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Overrated and underrated drugs


chicpoena said:
UNDERRATED: Cannabis. I have had full blown psychedelic experiences on pot alone. A lot of people have this attitude of "oh, it's only weed" but pot can be a very strong drug. In fact, pot affects my mind more than strong opioids do.


I often smoke Indica strains to alleviate my knee pain. It keeps me from taking opitates... most of the time. Major narcotic pain relief, sedation, and a tranquilizing body high...
Cocaine, street ecstasy- purity issues.
Methamphetamine- it may not be overrated but its DEFINITELY NOT underrated as many have said... I would never touch this nasty shit drug.

Quality marijuana- potentiates the majority of drugs. Can be surprisingly strong alone. Sparks my appetite without fail. My favorite and most used substance, I love MJ.

Somas, valium.- These pills are dirt cheap in H-TX usually 40-50 for just $20. Somas are fun to mix with alcohol, marijuana, opiates, and benzos.. moderation is key.
over: Marijuana.
strong hallucinings ...because spending 8 hours in a feeling of impending doom and more or less unfunctional in the real world is just where I want to be.

ephedrine....maybe its just me, but but it gives me one hell of a rush and feeling of strenght and enegry when I do a nice big dose...not anxiety or anything like people say.


Before people ask me am I joking about heroin, I dont mean that it isnt great but it is hyped up too much, I've used it many times and couldnt see myself becoming addicted too it I've never craved for it.
*My overrated/underrated is based on what I've heard people say IN my area but the actual list is my opinion on how much people are either missing out or acting like a drug is the be-all-end-all*


Coke - WTF man, it lasts no time at all for a slight mood lift then a crash wanting more, I was expecting this however so I can't complain. Yes I've done it more then a few times.

Alcohol - It's REALLY not that fun and it's EVERYWHERE, yeah, I like to drink on occasion but I could never see myself getting a drinking problem. The only thing I like about it is that I can maintain a decent buzz without crossing the line.

LSD/Shrooms - Everyone around me thinks that the effects will be INSANE and used in a "Lets get fucked today man and see rainbows". They are all expecting DMT-like effects and I doubt most of them even know what DMT is. The ones who've done it see and appreciate it for what it is... usually.

Percocet - For some fucking weird reason people around here think it's an awesome drug in slightly over the medicinally recommended dosage. Get something stronger, learn to do a CWE, or shut up.


Ketamine - This is a great drug/tool for self-exploration and even just for "having fun". So much can be learned/gained from K I find it ridiculous how many people pass it off for reasons like "I heard it is a cat tranquilizer so why would you put it in you? To sleep?"

LSD/Shrooms/Anything in this catagory - Their true use is amazingly overrated around her, there is so much to build off of their use rather then justing "getting high".

Benzos - Sure small doses only do what they're supposed to... Who cares? You're supposed to take a lot more then that and if you enjoy wandering Earth care-free and blissful then they kick ass. Also their use in combinations can be ridiculously helpful and depending on the combo seriously fun. Also people underestimate the REAL fucking risk of addiction, one of the worst things I have ever had to shake, puke, and feel like crying from accompanied by extreme cravings and depression/anxiety. So glad I'm past that, I'll do everything in my power not to fall back into the hazed-blackness.

DXM - I didn't put this on the overrated list because I assume all of you know at least someone who thought it would be a ridiculous trippy ass thing to do only to get fucked up (Like alcohol use). However it is an awesome self-exploration tool and produces quite interesting effect and, while yes it IS fun just to get "fucked up" it is much more useful for a psychonaut IMO.

Diphenhydramine/Dimenhydrinate - These drugs are not very well known as abusable in my area but I'm glad about that. They can cause some serious problems and are risky to consume in high doses. However with a large amount of research an experienced person could find their effects useful and interesting as long as they have a strong mind. For example in low dose studies (of mine) they are a big step towards learning how to induce OBEs and the ability to control visual hallucinations, and remain calm in the face of your biggest fears which is a skill you can take with you on your journey. Again this is one of those thing that would most likely attract polar sides of attention, the idiots who want to get fucked and the experienced psychonauts interested in learning self-control.

Stimulants (All) - No one seems to like them around here but they can be quite fun and not too too dangerous when equipped with good, factual knowledge.
Personally I take them as prescribed for my severe ADHD but before the script/diagnosis I was not shy of the stimulant family and binged many more times then I can count. Never got addicted however, far as I'm concerned.

I think the whole overrated/underacted aura around drugs is widely accountable to the culture/area around you so opinions Should differ greatly.

EDIT-ADDON" Sure some of these drugs make make you feel happiness while you on them and I know it's "real" but that effect disappears once the drug is out of your body, however if you learn something during a trip that gives you joy it and you feel this new idea or knowledge is true it very well could come back to your sober ego and have a long lasting effect. Happened to me multiple times, multiple different type of drug.
This is sort of hard because as I'm thinking about each drug I'm trying to think of what the popular opinion is about it. I think also what some people need to remember is their first/best experience on the drug. I will often reference that here. Anyway, here we go. IMO:

Opiates: Opiates fall into this category because I remember my first time with OxyContin, how I felt as though I couldn't move but how I certainly didn't care. And later, when I started to IV, that earth-shattering, orgasmic high from a good shot of dope or OC. Thus far in my experience in the drug world, this high is unmatched. Now, certainly not underrated are the associated risks. Once you have that feeling, all you want to do is get it back. However, used correctly, I think opiates are probably the 'best' drug.

LSD: I think part of the problem with LSD is too many people have this conception that they're going to see pink elephants and whatnot. This I feel creates the wrong impression. With good, clean acid you can have incredible fun, while also having a chance to get deeply introspective. It can help to show you the truth behind who you really love and who loves you, while also showing who you maybe don't like as much as you thought. Setting is crucial for LSD, but in the right setting LSD can be one of the best and most enlightening drugs there is.

Ecstasy(MDMA): Good quality MDMA can also be an amazing experience. Now, I was never into roll tricks, or raves, or glow sticks, or anything like that. Instead when I rolled I preferred to truly enjoy my friends. I just loved to talk the night away with good friends, about our dreams and our fears, the past, present and future, and it was beautiful. This was my favorite part about MDMA was everyone opening up to one another.

Cocaine(even more so Crack): For me the high was always 'ok' I guess but very short and afterwards, even during the high, I was very anxious and sort of paranoid. Every time after it was over I thought to myself, "damn its over? thats it?" and I was pissed that I had wasted my money. Coke is a little different story, because if I do it right, I enjoy coke after I've been drinking. I should also say that the only way I do either these days is if I have an opiate to do with it, or maybe if I have a benzo to come down on.

Benzos: I seems like, where I'm from, everybody loves benzos. I've done xanax quite a bit, but even though I feel good, I don't know that I'd call it euphoria. Even if I did experience euphoria, I wouldn't remember it. I was hesitant to put benzo's in this category because I do enjoy them but I did so because of the negatives, at least for me. When I take Xanax, which is usually when I'm drinking, a few things happen, due to a total lack of inhibitions. I am a person of few inhibitions when I'm sober, so when benzo's and drinking get involved, watch out: I steal. I will steal anything from almost anyone. God forbid I go to a mall or something. Now, I'm usually like,"Man, I can't believe how risky that was." but I also am usually happy with my new merchandise. My morals in general get dicey. I also been known to spend all my money on whatever; drugs, food, etc. And I've also driven on a couple occasions when I should have kept myself in check. This once resulted in me wrecking my mom's car, terrible night. Lastly, I remember very little if anything when I do Xanax, which sort of spoils the fun when you don't remember having it. As far as Xanax without alcohol...nap time.

That's all I've got. Other drugs I wouldn't say are over-rated or under-rated. I think weed can be under-rated, but I won't list it here. I was also going to say the 2c family is over-rated, but I didn't do enough to have a valid opinion. Peace
OcCo said:

Are you Joking?

Nope, it's just my opinion. Let's not fight about it though.
I said it would be polar (Love it or Hate it).
I didn't tell anyone to do it and I'm not suggesting they should, all I was saying is that I saw a use for them. However the use is accompanied by dangerous aspects and I think if you do choose to use it I would say maybe once every two months in doses below what most kiddiots do.

Again, it's just an opinion, obviously others will differ.
No harm done as long as we don't fight about something as subjective as an opinion. And I don't think my post is going to motivate anyone to do them so they wont be harmed.

To make this clear:
(Not yelling, just wanted it to be noticed)
Coke, but alcohol even more so. In a really peculiar way I feel sorry for people who think drinking is fun... next time you're looking to have a fun time with some friends, try heroin. Bonus: heroin isn't a carcinogen or neurotoxin.
Ketamine is wayyy underrated, but then again I would say that, as I have an perverse love for ketamine.
Freshly Baked said:
Heroin - Why is heroin considered the lowest form of drug use, when im sure it produces more Euphoria than any other drug.

sorry, but there is a new kid on the block and her name is TINA!
the euphoria she is capable of providing trumps all others, and she isn't considered the lowest form of drug use, though she is often mistaken for the devil himself. ;)

Crystal meth makes heroin look like a joke man.

overrated: heroin, cocaine
underrated: crystal meth
Both over-rated and underated is Heroin.

Why... gives you the taste of heaven in mortal form, but the trade off is your going to hell.

Heroin is also the only CURE for alcoholism I ever found. Again great, but, honeymoons never last, the you find you are married to a sucubus.

Perosal choice, anything that takes you "up" is overrated, and anything that takes you "down" is underated, simple as that, unless you have no clue where you are going, then, well then, I suggest you just stay away, quit, join a 12 step group, get born again, a cult, whatever it takes, because those are the people whose funerals I keep attending.
Overrated: Cocaine, Alcohol: Never-ending dizzyness, puking, and the feeling as if half your brain has been removed and low to moderate euphoria? It's fun to get wasted with your buddies and watch ATHF or something but as others have said people (especially my fellow college students) talk about this as if it was gods bottled piss.

Amps: Yeah, the euphoria and energy kick ass, but once the feelings gone it's the pit of despair and paranoia until you find some way to go to sleep. Good for when you have to get up really early for hard work or all nighters when caffiene just isn't enough but the negatives really outwiegh the positives in my book.


Benzos: The feeling of relaxation, that nothing can touch you and lowered inhibitions has to be felt to be truly understood. Though it has its drawbacks (another guy said it makes him want to steal, I get exactly the same way, and don't even think about getting addicted to it), I think more people need to give it a chance, it's not going to give you much body euphoria but that's not what they're meant for.

DXM: Blah blah blah it's loser drug I've heard it all before. It's a goddamned miracle drug IMO, at the 1st and 2nd plateaus it's like getting drunk and stoned at the same time with an AMAZING body buzz, with the best music enhancement I've ever had, at the higher plateaus it's great for psychonuatical stuff. also great for when you're strapped for cash becuase it's dirt cheap. I wish more people would see past the stigma...
I would say sniffing coke is overrated but a phat shot of good coke cant get rated highly enough :)
Overated: heroin (sleepy, sickly), cocaine (nothing on meth), DXM (like a fever)

Underated: LSD, DMT, Mushrooms
codeine - the fact that it has been mentioned - ever - makes it far overated :p
hydrocodone - first opiate used for me. 25mg. forgot i took it.
khat - placebo plant
anxiety benzos (xanax, valium) - still fun as hell, and i always like to have some around, but there are MUCH better fish in sea

cocaine (only in this thread) - seriously? coke is overrated? i know its a little expensive, but damn, its nice.
Alcohol - i think people underestimate how perfect this is for parties
Heroin - too many people assume that 1 dose will get you addicted - and somehow, even if you didnt shoot up, give you AIDS.8o
edit: and DMT - why dont more people know about this????