests you?

Below is a bit of a ramble, not really unsuitable for work but feel free to ignore it, its a but self obsessed. :\

If anyone recalls, I was totally fucked up about 6-7 years ago, utterly psychotic and delusional during my benzo withdrawal;. Some time back, I re-read some of what I wrote here and its insanity. I got diagnosed with so many disorders during this experience, I was told I had bipolar, schizophrenic, that I had dissociative personality disorder because I was blacking out regularly and lapsing into a king of fugue/automatic state, a serious sleep disorder (I was sleepwalking and talking and trying to fight people, etc. constant lucid dreams), PTSD, etc, but none of that (besides maybe the PTSD) was real, I was simply experiecing almight benao withdrawal, exacerbating immensely by the fact I had been on multiple GABAergics as a kid due to epilepsy- during my adulthood addiction, I believe my nervous system was kindled and this exagerrated my withdrawl symptoms massively. I've really not heard of anyone going through this from a diazepam taper.

I cannot believe what I went through, at stages I was having absence/partial seizures by the minute (eyes rolling back, missing time, so on), I had many grand mal seizures, as well as one serious incident of status epilepticus which was a complete, fully body seizure that wouldn't stop and caused variety of injuries and short term memory loss. During this period, I was using heroin as well and my family (who are pretty well off) decided to cut me off and I suddenly had nothing, ended up with a deep abscess in my left arm, a skinny fucking junky, frightened and paranoid, Miss Swilow left me, all I had was my dog . . .

Towards the end of my benzo taper, I eventually went to a detox for a week of torment, then a rehab for a month, and then a series of ayahuasca sessions that my uncle helped set. These sessions were about 5 nights of using it in a 'desort resort' in central Australia and it was intially terrifying and violently nauseating but the 4th and 5th night were truly healing and blissful. I expericned a few clean years of working, studying, tripping a bit, smoking pot. It was a great, sunny, light-filled, eternal-summertime experience. I wasted it though.

I thought I was "cured", but I arrogantly started using codeine every few days and then more and more and, ofcourse, it turned into a fucking daily thing again about 1 year ago. I was suicidal and getting delusional again, abused so many drugs, almost crashed my car and lost my job (about 2 months ago).

My life has been permanently altered by this. Sometimes I feel like I cannot grow up and do the 'adult thing. Life is such a battle and drugs ease the pain. :\ I don't understand hwo people can get through life without this stuff. I hope to learn one day.

With that said, I am glad in some senses that I have had this experience. I feel like my life is meaningful and interesting and I'm engaged with it and live in the moment, but the moment is often difficult and painful and I don't know how to deal with it except to get high. When I'm at work now (I got another job), I am sweaty and anxious and have trouble interacting with people and am often forgetting what it is I have to do. I feel scared that I'll be fired from this job too, though its pretty easy. I just have to interact with so many strangers, its so hard for me. I hate small talk, I can't be fucked with that or the serious business of running a tiny library. Its difficult and often overwhelming but I feel so awake and aware and able to feel so much and so intensely that I feel I have been given a gift of sorts. Maybe the psychedelics did this, made me awake and HERE RIGHT NOW always, I don't know... I think pain clarifies sometimes, it seems to render reality sharper and deeper. Your deep suffering makes you empathise and see the pain in all people. Its saddening but also beautiful. :(:)

Ha, all the sharing on this page had made me puke a rant out too :D Also, I have taken a bit of pregabalin and dexamphetamine earlier :D Spelling mistakes and weird syntax and rambly shit must be excuse ;)

How many of us have experienced opiate addiction? On this page, I would say the majority. Its strange that psychedelic users often get hooked on opiates, I'm not suggesting causailty but some kind of link is there. I wonder why? :\
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swilow, I sure do remember your struggles, in fact it was how I first met you on here. It's impressive you got through that. It pains me to hear of your opiate struggles these days but you did recently not take any for weeks, right? Your thoughts on the duality of suffering are really beautiful. From pain often comes the most poignant beauty. Without suffering, pleasure would be meaningless. And vice versa. I've said it before but you're one of my favorite dudes, keep up the struggle. <3

I don't know why so many psychedelic enthusiasts have opiate addiction problems. Maybe because they're very soothing and when shit gets real, it can be hard to come to terms with the way the world is. That's why I really strongly advocate to anyone who will listen not to try opiates. It's not in any way worth it, unless you have a legitimate severe pain condition. Best case scenario with recreational use, you'll feel good for a few hours, and never start doing them with regularity, and gain nothing in your life. But the chance is so high that you'll slip down the slope of addiction and all of your problems will be exacerbated hugely eventually. When I was deep in my opiate addiction, the peak of my best high was a thousand times worse than my normal moments now that I'm past it. It turned my life into absolute shit, a dark and hopeless hell. No one starts out intending to get addicted, everyone says, hey it won't happen to me, I'm not an idiot. Well, you're not an idiot, but it is all too likely it will happen to you anyway. Opiates are a horrible seductress, tantalizing with her charms, deadly in her embrace. If anyone reading this is thinking about trying them, thinking it'll be fun and harmless, I implore you not to even go there, not even once. Shit is serious, deadly serious. So many lives are ruined temporarily or permanently by them. A dear friend of mine overdosed and died recently. I almost went off the path forever. Many BLers have died from overdoses. People are dropping like flies. But before you ever try them, you have an easy choice to make, you can avoid it all with no struggle because you won't have it pulling you in quietly and insistently. <3

I'm feeling kind of dark this morning. My girlfriend is experiencing waves of depression, well she has been her whole life but lately it's been getting more intense. It's related to the ever-present issue of not knowing what to do with her life, feeling purposeless, mostly due to childhood PTSD and a controlling dad who forced her into an area of study she can't use and hated. It was pretty bad this morning (PMS makes it worse, obviously) and it sent me into a negative mood. I hate having to see her struggle so hard. I love her so much and she's a beautiful person but she really isn't happy a lot of the time and she turns it all on herself. The fact that she's flawlessly wonderful to me despite her internal struggle makes it hurt even more.

In addition, I found out quite recently a co-worker of mine got diagnosed with ALS (which my dad also has and it's horrific to witness). My co-worker didn't know what it was until relatively recently, until he was already having trouble breathing and moving and it was close to the end. He went on leave a week ago, and yesterday my boss told us that he had died the night before. He caught pneumonia and due to the already existing difficulty breathing, he passed away. I didn't know the guy well but it shook me up, especially on top of pharmakos' news that was already swimming around my head.

Then this morning in the car on the way back to my house, I listened to NPR news on the radio. I wish I hadn't. My wonderful little city, which is growing rapidly, hasn't had a republican on the city council in a long time. We're dominated hugely by liberal people interested in public welfare and managing growth to maintain the city's relative lack of big box, whitewashed suburban bullshit and external corporate interests. Well, increasingly, lots of wealthy republican retirees have been moving here, mostly from Florida. They mostly live in the south part of town, which is basically suburbia now. But they still never get elected to city council because our city has chosen to not divide into districts for the purpose of voting. The city council members have been doing a great job of managing growth to best keep the unique spirit of this place that we love so much. However, the forces of the south side have been pushing to divide into districts so they can get someone elected. Recently the republican-controlled state has decided to override our decision as a city to not go the voting district route, despite the fact that state law has said for many years that each city has the right to make its own decision regarding districting, and so now we've got districts. Basically they said, well, yeah it's the law, but we're making an exception for your city because it's not fair. I mean it will still only result in 1 out of 6 council seats opposed, but in general city elections the people overwhelmingly vote against this stuff. We don't want it, except for an extreme minority plus all the wealthy people relocating here recently.

I'm scared to see it begin to erode, I don't want this wealthy influence coming into my home in droves to slowly shift this place into another fucking suburban wasteland of shit. I live in a republican state and my country is controlled by them now more or less. I don't fucking get why people vote for these clowns unless they're wealthy, their goal is so obviously to make themselves more money (and even if you're wealthy and the policies benefit you monetarily, look past your fucking nose for once). I mean for fuck's sake, they're trying to repeal the affordable care act (the health care bill from Obama) because they're lowering taxes on the wealthy and corporations. To make up the lost revenue, they're trying to pass a bill to repeal and replace it that an independent, nonpartisan commission has reported will result in 22 million less Americans having health coverage over the next 10 years and 16 or 18 million in a year (can't remember the exact number), and will raise costs hugely for the people who need it the most, the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. They're reducing medicaid, increasing military spending, giving more power to big money interests. They're making life harder for the average person so they can get a few more percentage points of their wealth untaxed. People who they are supposed to be serving are suffering even more than they already were, and fuck, even if we raised their taxes a lot instead of lowering them, they'd still have way more than enough money to have everything they could possibly need to be secure and comfortable. Meanwhile, 22 million people are going to have no way to pay for their medical bills, old people and children with life-threatening diseases are going to be out of luck. It's sick and disgusting, and the scariest part is that the people, in general, who most support their regime are the ones who are hurt by it the most. Makes me want to vomit. I am really proud to live in a place that doesn't buy into that in the midst of a very conservative state, and it makes me so angry to see those fuckers shitting on this beautiful place and culture. It's like, you guys have everywhere else, we don't want you here, get the fuck out, go retire somewhere else. You want to live in a pile of shit with sparkly diamonds for you that you forged out of the tears of those less fortunate? Stay where you are then, you already did it there. Leave us alone. :|

I need to stop listening to the news again... I hate how pissed off it makes me. :\ My CD player broke in my car and I find myself listening to the news now whenever there isn't good music on the radio
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depressing, ain't it?
my thoughts go out to all my stateside bluelight family. shit is fucked up.

and especially you, TNW <3
dreamflyer, thanks for sharing, although the story is very sad, that was beautiful. :) Sharing is the first step to healing, or one of them. Keeping it all locked up and feeling ashamed are unhealthy and destructive. Your dad sounds like a real dick. :\ But you don't. :)

I got picked on a lot too, because I was "weird" and nerdy. I really internalized a lot of internal negativity and lack of confidence and fear of others because of it, but after many years, I'm glad it happened because fuck yeah I'm weird, and it taught me to be kind to others and be liked by people (because I tried so hard to make people like me, and I got good at it). But it certainly was a process. Psychedelics have helped me a lot but that's certainly been a process too.

I'd imagine you've gone to therapy before? Has that done anything for you? Childhood PTSD is intense, I'm experiencing it from up close in my girlfriend. :( Unfortunately it's all too common. The older I get, the more thankful I am for my parents, who did a great job.
Yeah opiates had the same effect on me, where I felt not confident at all suddenly, not outgoing. I think you've been experiencing PAWS while your brain takes time to readjust, many people experience it for a long time. I didn't, which is one of the things I'm so thankful to ibogaine for, it seemed to bypass that step, which is the most difficult step for most who have been on opiates a long time.

I hope you don't disappear. :)
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