Oral Sex Roll Call!!!! :P){i}(

wow.. 100th post

If Im going to start an academy.. I need female volenteers for.. well, you know

I live in Boulder, CO.. USA IRISHGURL.. since you asked

a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
oh I'll be more than happy to be a volunteer for... brownie making and activity organization

Fun facts:
it is illegal to have sex in your house with the curtains open.
Did you know oral sex (& sodomy) is illegal many of the united states? Yup, it's somethin like a 200 year old law... now would you want to be locked up for that.
"what you in for?"
"killin the babysitter, you?"
"how'd you do it?"
"she choked to death - it was obviously me"
ok that was horrible... I'm shutting up now.
[This message has been edited by Ro L L er G i r L (edited 20 January 2000).]
giving/recieving while on X has to be one of the best things to do. i love both, but i would pefer to give. tounge rings can be awesome. putting an ice cube in your mouth for a while to get the barbell cold will make your partner scream. it works on guys or girls.
LilAriesboy, im always interested in learning new techniques, could u emial it 2 me, [email protected]
kaos, i've learned a lot from this thread, can't wait untill tomorrow night
i love you
ok i swore i wouldn't respond to this thread
but 102 responses.....ummmm
"if i brought you flowers...no....wait...if i LET you SUCK on my tounge....would you be grateful?"
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
Umm Roller girl.. Sodomy is anal sex.. not oral sex.. and it is illegal in some states. Oral sex is also illegal in a few states

a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
What a graceful double post

a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
[This message has been edited by AcidBurn (edited 20 January 2000).]
An Academy huh?....That would be interesting.... The Distinguished Academy of Cunnilingus. Hah! I love it......
AcidBurn, where do we start?!
and wow, I can't believe that this thread has reached over a hundred posts....
PLUR and all that God sent good stuff...
Oh God...looks like I'm gonna have to write some documentation for this. Does everyone have word for Windows?
Any volunteers for a public demo or video feed (I live in Massachusetts).....I need someone with an Old English accent to narrate.....just kidding
[This message has been edited by Lil'AriesBoy (edited 21 January 2000).]
Where have u been LilAriesboy...we've all been waiting patiently for yah...well i have words for windows so juss email it to me at [email protected]
Ya Never Know Til U Tried....But One Thang Iz Clear...Ur Gonna Get Fucked Up!!!1
Hey AcidBurn...not to nitpick, but here in Georgia, oral sex IS considered sodomy (the law defines sodomy as any sexual activity other than penile-to-vaginal intercourse), so it's illegal here. Of course, I try to break the law every chance I get!

And Lil'AriesBoy, you've got me curious...please e-mail me: [email protected] Thanx!

E PLURibus unum
AH HA! see?? no need for a corrective double post... i thought there was some validity to what i was saying!! =P:::
Are you telling me that in your state, a hand job is sodomy??
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
wow, i swore i wasn't going to reply to this topic, but now you've gone and added links and word documents and plans for an academy of higher learning. i'm just waiting for the first .jpg

shit, i suppose i didn't really have anything to say! oh well, lick on
To answer your question AcidBurn, a hand job (along with masturbation) is considered "lewd conduct", but doesn't fall under the category of sodomy, probably because hand jobs and jacking off aren't really considered sex. If a girl gives you a hand job, does this mean she's had sex with you? Of course not. But if she goes down on you (or vice-versa, in which case, she is one lucky girl)...that's sex, or is it? It's kind of a slippery slope.
Personally, I think oral sex is just as intimate as intercourse...maybe even more so. And laws criminalizing this sort of activity (as long as it's between consenting adults) are just plain stupid. Makes you wonder why they even exist in the first place...
None of the laws really matter anyway unless you get caught...then you're screwed (as it were)...

E PLURibus unum
[This message has been edited by amaryllis (edited 24 January 2000).]
Daaaamn!!!!!!!! I really think i need a cold shower after reading your post/ sex filled story acidburn... Well in my view i love receving but for me it's been too long ever since me and my x broke up i havn't had any hmm but hey if i meet a guy like you acid burn it will be well F@$#n' worth the wait............ and hey Lilariesboy e-mail me at [email protected] an acidburn I hope you get your wish from santa cause my x hated the fact that i was bi and would even let me kiss a fucking girl..
every body get down....
peace out
much love and lots of huggles
PLUR the way to a better world