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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Tripping Thread: Viruses Can't Penetrate Hyperspace

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I have learned some stuff about what people can be into sexually from reading this thread. What I'm into is connection between me and someone else, lots of body contact. Skin and curves do it for me, I don't need anything else. %)

My girl had a girlfriend in college. She is in a band now that I've been shown videos of on Youtube. She's pretty hot. My girl's older sister is a lesbian and she was curious but discovered she's not really into girls sexually or in terms of being in a relationship, more just from an admiring standpoint. Pretty hot to think about though.
Ha :D sometimes the world trips with you.

I remember a friend of mine on ketamine listening to music for about an hour through headphones that weren't plugged in, the music was just coming from speakers. He was so baffled at the poor/low level sound and assumed the k was fucking with him. We realised what was happening when he asked us to help him turn the very high volume up some more :)

Ergh, I'm all fucked up, brain is basically absent, can't make word things good.
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I have learned some stuff about what people can be into sexually from reading this thread. What I'm into is connection between me and someone else, lots of body contact. Skin and curves do it for me, I don't need anything else. %)

That is nice too. :) Despite all of my overly abstract or hedonistic fantasies and all the exploring I did with them while younger, nowadays I really don't consider myself to have an above average sex drive and don't feel the need to really seek that extra stimulation. Getting some relationship experience allowed me to adjust to more logical sexual desires and shifted my priorities away from fantasy and more towards emotional connection. I still use my transformation fantasies when I'm alone, but just because it's fun and easy, and I only use a couple kinds that have managed to stick around for so long. I probably would still explore some typically kinky stuff with the right partner though.... Experimentation is just kind of my deal. :)

Ha :D sometimes the world trips with you.

I remember a friend of mine on ketamine listening to music for about an hour through headphones that weren't plugged in, the music was just coming from speakers. He was so baffled at the poor/low level sound and assumed the k was fucking with him. We realised what was happening when he asked us to help him turn the very high volume up some more :)

That's awesome, hahaha. It's amazing what little details the right drugs can make you completely oblivious to.

The thing I've done like that the most by far was once on a mix of four grams of mushrooms and four hits of LSD. I was tripping out in my room and felt like I was lost in the visuals and needed to find my bearings, so I grabbed the nearby flashlight and turned it on. I shined it ahead, all around, close up on surfaces, and everywhere I could just to try to help myself see better through the visual chaos. Nothing worked, the flashlight was useless.

It took me about fifteen minutes to realize the room light was on.
OTOH pretty sure that 'forbidden' fantasies are not developed by consciously moving on to something more interesting or fascinating, lol? But not like being born gay either I think, more like having a particular experience that really strikes a chord and starts leading a life of its own?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it works too. I think you're wired from birth to have certain sexual preferences, but you can learn new ways of expressing those preferences as time passes.

We found out later that night that his parents had sent out all the clothes in the house for some kind of cleaning during the day without telling him or his brother, for the first and only time. I don't think I ever found out why.

What a trip, haha. The poor guy.

That story made me LOL on two separate occasions. First imagining him standing in the gas station, covered in his own vomit, desperately attempting to act like he's casually reading a magazine, with no clear motive. Then the mindfuck of his clothes being mysteriously absent... lmao. Sometimes the world trips with you -- indeed!

Despite all of my overly abstract or hedonistic fantasies

You should turn them into short films, or animations. For the TF community. How cool would that be?
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I have learned some stuff about what people can be into sexually from reading this thread. What I'm into is connection between me and someone else, lots of body contact. Skin and curves do it for me, I don't need anything else. %)
That is, in the end, the major turn on for me too :p
I'm unable to engage sexually with someone I dont connect in an emotional or ethical way. In fact, with time I've come to figure out that many aspects of "physical" attraction are based on that desire to connect. The way someone dresses, acts, talks, relates with her body and others, or any other "superficial" aspect of someone that may catch my attention reveal a lot of things about who they are and where they are.

Ha :D sometimes the world trips with you.

I remember a friend of mine on ketamine listening to music for about an hour through headphones that weren't plugged in, the music was just coming from speakers. He was so baffled at the poor/low level sound and assumed the k was fucking with him. We realised what was happening when he asked us to help him turn the very high volume up some more :)

Ergh, I'm all fucked up, brain is basically absent, can't make word things good.

HAHA that hilarious!!
I'm just a narcissist who more often than not is reminded of cats in heat when women come on to me -- I'm flattered, but kind of annoyed, too. I was once so in love with being in love, and sex was a lofty and desirable achievement, but over the years I can definitely say that love, attraction, sex, and things like that have been redefined and are less compelling. Now it's more about goodness and friendship, and loyalty. Do I sound like a dick? lol
@ that rick & morty episode with mr poopy butthole: it seems logicallyimpossible for mr poopy butthole to be real because the first 'inception' memory trigger that lead to the whole thing escalating could have only been triggered by a parasite
I am well aware that you should not take a lot of shit seriously - but i mean just for the record: it's more significant than mr poopy butthhole to be just being likely to be real or not

am i the only one having amr poopy butthole existential crisis
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Haha, Rick and Morty, fucking love that show. =D

I'm just a narcissist who more often than not is reminded of cats in heat when women come on to me -- I'm flattered, but kind of annoyed, too. I was once so in love with being in love, and sex was a lofty and desirable achievement, but over the years I can definitely say that love, attraction, sex, and things like that have been redefined and are less compelling. Now it's more about goodness and friendship, and loyalty. Do I sound like a dick? lol

At first you kinda did but then the ending reversed that. :)

I've only had sex with 2 people, due to my first relationship resulting in 12 years of being together. Then it just so happened the next person I had sex with I was really into and she's been my girlfriend for 2.5 years now. In the intervening time, I was really set on exploring various people. I think I had some opportunities, but it was hard for me to take them, and in retrospect it was because I wasn't totally into them so it felt strange in some way. With my girlfriend it was just so natural. I'm extremely attracted to her, that keeps growing, and it's because I feel more and more connected to her.

When I was younger, it was more about the visual, I thought any female who fit certain body types was hot and I might fantastize about them. Now it's really about a lot of things but mostly energetic connection, feeling like they're nice and cool, etc. I also find myself not very attracted to the standard "hot girl" thing that you find on magazine covers, I mean superficially I am, but it kinda turns me off when it seems like someone spends too much time on presenting an "accepted" look.

Ultimately there are just certain people who have some sort of energy with me that I find myself attracted to. There's this girl who used to work at the vet's office where I get my cats' prescription food, we were always pretty flirty with each other in a low-key way, I met her before I met my girlfriend and I almost asked her out but I chickened out. I find her really cute, she seems super nice, I could see myself with her. The vast majority of women I meet, I don't get that feeling.
That story made me LOL on two separate occasions. First imagining him standing in the gas station, covered in his own vomit, desperately attempting to act like he's casually reading a magazine, with no clear motive. Then the mindfuck of his clothes being mysteriously absent... lmao. Sometimes the world trips with you -- indeed!

Yeah, I still laugh my ass off every time I think back to that gas station, haha. It was a pretty amazing day honestly, and that wasn't even the only vomit-related thing that happened lol. When we were walking around the parks at one point we were in a straight line, first the just high friend, then me, then the tripping friend. So, out of the blue the just high friend leans over to the left as we're walking and spits into the grass. In a show of random defiance, I then did the exact same thing with the same motion. Immediately, the tripping friend leans over into the exact same position, and still just walking along as normal, projects a giant ball of neon green slime straight to the ground. We burst out laughing and stopped to marvel at its alien form. No one was going to beat that!

Another great line came while sitting at the mall food court, it was years ago now of course but it was roughly...

Him: You see this super complex pattern on the table here? This same pattern, I'm seeing it projected on the wall over there, it's really cool. I didn't even know that kind of thing could happen.
Me: ...This table is solid blue.
Him: Oh.... Well, psychedelics are cool then, haha.

I really miss that guy, he's awesome haha. Like many high school friends we don't see each other much anymore, but he is one of those friends still who when I do see them it's like not a day has passed.

Another time we took 2C-I together, at the beginning of the trip he ended up picking up this long, thin black tube that used to hold a rolled up flag for the 4th of July, and he didn't put it down for a second the entire rest of the night. I saw him twirling it like a baton, writing in the air with it, coming out of a dark room bug eyed and welding it like a sword.... Going to bed that night was fun too, we slept in the living room and he was still out of it a little even though we were mostly down and he was ready to sleep. I warned him I was about to turn off all the lights and he said he was ready. Still, the first thing I heard when I did was "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."

Good memories, haha.

You should turn them into short films, or animations. For the TF community. How cool would that be?

That would be pretty cool.... I have actually thought about making TF art on and off pretty much since like middle school. Before I was ever into all this chemistry mumbo-jumbo I always thought I might like being an artist, that was one of the first things I really latched on to as a child. I don't think I would want art to be my main profession now, but I would like to connect more with that side of myself in my free time. And I always liked exploring different mediums as well, I would definitely extend the definition of art to animations and films in this context, even though I traditionally did mostly still stuff.

I'm not really sure I have the skills to turn my fantasies into short films though, haha. I know that they can make anything look real in videos these days... but I personally cannot at this point in time! Though I do think it would be really hot. X) Animations I could definitely see, and those are already pretty heavily worked into the TF art too. I could see myself doing like a graphic novel short story kind of setup too, if I ever felt confident enough with my artistic skills.... I've always enjoyed that style, and I was really into stuff like anime and manga back when I had these desires most strongly too.

If I do make something like this, it'll probably be clothing-related, hehe. I think that's really my favorite one, even just the regular people transformations have become less of a thing since I both started having that fulfilled through psychedelics and started feeling more comfortable in my own skin from life experiences. The clothing one hits several targets though, particularly one piece bathing suits on women which is my favorite of this favorite.... Not just transformation but also pretty heavily on the dominance/submission. Consider the fact that not only do you become their possession as I said before, but also that since you're inanimate and they wear you, you only feel breath when she breaths, and only move as a part of when she moves. Furthermore, since your entire form is tightly pressed up against her, it even very strongly appeals to the typical desire of physical connection, but you have literally nothing to monitor except how she feels. It's also a nice subject matter because the plot can continue to develop after the transformation to a degree, because you can still maintain a "dialogue" between the characters and build an emotional connection, more easily than a possession fantasy where identities get hazy or a shapeshifting fantasy where roles change, stuff like that. The clothing plot has a very clear power relationship that can continue to be built, like if it's forced upon you but over time you come to enjoy your new role in life, sometimes essentially because you're brainwashed through not having any other option, but nonetheless, and then there's significance in that only you and her know it's going on and you can hide the intimacy from everyone in plain sight.

Yeah... it'd probably be something like that lol. There's quite a lot to work with there. Maybe I will start brainstorming some ideas again. :)
Came here to say I love cats (mine almost died when she was a kitten and the vet said that even if she lived it's likely she'd have some brain damage and that her shattered elbow is unlikely to heal well, but she fully recovered and the surgeon who put together her elbow must have been a wizard because you can barely see a limp now... the tiny monster is 6 years old now and can jump from a standstill with no effort about as high as my neck and I'm around 185 cm) and that I'd love to try DXM but there is no otc medication with just DXM (all have other nasty stuff in them that can't be removed with a simple cold water extraction + contain very little DXM per pill so it's just not worth the effort) in it here.
Nice, I love cats too, I have two of them, a mother and a son. She was a stray who knocked on the door and basically asked us to take care of her, very pregnant and malnourished at about 6 months old. Kept her and one of her kittens, a giant snuggly boy cat (he was tiny at the time but turned into a giant). When she was around 2, she seemed like she had a mini-stroke one morning, I took her in to the vet, her back legs were paralyzed, and the vet delivered the news that she had blood clots in her heart and one that was blocking her back legs, and that she was unlikely to live through the night and would need to see a heart specialist but the prognosis was grim. I was really crushed, and I just tried to send positive vibes to her all night, not that I even really believed it would work, but I just needed to do something. The next morning, the vet called and said I should come in. He said that it was a medical miracle that he doesn't understand and has never seen the like of, but he came in and she was totally fine. He did another ultrasound or whatever and there was no sign of any blood clots, as if nothing had happened. He told me she must have had someone sending her strength, which I thought an interesting choice of words. She's never gotten sick since and she's somewhere in her 13th year. :)
@ that rick & morty episode with mr poopy butthole: it seems logicallyimpossible for mr poopy butthole to be real because the first 'inception' memory trigger that lead to the whole thing escalating could have only been triggered by a parasite
I am well aware that you should not take a lot of shit seriously - but i mean just for the record: it's more significant than mr poopy butthhole to be just being likely to be real or not

am i the only one having amr poopy butthole existential crisis

Haha -- nahhhh, for me it was just creative license to forcefully require the audience to accept that Mr Poopy Butthole has always been a friend, despite the insanity of what kind of a creature he is, and that he was never before recognized until an episode whose plot involved an existential crisis.
Mine fell from the 4th floor when she was a kitten (how she got to the balcony is still a mystery), found her about 500 m away on a parking lot just laying there. She had a simple fracture of her tibia and a completely shattered elbow. Took her to the vet, they did some x-rays and an ultrasound to check for internal bleeding (luckily there was none), gave her something for the pain and some antibiotics, surgery was booked for the next day but they immediately said that while the back paw would heal very nicely the elbow will likely be useless despite being reconstructed. Next day as I was driving her for the surgery she started having seizures, came to the vet, they said that they'd never seen anything like this (they said that she might have hit her head during the fall and that it took some time for her brain to swell but that was more of a guess) and that there was very little hope for her (she was having constant seizures, was blind, no pupillary reflexes (they were completely wide like she had taken a lot of lsd and didn't constrict in response to light), ...), gave her some medications (I think it was some sedatives for the seizures and some steroids for the swelling) but were doubtful they would help and that she would survive the night. Told me to bring her back the next day for a follow up. She stopped having seizures by the end of the day but was still blind, towards the morning she finally fell asleep and when she woke up her eyes worked fine. Took her for the check up, vet was amazed by her recovery, surgery was again booked for the next day. During surgery they rebuild her elbow (she had a bunch of wires in it), took another x-ray of her back paw and decided against doing anything since it had already begun to heal and was properly aligned. Two weeks later the little beast could jump on the desk lol. The elbow took longer to heal (a few months) and when she finally got the cast off and wires out she didn't really know what to do with her new limb. Learning to use it again took a few more months but since then she's been completely healthy with just a barely noticeable limp from the elbow (she's missing a degree or so of extension which is nothing compared to what was predicted).

Think I'll go pet her now if she's up for it.
Had an amazing day on 150 µg ETH-LAD!

Did some nice meditation although I find that ETH-LAD makes my ADD go into serious overdrive, I get mad issues with attention and also patience. After feeling just invaluable feelings in meditative concentration, I also became bored somehow much sooner than I had anticipated...

Went to the park, although after the peak cause I can get anxious about going outside, had to work my way up to it... I don't like to be tripping so hard that I come off really shady to people in the building, not that I really care what they think but it makes me uncomfortable... but it was cool now, I could manage well and the longer I was outside the more confident I grew... when in the park a little girl came to me apparently offering to feed marshmellows to a goat together, I could just be caring to the child and it was pretty fun.. IMO no marshmallows for the goat though - they have a reputation of eating anything but imo you shouldn't feed kept animals.

Very smooth and sunny weather so ideal...
Later I had front row seat tickets to a long display of a squirrel quite nearby, I just love those guys!

Just felt like I am embracing my fate, to some ultimate level...

By the way meditating I feel like I can lose myself to this powerful state of consciousness, and that scares me - I'm much milder and more careful than I used to be and like to take that kind of stuff one step at a time, not getting overenthousiastically into ego deaths on a regular basis... but at the same time, it felt very peaceful to let go - like suspending and relaxing everything...

Oh my god, I just somehow feel like it improves me, psychedelic therapy like that... I don't know how but it feels so healing and harmonizing... <3 I wish I could really explain that to more people around me, but that's not so easy...

Haha -- nahhhh, for me it was just creative license to forcefully require the audience to accept that Mr Poopy Butthole has always been a friend, despite the insanity of what kind of a creature he is, and that he was never before recognized until an episode whose plot involved an existential crisis.

Sure I get it, it works well - it just doesn't check out... I wouldn't 'check' just anything as if i don't get the humor, but still ;p i cant help it


not too much cross-tolerance by the way or any i feel! I stupidly fell asleep after having taken 30 mg 2C-B a bit drunk and stoned which was less than a week ago iirc - sunday maybe? I do think that the tolerance doesn't care as to whether you were conscious during the trip, but there is supposed to be limited cross-tolerance from 2C-B anyway seeing as it behaves weirdly regarding 5ht2a and such.
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Well I think most of us understand. :) For me, it helps me to stay in touch with some ineffable things, and step outside myself easier in order to remain more objective (and thus, not ruled by impulses/feelings as much). I certainly feel that I have integrated that into my being, I don't think I'll ever lose it, but experiencing psychedelic states again does serve to deepen the connection to myself, and even continue learning.
Yes that's the way I feel about it :) there is some sort of 'maintenance' to it.. I do feel like I want to be a better person from such experiences but the main things I am fighting in life have to do with disabilities that will not go away, but those aren't me. The part that is me, I am not fighting with anymore, in those respects I feel very free. <3 I'm not sure if I believe in a teleological approach of that - you're never too old to learn and the question of whether you're totally done with yourself can be a bit meaningless as times change.
Yeah I do have some concerns about lifestyles, health and ending up suffering up somehow, but that's on a whole other level and doesn't affect who I am as a human being..

I need to get more friends though, find it hard to look for them... I will check and join mensa again I think..

I'm really glad to be in this community - it's so warm!
Yeah PD is a special place. <3

Just read a new mushroom trip report on Erowid. I love how so many people experience this from psychedelics. This more or less sums up what I experienced on my first mushroom trip:

Immediately following the mushroom began to elaborate what it had meant to communicate to me. I was suddenly merged with this organism. The mushroom told me that each of the tentacle like objects represent a human life. I was shown that not only is this organism the universe but it is myself as well. In the same way that our blood flows through our body and we consider it the individual because it is a part of the individual, we inhabit the inner dimensions of the universe and therefor are the universe because we are a part of it. I was then shown that our consciousness is connected with the universe, I was shown how humans experience life from individual perspective of the self but the universe experiences life through not from one point of view but all of them. Every living being that experiences life is providing the universe with a point of view but the universe is simultaneously experiencing every point of view in existence or at least point of view within itself.

Also this:

The final teaching I received was about the flow of life. I could see it in front of me, at first it appeared as a wheel. On this wheel, I could see the process of life. I witness the beginning of life as plants begin to grow out from the ground. I saw both wild vegetation as well is large farmers’ fields filled with corn. The plants began the grow until they reached maturity and then they were consumed. The wild vegetation was consumed by animals and the cultivated corn was consumed by the humans. I then saw the waste animals produce as a byproduct of metabolism. Some of the plants energy is absorbed by the animal and the rest returns to the earth through the waste. I then saw death, acting on all levels of life. I realized how beautiful death actually is. With death comes renewal. E.G when autumn comes, all the leaves on the tree die and fall. The same happens with plants that are not adapt to winter conditions. This covers the forest floor with dead vegetation. This layer of dead plant material is vital to the flourishment of the forest come spring time. Death creates the an environment ideal for life to flourish. I was then shown different examples of this flow. I saw the flow of food, metabolism and waste. I saw the flow of blood through my veins and finally I saw the flow of rivers across the earth. The mushroom explained to me that a blockage of flow on any level will cause problems. Life is all about an effortless flow that needs to remain continual on all levels constantly.

Really, really similar to part of the content of my first mushroom trip also.
I miss a good lysergamide trip

this pregabalin is working very well :D
Sweet, my man -- sounds like a really great experiment today. I liked

Just felt like I am embracing my fate, to some ultimate level...

What does this do for you? Are the doors realized and opened, or are new doors now being realized? Maybe both? If I had written that, I imagine I'd be speaking of a type of surrender/acceptance. It's less apathy and more willfully seeing past the filters, and knowing oneself. Self-awareness. Good pondering point, man.
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