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P&S Alternative Theories thread v. orange tang

It could just be that there's no easy way around the lightspeed barrier, so nearly all civilizations are doomed to isolation.

Well, they've been saying it's "imminent" for a year now, but I can't imagine it means any more "imminent" than before Christmas.
Nay. Would you venture into a virus infested manure pile? I doubt it.
^Unless, that to exist as the proposed landers, it would be required of them to have advanced enough that such viruses, Etc., are no issue.

Its in my idea that ultimately the universe favors cooperation, at its higher levels, because it, like the global economy, knows it is interconnected. Therefore, humans, with their potential, it would want to cooperate with, possibly. To guide us. This guiding may in fact come through aliens, or other angels, who were/are also guided.

I cannot say that I believe these "transcriptions". I'm not sure if any such landing of a guiding/inspiring race is imminent.
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Okay I am only responding to the title, admittedly I did not click your link. Are we due? Well why I find this so hilarious is I picture Reagan's great speech during his presidency (I am going to paraphrase for humor) "If only there was an alien we could unite against". So in contrast with his remarks I must say to the question; are we due? No. For God's sake we'd fuck it up pretending to be Dirty Harry.
I only asked because for once I don't know what to believe myself.
Going by your other threads it doesn't matter what others say.. you'll believe in anything you want to.

We're not all crazy SHM.. honest :sus:

apologies to bill watterson. Humans can't deal with other humans who show up unexpected and we are not exactly great stewards of the planet. Also, statistics is kind of against us - vastness of space and time and the limitations of lightspeed mean either the super intelligent aliens can violate relativity, they don't give a shit about us, or they just don't exist within our light cone.

Well, they've been saying it's "imminent" for a year now, but I can't imagine it means any more "imminent" than before Christmas.

"They" say the following are also going to happen soon: the Rapture, the Second Coming, the end of the world, the rise of the Jewish New World Order, detonation of the Sun, asteroid impact, theatrewide chemical and biological warfare, Elvis' return from his moon base, Earth impacting Planet X, Earth impacting the black hole in the centre of the galaxy, thermal decay of all matter in the universe, Biggie Smalls and Michael Jackson doing another collab.

Bayes is rolling in his grave. :\ Humans are terrible at making predictions like this - everyone wants to be a prophet, nobody wants to lose face. The last couple times predictions like this were made, egg was deposited onto faces.
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I vote for Elvis' return from the 8th moon of Jupiter first - at least we have a heart connection with him.
That was obviously written by a human.

And I seriously doubt that interstellar travelers are flying around in machines. Machines are pretty primitive.
All these messages are written by human channels. The thing to wonder about is how much truth is in it.
I assume they would have higher technology...

So? Would you not assume then they would have higher reason too and just leave us alone until we're actually ready to have contact. We can barely take care of each other, ourselves, or the planet. We're clearly not ready for contact.

If you came across a bunch of primitive morons like us you'd leave them alone, for their sake not yours.