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Opioids Oxycodone enhancement advice

For sure. I know too well how tempting that combo can be and also how dangerous and life changing/ending. We’re all here to try to make better choices, to get helpful info, and to kind of have a community where we care about the deaths of each other. Knowing you’re still here gives me a lot of joy. I’m stoked to wake up to this message from you. Cheers
Nice! I had a great time back home when people were coming back from their expeditions to Spain , collecting opium in the Bayer´s plantations :) I wonder if it s still a thing. If I ll ever have access to the thing again I ld like to smoke it properly though, eating it led to a MASSIVE constipation...
Yeah I live in Spain and people go to poppy fields and have big amounts of good opium. Ive been there 2 times 20 years ago and had 100gr of opium. Thats how started my opium adiction. When I finished the opium I began with H.
Well, If you really want to get higher take Oxycodone with a stimulant. Such as Cocaine, Meth or some other euphoriating stimulant. It's called a "Speed Ball".