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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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Well I just took the third MDMA pill and downed the last of my psychs, world is taking on a glowing hue beginning to develop a permagrin which is a pleasant surprise to say the least. About to swallow up the rest of my psychs seems like the right moment. Haven't been using and Heroin today which is an accomplishment. I'm making a promise to my ex to leave that alone if I wann spend the weekend with her. And she is looking so beautiful right now and I refuse to let her down. Getting the chance to make love to her this weekend is worth it. Her sex is the closet thing to heaven on earth <3
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When I lived in Houston in the early 80's MDMA was plentiful, most of it came from San Marcos University. I had a friend of a friend that went there and he would comeback every month with about 100 MDMA pills, some wrapped like pharmaceutica pills come sometimes. He would sell them to bartenders at clubs. It was a big thing back then in Texas. So for about a year (1983-4) I would buy 6 a month and take them on weekends with friends or a lot of the time by myself in a bedroom with candles and music. There were these red speckled tablets that were best. I think they were all about 120 mgs each, standardized. Aparently they were making it for therapy but by 1985 became illegal as a lof of it was ending up in other hands. :) But I have done MDMA twice since then in all these years. Both times I had genuine MDMA, but I believe the powder I had and pill were about 80 mgs tops. I can not imagine what goes around these days as MDMA, and being naive of all the stimulants that can be bought from China I may have noticed it was different. Hopefully those pills kick in Charlie. Nothing worse than duds I would imagine.

Yup, another coding fool here. I spend my days coding files, reports, or whatever data needs to come in or out of the database (DotNet/SQL Server mostly with a little Linux). Haven't done screens since developing the software. Now it is all dealing with client data. But all the stuff I developed for our small company years ago was bought by a financial institution and they butchered the employees, clients, and work. I have never seen anything as soulless as some of these financial institutes. They could give a crap about people or clients, all they do is hire high paid morons to do charts. You are a number, not a human being. The first thing they did when they bought the company was get rid of 70% of the people that had helped it grow over the years and hired cheap labor in China and India without training. Clients got very mad at that. Needless to say the company is tanking, but since there are about 300 clients it is a slow painful tank as they talk about how great they are. Unbelievable. They should be selling soon again. Honestly, I never wish ill will towards anyone but they can all screw themselves, choke and die for all the misery they caused.

I tried 2C-D once in 2011 I believe. Any 2C I had was from pre 2004 and have not had any since. I think I had 52 mgs. Was a very nice trip in itself, some weed kicked it in more. I consider it fully psychedelic on it's own with a high enough dose. I liked all the 2C's. 2C-I however was a bit too stimulating for me, eye candy yes but the first few hours had to pace around. I have one cap of 19 mgs of 2CE that I have had for years. One day I will use it, but wonder if I should cut it down to about 15 mgs as the person that gave it to me back then said 19 mgs would kick my ass so be prepared. I have tried 2CT-21 also, a minor dose, I think it was 8 mgs. Felt like a trip without the trip, more empathogenic. Interesting but not something I have to do again.
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Just opened up my 2c-p that I got like back in 20012-2013. was just a little 100mg sample.
Might take a tiny flake as an allergy test then a ~3mg nasal dose. Usually don't like snorting 2cs but not in the mood to plug today.
Have a gemini-20 which isn't that accurate. I might try weighing some in a capsule then take some out and reweigh until I have the desired amount. I also got a few 20 ml vials which would be good for making some solutions.
Seems like lots of us got the psychedelic itch today. I did 20 mcg pf 1P with 60 mg of DXM. It's become one of my favorite lower dose experiences as both synergize well with one another.

Also, I'm glad to hear you're doing alright Cosmic C <3
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I feel like a moron having never tried DXM. Whenever I have the time to trip I take a classic psychedelic. But since Erowid existed (I found it in 1996) I have been wanting to give it a shot. Now I feel like maybe I am too old to try it as it may not be as safe as other drugs. I do know 2 people that like DXM over other dissociatives including ketamine. I didn't know that was a thing. lol But I remember reading about groups of people that loved DXM. There were boards and forums. Initially I thought I was being punked.
It's definitely a fickle one. The come up can be a little rough, but once it settles at about the 3rd hour it's usually smooth sailing for another 6. Nothing happens for about 2 hours though and it almost always gives me the shits, but for what 5 grams of pure costs, it's a very worthwhile addition to the tickle trunk for sure.

I've done a few different trials at varying doses. One was 120 mg, unremarkable
180 mg, slightly better but still nothing special
240 mg was a sweet spot, I had used this dose to partake at social events where i wasn't drinking alcohol, and it was pretty enjoyable with some color bleed, euphoria, a little sweaty palm action and a nice clear headed afterglow the following day
300 mg was nearly identical to the 240, but a little more entertaining, same social situation but split into 2 separate doses
380 mg was a little much, I dosed with a close friend and we both had a difficult come up, I had to spend about 3 hours just laying on the couch with my eyes closed, but after the rough come up and some of the garden variety gut disturbances, the opiate esque bodily sensation and color bleed / saturation was pretty neat. I checked blood pressure during and it was characteristic of a psychedelic experience, which is widened pulse pressure and raised systolic. Still fun enough to be worth it, but definitely not a "go to" at that dose. We watched Hamilton Morris' pharmacopoeia for the rest of the day

And since then, just 60 mg with a microdose has been all I've got the nuts up to take. It seemed to be a situation of diminishing returns after a certain dose. If you can snag some, I think I paid about 70 CDN for 5 grams. It's a cheap thrill for sure. My least favorite part is the first 3 hours, and it does totally fuck sleeping up if taken too late in the day. But the after effect has been fairly nice, I'd found that my thoughts are clearer than usual without my meds (Dexadrine 10 mg) after a recreational dose, IE, the following day. I hate my meds but fuck they help with math and tedious operations.
Just opened up my 2c-p that I got like back in 20012-2013. was just a little 100mg sample.
Might take a tiny flake as an allergy test then a ~3mg nasal dose. Usually don't like snorting 2cs but not in the mood to plug today.
Have a gemini-20 which isn't that accurate. I might try weighing some in a capsule then take some out and reweigh until I have the desired amount. I also got a few 20 ml vials which would be good for making some solutions.
If you don't snort it too hard, it won't really hurt that much I think. If you have a microscoop of some sort, that will probably be between 1-3mg.
Also 'just a little 100mg sample' =D that's like 12-15 trips, I'd do so much for that, 2C-P was so good the one time I tried it. As much a gem as pretty the rest of the 2C-x, and very different in vibe and potential use, you can just zone out in pure bliss on your couch for hours. I could never do that on any other 2C-x.
Just opened up my 2c-p that I got like back in 20012-2013. was just a little 100mg sample.
Might take a tiny flake as an allergy test then a ~3mg nasal dose. Usually don't like snorting 2cs but not in the mood to plug today.
Have a gemini-20 which isn't that accurate. I might try weighing some in a capsule then take some out and reweigh until I have the desired amount. I also got a few 20 ml vials which would be good for making some solutions.

2C-P is a great candidate for volumetric dosing, and it will remain stable in solution for a very long time, especially if kept in the fridge.
I listened to this old lecture of Terence Mckenna yesterday, and it was all about the evolution of man being intertwined with the expression of language, be it DNA, digital code, speech, or other forms of expression and the "crystallization" of structures assembled by man in the form of electronics and other structures. There was a lot of other bits and pieces in the lecture, but the technology aspect seemed particularly relevant / relatable.

Thanks for that link Working_Class, giving it a listen now, am a big fan of podcasts and suchlike so it's nice to add a psychedelic oriented one to my repertoire, so to speak, looks like potentially a really cool channel! Terrence McKenna has some fun ideas for sure, I really like his "stoned ape" theory about the evolution of human intelligence being symbiotic with mushroom evolution (or whatever, something like that) even though I'm not sure how accurate it is, really, it's fun to think about.

I listened to that one with Elon Musk before, the part about Neuralink is great, although it wasn't my favourite episode on the whole, as much as I am a fan of Elon's actual work I don't think he interviews well and personally find it hard to get past his inability to even consider he might be wrong about something (ie, when he's talking about COVID19, not to get political in this thread).

Joe Rogan podcast is cool though IMO, he has some very interesting people on sometimes - the second episode with Hamilton Morris is one of the best, Hamilton is a soldier for drug policy reform in the popular consciousness

another heaping scoop of psychs
I like that measurement unit. 😁
Well this week's use of MDMA has been incredibly therapeutic for me and allowed me to push through some unresolved issues with my girl and my addiction I've been deeply struggling with. Yes she is still keeping up boundaries but in beginning to take steps this week towards breaking them down and staying sober. The series of rolls truly made me begin to love myself again and decide to leave the Heroin behind me and make some crucial and positive decisions in my life.Thank the stars for my amazing friend who is allowing me to rent this beautiful room at a very fair price, what a life saver and just amazing person in general.

Not to mention I feel so much more comfortable moving in with a person I'm already very close to. We took Ecstacy together and had a powerful bonding experience which further strengthened our friend ship and he is going to be offering his support as I faze these narcotics out of my life completely once more and begin taking sizable strides towards my evolution as a man and if the stars grant my bidding I will once more have her in my arms again. Slow everything down and this time we will make it fold and stretch inwards forever with a great long pause which goes on and on thru eternity.

L❤Ve & LiFE
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If you don't snort it too hard, it won't really hurt that much I think. If you have a microscoop of some sort, that will probably be between 1-3mg.
Also 'just a little 100mg sample' =D that's like 12-15 trips, I'd do so much for that, 2C-P was so good the one time I tried it. As much a gem as pretty the rest of the 2C-x, and very different in vibe and potential use, you can just zone out in pure bliss on your couch for hours. I could never do that on any other 2C-x.
It didn't burn as bad as I thought it would; not nearly as bad as 2c-b and 2c-t4
Ended up weighing out about 5-7mgs using a capsule and adding the weight. Ended up snorting it over the coarse of 1-1.5 hours starting around 6pm that day; got some pretty good euphoria+energy.and some minor psychedelia About 11:30pm later snorted a small eyeballed amount out of the bag. Not the best idea but made sure it was allot smaller than the amount I weighed. It noticeably kicked things up allot more Was nice and windy out last night good for getting lost in when sitting out in the backyard. Didn't end up getting to bed until like 6am. At some point when I woke up I saw a bunch of molecule designs all over my blankets and sheets. I went back to sleep and when I woke up later they were gone.
Took 140 mg of mdma last time i rolled was in october. Will do more mdma once i meet up with friends after lockdown. Gained alot of weight since i cut out stimulants reduced my mdma usage since the start of 2019 i was so underweight but now im a solid maybe overweight gained 25 kg over last year. 15 mins in and i can feel a slight come up warm loving feeling come on
Joe Rogan podcast is cool though IMO, he has some very interesting people on sometimes - the second episode with Hamilton Morris is one of the best, Hamilton is a soldier for drug policy reform in the popular consciousness

I'll listen to this one today! I've heard a good chunk of it in the past when I started using Kratom to get through back pain in construction. It's a good conversation.
I did a bit of an experiment with DMT and DMSO, 50 mg of DMT easily dissolves in 0.25 mL of DMSO. This makes one 0.125 mL spray from a nasal spray pump applicator 25 mg.

I tried 0.1 ml (20 mg) and it worked pretty nicely. I have to adjust the recipe and procure some rue and do a proper extraction, and the next experiments will involve a synthetic beta carboline, and concurrent experiments will involve rue extracts for oral and nasal administration, and I'm sure there will be some smoking along the way.

Pretty exciting seeing as I've had these experiments on hold for a long while.

Today was an especially beautiful day, there were dogs chasing one another in the park, perfect clouds that were fluffy, fast moving and whispy, mountain ranges, beautiful flowers, people out and about for the first time in a while, craft beer, smiles, love, euphoria, and a light pleasant level of inebriation.

Also, I got 95% on a major exam today. This was one of the best Thursdays in a while. Makes me thankful for the privilege of being present for these special moments in the human experience.
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I was sober when I wrote this...

My queball is gleaning some meaning... the light shining off my bald head illuminates the gears of a hamster wheel that never ceases to turn... turn, turn. The hamburger burgles and the burger burdens, beside, inside and on top of the ghastly notion that "All American cheese", is really only qualified to be cheese by being a minimum of 50% milk products. Oh the hamster wheel turns, it turns and turns and turns some more...

How is it that this wheel found it's way to the cheesy wonder that is a burger of ham, with the half cheese, cheddar-esque topping drizzling down forever more, you might ask? This, is a mystery of the ages. Sages and ages, beefs queefs and paperback puns, pique the perception of a pleasantly curious and devious story. But the feature of the feather in the cap of the Jewish jewler, always has a story. And that story is a nonsensical nuisance, that you must discover for yourselves.

When the beef queefs 12, there shall be a sea, you see. A sea of unfathomable things, that you will fathom none the less. When the beef queefs 12. You shall bore no more.

I dunno where this came from, but it was an irresistible urge to be ridiculous. Also, I shaved my head because the barber isn't open and I couldn't stand my mop like hairstyle any longer. More money for beer
microdosed some shrooms today so far its reduced my mdma comedown made me feel more happy and a warm feeling of joy and mentally sharp. Going to continue eating a small dried mushroom cap every 4 days.
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