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Opiate and opioid withdrawal: Coping strategies and medication

Hi to all I am a newby here too! I really appreciate everyone's insight...I wanted to reply to Justalilproblem. I am a physician who treats addiction with Huge doses of compassion and medication as needed. My ongoing mantra is, "There is no One True Way." (Thanks to Mercedes Lackey). The schedule of weaning is as individual as the person for whom it is tailored. If you have the luxury of Time...I feel that you will probably be more successful moving down in very small increments and spending a significant amount of time, say, three to four weeks, at each dose level.

I feel very strongly that, if possible, a good relationship with a primary care physician would be optimal as they would be able to assist you with the tapering. Having said this, I AM aware, sadly that such relationships are vanishingly rare:(. In too many cases, even if you do have a physician, they are often "Afraid" to enter the arena of Drug or Controlled substance Management.

Please do not give up!! this is something you CAN DO!! However You accomplish it, JALP, you CAN do it. Wean as much as you can...GOOD LUCK!!:D

Welcome to EADD :)

Pregabalin is best medicine for opioid withdrawals. But dont take this over 600mg/ day.
Hi to all I am a newby here too! I really appreciate everyone's insight...I wanted to reply to Justalilproblem. I am a physician who treats addiction with Huge doses of compassion and medication as needed. My ongoing mantra is, "There is no One True Way." (Thanks to Mercedes Lackey). The schedule of weaning is as individual as the person for whom it is tailored. If you have the luxury of Time...I feel that you will probably be more successful moving down in very small increments and spending a significant amount of time, say, three to four weeks, at each dose level.

I feel very strongly that, if possible, a good relationship with a primary care physician would be optimal as they would be able to assist you with the tapering. Having said this, I AM aware, sadly that such relationships are vanishingly rare:(. In too many cases, even if you do have a physician, they are often "Afraid" to enter the arena of Drug or Controlled substance Management.

Please do not give up!! this is something you CAN DO!! However You accomplish it, JALP, you CAN do it. Wean as much as you can...GOOD LUCK!!:D

Hope you stick around, we already have a highly experienced Paramedic amongst our EADD regulars. It would be great to have a physician too, and to hear your input, whenever you can spare the time, or spot something you feel like responding to. :D
Hope you stick around, we already have a highly experienced Paramedic amongst our EADD regulars. It would be great to have a physician too, and to hear your input, whenever you can spare the time, or spot something you feel like responding to. :D

Don't forget our resident Aussie Nurses, Spacey n comee n out our uh coffee-making assistant, Fubez the Pubes (sorry couldn't residt ;) ) Also our exceedingly intelligent, Soiuty, who (please someone correct me if I'm wrong) is studying to be a chemist.

Don't worry folks if you feel you're about to become ill you're in safe hands but PLEASE DON'T DRINK FUBZ COFFEE!!!!

Sorry - on topic how is everyone doing who is tapering or detoxing?

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Are you delirious ? Nuts & bolts, or a out and out troll ????
I honestly can't fucking work it out. Iv had enough of this child like chat. Sorry if I'm being a cunt , but I can't respond/ or deal with it.
I'm gone !
Are you delirious ? Nuts & bolts, or a out and out troll ????
I honestly can't fucking work it out. Iv had enough of this child like chat. Sorry if I'm being a cunt , but I can't respond/ or deal with it.
I'm gone !

You off too? think i will join ya mate, the forum has been ruined :(
Are you delirious ? Nuts & bolts, or a out and out troll ????
I honestly can't fucking work it out. Iv had enough of this child like chat. Sorry if I'm being a cunt , but I can't respond/ or deal with it.
I'm gone !

I have no idea if this is the right place to post this but I really need help to taper of opiates. I was oxy forever 50mg a day. I weaned off and on to vic to 35 MG a day and now I just need to make the move and taper down, but everyone has a different right way to do. I am a VP at a company and missing work or rehab isn't gonna work. So, I need to taper but some say 10% decrease for 10 weeks, some say every 3 days... I just need person to tell me how to get off this shit who has actually done it! I can't go thru withdrawal but I can stick to a taper, if I knew how! Please help, thanks

First of all everyone is welcome in EADD so welcome aboard; you've got support here with us.

Well done on moving from Oxy to Vic I imagine thst wasn't essy so good on you. Appreciate how far you've come n how hard you've worked to get where you are now. That's an achievement. There is no "right" way of tapering off a substance as everyone is different - how the body reacts to the drops, lifestyle, whether or not the person is truly ready.

Good luck <3 you can do this :)

FWIW, as somebody with decades of opiate addiction under their belt, using kratom to come off bupe is a horrible idea.

Thanks for your thoughts on this, Shambles. I'd already ordered this so sampled it but wlll not use this post-0.4 subs becausr I don't want another dependency bi take that on board n only purchased because I kniw it's gns be banned n I'll have no way of accessing it. From being hood froends with MDB n seeing his journey I've learnt to be wary.

However, I do feel that it is calming for 3-FPM and ome is not so angry but more of a calmer state so I feel it has its woe in that respect.

I might be doing ibogaine next month for a 5 year opiate pill addiction. Now at 500mg a day. Scared as heck but the withdrawal from my usage is pretty much as high as I've heard. Any info on ibogaine or where I can find it on here please help. I just can't go on anymore.
Hello everyone this is my first post and first time using any sort of drug forum so bare with me if I sound a little noobish, my pet snake has had a big week and has been on an oxycodone binge for about a week or so mainly at night as he loves drifting of to sleep in an oxy daze, started of smallish at the beginning of the week x2 40 mg Oxys snorted throughout the day and has now worked that figure up to on average x3.5 40mg oxycodone per day insuffulated,

off the back of this He has decided He needs to break the habit now but I have responsibilities I have to deal with this week such as work and moving into his new terrarium, I'm just enquiring as to how sick My reptile can expect to get and what stratagies He could take to make the WD as comfortable as possible, He has basically an unlimited supply of pure codeine phosphate so I worked out a week long taper based around the opiod conversion charts out there and wanted people's opinion on if his meathod of tapering of oxy using codeine is a valid idea and one worth trying to avoid dope sickness

this is what I've helped him work out

Oxy tapering with codeine

X5-7pm (60mg)
Day 1 Sunday
10 am ( X2 60mg)
3 pm (x2 60mg)
8 pm (x2 60mg)
Day 2
10 am ( X2 60mg)
3 pm (X1 60mg)
8 pm (x2 60mg)
Day 3
10 am ( X1 60mg)
3 pm (x1 60mg)
8 pm (x1 60mg)
Day 4
10 am ( X1 60mg)
3 pm (x1 30mg)
8 pm (x1 60mg)
Day 5
10 am ( X1 60mg)
3 pm (x1 30mg)
8 pm (x1 30mg)
Day 6
10 am ( X1 30mg)
3 pm (x1 30mg)
8 pm (x1 30mg)
Day 7
10am ( X1 30mg)
8 pm (x1 30mg)

Following , 1x30 mg whenever I feel shitty

60s -22
30s- 8
Your pet snake needs to get its own account on Bluelight. We don't give advice for third parties :)
Your pet snake needs to get its own account on Bluelight. We don't give advice for third parties :)

hahahahaha love it :D

Becomingjulie is a moderator n is joking with you because it's against the rules use SWIM kinda talk as it doesn't protect you :). Welcome to Bluelight x

Outiie how's your taper going n how are you feeling? I'm not sure if it's harder the longer you've used did you say 20-odd years? Do you have a plan of how your going to do it? I don't want to come across as patronising as you may know all the methods.

So will just say here as support anytime n admire you for doing this when you so easily could just have the attitude - "I've used all these years so why bother now."

I wish you all the luck with it

Stee how's your methadone taper going? Are theyy tapering you four-weekly? If it ever gets too much you can ask them to pause it a bit there's no shame in it. They've done that for me but I may ask her to put me down to 1.4 mg in a fourtmigjt.

Scotchy you've done really well getting off thw H n Sprouty has too fair play you are both inspirations to the rest of us, as well as Shamz, who's turned his life around. Also Owen n G too are inspirations.

MDB good luck with Kraton <3

Tinker how are you getting - n you Chinup if you're lurkiez x

All's back to normal, thanks. This one was absolutely my fault. Actually, with the comfort stuff the rattles were pretty minor. Had horrible snow/rain all weekend so I didn't mind staying in and doing laundry.
All's back to normal, thanks. This one was absolutely my fault. Actually, with the comfort stuff the rattles were pretty minor. Had horrible snow/rain all weekend so I didn't mind staying in and doing laundry.

That doesn't sound too bad Tinker....

Yeah running out early every month is a real bitch though isn't it?

Got some morphine sulphate tabs and oral morphine solution from my doctor but haven't been brave enough to take any yet.

I'm too scared of becoming dependant again...

Need to get on top of this pain somehow though :(
Certain strains of kratom are very good for pain. And kratom is probably by far the lesser evil compared to Morphine etc in terms of dependency risk, and physically it's not very tough going to quit.. If interested i could look up which strains are best for pain. If it's nerve pain Im sure you already know all about Pregabalin/Lyrica.
That doesn't sound too bad Tinker....

Yeah running out early every month is a real bitch though isn't it?

Got some morphine sulphate tabs and oral morphine solution from my doctor but haven't been brave enough to take any yet.

I'm too scared of becoming dependant again...

Need to get on top of this pain somehow though :(

It's been a long time since I ran out early, then two months in a row after they redid the doses. As I said, my fault. Actually the last two weren't bad or maybe I just remembered them as worse than they really are.

You are in another category with that huge jump-I'd be very hesitant to go any where near an opiate. There are a lot of options if you absolutely can't take the risk. Have you tried the injection routine-epidurals, facet joints, even rizotomy.