Oral Sex Roll Call!!!! :P){i}(

Ok, I can't believe I read all the answers to this question all the way to the bottom of my computer screen with my face really close to the computer like I was waiting for something to pop out??? This one made me laugh alot but help, I still don't get the symbols at the top? I keep staring at it and I can't see anything strange and if any of you are laughing at me right now, stop it...I am just a girl and this whole thing got me horny now, thank you! Hey, barndog, what happened to qrstuvwxyz? You left off at p on the alphabet thing? You really should finish the whole alpabet and then your meal is complete so to speak! I love to give very much and I love even more to receive. I am selfish so shit, get down there and get your nose all glistening and don't come up until I tell you to! Thank you...
Well, that got my attention...
I think oral is way more intense then intercourse most times... unfortunately I have only had one man do it right, and he wasn't licking the alphabet
I really don't think he had secret other than sheer persistance. I miss that man. He was better at oral than women I've been with.
I guess oral is only better than intercourse if done properly.
I usually do K while on E so everything gets kinda numb. So I have never even taken a shot at oral or intercourse while on E. That kinda sucks...lol
Love2roll.....any time baby, any time.
Heh. Just kidding. Ya see, that's what I love about this place. We can joke about things like this and people don't get all serious and crazy and take it the wrong way and shit. Bluelighters Rock!
I gotta wholwheartedly agree with Doc E and soulwatcher......definitely makes it better when the girl is more vocal and tells you exactly what makes her feel good. Kinda gives me this mutual satisfaction in knowing that it's makin her feel good.......and that makes me feel good. So speak up girls! don't be afraid to tell your man what makes you hot. You'll both have more fun in the long run.
For the guys out there that don't like doing the deed.....lemme just say that there's more to sex than just intercourse. The best way for you to heat up the intercourse is through incredible foreplay. Great foreplay = Great sex. These are the tenents that I live by, and so far I haven't had any complaints.

And for the girls out there that don't like receiving..... You need to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Don't worry about it being gross, or that your man is gonna get grossed out by you and all that. If he's willing to go down, be thankful and enjoy. Don't think too much about it cuz then you're making sex a chore. Like Bruce Lee once said, "Don't think.....F E E L...."
Oh and Ashke, this doesn't pertain to you cuz you've got some other issues that keep you from enjoying the pleasures of cunnilingus. Maybe you should seek the help of a psychiatrist or something to help you get over your bad past experiences. I'm sure the pleasures to be had are well worth it.

God now I feel like I'm starting to sound like Dr. Ruth Westheimer(sp?). Geez what a strange but fun thread....can't believe I'm telling the world about this stuff. Well, gotta love Bluelight!

PLUR, and all that God sent good stuff...
All together now..........
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
heheh, i love going down a chick, but i am rather picky about it, ya know. but yes, nothing makes me happier than making a women happy. hehehe. i am a perfectionst when it comes to being a lover, so i put wor into what i do. i make sure they are having a great time. i havent tried the alpha bet, but i have tried a lot of other shit...it is just great fun...
So I pray on my knees
From Heaven above
Send me somebody please
Someone to love
-The Artist Formerly Known As EckstahsE
i'll never forget new years eve on y2k...
my friend was felating his gf for like 5-7 minutes before 12:00
he asked me to call them out a minute before midnight
so i was watchin tv, and heard these LOUD LOUD SHRIEKS
holy shit
that girl was \/OCAL!
like somebody was cuttin her up with a machette
but when they got out of the room she could barely walk... swaying from side to side.. her legs were kinda numb.. with a big grin on her face
Oral Sex:
Great to receive!

Even Better to give!!

I hate that some ladies don't like to receive. I LOVE giving oral sex. In fact, when I am fantasizing about a woman, my fantasy about 95% of the time is giving her oral sex. I don't know if I could be with a woman in a "long term thing" if she wouldn't let me do that. On the flipside, I was almost engaged to a woman who did not like giving oral sex (she never did it...not once) and that was OK.
ANYWAY, enough from me. I'm still looking forward to trying it while rolling...I'm a newbe!
Thanks everyone... after this post I'm missing my boyfriend more than ever now!!!!
Oh yeah, I much prefer receiving and giving. Not that I object to giving.... but its so much nicer to receive
UGH. (sigh) ... (long, frustrated sigh)
I am so jealous of women who have had orgasms from oral sex. I don't think I will ever be capable of that. I LOVE giving (its the next best thing to sex) and I don't really *mind* recieving, I mean, occasionaly it's been fun (not a *lot* of fun, but, *fun*) and I don't have any deep psychological reasons for not enjoying it, and its certainly not that I can't relax; Still, most of the time I'm like, bored. Like, yeah, that's great, can we do something else now? Like, have sex or something? But I'll be damned if my boyfriend didn't like giving so freakin much. LOL to realise, 69 isn't incredibly fun either (sounds like the perfect solution, right?) because we're both so focused on the giving and not nearly as interested in the recieving, and what's the fun in going down on someone who's not paying attention? LOL!
Ack, what's a girl to do?
(ya know, this *was* kind of a lot to share with you all. Aw. Gotta love bluelight.)

[This message has been edited by sunjoy (edited 14 January 2000).]
WoW! I'm so horny after reading this!!!!
I love going down, I love receiving, I love any thing that has to do with sex. I'm an addict. I've slowed down a lot since I'm all alone.(*Sniff*)
Hell, I was starting to forget what its like till I read this.

A good tip to for going down on someone. Try sucking on a peppermint or cough drop while licking your lover. This feels incredibly cool to both licker & lickee. Trust me.
hhhhhhh..ahhhhhh...hmmmmm, well, Needless to say ,reading this thread has gotten a "rise" outta me. I LOVE oral..like everyone else I imagine. Giving or recieving. Never did either on E though. Defiently have to try soon.
I love giving oral sex I'm with you acid burn. It's my diet that's all I eat. Oh and yes I love to recieve it too. See all of us ain't perfect women so a little help when where down there doesn't do no harm. I love girls who tell you what they want just turns me on more. Do backwards cicles with your tongue!
what goes up must come down, no not me clowns
[This message has been edited by XmarXthespot (edited 14 January 2000).]
don't worry, barndog: what goes down, must come up!

i agree with sunjoy, too: it's better taking turns than doing 69 because you can't focus on the giving and the receiving at the same time.
if "fellate" means "to perform fellatio",
what means "to perform cunnilingus"?
i hate to be blunt but i love to eat pussy its one of my favorite things in the world.
WOW... Ive been away for a bit.. sorry guys

EENER! I read all the way down with my face really close to the screen too!! I know what you mean.
And the symbol on top.. its kinda frrom a male's perspective, if ya know what i mean
so dont feel bad about not getting it. If you reply and are still stumped I'll reply back and tell ya

So all the girls got horney? Me too, I NEED A SNACK!!!:p
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
::giggles:: this is great! i love when everyone comes together to share.. personally i like to be well.. f#$*ed far more than having some guy go down on me.. it sounds crude but rare is the day that i orgasm from just a tounge.. maybe a tounge and some toys but hey, thats for another discussion
Ohh yeah.. since someone brought up the alphabet thing, I figured I'd post my "technique"
. Ive tried the alphabet thing once or twice with no extrordinary results

I'll start by slowly kissing her on her mouth, her neck, wrists & finger tips, then her breasts, a quick kiss on the tummy, then Id kiss and lick the insides of her thighs, and also the backs of her thighs where they meet her ass (its very ticklish there
). During this whole time I'm gently stroking her legs, the backs of her knees, her sides, stomach and breasts with my finger tips. Then I start to lick the holiest of holies very slowly and gently, barely touching the lips. When sufficiant moisture has been produced, i spread her lips and lick (gently) up to her clit until the whole area is extreemly moist. After Ive teased her to the point where she cant bear it any more, and she is moaning, pulling my hair and clawing at my sholders (my favorite
) I apply a gentle suction to her clit with my lips and tounge. I also insert a couple fingers to stimulate that g-spot. After this excites her sufficiantly I suck a little hader (not too hard! its sensitive!), just enough to get her clit slightly inside my lips where my tounge can move back and fourth accross it. I move my tounge either quickly and gently or slowly and with a bit more force and suction. I'll alternate
until she aproaches her climax. Then I move my tounge faster, and apply much more suction, all while moving my fingers back and forth accross her g-spot. "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH... AAAAHHHHH....AAACCIIDDBBUUURRRRNNN!!!! YEEESSSSS!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!

hahaha.. god im a pervert:p
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn