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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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I miss the days of MXE in general. One of the greatest substances of all time, to me no other disso even comes close. It was perfect, functional yet deep, it just has that magic. Last time I used it, it gave me the push I needed to stop drinking and make the final step in getting my GABA system back to normal. Plus, it's amazing for psychedelic combos.
Must have missed all that :) [ actually in reply to dreamflyer the other social thread but this seemed like it belongs in the tripping thread instead] Back from vacation... I took a French trip on AL-LAD a few days ago and went hiking, got notes for a trip report too this time.. it was pretty sweet and interesting and had a good amount of confused chaos lol!

much love, hope stuff is cool with you guys
Can one properly grill/smoke a piece of sockeye salmon and a chuck steak in tandem whilst in the dredges of a 50mg DCK trip? The world will soon find out. A salad will be served on the side. Sipping a nitro stout. Puffed some cannabis laced with 5mg of THJ-081. Back to cigarettes for a minute. And the tunes are bumpin' (if anyone has any smooth jams to recommend they will see their way to my speakers in no time!)
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So I got a cold a few days ago, it's about 85% better now, but I still don't want to smoke anything yet because there's a cough. Tonight is supposed to be band practice, and then I'm on vacation for a week. I knew I would want to get a little high for it because that's how it generally starts, so I made an edible, a firecracker as they call it. That was at 3:30, and at this point, I am VERY high. Like the fact that I had to finish up work stuff as it was getting strong caused a lot of anxiety. I don't think I should be driving right now. But just now, my drummer called me and said his other band has a surprise opportunity to open for someone cool at a great venue in town. He was saying he would do it if we really wanted to have practice, and I told him it's cool, it would probably be less stressful on me to not have practice tonight and it's a great opportunity for him, he should do it. Texted my guitar player that I should still come over a little later and we should listen through the whole EP and I can give my final approval. No response yet but I'm sure he'll want to do that.

I do have some things to do still to prepare for getting to the airport at 5am and being on vacation for a week, but honestly this is pretty amazing that the timing for this was so convenient, because I am way too high right now. I would have tried to do it anyway if it was the only reason to skip practice, but I'm like half out of body feeling right now. Shit, I ate probably twice as much as I should have. I do actually have to go over that direction anyway to pick up cat food somewhere between now and 2 hours from now before it would be too late. I would prefer to do household/packing tasks while super high than driving and socializing tasks. Damn am I high, weed tripping. I actually have 2 places I need to go tonight.

I'm a little less high than I was a half hour ago, so that's good. I think I'll just push it out as far as I can and it'll be fine. Fucking edibles... the method I used was clearly superior to previous tries with the same kind of amounts with a different prep. 8(


Ouch. :( I ended up $40k in debt from my addiction but it was all unsecured and I declared bankruptcy like 3 and a half years ago, fortunately kept my job.

Well I came down some and went to do my stuff. The EP is now 100% final, now it's time to design the album art and get it printed! :)
Well I came down some and went to do my stuff. The EP is now 100% final, now it's time to design the album art and get it printed! :)
Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing it- who is doing the artwork?
On that note, would the band be interested in a remix collaboration? I will have to hear it first, bit I might be inspired to put a vortechsy twist on it.
I had my weekend planned around a psychedelic night since my kid and gf will be out of town but of course I got the dread "no update" from the USPS and it is stuck in the "notified of shipping awaiting item from seller". Meaning they didn't even actually ship it yet when I thought today would be the latest :( It is not as if I don't have other non psych options but I can do those any time....a trip requires private time that a five year old can't give. So now with this bleak out look work is going to drag by.
gotta keep a stash maaaangplay the long game, next time you'll be golden
I know I used to have a huge stash of psychs but I had a period of intense anxiety caused from too much mephedrone/methylone/4-fa so I wound up throwing all of my 2c's and tryptamines away. After getting my anxiety under control(ish) after a year and a half I regret my decision. The stupid things is I kept all of my other RC's besides the entactogens and psychs...go figure.
Damn that sucks.. what 2C and tryptamines did you throw away?
I'm really into italics lately, hope no one minds
Nothing rare but I threw away about 125mg of 2c-i(which I love for music enhancement) and about 50ish mg of 2c-t-4(which I hated due to body load). For tryptamines I had way too much DPT because I was too scared to try it again even though I loved the first experience and I had a largish amount of 4-aco-dmt. I also had some compound called 5-meo-dalt which I never got much more than a body high from.
I'd call 2c-t-4 very rare, but no loss if you didn't like it.
5-meo-dalt seems to not have been well loved, and sounds like you weren't vibing with DPT... You could replace the 4-aco-dmt easily. 2c-i must be hard to come by now. All in all maybe not such a huge loss
I'd call 2c-t-4 very rare, but no loss if you didn't like it.5-meo-dalt seems to not have been well loved, and sounds like you weren't vibing with DPT... You could replace the 4-aco-dmt easily. 2c-i must be hard to come by now. All in all maybe not such a huge loss
Back in the 2010-2011 2c-t-2 and 2c-t-4 were easily obtained via clearnet local guys but the body load usually turned vendors away from reording. 2c-i and 2c-e sold pretty well in their time as one was the "fun" psych and the other "deep"...Paul and John respectivel in tems of Beatles analogies. DPT blew me away but also scared me shitless. You had any luck with it? I felt a dark presence.
I realized my drug problem is not how much drugs I take, but how much money I'm spending on drugs.
Recently bought a long-term supply of ETH-LAD, restocked on ALD-52, and just a month ago got some 3C-E and 3C-P. Las week I odrdered some Phenibut and scored a bottle of ketamine solution. As well as some cannabis since I had ran out.

I mean I'm not broke, but I could have saved that extra cash and used it in whatever else xD

Not that I regret it, but for a long time now I already have more drugs than I will ever consume. Maybe I should stop and just stick with what I have, it's certainly enough to keep anyone happy... Oh, but after I get me some PCE analogues, haven't tried the current ones since I still have some MXE. Maybe I'll get some DOC too, been intrigued with it for a while. And apparently 4-HO-MPT is pretty nice, should I get some of that too?
I never tried 2c-t-4, tried 2c-t-2 twice I think. 2c-t-2 seems interesting, kinda wish I grabbed it while it was still around. Really liked 2c-e, haven't tried 2c-i enough to have an opinion. It made me feel old to know what you meant by the beatles analogy :)

Yeah DPT was cool I thought. It's been a long time since I tried it, but I definitely intend to come back to it. I never got scared from it, but did feel a spooky vibe to it, and it made be more skittish than normal. I feel like it has a powerful raw psychedelic power that is delivered in a really neutral, uncensored way.
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