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Pisspot; As far as opies go, I'm clean as a whistle, mate :)
Would love to catch up for a sesh sometime!

There are some interesting points in this thread... But to those saying pst has no physically addictive, dependence inducing properties; woah - - let me tell you from personal experience that it damn well does, and you're in for a rude shock if you get caught short of the little round nutty things.
I could list the cramps, involuntary spasms, insomnia (which I'm currently experiencing - no amount of strong benzos/barbs/etc have been able to knock me out for days) nausea, vomiting, liquid shits, anxiety etc etc - but that's without even mentioning post-acute withdrawal, which can go on for months.
You can't just cut yourself off from your supply (ie user's social circle like a heroin user might avoid for a while to cut or cease their use) - nope, those things are widely available in this country; which, incidentally, I think is a good thing.
It's just dickheads like me that go and get hooked on the stuff that give seeds/pst a bad rap.
Having used a great deal of opiates/opioids, from IV h, OC, dilaudid etc - I would say that pst can pack quite a punch when potency and preparation are right. It's the half life that needs to be respected (respected in the "fearful" sense).

I did a very strict taper and got off fucking lightly, but the idea that "I got it down the shops, how could it possibly cause opiate withdrawals?" is frightfully - even frighteningly naive. I don't mean to be rude or harsh in saying that, just brutally honest. I at least knew what I was getting myself in for...and why I have personally pushed so hard to limit discussion of pst on aus dd.
Growing your own pods is self limiting (in terms of yield and climatic potential to sustain any habituation ; you'd need acres of viable soil). But throw pst into the equation, as I did for most of the last decade, and you're into addiction territory.
Bum kicks man - no fun.

Have you heard about what serious alcoholics go through when they cold turkey? Like benzos, alcohol WD can be life threatening. They just bought that shit down the shops!
Ease of acquiring said substance does not = potential harm of that substance.
Butane, anyone?
It's one of pst's worst hooks, IMO.

Don't get me wrong, I used the shit daily for years, but getting off that rollercoaster is a lot harder than the fucking around you have to do to stay on it. I'm talking serious pain and discomfort, for those that need to be warned.

Enough preachy-preaching though - for what it's worth, a good councellor helped me out where I was at, and i agree that the OP would be best served by seeking help and treatment this way, rather than with drugs. especially opiates.
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personally opiates have quite a strong physically effect and it is my understanding you become both physically and psychologically addicted. either way it's not impossible to be a functional user especially if you can keep from upping your dosages, but be prepared for a hard time especially if you decide to dry out.
I never said they weren't physically addictive. Opiates are not physically damaging (compared to most drugs out there), lack of opiates when you have an addiction are. They are not a long term solution because tolerance builds quickly and I have yet to meet a junky who keeps their dose stable (and low enough to make it economical) by choice.
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Careful OP. This may seem like a good idea to you but an opiate addiction can eventually lead you to some of the same problems you wish to address. That has been my personal experience. Consider carefully wher you ar going with this. Best of luck to you and I hope you can find yourself a solution, as I dont have much to offer you in that area.
I have yet to meet a junky who keeps their dose stable (and low enough to make it economical) by choice.
I've yet to meet a dentist who wasn't a self-aggrandising twat, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
My use was stable for nigh on a decade - in fact it decreased several times for various factors - generally by choice.
Generalisations aren't particularly helpful.
Fuck off. If your habit was so wonderful why did you choose to get off the gear? Perhaps because you regretted your habit and realised that it wasn't healthy for you? How the fuck could any reformed addict advocate anyone to pick up a daily habit (which is exactly what this girl is asking for)?
I did a very strict taper and got off fucking lightly, but the idea that "I got it down the shops, how could it possibly cause opiate withdrawals?" is frightfully - even frighteningly naive. I don't mean to be rude or harsh in saying that, just brutally honest. I at least knew what I was getting myself in for...and why I have personally pushed so hard to limit discussion of pst on aus dd.
Growing your own pods is self limiting (in terms of yield and climatic potential to sustain any habituation ; you'd need acres of viable soil). But throw pst into the equation, as I did for most of the last decade, and you're into addiction territory.
Bum kicks man - no fun.


I've been through withdrawals countless times because of PST now; I was in a psych ward for 8 days during my peak of usage with nothing but liquid valium (10mg 3x a day) to help. But nobody on this forum takes me seriously and no doctors took me seriously until I went on the maintenance program; the former has its merits since Bluelight's members have far more experience then I do in this case presumably.. I always think to myself that it could be worse; I could be shooting up heroin in my dick like so many other people out there, instead of being addicted to something that has nowhere near the same amount of stigma as street opiates bring. You misinterpreted my comment about the availability of the seeds; I was trying to express how remarkable it is that you can get narcotics from a simple supermarket. It was a rhetorical question.

What I'm trying to say is that I have it pretty good, regardless of PST's strength.

Besides, I don't want to be melodramatic about it anyway.

I've yet to meet a dentist who wasn't a self-aggrandising twat, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
But just because it doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist doesn't mean that they do exist; and even if they did exist it doesn't mean that your original comment is invalid. 1K's point was that, from his perspective, it's statistically rare to maintain a stable opiate use regularly.
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Busty aka 1000 words is a dentist, not to mention a troll alt.
Fuck off. If your habit was so wonderful why did you choose to get off the gear? Perhaps because you regretted your habit and realised that it wasn't healthy for you? How the fuck could any reformed addict advocate anyone to pick up a daily habit (which is exactly what this girl is asking for)?
At what point did I advocate anyone becoming a daily opiate user?
Putting words and/or implications into my mouth is a pretty weak way of getting your point across.
But you always were a bit of a cock, weren't you busty? Must hurt your geeky pride not to be able to laud it over all the aus dd mods being drug addicts now.

Noz: Stigma of addiction isn't something I was ever concerned with: addiction is addiction is addiction. I'm no johnny-come-lately to the various methods of drug abuse out there.
It's nothing to brag about, but I don't make snide comments about people "shooting up heroin in (their) dick" either. Some people take pills, some people make poppy tea, some people take drugs intravenously. So what? :)

i thought I had it pretty good too, until shit in my life improved dramatically and I had to travel to perform etc etc. monkey on your back isn't really a good companion when it's weighing down your potential for an even better life...and I am not referring to material existence or possessions. I'm talking about staring junk sickness down as it presses upon you and there is fuck all you can do about it.

Apologies if I came across as patronising; I read what you wrote literally. But no matter how I read it, there's more than a grain of truth to it.

Busty Sinclair: eat a dick. Statistics don't mean a fucking thing when you've lived it. You haven't. I have, and I'm relating to you my personal lived experience. I maintained a stable dose of opiates throughout my years of use - even when I went through phases of using pharms or street gear as opposed to pods or pst. This myth of the "ever increasing opiate tolerance/habit" bogeyman may be true for some - but like IVing suboxone causing precipitated withdrawals in addicted individuals (using a micron filter of course, friends) is fucking nonsense pushed by big pharma and swallowed by the gullible folk who take their word as gospel.
Been there, done that; corporate lie "busted".
Full spectrum alkaloid opiates are not the same thing as heroin, morphine, OxyContin or any of the singular opiate compounds that most medical literature nowadays refers to.
When I had sacks of dried pods kicking around, i still took the same dose each time.
I won't bother trying to explain why, only to say that some of us know when enough is enough for our needs, dose-wise. Trying to explain this to opiophobes like one thousand st clair is like banging your head against a brick wall.

I may be a rare case, but dogma - especially relating to addiction - smells like dog shit to me.
You just act high and mighty on an Internet forum that you seem to be an increasingly irrelevant, curmudgeonly presence upon. I couldn't care less about that, but it does seem a little sad.
Ha-ha sad, not boo-hoo sad.

That's all I have to say. Harm minimisation, kids.
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I have to agree that using opiates for social anxiety is prob not the best of ideas. Ah so now I think I realise who a thousand words is you busty dentist wanna be dr !
Troll alt?? How exactly am I trolling you? Believe it or not my opinions are the same as the majority of our society. I make no apologies for not being sympathetic to opiate use other than for it's intended medical uses. You talk about experiences like I haven't worked in emergency wards with every doctor shopping simpleton coming in demanding restricted painkillers for a broken jaw because their tolerance is shot to shit from recreational abuse. This is a harm reduction site and I stand by my opinion on abuse of these drugs as unacceptably unhealthy. They have a time and a place and this isn't one of them.
Busty aka 1000 words is a dentist, not to mention a troll alt.

At what point did I advocate anyone becoming a daily opiate user?
Putting words and/or implications into my mouth is a pretty weak way of getting your point across.
But you always were a bit of a cock, weren't you busty? Must hurt your geeky pride not to be able to laud it over all the aus dd mods being drug addicts now.

Noz: Stigma of addiction isn't something I was ever concerned with: addiction is addiction is addiction. I'm no johnny-come-lately to the various methods of drug abuse out there.
It's nothing to brag about, but I don't make snide comments about people "shooting up heroin in (their) dick" either. Some people take pills, some people make poppy tea, some people take drugs intravenously. So what? :)

You're really pissing me off now. Do you really think that intravenous injection in the dick is as socially tolerable as drinking a liquid - almost as though social stigma is nonexistent? Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean it ceases to exist.

What's the deal? I've been reading your posts since you returned and you act smug and offensive on nearly every post.
You're really pissing me off now. Do you really think that intravenous injection in the dick is as socially tolerable as drinking a liquid - almost as though social stigma is nonexistent? Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean it ceases to exist.

What's the deal? I've been reading your posts since you returned and you act smug and offensive on nearly every post.
I'm not being smug, I'm just more aware of how stupid some members of this forum can be.
Penis is not a safe injection site; I wasn't referring to injecting there.

As for busty, you've denied being a troll....but an alt? Illuminating.
I'm not being smug, I'm just more aware of how stupid some members of this forum can be.
Penis is not a safe injection site; I wasn't referring to injecting there.

As for busty, you've denied being a troll....but an alt? Illuminating.

You actually did refer to injecting there;
but I don't make snide comments about people "shooting up heroin in (their) dick" either.
That was the subject which I brought up. It's like me saying that rotten apples aren't healthy and you reply, "Yes, but healthy apples are healthy so you're wrong."

You really are being smug. You literally just referred to "some members" as being stupid, and I'm almost certain that it was directed at me and/or 1k. I posted a comment about how unusual it is that a narcotic which is so controlled can be right in front of society's eyes and you misinterpreted as me trying to imply that the drug is harmless, which you so valiantly defend. My comments shouldn't be downgraded just because you refuse to understand them. And 1k's comments shouldn't be downgraded just because you differ in opinion. I really hate your approach at this; calling 1k a troll, insulting me and others.
You're really pissing me off now. Do you really think that intravenous injection in the dick is as socially tolerable as drinking a liquid - almost as though social stigma is nonexistent? Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean it ceases to exist.

But it's up to you to decide whether this social stigma is something you want to believe in.

I'm with spacejunk, an addicts an addict, simple really.
This site intends to break those stigmas down in order to reduce harm.
Which is why I think busty is a troll, mod or not.
Stigma has no place here IMHO
How is everyone becoming an addict in the best interests of harm? Stigmas exist because of the worst examples of drug users. Setting a good example is the only way you can change public opinion, not some PC crap where everyone, inclusing the irresponsible, are tolerated. Surely someone who has battled their own demons would advise against going down the same route. I'm happy if someone wants to use opiates recreationally, but I can't condon advising someone to self medicate in a way which is a fast tract to an unhealthy habit.

Believe it or not "Bluelight" doesn't refer to the lighting in public toilets.
But it's up to you to decide whether this social stigma is something you want to believe in.

I'm with spacejunk, an addicts an addict, simple really.

I never said I believe in stigma. But society carries these ethical principles and societal stigmas; the reason why narcotics are so frowned upon is because of the strong laws against it. An addict is an addict, but a poppy seed tea addict is certainly different from a heroin/street narcotics addict not just because the differences in lifestyle but because the societal and ethical differences between the two. In general people envision an IV heroin addict as a poor, homeless skinny man with needles in his napsack; but the thought of a poppy seed tea addict is just bizarre considering how widely available it is.

I seriously cannot explain it any clearer than that. I never said heroin addicts are bad people, and I never said Poppy seed tea addicts are better people; instead I just stated that society views them as such respectively. It's like looking at two different artworks and saying, "It seems as though people like artwork 1, but they don't like artwork 2. Perhaps because artwork 1 is more familiar than artwork 2."

It doesn't mean I follow that convention. I was, afterall, the one who brought up argumentum ad populum, the fallacy of claiming something to be truthful just because it is the popular belief.

And I don't like the way you speak to me and other members. I don't know how it's reasonable to not allow for sociological factors in discussing drug-related issues when you blatantly insult members without any repercussions.
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