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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Optical impairment how I loathe you until it comes time for trippy shit. Thats when you're a blessing in disguise.
I did 50mg of DCK last night and it was such a nice experience. It felt so psychedelic, also quite visual with things breathing and morphing. It actually hit me a lot harder then I expected, I was going for a lowish dose but while laying in bed listening to music I could make my mind go to the edge of a hole. It came with all the great insights into my life, one being I use dissociatives too much, but I'm pretty aware of that, at least I'm using less then before, that's progress.
It had a long tail end that dragged on and on so I had to abort with some etizolam, woke up groggy and slightly dissociated but in a great mood.
The good thing about dck and opce is that for me they are harder to abuse then the 3meos because they are a lot more intoxicating and less functional, so not the type of thing I could binge on.
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On friday I took 25 mg of 3C-E before going to a show (Pretty good local bands, btw. For the ones that like heavy, hypnotic, stoning rock and roll).

Still no psychedelia at that dose, until I smoked some cannabis, but even then it was subtle. Felt pretty stimulated, but it was still clear, clean, not really pushy. I'm not sure I completely wrapped my head around this substance on my three trials so far. I don't find it pushy at all, but it is very present. At this dose I felt clearly drugged, but not manic, not tripping, not uncontrollably stimulated.

Still titrating up. I want to see if it ever becomes more obviously psychedelic with a higher dose but don't want to overstimulated myself. So far seems tame. Well, I'm still below the recommended dosage according to Shulgin. Next trial will be 40 mg me thinks, on a more controlled setting.
I don't find 3C-E psychedelic beyond just a little sparkle. It's a clear-headed stimulant that feels pretty lovely IMO, but it's rather subtle. I find that as the dose goes higher there are more stimulant side effects. For me anyway. I like it for enhancing playing music and I've even used it on a day I was really tired to help me focus for work. That's at 10-15mg. Gives me the positives of 3C-E without basically any negative side effects.

Though, I've only taken it to 30mg... the 60mg report in PIHKAL is interesting, but Nervewing wrote a report about I think 50mg that he said had far too many side effects and he won't repeat.
Following your guys' reports on 3C-E with a lot of interest.
Do you find it has any of the moreish-ness that people talk about with the stimulants? In my very limited use of stimulants I don't really get that craving for more, probably because I tiptoe around them so much.
Not at all, because it is longlasting (Around 8 hours for me) and takes a looong time to came-up. Doesn't really have a harsh come-down at all. So I don't find myself wanting to redose or anything that makes a substance fiendish.

EDIT: Just checked Nervewing's trip report and I'm kind of surprised by how uncomfortable he found it to be as at the dosages I've tried I found NO side effects at all, and I'm usually sensitive to stims. I think part of the deal was that he mentioned not eating all day. That can cause nausea and exhaustion on it's own for me. I didn't find this impaired my appetite much, but I took half the dose the took. I think I'll still up the dose to see it for myself :p
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Yeah, 3C-E isn't moreish at all, I redosed one of the times I did it but it was because I was trialling it and wanted to see what would happen to go higher on a redose. I've actually found that even 2mg produced the same general state that 15mg produced, but just a little less (I prefer 15mg to 2mg), and it was even largely similar to 30mg nbut with 30mg there were hints of subtle psychedelic and a lot more physical stimulation which became annoying. I find it very mildly euphoric, or more like it puts me in a good mood where I'm more excitable and motivated/inspired. A subtle thing, but nice.

For me it lasts for about 11 or 12 hours I'd say.
Because of what sounds like this shallow dosage curve, I'd expect it to be a drug with high affinity but low partial agonism on the receptors it hits.
So is it worth the obscenely high shipping cost to get a few grams of it? Does it fill a niche left unchecked by -afinils, amphetamines, microdosed psychs, and the like? The price is great (when I checked last) and I would jump on a lifetime supply in an instant were it not for the high shipping costs. Is it worth it? What are y'all's experiences with tolerance? Standard psych territory there or more phenethylamine/stim-like behavior?
MHmh I think it has some promise as a functional stimulant at low doses, but I don't know how the tolerance would come to play. I've been using it once a week slowly titrating up and havent noticed tolerance, but hard to say. I think it is maybe like microdosing a psychedelic in a way. I'm hoping that if it becomes more psychedelic at 40 mg it would make for a cool "party drug", as it is stimulating and slightly euphoriant but also clearheaded. So far I can liken it to something like 5-MeO-MiPT but even less psychedelic and longer lasting. But I'm sure I haven't found its true character at the doses I've been playing with.

Honestly I only got it out of curiosity, and because I've never tried a psychedelic amphetamine before. Also, even with the shipping cost it was pretty cheap, I also got 3C-P with it.
I'm not sure how to describe the experience I just had with MXE, but I think I might try. I was feeling so low earlier today. Went over to Delsyd's place for a disso night, originally I was going to ask him for some DCK to give it another shot, but then I remembered I have this little baggie that has MXE stuck all over it inside. Decided to bring it with me, thinking that I remember MXE having some truly therapeutic purposes. I'm so glad I did. It had turned tan/brown and seemed to have absorbed all kinds of moisture and/or particles (ie, it looks kinda nasty), but I weighed out 25mg and ate it. It kicked in really quickly, and began with the most incredible sharpening of my eyesight I have maybe ever experienced. I am nearsighted even though I don't wear glasses (and my eyes haven't gotten worse since I stopped wearing glasses/contacts 16 years ago), but I noticed I could fucking SEE. I was watching a bird flying away and it seemed that no matter how far it got I could see it in crisp detail. The texture in the clouds was staggering in its depth. I watched the condensation on the sparkling water I was drinking (I was given the fine idea to pretend it was a beer so I could be drinking something), and I saw how the bubbles of water formed ever tinier and tinier patterns of smaller and smaller bubbles. It seemed that the closer I looked, the farther I drilled down into this lattice-like structure. It wasn't like psychedelic visuals, it was like I was really, truly seeing what I was looking at. I turned that same look towards the things weighing me down in life. Is it hard not to drink? No, for fuck's sake, I'm drinking this sparkling water and it's doing the same thing for me. Am I a little uncomfortable because my GABA system is exhausted from years of hitting it regularly with a full B agonist and alcohol, one of the most promiscuous of molecules? Yes, I am, but why does that matter? I don't want to rely on something external to feel good and unless I let it recover, I will be doing that. It will rebalance. In the meantime, I am in control of my own destiny. Why should I be taking stimulants in a manner that belies my self-control? Well, obviously, I shouldn't. I, as a human, control my own destiny. What I make my reality is my reality. And now, many hours later, I feel at peace, centered as I haven't felt in, I realize, quite some time. Funny how you can walk down a path for a while, intending to turn back, and then realize you kept saying you'd turn back earlier, and never did, and when you turn, it looks so very far away back there in the distance. And then you can realize that there is no path at all, it was only an illusion. There is only the now, and what you choose to do in it.

Thanks MXE, you're a gem. I really needed that. :)
That's so cool that you got such a wonderful experience from just 25 mg ! I think I've gotten that "crystal clear" vision on dissos before, I remember one particular time on 3-MeO-PCP.

I recently got a bottle ketamine, and a few hours ago I tried recrystallizing some. Snorted a tiny bump for science. Since around here ketamine is most commonly consumed as an IM shot of a pharmaceutical solution, I've always used K looking for a Hole. So it is my first time experiencing it on a "low dose". At this dosage I actually found it closer to MXE. The Holes are quite different though. Feels warmer, surprisingly. Dissos change so much when you mess around with the ROAs, really make me wonder why.

Anyway, I'm feeling all wonky and nice and I just cooked some rice with aubergine and eastern spices, in an Arabic Maqluba fashion.
Yeah they sure do. Dissos are just really crazy, strange drugs. It really does seem crazy that only 25mg would be such a profound experience for me, but it was absolutely precisely what I needed. My brain feels so much lighter and clearer. MXE just brushed aside all of the accumulated anxieties about my situation like they were the spiderwebs they are. :)

Nice man, I love cooking. Today I cooked a vegetable stir fry, zucchini, yellow squash, corn, carrot, onions and broccoli with some sort of asian fusion blend of tamari, balsamic vinegar, omeboshi vinegar, cumin, garam masala, cayenne, honey and nutritional yeast, with rice noodles added at the end. It's really fun to learn about different flavor profiles in world cuisine and then merge them. :)
Interesting that MXE would crispen your vision. K always makes my vision super wonky, like my eyes are rolling around independant from each other and I start seeing double or having to use just one eye.. I guess MXE isn't like that, or I just don't have enough practice with dissos...
Yeah it's strange, I haven't had that effect from it before but it was totally profoundly sharpened, like I said, I've never even had that so strongly from psychedelics. Not sure why, I think it was one of those perfect storms of a moment, where MXE was precisely what I needed. Serendipitous really, because I had almost forgotten I had it, and wasn't even thinking of it as an option, I was going to take some DCK and try to literally just dissociate for a bit so I could stop feeling anxious and thought-loopy, when I came upon my baggie of MXE while looking for something else.
I've had the sharpening effect from MXE anywhere from 5-10 times probably. It's definitely magical and extremely psychedelic reminiscent to me. It's such a special chemical. I truly believe in those moments with MXE or with psychedelics it is actually allowing us to more accurately perceive reality, whether that be through extra filtering, less filtering, metaphorical or literal dithering of visual wave stimuli, or a similar phenomena. In the same way that dithering or upsampling+dithering audio waves can at times technically produce a more accurate signal than before the "modulation". Mathematical realities are weird ones :p
I'm coming down from about 8mg snorted 5-MeO-DMT. It wasn't a good experience. I had a lot of anxiety and nausea. I tried it a few years ago and decided I would never do it again, and I think I had the right idea. There is something about 5-MeO-DMT that feels very significant and powerful, but I can't imagine having an enjoyable experience from it. I think I'll stick with DPT for that kind of trip.

The most striking thing about my trip is how similar it was to my one trip on LSM. They both gave me a very nauseating body load, and both have a similar headspace, dreamy and dissociating. I think people who enjoy 5-MeO-DMT would really like LSM. I've started to regret regret portraying LSM so negatively in the trip report I wrote, considering there are only a few others and it's the only one on Erowid (also I wish I had put more effort into it. It's really poorly written 8().

Have you done 5-MeO-MiPT, cj187? If so, what did you think?
I haven't tried it. 5-MeO-DMT is the only 5-MeO that ever sounded appealing to me.

I just found a research article about LSM that was published recently. https://www.researchgate.net/public...erization_of_lysergic_acid_morpholide_LSM-775

The researchers concluded that LSMs relative weakness is the result of it's 5-HT1A effects counteracting some of its 5-HT2A agonist effects. It turns out that LSM is a 5-HT1A full agonist. I may be mistaken, but isn't 5-MeO-DMT also notable for it's unusually strong 5-HT1A agonism? Maybe that's why they feel similar to me.

I also noticed that the article mentions my trip report as a reference. Now I can say I don't take drugs just to get high. I do it for science! =D
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Man, i miss the days of quality MXE and 2c-b combinations. As an artist who typically feels blocked.. what a game changer.
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