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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Cool, yeah I hear that from a variety of people. I did quit drinking after a lot of self-control issues in high school/college (not like everyday drinking, but whenever I did drink, I would black out, much of the time). I did some shit while blacked out that I'm incredibly lucky to have escaped from unscathed (basically my high school friend convinced me to drive him to a girl's house while I was unable to formulate sentences and entirely blacked out, went into a ditch, through a crazy stroke of fate the cops knew my family and let my dad come pick me up). I just got disgusted with it (and the week of alcohol poisoning), and didn't drink except a few times for a long time, like 10 years. Of course I got addicted to opiates instead. :\

I've been drinking again since a few months after I did ibogaine and got off opiates. Basically it started because I was hanging out with my friends/the band house (before I actually started playing music again, but they were my friends already), and everyone was always drinking beer. I started bumming beers and then I felt like an asshole after a few weeks so I started buying my own and bringing it over. I remembered why I liked alcohol, it tickles a lot of fun buttons and is great for socializing... I also find a little bit of alcohol to be good for facilitating a relaxed and focused music playing experience. It started with drinking 1 40 oz for the night. In the course of around 3 years, to now, I've been slowly needing to drink more to get to the place I want to be. I also notice the place I tend to want to get to is pretty drunk by the end of the night, ticking off all the different stages (just lightly buzzed for playing music, then getting increasingly so as we listen to the recordings and hang out, and then a little bit more before bed). I don't have issues knowing my limit anymore, but my limit has gotten kind of intense. Like if starting early I can knock off a 12 case of cheap domestic beer by myself by the time I go to sleep (I usually do more like 8 or 9 but sometimes it can be the whole 12). Way too much. I don't drink on the off-days of socializing/music, the ones I spend with my girlfriend, well sometimes we'll go out to get dinner and I'll get a beer but that's it. We also basically spend the whole weekend hiking and camping these days and I'm not thinking about drinking then. But yeah, I notice how fuzzy and dull I feel the next morning, and really the whole next day. Also I don't want to get a beer belly either and it's just starting (like I've always had little body fat but there is some definite belly fat now, a lot of people would be like shut up, that's not fat, but for me it is and I don't like it). I can see how it would keep growing, since it has already been doing so. My tolerance too, the me from 3 years ago wouldn't have been able to drink half as much in a sitting.

I don't dislike the person I am on it, I'm the same on alcohol except inebriated and smiley and with less inhibitions. I just think it's way excessive and I want to be healthier.

Exercise, gotta exercise... maybe today I'll go back and hit the gym for the first time in... fuck probably a year. I've lost a lot of muscle and tone. Seems like a pretty light work day, I should do that.
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Nice one Xorkoth getting back into the gym etc! Like Img_9999 said, it's a virtuous cycle.

I really think 95% of us are not getting enough excercise to be optimal thriving human beings and we really have to kick ourselves (and each other) in the ass to move the way we are built for. Our ancestors were constantly physically active. Our most immeditate agricultural ancestors had shorter lifespans and worse health than we do today (because of crowding, disease, and tooth decay), but if you go back further to the hunter gatherer times, people seemed to live really long healthy lives, without any of our modern medicine and comfort.

I know that during the times in my life when I've been most active are also the times when I've been happiest, felt best about life, my body, and been the most healthy too.
I know that during the times in my life when I've been most active are also the times when I've been happiest, felt best about life, my body, and been the most healthy too.

True. I find that to apply to physical, sexual and mental activity.
Hunters and gatherers had a much shorter lifespan than we do. Diferent sources mention lifespans of between 20 and 40 years old in traditional tribes living today. Infancy mortality rate is really high and many don't get past 15 years old (30% on average).
Modern way of living is increasing lifespan. Since the beginning of the 20th century lifespan has increased from 50 years old to a max of 83 years old in Japan, and over 80 almost everywhere. A big exception is Africa were in getting reduced in some areas.

I think sometimes we idealize hunters and gatherers lifestyle. But if you think about it, it was a really tough life full of dangers and uncertainty. I am sure stress was very high. Natural selection was a very real thing, and lots didn't pass the test. And even if they seemed very free, we have much more choice conducting our lifes and a deeper prespective of the world. It is true that our wide choice and not having a predetermined life, plus the individualization of our society might be reducing the sense of meaning, confusing us sometimes with artificial lifestyles. The shift from believing in Gods to a scientific point of view has created a void and a shift in our self-image. IMHO might be the reason for the increase in some mental disorders.

IQ starts decreasing from 25 years of age. The only way to slow or even stop the decay is exercise.
For me the real benefits of exercise are shown in my mood. Some unstable people prone to mental struggles get much worse if they don't exercise. Eat well, exercise, and good sleep are a must for a good life.

Xorkoth I am impress of your drugs and alcohol intake and how your mood doesn't seem affected. I think you are a very tough guy and mentally sane. But don't push it. We all have a limit. And as we get older the limits get reduced.
Re: drinking. I never drink, maybe a beer or two twice a year but I really dislike it for several reasons. It can make me feel quite depressed and even anxious, at higher doses I do stupid shit... Used to get angry, got into so many fights as a younger man, I beat up my housemate because he told me to turn music down (we are no longer friends!!), one night I even cut the shit out of my arms a few times, one epic time with a bread knife in my girlfriends kitchen (you cannot imagine how it went down when my girlfriends father saw this, he still does not talk to me :\) and have prominent scarring on my arms (some are tattooed over now tho) got arrested multiple times, put myself in hospital by slicing through the tendons in my hand, etc. If I start drinking, I cannot stop...

A hangover for me is panic and extreme shaking. I think if I drank too often is be dependant in a flash.

Its not for me at all. For intoxication of a GABAergic nature, I go with GHB and even that I now use very sparingly.
I am not a drinker either. Had too many alcoholic friends. I've seen how bad is the addiction, the worst in my opinion. Most of the times I drink the effect is very dull. It is really weird, like it doesn't click. Sometimes it clicks and I enjoy the disinhibition, but as I got older my behaviour in such state has got uglier and uglier. As most of the population I did the most stupid things under the influence.

I wish my society was less focus on alcohol and more open minded about other substances. In social setting sometimes I have to drink to let things flow. Like in a date I have to drink to not seem a weirdo. It is a bit ridiculous, but it is like that.
Hunters and gatherers had a much shorter lifespan than we do. Diferent sources mention lifespans of between 20 and 40 years old in traditional tribes living today. Infancy mortality rate is really high and many don't get past 15 years old (30% on average).
Modern way of living is increasing lifespan. Since the beginning of the 20th century lifespan has increased from 50 years old to a max of 83 years old in Japan, and over 80 almost everywhere. A big exception is Africa were in getting reduced in some areas.

I think sometimes we idealize hunters and gatherers lifestyle. But if you think about it, it was a really tough life full of dangers and uncertainty. I am sure stress was very high. Natural selection was a very real thing, and lots didn't pass the test. And even if they seemed very free, we have much more choice conducting our lifes and a deeper prespective of the world. It is true that our wide choice and not having a predetermined life, plus the individualization of our society might be reducing the sense of meaning, confusing us sometimes with artificial lifestyles. The shift from believing in Gods to a scientific point of view has created a void and a shift in our self-image. IMHO might be the reason for the increase in some mental disorders.

Agreed, I bet hunter-gatherers would want what we have. The grass is always greener with us humans... we have a real complex about it.

Xorkoth I am impress of your drugs and alcohol intake and how your mood doesn't seem affected. I think you are a very tough guy and mentally sane. But don't push it. We all have a limit. And as we get older the limits get reduced.

Yeah it's because I have lots of great stuff in my life. I also am mentally tough with drugs, always have been. Some friends think I'm a freak with how many drugs I can do and remain functional. But yeah the whole reason for posting about cutting down/quitting stuff is because I realized particularly strongly recently that I will push it too far eventually, and that it's already bad for me. I have been feeling my mood being affected, or rather the stability of my mood, even though it's still mostly good. Anyway the phenibut was the biggest step for me, once I get clear of the slight jankiness I will attempt to greatly reduce drinking volume. Like, I could have 2 beers at band, it would be a lot better than 8 or more. Maybe I'll stop entirely for a bit, we'll see.

The stims, well, always a draw, unfortunately, but I beat opiates, I can sure as hell learn to appropriately use other drugs. Stims aren't an every day thing for me at all, except when I buy RC stims that I like. Then I fall down a rabbit hole, so I decided I'm not gonna do that anymore. Propylhexedrine is always available but I manage to keep myself to twice a week at most, which is still way too much but the hangover from it makes me not want it more often. I'm definitely going to just quit doing that shit, it's bad, I can feel it.
Hunters and gatherers had a much shorter lifespan than we do. Diferent sources mention lifespans of between 20 and 40 years old in traditional tribes living today. Infancy mortality rate is really high and many don't get past 15 years old (30% on average).

This is now disputed and from the looks of it, not true.
This is now disputed and from the looks of it, not true.
Ya it has always been a big debate in Anthropology. It has been a while since my short experience studying Anthropology in university. But I think it has been the other way around. From wikipedia: ''Researchers Gurven and Kaplan have estimated that around 57% of hunter-gatherers reach the age of 15. Of those that reach 15 years of age, 64% continue to live to or past the age of 45. This places the life expectancy between 21 and 37 years.[30] They further estimate that 70% of deaths are due to diseases of some kind, 20% of deaths come from violence or accidents and 10% are due to degenerative diseases.''
If you have info backing up your claim I am genuinely interested in it.

My opinion is all social sciences have been kidnaped by leftists, and political correctness blurry all the data. It makes sense if you think about it as leftists will be more interested in those kind of subjects meanwhile conservatives people will try to study something they can monetize.
For example there was one study that seemed to show differences in IQ between different races in American people with similar background. Blacks scored less and Asians more than Whites. As far as I know the study hasn't been replicated and I don't discard the possibility of it having a faulty procedure, so I am not saying that's a fact. It is a very sensitive subject and some anthropologists said it shouldn't be allowed to make such studies. My opinion is that any investigation shouldn't have any limitations as the best way to solve problems is to have the most information possible. And for the good of science we should let researchers do whatever they wish.

In science we should have an objective perspective and leave emotions aside. In politics we should listen to people we think are wrong with an open mind and trying to learn something. Unfortunately that rarely happens nowadays, and the strong algorithms are constanly giving us feedback of what we already believe. It is scary to think that we can end up living in a world designed to back up our own truth. IMO we should challenge our ideas much more than we do.

Is this for real ? D:
Unfortunately. I heard it was 25 but the exact age seems to be in debate:
I think it can be indicative that very early in life we start dying ;) But no worries we'll get wiser and make up for it in the process.
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My opinion is all social sciences have been kidnaped by leftists, and political correctness blurry all the data. It makes sense if you think about it as leftists will be more interested in those kind of subjects meanwhile conservatives people will try to study something they can monetize.

Which is weird, as conservatives should be the most interested in studying and preserving the past :p
But I kind of agree, in the social sciences there seem to be more leftist than right-wing "Intelectuals".

Getting the off topic thread back on topic, I recently got some 3C-P from China, which I was excited about because it would be my first "Psychedelic Amphetamine", and because the reports sound nice ... But I just took 1 mg to make sure it's not something else active in this range, and it is literally sweet. As in, it tastes like fucking sucralose. I don't know what to think but I'm suspecting I got ripped off or this is heavily cut. Anyone else who tried it (I think Xork did ?) has find to be literally sweet ????
Yeah 3C-E is sweet, haven't tasted 3C-P yet but 3C-E almost tastes like an artificial sweetener.
That's weird but relieving, sort of :p

I also got some 3C-E with it. I think tomorrow I will alergy test it and on Sunday I will take a small amount before meeting my buddies for a jam session :p
Nice, love 3C-E for jams. I recommend 10-15mg orally.
Yeah average lifespan for hunter gatherers was less than ours, because of death from infant mortality, getting killed in wars with neighbours, murder, mortal injuries, bad seasons where food just disappeared for biological reasons... They certainly had tough lives compared to ours, and I don't want to idealize that life (although I think it would have a pretty fucking meaningful life to live on the edge and off of the land like that). But from what I understand, there is pretty strong evidence that the lucky ones who dodged all those unpredictable causes of death lived as long as our elderly do today. What I'm trying to say is that living that extremely active life is something that we are built for - in that time those lucky people died old and healthy, without any modern medicine, and they were probably running around doing stuff their whole lives.

Thanks :p
Yeah, was thinking of taking 10 mg orally.

Would love to try 3C-E some day... probably will never happen though.
What I'm trying to say is that living that extremely active life is something that we are built for - in that time those lucky people died old and healthy, without any modern medicine, and they were probably running around doing stuff their whole lives.

Would love to try 3C-E some day... probably will never happen though.

This is exactly what I mean. It's a misnomer saying life expectancy has been raised by modern medicine simply because environmental and thus "random" deaths have decreased. Especially when raising longevity of life expectancy is used a measure for success of Western civilization. Bleh. I'd go so far as to say I'm not sure modern medicine is even a good thing, keeping the extremely unhealthy alive. I'm not advocating the non-treatment of the overly obese or those that don't take care of themselves, but there is something natural and thus god-like in the vulnerability of a species and thus the vetting of it's inhabitants.

That being said, would you guys recommend spending the money to get 3C-E? Is it unique and useful enough a tool for everything you've described it as compared to much more easily obtained chems such as adderall, basic trypts/lysergamides, etc.? Considering the steep shipping involved if you know what I mean.
^ thats a good question: how distinct is 3C-E from the 2C-x's (2C-E in paticular), lysergamides, 'scalines, and the general stimulant class? Does it deserve a place in the well-stocked psychonaut's collection?
It sounds like it's almost entirely distinct from psychedelics as far as psychedelia is involved, Xork's referenced it as a creativity boosting stimulant really. So the question, for me at least, is how different it is from say the weird ones like 5-MeO-MiPT but really say a mix of low dose amphetamines/cocaine with low dose psychs/dissos, etc.

I'm really interested in it's use a creativity booster.
I find 2C-E to be a big creative stimulant, so I feel like I can check that box off, but curious about how Xork or others say it compares to 2C-E for that purpose.
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