Partner is Heroin Addict - Help Please

Just noticed you're in usa, our way is a little different, and i dont think theyd have any reason to touch my kids. if anyone from oz here who has experience etc, let me know ur thoughts

In Australia child services DO NOT remove children solely on the basis of addiction.
Only if the child is being abused or neglected.
They understand that using drugs does not make someone a bad parent, though it does increase the probability somewhat that the parent will be a bad parent.
CS Australia understand that taking children away from parents just based on drug use actually causes massive damage to the child.

I don't know how Americans do things, but I imagine since over there you can get jailed for weed use, whereas in Australia its practically legal, that Americans like to overreact.

I am an opiate user, I have 2 children, I have never neglected or abused them or harmed them in anyway. They are healthy fed immunized and attending school. I have instructed them on daddy's drug use, it is a daily medicine I have to take else I get sick I tell them. They understand fully about it.

The children and my partner come first them my drug use 2nd, I budget for my drugs, if there arises conflict between money for food or drugs, I go without drugs everytime, I have withdrawn for up to a week at a time but my kids have always been fed. I will and do go to hell and back to ensure their welfare, and that of my GF.

Generalizations are never accurate because just one exception destroys the rule.

Your own experience with drugs doesn't count either, <snip> because some people DO have the strength and morality not to be a fiend.

I am a drug user who is also a good parent, no matter what your opinion if me is.
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