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Overrated and underrated drugs


MDMA-it is pretty fun but i feel so shitty afterwards

Alcohol-only if there's nothing else and im in the mood to get loaded. usually leaves me really sleepy tho


Speed-i kn ow, i know how i could i likespeed mor than X? but it just feels better and the euphoria feels more natural and stronger than E for me
over rated: nutmeg - has a poor rating to begin with so...

under rated: opiates

blah blah blah, I don't want to hear about that time you went to colombia and got 97.95% pure shit straight out of a mule's ass. I mean the coke that you are actually able to buy in North America (or wherever the fuck else you are). Keeps me awake for days, often makes me chew my fucking jaw off, I shit every 20 minutes and I end up drinking 30 fucking beers cuz they go down like mother's milk. actually better in my case. my mom was a professional trampolinist. cheesy. It makes me talk out my ass like I'm god for the first hour, and then I spend the next 8 hours talking out my ass like I'm fucking god or something. It's also WAY overpriced unless you buy it in bulk, in which case you don't pay less for it, you just do 5 times as much for 1/2 the price.


ok, forget everything I just said. There is nothing like that first fucking line when you've called your dealer when you were leaving the bar at 2:15 after deciding to "take a break this weekend." It's like hugging an old friend who you haven't seen in years, except you get to do it every weekend. I guess that's what having alzheimer's must be like, except without the good part. Your dealer shows up an hour later after you've all been sitting around waiting for 45 minutes trying to remember why the fuck you decided to call him. But as soon as that ball hits the table and you're rolling up that c-note, oh baby say goodbye to those regrets. Not to mention it makes me talk like I'm fucking god for 9 hours. You don't care about that time I went diving in Australia? FUCK YOU! I've told you this story already? Just for that, as soon as I'm done I'm gonna tell it again. Fuck this, I'm calling my dealer. Coke rocks.
Overrated: Temazepam & Xanax. Yay...sleep. Sleep is a necessity to me, not recreation. Never understood people taking sleeping pills as fun. Also, weed. Never liked it. I'm hungry and tired all the time as it is, don't need help.

Can't really think of anything underrated. If you're doing it, you like it, plain and simple.

As for heroin, it's both, and it's neither. It's exactly as cool as everyone says.
Jason702 said:
Never understood people taking sleeping pills as fun. QUOTE]

Ever heard of qualudes or mandrax? They used to be popular...
I guess you never have dissolved a dormicum tablet in water and filtrated it to get an IVable midazolam solution?

I am a speed addict/tweaker. i (ab)use illicit street meth/amphetamine and pharmaceuticals/pills.

I have no desire to do regularly opioids but i have experimented with IV heroin, IV oxycodone, IV buprenorphine. I can still very well understand why some people get (heavy) opioid habits.

Some people find benzos etc. to be pleasant, myself included.
I'm speaking only from personal experience but:
MDMA-granted it's great the first few times but then it gets old. "best feeling in the world" my ass. I also hate how my brain needs a few days/weeks to get back to normal. I just feel completely off the morning after rolling and I hate it. I get uber paranoid.

Alcohol-Yeah. Not only does it taste nasty as fuck but I fucking hate hangovers and feeling pukey and out of my mind. No thanks. Not to mention that I hate how folks get loud and obnoxious while drunk.

Weed-it just makes me sleepy and paranoid. Lame.

Darvocet-OMG! Nothing has beat the feeling I have had after popping a few Darvs. It even beat out ecstasy for me. I also love how it gives me like no nasty side effects. No nausea, no headaches in the morning, it's wonderful.
I say DMT is underrated by the general public. Anyone who has used it and any psychonaut is respectful of DMT, but everyone else either doesnt know what it is or doesnt think anything of it.

Just in my experience anyway.
I'd say poppy tea underrated. I dont know of anyone who actually knew what this stuff could do in real life. I found it from the internet like most people. it is a strong opiate high, except if your new to it then you can be high for a good 20 hours straight with 1 dose. When I started taking this I would wake up the next day high as fuck and just dip out on my couch for a few hours. the high is about as strong as an OC or heroin high, with less euphoria. 35 dollars can get you enough to get high 7 days straight, not coming down once. the duration can only compare to methadone or fent patches. I love these things and wont even bother with pills anymore simply because when the high wears off im just left sitting there thinking "thats it?" and wishing I got a weeks worth of pods for the price of 2 roxi 30s or an 80.
over rated- coke , its to expensive , most times cut many times over ,and i personaly dislike the high how ever i like the come down is the stange or what

underratted- perscription druggs,alcohole, they are both addictive and readaly availyable to todays youth ...just about all my friends in highschool got into narcos barz all kinds of stuff

weed can fit into ether one i guess
overrated - opiates, opioids - boring as fuck.
weed is overated, it makes me anxious, paranoid, bored, tired and i eat like a pig. it can be alright with other shit though (see my underated.)
underated - dxm and weed and good music+headphones together - the most euphoric drug experience for me at one point. i lost the magic though and don't fuck with dxm at all now.
Weed, tobacco, alcohol - no idea how any of those become the most popular drugs on the planet. Weed is ok when mixed with certain other drugs, but it's not the earth-mover that most stoners seem to think it is. LSD I haven't been overly impressed with, the 2cs haven't be all that great either - they feel like an inferior version of mescaline (see below.) Final vote goes for coke.

Mescaline! My favorite psychedelic. Preferably cactus, not synthetic (all those other lovely alkaloids need to do their thing to.) Yes it's a pain in the arse spending hours making tea or doing crude alcohol extractions, but it's soo incredible. =D
Poppy pods. Why people over-look these for pricey opiate pharms seems a bit strange to me. Downside, like cactus, tastes like crap.
Overrated crack.

With any other drug at least you take it and go dancing or doing something else, with crack you sit down and do nothing but smoke that shit till you finish it, chronic users don't even talk anymore while doing it.

And once you smoke the last rock the effect vanishes in a minute and you always crave more.

Cracks the greatest high ever to me=/
Xanax (actually, most benzos. But Xanax is the most commonly abused one around here.)

Jenkem (jk)