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Opiate anger

i get very irritated when the initial euphoria starts to wane.

also noticed road rage and that irritable-anger can be a bad mix :!
Someone told me that I have passed the "honeymoon" stage now. I'm entering oh my 2 year of use. Not real heavy ALL the time. So am I stuck no longer getting that euphoric better than sex high even again without anything I can do about it?

Do you no longer enjoy tramadol even after a break? If so, I would say that it is certainly possible that you've passed through the "honey moon" stage.
This shit is bad, its driving me to the point of insanity. I mean, If I'm just doing a small shot like 1 or 2 of the yellow dillies and hanging around chill people on a nice sunny day kicking back in a lawn chair just chillin out I don't get angry at all. But If I was in the same situation but did a higher dose, or if I did any dose and walked ar uond in public, or any area where someone may judge me, stare at me, talk to me, insult me when I'm high I flip. I punched a homeless guy in the throat the other day because I was just minding my own business, waiting for a friend to come out of the liqour store(I'm banned from this particular store because my ex's dad is the owner... long story.) anyway, this homeless guy comes out and says to me with a stupid grin on your face "You know your on two cameras right?" then he laughs and starts to walk away.... I turned him around and clocked him in the throat... then ran off to the other side of the liquor store.. I don't know what it was that made me angry, the fact that he was smiling when he said it, the fact that he thought I cared, the fact that there was only one camera and it was facing the parking lot not the side of the building or the fact that he may have thought I was underage.. which pisses me off. Anyone of those things could have made me flip, or all of them. WHen I'm sober I wouldn't have done such a thing, I would have just said "yeah whatever or fuck off" or something a long those lines, But I just had such an intense rush of anger I couldn't help it... I know if I didn't hit him I would have been twice as mad for not having done anything about it.

Shit's all fucked up, one of these days I'm going cut someones kidneys out with a pocket knife or something for the stupidest thing, like smiling at me when I'm in a bad mood.

Man it's messed up, I'm naturally angry inside but when I'm sober I just don't care enough to take it out on someone unless they wrong me, but when im high, feeling like i can fly, the birds the bees and everything that breathes makes me want to punch a baby in the face.

Too bad opiates are the only drug that make me feel good and kill the anxiety, weed makes me schizo, benzos dont do shit, E makes me act a retard and make people hate me, coke is too expensive and I can't deal with not sleeping, alcohol gets boring FAST... what the fuck else do I do.

Oh and one thing I must say before I end this post... Having like 4 or 5 beer after a dilly high starts to subside is the ultimate relaxtion.. I feel best when I'm 3 hours into a 12mg dillie shot and I'm chilling on my buddies porch with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Yea. I get annoyed really easy sometimes, but its because someone is probably annoying the shit out of me.

I punched a wall while doped out and nearly broke my hand. now I have a deformed knuckle:\

Damn, if I had been warm and fuzzy from opiates on one particular night, I wouldn't have this deformed hand. Hit the wall, and happened upon a stud :!. Broke the hell outta my hand.

Different strokes for different folks I guess...
I ENJOY it. Its not like I'm gonna stop taking it. But its just not as good as it used to be. :( Sucks SO bad.
I also get rather careless with shit when I'm high and break shit on accident or say the wrong thing or just keep clicking on the wrong shit on here (Tram makes me hyper and I get in a hurry) and it REALLY pisses me off. Freaking punched a wall tonight.
About 3-4 years ago, I was driving a cab and strung out on h. I called it "heroin bravado." I'd do anything, fuck with anyone. Dangerous lack of judgement, glad I'm much more myself again.
About 3-4 years ago, I was driving a cab and strung out on h. I called it "heroin bravado." I'd do anything, fuck with anyone. Dangerous lack of judgement, glad I'm much more myself again.

Yeah its the ultimate inhibition killer, makes alcohol look like skittle juice.
Yeah. Sometimes I get real irritable and little things bother me. However, I don't know if I would describe the feeling as anger.

I get 'snappy' with people at times. But most of the times, i'm happy as a clam. :)
I know people who can't take opiates because it just puts them in a shitty mood and even causes "psychotic" reactions, like violent thoughts, etc. Of course, they're both bipolar, but still.

Alcohol affects me like that, and I'm pretty sure it's due to an allergic reaction (allergic to brewer's yeast). Allergic reactions can cause brain swelling and all sorts of mental symptoms (anxiety, depression, etc.), so maybe that has something to do with the opiate "anger".

Then again it could be plain ol' "tolerance anger" when you can't get a good high anymore :)
Yeah, most of the time, I was real happy. But I'd do things like pick up really dangerous looking people, just to see what they're all about. And a few minutes later, they're shaking my hand and doing that,"You're good people..." thing. So I guess the confidence factor was way over the top. I wasn't really angry all that often, but when I was I had a tendency to go too far. Let’s face it, I was angry at myself and numbing the pain had that “invincible” side effect.
im in a rage right now. or coming down from one since i smoked a bowl.

from about 7:30 and on i was super pissed from my brother taking my car and giving it back with the radio not working. i knew what was most likely wrong and was right so it was no big deal, but i still got so fucking pissed about it. i should note that he used my car because his cars a/c and windows dont work and we live in florida. i just dont really want him driving my car because he isn't insured under it and i dont want anything to happen. this would normally be a slight annoyanceb but it sent me into a rage.
then i was all sweaty and hot, so i was pissed and took a shower. after the shower i started sweating again! this REALLY pissed me off!

and to top it all off, when im pulling my towel off the curtain rail, it all falls down. i just left it there and walked away cause if i had to fuck with it i would probably try to bend it or something, but i would probably fail and stomp on it and make a fuckton of noise

fuckin opiates! [/blog]
yeah i know what your talking about, opiates calm me (obviously) but on high nod-level doses i can get really irritable (not so much straight up angry) if somebody is bugging me or bitching about something.
I would say that I get super irritable. So it is avoidable if i didnt have to talk to anyone i would be cool. It doesnt matter if its H or Oxy. I get super pissy on low doses of both. Im talking an 80 or dub or 2. If im cruising at a higher altitude I get super horny and lovey dovey like someone else mentioned. Some of the best sex my husband and I have had was while high. I think the aggravation only comes when im teasing my brain.
ive been using heroin for 12 yrs now....somehow i too have developed opiate rage....when im off it im a normal person(well not so normal but...)and when i get high i just wanna blow up the whole world,,,
I've been taking roxicodone (30mg oxycodone hydrochloride) for about 3-4 months now. I'll take 1-3 pills a day when I can afford them.

I don't really get "angry", but like other people above have said I get easily agitated when I'm coming off of them, but ONLY when I'm coming off of them. When I'm actually in the euphoric state I'm extremely happy and relaxed.

My fiance said she hates it when I'm on them sometimes because one second I'm walking around telling her how much I love her, hugging her, kissing her and then 30 minutes later I won't even want to talk to her because I know she'll say something or ask me to do something that will piss me off.

Opiates are like that. And I guess you have to take the good with the bad.
if im doing it everyday i dont get upset, angry or anything like that.


when i take a few days break and i am in WDs and i finally hit and get high, thats when i tend to get really pissed off at everything other than what i am doing at the moment. mainly other people
Yes. I get extremely irritable on opioids. I almost gave into my urge on one occasion to kick the shit out of my mother's cats. If I had given in, I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to regain control over myself and certainly would have killed them. That was from a low dose of hydrocodone (40 mg). It was pretty scary later to look back on how tenuous my control over myself was.

Now, most people here have become extremely irritable taking opioids... How many of you have taken an opioid and felt extremely - even suicidally - depressed? That's my new thing I'm going through. Can't be happy without opioids; can't be happy on them. What in the hell should I do?
yeah i just was on demerol, fentanyl, and hydrocodone (and propofol) in the hospital today and i've just been fuckin' pisssssssed all day. i can't stand hearing people talk to me, it's weird i've never felt this anger, maybe it is the anesthetic too?
to the OP: i dont get angry at everything in general but yes i get very easily aggitated by certain things. not much in particular but lots of things

sadly one thing that i can mention in particular that annoys the fuck outta me when i am on opiates is: (yes this is very sad) whenever anyone talks, if any one says anything i feel wasnt relevant to me i get aggitated. it fuckin sucks n makes me such a shitty person i just try to control it n not say ne thing cuz it is my fault not thiers but i just stay quite n think to myself shut the fuck up everybody

it sucks knowin your a shitty person to those around you n those close to you who love n care about you just b/c you feel it is more important to focus on the drug or whyever i feel others shouldnt talk ( i really dont know why but it just does annoy me)

^this isnt something that always happened, more like somethin i have started to notice over the last couple weeks to a month maybe
If something bugs me,even something small and ridiculous like droping a remote control, can get me pretty pissed but it usually passes with more dope. Also sometimes i'm awake most of teh night when i snort late on, if i smoke its ok though