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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Hey Xorkoth can you compare 2c-e to 3c-e? I know they're pretty distant chemically, but you described 3c-e as a creative stimulant or something, which is exactly how I felt about 2c-e.

hmm reviewing your erowid report, sounds like it's less trippy than 2c-e, much more on the stimulant side. Still interested if you could compare them though.
I was meeting my budies this sunday for a jam, and planned to take some 3C-E at it, but there was an electric blackout on the city ... I personally spent around 48 hours without electricity lol.

Since we use electric instruments we ended up postponing the jam, but hopefully on saturday we'll meet and I'll test my 3C-E :p
Hey Xorkoth can you compare 2c-e to 3c-e? I know they're pretty distant chemically, but you described 3c-e as a creative stimulant or something, which is exactly how I felt about 2c-e.

hmm reviewing your erowid report, sounds like it's less trippy than 2c-e, much more on the stimulant side. Still interested if you could compare them though.

Much, much less trippy than 2C-E, I actually don't really find them very similar at all. 3C-E reminds me of a sparkly, fluffy amphetamine at low to moderate doses, while at high doses it is too stimulating. It never really gets psychedelic as far as I can tell. It's much, much more functional, and much, much less powerful.
Man, I was having trouble with sleep last night so I decided to get fully drunk to knock me out. Which worked great, but hangovers suck. :p I don't usually get them very much but I drank some vodka in addition to beer, and I woke up feeling like ass. It's faded quite a bit with some caffeine, piracetam and a puff of weed. Drugs to the rescue!

You can sort of brute force through it, but you really won't get to the same place. I'd say there are some that will work better than others. Since you've done a lysergamide (which to me produce some of the strongest short-term tolerance) and a tryptamine, a phenethylamine would probably impact you a little better. I find that DOC can really poke through just about anything. I was at my first music festival a few years back, and I was absolutely fried from 2 days and nights of craziness, with LSD, MDMA, methylone, 4-HO-MET, nitrous and alcohol involved at various times and combinations. I woke up and felt like a zombie, I really felt pretty bad and it was the last full day and I wanted to enjoy it. So I took 3mg of DOC, a normal but rather strong dose, hoping it would help. And in fact it did, tremendously, I came back to life when it started hitting and that day/night was the best part of the festival. DOC lasts a long fucking time though so not sure if it suits your purposes (or if you even have any).

Besides DOC (or I'd guess any DOX would be similar), I'd say another strong phenethylamine like 2C-E would also be more successful than other things. Or a smoked tryptamine, but obviously that's a really short duration.

Also making a habit out of this sort of frequency of usage pattern (the multi-day thing) definitely starts to cause a long-term tolerance. Doing it from time to time is fine, I do it sometimes, but just be aware.
Man, I was having trouble with sleep last night so I decided to get fully drunk to knock me out. Which worked great, but hangovers suck. :p I don't usually get them very much but I drank some vodka in addition to beer, and I woke up feeling like ass. It's faded quite a bit with some caffeine, piracetam and a puff of weed. Drugs to the rescue!

I don't know why but this gave me a chuckle heheh.

I'm not much for drunken sleep, alcohol has an opposite effect on me and keeps me awake with sweats at night for some reason.
Alcohol usually makes me wake up sooner that I expected to, feeling stimulated and it's difficult to go back to sleep, but then two hours later I'll be feeling all burnt out. So yeah, alcohol messes with my sleep too.
Alcohol usually makes me wake up sooner that I expected to, feeling stimulated and it's difficult to go back to sleep, but then two hours later I'll be feeling all burnt out. So yeah, alcohol messes with my sleep too.


The way alcohol works, as soon as it's metabolized, all the formerly inhibited networks dealing with sleep/drowsiness come back on and then bam, you wake up. Or at the least, go into a light sleep. That's the reason why you can get frat party level drunk then wake up at 8am wondering why the fuck you're awake with a headache from hell and inability to fall back asleep.
Drugs to the rescue!


For real, though. Both times I've "quit" alcohol were because I had/have decent access to better alternatives! Every time someone brings up "Let's buy a bunch of drinks and party!" or "Let's get wasted!" when I have weed or psychedelics at my disposal I immediately think "Why would I do that to my body when I have something better I could do?" =D I can't always speak that reasoning aloud, though 8).

Getting drunk can still be fun and all, but I'm not in college anymore; the days of no hangover are long gone. It's just not worth it.
Alcohol hangovers suck for the most part, but there can be some creative genius in that stimulated rebound :p
Care to elaborate? The only creative genius I can think of is coming up with novel ways to combat the hangover lol
Getting drunk can still be fun and all, but I'm not in college anymore; the days of no hangover are long gone. It's just not worth it.

I actually got way worse hangovers in college.

Tonight I'm gonna go see Gary Clark Jr with Delsyd. :) Should be awesome.
I went to see Gary Clark Jr last night, and took 40mg of 2C-C. What a fantastic drug 2C-C is, I'm liking it more and more. The opening act was Jackie Venson, never heard of her before but god damn that was awesome. It mixed blues, rock, metal and punk sort of, and she's incredible at guitar, technically better than GCJ. But he does this thing where he just goes to all kinds of places so overall I think I enjoyed the GCJ part more. In any case the whole show was thoroughly enjoyable. The only negative thing was there were these young (probably early 20s) hipster dudes behind us that showed up just for the main act, and they were so pretentious, they're the people that give this place a bad name. They were talking through the entire show, stuff like, "omg that was soooo predictable, look at him, yeah buddy you look cool, what a douche" (about the musicians). I was like, are you serious? Can you do this? I didn't think so. You guys paid $35 to come to a show you're not even gonna listen to? And they would raise the volume of their voices when it got louder, just to make sure everyone could hear how pretentious they are at all times. The lady sitting next to me kept glancing back at them in annoyance too. Eventually I full-on turned and met the gaze of the one talking the most and then stared at him until he looked away, and after that they were mostly quiet. =D

The 2C-C was strong and really euphoric, and I have noticed after a number of uses of it now that every time I take 40mg I have strong insights about myself and my behaviors, that are sometimes quite intense but always presented with a sense of acceptance. It really reminds me of DOC quite a bit. It's also similar to 2C-B too but definitely more psychedelic.

Then I ended up hanging out until pretty late and watching the first 1.5 episodes of the new Grateful Dead documentary. Went home, slept pretty hard.

Such a good time last night. :)
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Some people can be so annoying.
I went to a badbadnotgood show a few months ago, and I was standing in the first few rows of the crowd. Just in front of me there were this two girls that kept constantly talking to each other, and as there was not much space, I was basically taking part of their talk, they were like five centimeters away from my face talking and talking and they would never shut up so it started really really annoying me and distracting me from the music.

Eventually I just told them: "Hey, why are you standing so close to the stage if you are not even gonna listen to the show??", and one of them just replied: "Hey, that's our problem, we are all free to do as we please" which annoyed me to no end so I just very irritatedly said: "Of course it's not your problem, you can do as you please but you are annoying the fuck out of me!!".

After that they kind of looked at each others and laughed as if what I told them was utterly ridiculous, but at least they just remained silent. People can be so clueless sometimes, I just don't get them .
Some MXE a while back, music, weed. And now, 100 mg of IM ketamine.

Dark abyss, creative nothingness, here I come.
I got some 2F-Ket recently, any of you a fan? I have yet to try it. Waiting for a good weekend.
I just wanna share my cool trip/nearly spiritual experience. I happened to listen to this song and realised she sings about the soul. I'm on shrooms/weed right now, so I had to find lyrics online. Found video too, and it's pretty sweet to watch while having slight visuals.

Do the images move or not? I have no idea! :D but it's super duper nice to listen and watch.

I'm coming down from about 8mg snorted 5-MeO-DMT. It wasn't a good experience. I had a lot of anxiety and nausea. I tried it a few years ago and decided I would never do it again, and I think I had the right idea. There is something about 5-MeO-DMT that feels very significant and powerful, but I can't imagine having an enjoyable experience from it. I think I'll stick with DPT for that kind of trip.

The most striking thing about my trip is how similar it was to my one trip on LSM. They both gave me a very nauseating body load, and both have a similar headspace, dreamy and dissociating. I think people who enjoy 5-MeO-DMT would really like LSM. I've started to regret regret portraying LSM so negatively in the trip report I wrote, considering there are only a few others and it's the only one on Erowid (also I wish I had put more effort into it. It's really poorly written 8().
I can't decide whether I find dissociative holes "useful". The stillness they induce always forces me to confront some shit that's really on the back of my mind, sometimes I see my thoughts stripped from all conscious judgement.

But on the other hand I think 90% of the content of the hole is completely untranslatable to any form that would make sense in my sober mind. All that alternate dimensions and shit, the impossible transformations and geometry, the experience of being something else entirely. They are interesting and entertaining experiences for sure but between the nausea and the incommensurable logic and the amnesia they are so hard to grasp.
I'm coming down from about 8mg snorted 5-MeO-DMT. It wasn't a good experience. I had a lot of anxiety and nausea. I tried it a few years ago and decided I would never do it again, and I think I had the right idea. There is something about 5-MeO-DMT that feels very significant and powerful, but I can't imagine having an enjoyable experience from it. I think I'll stick with DPT for that kind of trip.

The most striking thing about my trip is how similar it was to my one trip on LSM. They both gave me a very nauseating body load, and both have a similar headspace, dreamy and dissociating. I think people who enjoy 5-MeO-DMT would really like LSM. I've started to regret regret portraying LSM so negatively in the trip report I wrote, considering there are only a few others and it's the only one on Erowid (also I wish I had put more effort into it. It's really poorly written 8().

I found 8mg snorted to be dysphoric, but had a chance lucky mini-breakthrough on that dose that gave me the faith to go on. If you're still interested in giving 5-MeO-DMT a chance, I do recommend trying it at higher doses. It just makes more sense when you go up a bit higher. I think 8mg is like a good practice/preparation dose for the higher doses, but is not where it's at with this substance. After 8mg I tried 12mg or 16mg, which was a disappointment, but the crack that peeked open on 8mg gave me the faith to continue.

At higher doses the challenging aspects seem to be about the same or maybe even less, and they get overwhelmed by the powerful deep meaningful aspects, complete touchdown to the ground state of consciousness, which can be followed by an ecstatic experience. Hard to put into words, but unparalleled in the psychedelic world IMO. For me the true breakthrough happened at 20mg snorted, and I can see going a little bit higher than that yet (but not much higher for me). But you do want to go up slowly with it, I'd say follow 8mg with 12-16mg, then proceed as you see fit.
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