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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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^ Holy shit ! And a military spy on top of that? That's crazy.

I took 45 mg of 2C-C yesterday and watched midnight gospel. Anyone watched the show? It's pretty cool, very trippy for sure.
Anyway, towards the end of the trip I drank a beer, only a half liter can, and today I woke up with the worst headache, almost like an annoying hangover but it would make no sense to feel like that after only a beer.

I don't usually mix psychedelics and alcohol, but the times I did, I've never felt like that before.

Anyone had these happen to them before? I wonder if 2C-C mix particularly badly with alcohol but I don't see why that would be the case.

I actually find 2C-C to mix particularly well with alcohol, compared to most psychedelics. That's odd...
My fucking lord, that's no dimebag of NBOME haha! What a savage character.

And hells ya Midnight Gospel is a trip, I watched all 8 episodes after my last heavy trip. The trip centered around the thought that life is a circle, and death is a part of life. Then the next day Midnight Gospel had again reinforced lots of the concepts that had crossed my mind during the day before, and touched on some things my acupuncture therapist had talked with me about just a few days before a childhood friend passed away. It was a trip, nobody gets out alive, there's nothing to be afraid of, and being present for the moment were pretty prevalent themes. Makes a fella appreciate life, love, health, friends and all the pain and pleasure, struggles and triumphs that are part of the human experience.

And being extra strung out the day after a fairly heavy psychedelic experience can be hit or miss. I wouldn't imagine 500 mL of beer would exacerbate any "day after" fatigue. I usually feel like I have trouble with motivation and academic pursuits for about a week after a particularly heavy experience, the average medium level recreational doses usually cause more of an afterglow than a depleted low. It can be hit or miss regarding the next day, but I have very limited experience with the 2C class
Yeah, I also feel "off" the day after a heavy trip, although sometimes I feel a little hypomanic instead. But on normal dosages the most I get is a little grogginess, specially if I dose late at night and get poor quality sleep. And this was a very manageable trip. Not intense at all.
trying to put my mindset into eating these shrooms dry raw they taste fucking foul its such a mission to down a decent amount and since everythings closed i cant get a mortar and pestle and cap them up.
trying to put my mindset into eating these shrooms dry raw they taste fucking foul its such a mission to down a decent amount and since everythings closed i cant get a mortar and pestle and cap them up.
Make a smoothie! I did that once and it was fantastic. The blender took care of em right quick
Since this whole quarantine situation has begun, I've had 3 friends die of overdoses. Never thought that'd be the #1 cause of death when I was growing up with my friends. The last 2 were just doing blow, and I guess it wasn't clean blow. Scary shit, homeboys just wanted to do a few lines and have a few beers, casual weekend stuff. One more is in the hospital.

This again raises the issue of prohibition causing situations like this. What a tangled web of bureaucracy these laws weave, above and beyond any other cause, fentanyl is the #1 cause of death in young men in North America in the last decade.
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Since this whole quarantine situation has begun, I've had 3 friends die of overdoses. Never thought that'd be the #1 cause of death when I was growing up with my friends. The last 2 were just doing blow, and I guess it wasn't clean blow. Scary shit, homeboys just wanted to do a few lines and have s few beers, casual weekend stuff. One more is in the hospital.

This again raises the issue of prohibition causing situations like this. What a tangled web of bureaucracy these laws weave, above and beyond any other cause, fentanyl is the #1 cause of death in young men in North America in the last decade.
Sorry to hear about friends man. I hope you’re doing ok. Sending love your way

I never knew that it was the leading cause of death for North American men. I knew it was bad but I guess I didn’t realize just how bad it really is. In a few generations we’re gonna look back on the war on drugs as one of the world’s greatest embarrassments. Like segregation or the nuclear bomb
I took some 2C-D and 4-HO-MiPT, I tried 4-HO-MiPT with 2C-E one time and that was so good, at the time it felt like the perfect combination. Doses might be on the high side but that's because my 4-HO-MiPT has gotten significantly more brown for which potential potency loss I had to compensate.

I've been busy as fuck coding all day every day, it gets rough because it encompasses your every thought at any moment, I need a break from that. I think and hope it's gonna do me a world of good, best of luck in all of your endeavours these days guys :)
Man, theres so much to be said about that fucking message.
Shows perfectly how clueless I walk around these days.

But man, the last few hours were incredible, it was sooo much stronger than expected, and I was there in the middle of a 'forest' , late at night. I'll for sure explain a more later but respect that combo guys, one of the absolute best drug experiences I've ever had
That just about tears it. I gotta find some of this magical 2C-D somehow, sounds like an interesting time
I've been busy as fuck coding all day every day, it gets rough because it encompasses your every thought at any moment, I need a break from that. I think and hope it's gonna do me a world of good, best of luck in all of your endeavours these days guys :)

It sure can become consuming huh?

I have had such a crazy work schedule for the past week or so. The last 2 work days (including today) have been 12+ hours. I am transitioning our company to a new software platform, programming all of the more difficult projects myself (since no one else can yet), and simultaneously training 3 people who are not really full-on programmers (more like they have pieced together how to do stuff rather than having a full conceptual framework for programming as a concept) in how to use the new platform. And all 3 of them have live projects now so I have been spending 6 or more hours a day screen sharing and on the phone, guiding them through stuff, plus my own full workload, plus delving further into the parts I have yet to figure out. It's fucking nuts man. Tomorrow morning I have a training session with the guy with the least experience, helping him get started on a pretty complex project, then a dermatologist appointment, then a new project to start and a complex exercise to program that simulates grocery shopping for certain kinds of products.


But hey, I'm thankful we're busy. Business has been booming, I work for a market research company, and we did some research on our own (as opposed to for a client) on how covid is affecting market sentiment in certain key industries we have a lot of business is, and have managed to turn that into a few new clients, and a big increase in business from some existing ones.
That just about tears it. I gotta find some of this magical 2C-D somehow, sounds like an interesting time
Yeah man you should, I wouldn't wait too long... the 2C-x landscape isn't looking too good nowadays :(
2C-D is really cool, it's warm and clear, which can allow for pretty deep experiences I think. Also it has some great effects on sound, like every sound is slightly lengthened, and there's quite some body energy which combined with the sound effects makes for great music listening. In the old 2C-D threads many people said that they used it to extends rolls, I wonder how that works, I'd love to find out myself.

Today was different though, I took 45mg 2C-D + 20mg 4-HO-MiPT, which I should've known would be strong, but I guessed my 4-HO-MiPT wouldn't be as potent anymore. I was very wrong, I came up in minutes, and was in for a serious ride. I spent the peak at night in a forest with some non tree areas not far from the trails, all where I experienced so much, it was the most alive I've felt in months, and I came out of there both mentally and physically exhausted, truly amazing.
While there is some roughness and chaos in effects, it felt like there was a perfect middle line to be walked, which makes it a very different experience to both substances seperately. I think these 2C-x + tryptamine combos work really well, it does make sense if you know both the nature of 2C-D and 4-HO-MiPT.

It sure can become consuming huh?
Yeah man, the problem is that I can never let it go, so everything I think or do at any point will go hand in hand with thinking about my program, goals and approach. Combine that with the whole lockdown which makes for a lack of general outside input wich results in me basically living on autopilot, constantly occupied in my mind. Leaves like no brainpower left for how I make other decisions, and communicate with others.
Yeah man, the problem is that I can never let it go, so everything I think or do at any point will go hand in hand with thinking about my program, goals and approach. Combine that with the whole lockdown which makes for a lack of general outside input wich results in me basically living on autopilot, constantly occupied in my mind. Leaves like no brainpower left for how I make other decisions, and communicate with others.

Sometimes I get working on something interesting and creative at work, and I just keep working, I'll even stay up late, because it's so interesting to think through it. I love programming, such a fascinating expression of logic, you have to think about all possible combination of inputs and outputs. It's a good exercise in truly understanding something.
in a few hours going to cut these shrooms into smaller pieces and just swallow down with water fucking god dam scales broken and the places that sell them are still closed i guess two hand fulls or like 15-20 dried mushrooms will be enough for a decent trip i hope my tolerance is down after 10 days.

Just eaten dinner aswell i find food helps with the digestion but slows the onset and strength of the trip. Shrooms on empty stomach hits me hard but my stomach hurts like a motherfucker the entire trip.
Sometimes I get working on something interesting and creative at work, and I just keep working, I'll even stay up late, because it's so interesting to think through it. I love programming, such a fascinating expression of logic, you have to think about all possible combination of inputs and outputs. It's a good exercise in truly understanding something.

I listened to this old lecture of Terence Mckenna yesterday, and it was all about the evolution of man being intertwined with the expression of language, be it DNA, digital code, speech, or other forms of expression and the "crystallization" of structures assembled by man in the form of electronics and other structures. There was a lot of other bits and pieces in the lecture, but the technology aspect seemed particularly relevant / relatable.

It was especially interesting because later in the day, I listened to a show on Neurolink, (not that I particularly care for Joe Rogan, but his show was where the conversation was had), and it really brought the ideas in the lecture together with current events, highlighting the symbiotic relationship man is developing with machine, or perhaps the evolution of man past traditional biological limitations. It was just a neat Segway from one old lecture dating back to early 2000's, and the current state of technological development.

All things considered, science is very psychedelic when observing the layers on which forces push and pull on one another. It's been a rapid century of development, it'd be hard to imagine what sort of marvels are being developed beyond our lifespan. What a time to be alive
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Took some 2c-x/4-Subs which has been pretty lackluster. Swallowed some MehDMA for the first time and I can sese why you all call it that. Maybe you just gotta take more or will it still be lack luster. Only took one and have a couple more tabs...
Just another present this time purple Santa Claus so let's hope that turns things up Starting to roll for sure. Missing some magic from back in the day but they were cheap as fuck at least. Added in another heaping scoop of psychs for food measure. It's beginning to develop into something interesting.
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had quite a decent strength trip on just a little amount of shrooms ate about 12 little dried up ones maybe about 1.5 - 2 g dried? had oevs and cevs once i slept near the end of the trip for a few hours my dreams were really fucking crazy and a bit scary. Was hardcore tripping within them.
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