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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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some people wont agree but the most intense trips ive had have been on legal drugs like dxm and salvia
Some people fucking love DXM, even people who have access to everything. Personally I find it kinda... eh, rough and strange. But it really seems to agree with some people. Probably down to body chemistry, some have the enzymes to convert it to DXO more efficiently.

Swilow that was an awesome explanation. :) Psychedelics are cool.

Hey glitter_kiss. Welcome!
I've had entity contact but this was incredible. How much was tainted by all I know of DMT? i don't know, I've smoked it many many times and never really had such undeniable entity contact.

Not trying to brag, just relate, what you've described is how 90% of my DMT experiences are. Absolutely every aspect of the experience is interwoven with entities and consciousness / awareness, my every thought, feeling, experience watched and made careful note of, my every moment guided by one or hundreds of entities, all pushing me towards the message to be received that experience.

There's no question of entity contact, it's a given, a constant.

It's part of if not the whole reason DMT is so special to me.
Usually for me it was fleeting, but mainly immersion in fabulous landscapes, complex structures, euphoria, etc. I've had similar contact before, but this was all consuming. I genuinely felt that an external entity was trying to tell me something.

What a mystery we are in. :)
Some people fucking love DXM, even people who have access to everything. Personally I find it kinda... eh, rough and strange. But it really seems to agree with some people. Probably down to body chemistry, some have the enzymes to convert it to DXO more efficiently.

Swilow that was an awesome explanation. :) Psychedelics are cool.

Hey glitter_kiss. Welcome!

I honestly don't think it agrees with anyone, they just enjoy the high after dealing with the comeup. It's a shitty drug really. :D yeah some people deal with it easier but its still the worst disso i've tried

syrup / pure powder - when I go over 300mg I always puke no matter what. Same goes for pretty much everyone I know lol.
DXM makes me unbearably sick. I like the effects but not nearly enough to bother taking it again. But I've enjoyed a few low doses, quite euphoric in between violent vomiting. :\
For some reason I try and convince myself that It wasn't that bad, in reality I probably almost killed myself taking about 1800 mg of dxm it was bad I woke up in a pile of vomit and tripped for about 24 hours
I honestly don't think it agrees with anyone, they just enjoy the high after dealing with the comeup. It's a shitty drug really. :D yeah some people deal with it easier but its still the worst disso i've tried

DXM is one of the most unique and interesting drugs I've ever tried. You got to work your way up with it and nurse it a bit. It gets better with experience. I mean, it's a drug rich with plateaus, extraterrestrials, and as much folklore as DMT. I respectfully disagree Xammy
most of my weird trips are due to dxm, i remember one time i doesed in the morning and went into the local library and shortly later i threw up all over the computer and keyboard after about 20 seconds of trying to think of what to do i just got up and left . im not sure if its so bad because of the weed and alcohol combo but i throw up about everytime i take dxm
DXM is one of the most unique and interesting drugs I've ever tried. You got to work your way up with it and nurse it a bit. It gets better with experience. I mean, it's a drug rich with plateaus, extraterrestrials, and as much folklore as DMT. I respectfully disagree Xammy

Yeah I have enjoyed the effects many times, combining with it alcohol and weed is the best but that goes for every dissociative for me when you want to get extra fucked up, that's instant hole territory though. I remember when I first tried DXM I took 600mg and after the horrible nausea comeup and vomiting I had amazing few hours listening CBL. I don't think I will take it again though. It's just worst dissociative in comparison to all of I have tried when you take all things in consideration. It feels too "heavy" for me but I think if I had used it more I would've got used to the effects and it would have felt nice and smooth, like most dissos. I really don't know.
I LOVE the DXM trip, and it feels like it has the potential for healing, but... I don't really use it any more, because I notice that my memory seems a little borked for a week or two afterward. It strikes me as something that'll permanently ruin your noggin if you're not careful with it.

Hmm... if you sit and watch your breath, indeed you start to feel that the person watching the breath is not different from the breath itself. IDK what that really is supposed to do for you, but interesting nonetheless.
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Yea I have to disagree regarding DXM being a bad disso as well. It's actually my favorite behind MXE. Nothing else has come close to the depth, immersion, and magic it provides. Although my one O-PCE experience the other week was pretty great and gave the impression it could lead to the same spots. I think the main issue with DXM is simply the ingestion of all the shit in the syrups that goes along with it. I'd looooove to get some pure DXM powder for the right price. One day I will, but the prices I see online now are just a little more than I'm willing to spend given the amount of other things I could get for that same price.
I would def get a few grams of pure DXM powder and experiment.

No more OTC shit though. I know DXM itself can make you sick, but all that excess sugar and filler bs in the DXM HBR "only" pills/syrup I used to get just made me feel wrong even trying to take it.

In trippy news I plugged aboug 135mg 6 apb 30 min ago. This is the succinate batch that needs 200+ to get movin. I have recovered the 180mg mixed ketamine sodium bicarb (poss just carb if I overheated it). I have left from a botched attempt at comvoing about 175mg of each. Have a caked up vial and syringe that may yield another 50mg or so. I guess the rest evaporated with the water from the original mixture?

Anywho this tims a mg or 2 of PG will be used instead so first time plugging K go.

This 6apb is bothersome. Perhaps a T+1hr BM is due.

Then some MET with more 6 apb prolly unless I start rollin bawlz. Then about 30 min after that settles I plug the K mix with more on deck for nasal hole induction.

I swear I was reading on my porch an hr/hr and a hf ago and thought "I am kinda drunk I wish I had a stimulant" and here I am. Have been wanting to trip for a few weeks just havent done it when I had "time". Best trips are out of "time" and random... Sometimes ;-)
I used to pierce my girlfriend, nipples, ear and tongue. It was incredibly intimate. All the piercings I have, besides tongue piercing, were done by her, a few in lobe/tragus, lip, eyebrow (both removed).
Piercing / being pierced by a partner is one of my secret fantasies. :) How did you learn to pierce safely?

I think you're right about the willingness to experience pain being part of the turn-on... it signals courage, which is instinctively appealing.

People are weird. I'm sure you know about the tribes of indigenous peoples who stretch their lips to accommodate massive lip-plates... I've often wondered why something so extreme would ever become a cultural norm.

but I'm talking about full blown air restriction
Mmm... another fantasy of mine. :eek:

I don't know, sometimes I think sex-drive is in close relation to the will to live, lol. When I've felt the most optimistic I've also felt hornier, whereas depression and stress destroyed my libido for a while.
That makes sense to me. For one thing, you're not ready to be a good parent if you're in a shitty frame of mind.

Salvia for the ultimate transformation fetishist.
The only concern I'd have with using salvia for transformation purposes is that I might not be aware that I ever was a person to begin with. Once a toaster, always a toaster. =D

Porn these days is pretty lame, I agree. Super fake, mostly dudes dominating a girl who doesn't seem into it (cuz she's being paid, duh). Everyone so often you can come across one where it seems like a couple genuinely having sex and being into it, and that's cool. I dunno, porn is weird and I think negatively impacts guys' views of what sex even is or should be, who watch it too much. Of course, I have a girlfriend who likes to have sex. I can't say I don't watch porn sometimes when she's away, especially when she leaves for 2 months each Fall.

I've never even been remotely interested in porn. Maybe if I spent a lot of time searching, I could find some niche sub-genre of porn that would appeal to me, but why bother, when I can close my eyes and imagine any scenario I want?

Actually, when I do want to use the power of the intertubes as an adjunct to my imagination, I usually just search for still photographs of good lookin' women. Legitimately I prefer it when they're clothed, haha. (Then they become the subjects of my imaginary scenarios, and the clothes do not remain. ;) )

I actually once made a work friend who I offered DMT when I had it, and in their trip they became a frog who began remembering and then re-experiencing his past life as an adult male human carpenter, but this friend who smoked the DMT was apparently female. However, I later learned that they were actually an in the closet transman and had never had that kind of experience before. That felt pretty cool. :)

That reminds me, one time I sort of did experience a transformation on DMT -- the strongest trip of my life, in fact, which occurred after I sniffed a bunch of DMT (ow, do not recommend) and then smoked some more at the peak. It concerned an object in my room, not my body, but that hardly mattered of course because during the trip I couldn't differentiate between the two. ;) After I started coming out of hyperspace, I went to flip the "on" switch for my speakers so I could hear some music, but the switch appeared to be completely missing. Like, the part of the plastic housing where the switch normally extruded looked, and EVEN FELT to my touch, like it was completely sealed over, and the switch never existed to begin with. It was so perplexing. For a good minute or two I thought that my DMT trip had somehow caused a glitch-in-the-matrix type effect, and reality itself was ripping at the seams. Pretty awesome. =D

I wish I could describe a bit better what happened during my last DMT trip. It really blew me away.

I wish you could describe it a bit better, too. :D J/K, I loved your description. But a DMT trip is one of the most difficult things to convey via language. Now I really want some DMT. I need to make some more.
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I assume that piercing involves knowing and applying sterile procedures, proper tools like surgical steel, and knowing some basic anatomy about which blood vessels or nerves to avoid? The latter bears some similarity to properly IMing yourself in the asscheek. But correct me if I'm wrong and it seems like a wild skill! The Norsk guy who tattoo'd me by the way - turned out to have an allergy to the ink, and he had one sleeve that was nearly all black (although trust me he had cool enough tattoos to make up for that boring fact)... yea fucking oops alright

Haven't explored that many kinks myself, my urges are kinda suppressed and kept under control so that now when I do explore my feelings they aren't developed quite typically. With my ex we did some choking which turned out to be much more interesting than I had expected. Also have had more than one partner that got turned on by getting dominated even though I never did things that I thought of that way, was just being nice and rough in the moment, when regular urges come out : P I guess I never really understood wanting to be dominated as I tend to confuse it with how you treat each other, or men and women treat each other, outside the bedroom. I'd be open to trying various new things but I can't remember getting like 'forbidden fantasies', I'm still not over regular ones!
I noticed that quite a lot in my life: certain things can keep really interesting / pleasant to me where other people get used to them quicker. OTOH pretty sure that 'forbidden' fantasies are not developed by consciously moving on to something more interesting or fascinating, lol? But not like being born gay either I think, more like having a particular experience that really strikes a chord and starts leading a life of its own?

TAC: Actually porn can be slightly bad IMO in that it can make you more lazy about fantasizing and the gratification can be much faster... If you want to deeply understand being interested in porn, I hypothetically recommend you try MDPV... known for making people jack off just standing in the street. Don't try it though... i find it to be more dehumanizing than anything comparable I've known which makes it pretty evil in my book. The fact that a big part to wanna redose was just to avoid the horrendous crash contributes to that hollowness.

I'm glad it made a legend out of John mcAfee though. Oh you silly silly stuffmonger.

I guess I will have to take an analogue of Grateful DETH-LAD tomorrow to contemplate all this...
Not a regular poster but I wanted to share an experience I had today

I took 30mg 4 aco dmt today. I have used it several times in the past at 25 mg. A few hours in I'm just listening to music with my headphones, the sun is shining down on me everything is normal (breathing, morphing, typical stuff) At around 3 hours in I took my headphones off and sat on the floor. I felt compelled to lay on the floor like I was being pull towards the earth. I felt lines of energy coming from my inside my body, radiating out to my fingers. the lines pulled me closer to the earth. The lines felt warm but electric, and pulled tighter and tighter. a kaleidoscope of images back and forth and then back again. the energy lines pulsed more and more and brighter and brighter. there was nothing in this world except the energy lines. i can't even describe it.

I'm coming down now, and I'm trying to put it all together.
^Sounds beautiful, thanks for sharing :)

My girls ex-girlfriend was a tattoo artist and piercer, she taught my girlfriend who taught me. Various guage surgical needles, awareness of sterility etc. Not that difficult but I have shaky hands which was a challenge. I have pierced my own body multiple times, all my earrings are hand done. My nose ring we did with an ear gun, which was stupid and difficult, I flinched and that piercing took ages to heal. :\
That reminds me, one time I sort of did experience a transformation on DMT -- the strongest trip of my life, in fact, which occurred after I sniffed a bunch of DMT (ow, do not recommend) and then smoked some more at the peak. It concerned an object in my room, not my body, but that hardly mattered of course because during the trip I couldn't differentiate between the two. ;) After I started coming out of hyperspace, I went to flip the "on" switch for my speakers so I could hear some music, but the switch appeared to be completely missing. Like, the part of the plastic housing where the switch normally extruded looked, and EVEN FELT to my touch, like it was completely sealed over, and the switch never existed to begin with. It was so perplexing. For a good minute or two I thought that my DMT trip had somehow caused a glitch-in-the-matrix type effect, and reality itself was ripping at the seams. Pretty awesome. =D

Wow, that's really bizarre, haha. I don't think I can say any psychedelic has ever altered me that deeply in that specific way.... I think this specifically would have really messed with me on a psychedelic because I often feel like technology is acting weirdly when I'm tripping lol. I can understand how it might happen with how deeply hallucinogenic DMT is though.... Stuff sort of like that was relatively common, though usually with less tactile stability, on diphenhydramine. It really can be fascinating to see just how much control your mind really does have even over the seemingly more tightly restricted aspects of reality!

This isn't a transformation story, but you just reminded me of something I had forgotten. Years ago I was hanging out with two old high school friends, with one of them and myself just smoking cannabis, and the other on 35 mg of 2C-I. He was tripping pretty hard but totally lucid so we went walking around places ranging from parks to the mall to the area by our old middle school. He was enjoying it, but at one point when I was driving us to our next destination he spontaneously puked up all over himself, so we went to the nearest gas station instead. Naive as we were at the time, we believed him when he said he would be able to handle this clearheaded trip on his own enough to just go into the bathroom and clean up, so we let him go in and just chilled in the car and talked. We can see inside some of the gas station and it's clear that nothing's happening and he's not interacting with anyone, but he doesn't come out for like ten minutes, and when he does he's still covered in vomit stains. He told us he went in there, felt paranoid about the staff watching him, immediately forgot why he was there, and just started pretending to browse magazines until he couldn't stand the awkwardness anymore and walked out. So, that didn't work.

He said he was pretty sure his strict parents wouldn't be home, so we took him there to get a change of clothes. The other friend and I just kept chatting, and at first we just saw him go into his room, but then we noticed he was starting to move around more frantically.... He was quickly moving from one room to the next, looking increasingly distressed. Finally he came out and said "Where the hell are my clothes?!?" We went to look in his closets and drawers with him. Empty.... All empty. And not just that, every single piece of clothing in the house is gone. No explanation, and nothing for my friend to change into.

It was obviously a major mindfuck for my friend lol. He moved beyond the fact that he couldn't change his clothes, but couldn't move beyond trying to figure out what the hell was happening. We found out later that night that his parents had sent out all the clothes in the house for some kind of cleaning during the day without telling him or his brother, for the first and only time. I don't think I ever found out why.

What a trip, haha. The poor guy.
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