Oral Sex Roll Call!!!! :P){i}(

Some lucky girl there - yes i think i rememebr how now
**catching my breath**
Damn, that was hot...AcidBurn, will you marry me?

E PLURibus unum
DAYAM~!! hey acidburn...come ova~! =) i love how everyone is so open about this~
Wow, who woulda thought that this thread would reach two pages?! AcidBurn, You are the man! Damn do I love bluelighters.....

On Technique, AcidBurn I swear we come from the same school of thought cuz your description of technique almost exactly matches that of my own. I've never had much luck with the alphabet either, and I find that slowly building up to the deed by touching and caressing various parts of the body with a touch that barely skims the surface of the skin as well as well placed licks with the tongue work real well to build up the desire that creates earth shattering orgasms. Damn, all this talk of cunnilingus is making me hungry!

Freakomatic, I'd imagine that the answer to your question is to "Cunnilate". Heh. Who knows really.....all I know is that I like to do it.

And X-RaverQueen......gotta agree with you on the Peppermint cought drop thing. Great for giving cunnilingus, and for recieving fellatio. Altoids and Halls definitely to something to spice up both. Oohhh......just thinking of it gives me chills.
PLUR and all that God sent good stuff...
Hey perverts
Very educational stuff there.
Hey Acid, do you give lessons? Cause I know lots of guys that could use the teaching.
Preferably, I like to give - while on and off e. It does make a difference though. I have an oral fixation without drugs so I like to suck either way. (But since luv2luv is right and there are some secrets a girl's gotta keep - I won't do into specific detail about my technique... unless of course, you all are interested

Sex on e? I'm too scared to try it to be honest. Everything is so much harder and more intense I think: will I be able to walk afterwards?
Eh, there's my 2 cents
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
Secrets sure, but as far as you go AcidBurn - damn that was good!! That's no secret!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
acid burn? do i know you??
i wish!!
actually i know a guy like that...mmm!
whats your name?
Speaking of secrets, my name's a secret.. and the sad truth is... if I did do this to some girl on this board, she probably never even knew my name in the first place

a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
You know it!
Im cummin' then Im goin'!!
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
So...uh...AcidBurn...Where ya from? Usually I would shake my head at such a thread (remember this is not an adult board), but this has turned out to be fun...
Occasionally playing for both teams, I can tell you giving is just as rewarding as recieving. Just paying attention to what your doing makes for great head. Having the attitude of wanting to please, making it very ovious that you so into what your doing, letting her know you love the way she tastes, moaning along with her... little things like that, that aren't so much technique, but attitude. You have to truly love what your doing to give good oral.
I hate being single and not getting any.
I never take advice from someone more fucked up then I am.
"Playing for both teams"? D'ya mean "Batting for the Yankees"? lol..JK
All I wanted for Christmas was a bisexual girlfriend.. but I guess Santa didnt approve

a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
Hey Acid - maybe some day God will drop one on your lap - or face!!!!

If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
I'd only expect a witty comment that from you luv
you got mail

a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
LMAO at barndog

I'm not revealing ANY secrets here at all so don't get your hopes up. But one thing that hasn't been mentioned here is tounge piercings. I've never had the pleasure of receiving from someone with a tounge piercing but curious as to how different it is.
I'm sure there's plenty of people willing to tell me.....
I dont have a tounge piercing.. but im thinking of getting one for that very reason. Can any girls tell me if its worth my trouble?
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
mmmm... tongue rings - YES YES YES!!!!! They add a lot to the ordeal!! (at least for me).. as long as they're not TOO big (you wouldn't want to feel like something is swimming around inside of you, either) .. but Acid.. don't get one just for a girl. That's sweet of you and everything, but if you get a tongue ring, do it cause YOU want it. Never do anything for anyone else. (ok that just totally went against the entire idea of giving oral sex but you know what I am trying to get at here)
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
Let's get one together!!! We can test them out too!!! Haha!! I want to get one too(I have for almost 2 years now) but I feel like it's too late - like it's so passe.
So, how long did it take for you to come up with the picture in the title of this??
You've got mail.
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
[This message has been edited by luv2luv (edited 16 January 2000).]
I gotta tell you, my ex gave awesome oral with a tongue ring. When it was gone... the oral sucked. It is definately worth it if you feel you need improvement.
The best oral I've ever recieved, no tongue piercing. And it wouldn't have made him any better either... he was just.... gifted.
Oh AcidBurn... Everyone wants a bisexual girlfriend. Then they don't know what to do with them.
I have given up. All the cute guys are gay and the cute women aren't.

I never take advice from someone more fucked up then I am.