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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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I've been thinking about cactus also and really need to put aside some time in the coming months. Still wanna take a full dose of 4-AcO-EPT ( 23-25mgs ) one week and the next one of 4-AcO-DET ( 15-17mgs ). Then I'm gonna goto the Electric Zoo and take DOC ( 2mg ) in the a.m. when i wake up so I'm riding the peak when i walk in.

Should be a nice end to the summer.
Am I right? Or am i right?
I just contacted my DUI lawyer to make sure I had the date right to get my license back since I'm going to the DMV tomorrow to get it back. He then told me (which is the first I've ever heard of this) that since I didn't opt for the ignition interlock device (which would have been pointless since I work at home and they wouldn't have let me drive anywhere anyway, plus I totaled my car and didn't have one and still don't), I will still need to have a year of the ignition interlock device since I blew over 0.15. If this is true then I'm fucking pissed, I could have bought some beater car and installed it last year and been done with this shit. I replied to the email and asked him if I will also only be able to drive to church and work... I'm thinking I'll be able to drive anywhere since it's been over a year, if not, then I'm fucked for another year. What the fuck? No one told me I HAD to get the ignition interlock, in fact my lawyer previously said that since I work at home I shouldn't bother since I couldn't go anywhere anyway and you have to pay monthly to rent the device, and pay to have it installed, and pay to have it removed. This is brand new information that substantially impacts me and my personal freedom. If they really are going to make me get it for a year, I'm gonna be fucking pissed off because if I would have known, I would have done things differently. My lawyer specifically agreed with me that it was pointless to get the interlock last year after I got convicted, due to me not being able to drive anywhere because I work at home. So that seems extremely misleading. he's widely regarded as the best DUI lawyer in town, too, so it's surprising to me, I really felt confident about the guy. This is gonna be a serious punch in the gut if it's true. :\ Especially since I can't get a car for a while and I can't get an interlock without a car, which means I still won't fucking be able to drive... :X :X
Wow man that is completely fucked.

Id gotten a couple DUI's and they never made me do that. Though it was more than ten years ago. I feel like your lawyer deff should have told you this shit. What a sketchy legal system we have in The States. Hope you find some kinda solution to this Xork.
Yeah, waiting for the lawyer to tell me whether I will at least be able to not have restrictions on WHERE and when I drive, because that would basically mean I can't drive for another year which would be so fucked up I can't even stand to think about it. I already did a year... having to get an ignition interlock for a year but being able to go where I want will be a nuisance and will make it so I can't drive again until I can buy a car (which will be at least a month, when I get my mortgage refinance done), but at least I will be able to drive then (and have to pay for it monthly). Such horse shit. I hope he's somehow mistaken, as I literally have never heard of this, everything I have heard says that IF I wanted to be able to drive before a year of suspension was up, I had to get the ignition interlock. But he said this:

You can go to the DMV and pay the restoration fee and license will be issued. However, 1 year of ignition interlock is required if BAC is .15 or higher whether you get the license tomorrow or in 10 years. North Carolina is tough on the ignition interlock end of things. Let me know if you have any other questions.

So... sounds like it's new information I didn't have for whatever reason. God damn it, I fucking hate lawyers. My divorce lawyer is still being a fucking lazy shithead, he filed the paperwork that me and my ex both signed that requires her to get off the deed to my house in 15 days, and me pay her the settlement in 30 days, on July 18th. He told me he was going to be drafting the paperwork to transfer her off the deed "tomorrow or the next day" on July 24th. I waited over a week and emailed him on August 3rd asking him if she had signed it yet, and 2 days later he replied "I don't know if the deed paperwork has been drafted yet". I was like, WTF?? You were gonna do it a week ago, how do you not know? So I sent him an email asking him if I was supposed to do something, and showing him where he said he was going to do it, and that it's almost the deadline for her to be off the deed. He never replied to it. So today I emailed back a quite assertive email where I said I didn't appreciate being kept in the dark and that he needs to tell me where we stand. He said "A deed has been prepared but not yet delivered to her lawyer. I will try to get that done either this afternoon or tomorrow. I am in court and have been a lot since our court date." It's the same shit that happened when I returned paperwork that was requested on me 2 months before a court date, and right before the court date he delayed it because "I only just received the paperwork from you and you haven't signed in front of a notary yet". Fucking negligence. The fact that I'm going to have to pay this guy pisses me the fuck off. And technically I'm legally obligated to give her the settlement by 5 days from now, but I don't want to do that until she's off the deed. She was supposed to be off the deed by the 2nd so it's already past that but it's not even her fault. I really want to file some sort of formal complaint against him, I fucking hate that guy.
I'm sorry to hear of your financial and legal troubles Xork. My roommate in college got a DWI and it really frustrated him for years after. It was stopping him from finding work for years too, but luckily his father's employer gave him a chance since he has a computer programming degree of some sort. Otherwise the state would have been happy to see him an impoverished depressed individual for life.

I'm glad for you, if anything, that this all happened after you were settled in life. If it happens before... there's little chance of making anything for yourself.
Well, in NC, the first offense for the lower-end DUIs (like mine, there are 4 tiers of DUI higher, it gets worse if you hurt someone, or have someone else in the car, or some other factors I didn't have), is a misdemeanor and not a felony (but the worst kind of misdemeanor, just below felony). But yeah I'm also really glad it didn't happen earlier, that's a big plus.
Well, in NC, the first offense for the lower-end DUIs (like mine, there are 4 tiers of DUI higher, it gets worse if you hurt someone, or have someone else in the car, or some other factors I didn't have), is a misdemeanor and not a felony (but the worst kind of misdemeanor, just below felony). But yeah I'm also really glad it didn't happen earlier, that's a big plus.

Unfortunatly I think you are boned dude.

Ignition interlock restriction. In addition to imposing alcohol concentration restrictions, DMV must require ignition interlock for drivers whose licenses are restored following a conviction for impaired driving if any of the following is true:

  • The person had an alcohol concentration of 0.15 or more;
Yeah already figured it out. Means I can't drive til I buy a car and get one installed, but at least then I won't have restrictions on where/when I can drive.
Trying to get some work done, and then pack for a full weekend (Friday afternoon through Monday morning) of playing at 2 music festivals. :) Gonna be so fun. I'm going to bring some DOC and 4-HO-MiPT and take the DOC today when we get on the road (we don't play tonight, just tomorrow night and Sunday, but going to spend tonight at the festival because, duh, free festival!), and then probably the 4-HO-MiPT at night. I remember years ago I combined the two, 4-HO-MiPT at the plateau end of DOC, and had one of the most beautiful trips of my life. I kinda want to try out something new like BOD but would prefer to stick to what I know in this situation. Either way I'm pumped, life is so much more exciting when you're in a band that plays at a lot of music festivals. :)
Can't wait to hear about that BOD, reallt interested in what that series holds. Is there a possibility of making BOC or BOE, not even sure if that works due to my poor chemistry knowledge. But 2C-E and 2C-C are two of my favorite psychedlics.

Been planning my next trip as well why I have been working today. Going to combine about 18 grams of San Pedro and 13mgs of 4-HO-MET. Thinking that this one may be even better than with the Shrooms. I definetly prefer the 4-HO-MET over Psilocybin, but that one is high on my list still.

But anyways I haven't heard much about the combo, in my mind though i think they will mesh well. Gonna take the Mescaline as usual in 3 parts spaced out by 30mins. Then I will take the Tryptamine with the last of the San Pedro powder. Really excited about this, I have a feeling it's gonna be a winner.
I've got some San Pedro and will be taking it either this week or next week. Might mix in some ayahuasca / b. muricata. I bet taking it with mushrooms will be fun!

Do you just mix powder with water or what? I am thinking about doing that.
I mixed my san pedro powder with water a few days ago, the one time I've used it. Be sure to mix it just before you're going to drink it, though. I waited an hour or two, and by the time I got to it the whole thing had solidified into a goopier apple sauce type texture. I ended up just eating it with my fingers out in the wilderness, which wasn't terrible considering I'm not bothered by the taste, but it was still much more trouble than just chugging the thing would have been.

On that note, I found mescaline to be a really interesting and much different than expected experience. The headspace was crystal clear for me, more transparent than almost any other psychedelic I've taken besides 5-meo-mipt - maybe? It honestly didn't really seem like the right substance for what I wanted, though I am glad I finally got to try it. It did take forever to kick in though! Like three hours before anything significant started happening. I didn't even really feel much for the first hour and a half.
I mixed my san pedro powder with water a few days ago, the one time I've used it. Be sure to mix it just before you're going to drink it, though. I waited an hour or two, and by the time I got to it the whole thing had solidified into a goopier apple sauce type texture. I ended up just eating it with my fingers out in the wilderness, which wasn't terrible considering I'm not bothered by the taste, but it was still much more trouble than just chugging the thing would have been.

On that note, I found mescaline to be a really interesting and much different than expected experience. The headspace was crystal clear for me, more transparent than almost any other psychedelic I've taken besides 5-meo-mipt - maybe? It honestly didn't really seem like the right substance for what I wanted, though I am glad I finally got to try it. It did take forever to kick in though! Like three hours before anything significant started happening. I didn't even really feel much for the first hour and a half.
Yeah you just reminded me my ex hippie mum told me the story of how they all took some mescaline back in the day (she took half a microdot 8 times back then, loads of other drugs).

she told me but they kept getting thrown out of every pub they went into and I really couldn't understand why because as far as I could tell they were perfectly normal.

She also described how the hallucinogenic effects of the mescaline could be brought about by suggestion.
You just sparked my memory of that anyway and it resonates with what you are describing here so I thought I would mention it.
I mixed my san pedro powder with water a few days ago, the one time I've used it. Be sure to mix it just before you're going to drink it, though. I waited an hour or two, and by the time I got to it the whole thing had solidified into a goopier apple sauce type texture. I ended up just eating it with my fingers out in the wilderness, which wasn't terrible considering I'm not bothered by the taste, but it was still much more trouble than just chugging the thing would have been.

On that note, I found mescaline to be a really interesting and much different than expected experience. The headspace was crystal clear for me, more transparent than almost any other psychedelic I've taken besides 5-meo-mipt - maybe? It honestly didn't really seem like the right substance for what I wanted, though I am glad I finally got to try it. It did take forever to kick in though! Like three hours before anything significant started happening. I didn't even really feel much for the first hour and a half.

Cool. Yah, I actually just took 2g just to see how this batch feels. I have no problem mixing it with water, taste OK to me. Dump, stir, drink. Will probably try 30-45 g in 2 or 3 doses. How much did you take?
That's funny, AutoTripper. I could totally see that happening. My subjective experience of it peaked like seven hours after dosing?

And yepyep, I took 30g of the powder. I'd probably take more next time.
Man I am definatly feeling that 2g I took
Im at work and wish I had some fuckin weed. I think might have to fo back to 1g microdose after I take a full dose. Definatly gonna shoot for 45-60

Edit: Low key I am kinda fuckin lit right now. Way chattier than normal and am keepin a grin on my face. My eyes are feelin a certain type of way, but no dialated pupils. I cant wait to get off and take some vine aya
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I've got some San Pedro and will be taking it either this week or next week. Might mix in some ayahuasca / b. muricata. I bet taking it with mushrooms will be fun!

Do you just mix powder with water or what? I am thinking about doing that.

I've always just put it into OOO gelcaps and eat it like that. I've tripped on it a lot of times now and have never once tasted it. Always been kinda worried about how nasty it might be, I've got a weak stomach and puke easily. That being said I never once have on Cactus. It's a really beautiful experience, I'd had some of the most intricate visuals I've seen in awhile combined with shrooms. So I figure since 4-ho-met is even more powerful in that department this should sure be something.
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