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Opioids OG Octagonal Opana ER - MEGA THREAD - can't find YOUR thread? check here.

1) Remove coating with wet cloth.
2) Crush pill into fine powder.
3) Mix powder with 10ml isopropyl alcohol (over 90% ) in a shot glass.
4) Filtering the liquid in the easiest way possible, is to stuff a piece of cotton into a 10ml syringe, fill syringe, then squirt liquid into separate shot glass used in step 3.
5)The alcohol must be boiled off slowly, a stove or a candle works.
6)You should now have a layer of waxy residue at the bottom of glass now, add 100 - 110 units of water, use the cap of the syringe to break up the residue and mix it all up, then gently reheat for about 30 secs the wax will not dissolve then drop in a piece of cotton and draw it up into the syringe.
Works for me.
Hey all,

What would be the most practical way of crushing and snorting an Opana ER 10mg? I would imagine sucking the coating off wouldn't be a good idea. Thanks!

I find the easiest way to remove the coating without any gelling is to just use a razor or small knife.
I can peel the coating with a razor in a minute or 2, it usually comes off almost whole with very little stuck to it.
I then eat the coating so as not to waste anything (though I doubt there's jack shit on it).

You can do the same, just peel the coating with a razor.
You can then just grind the pill down with a hose clamp & snort away.
This seems to be one of the easier & more efficient methods of prepping an Opana ER for snorting that I've run into anyways.

I hope this is relatively self explanatory as this method is what is often used with various other ER pills as well.

Hope that helps. :)
opana er really isn't that bad to deal with. i've been loving me some opana lately, it really puts the roxies i had been doing to shame.
opana er really isn't that bad to deal with. i've been loving me some opana lately, it really puts the roxies i had been doing to shame.

What kinda tolerance did you have to roxis an how much opana do you do ? I normally take roxies for the past year or so and just ran across these. When I snort 5mg I don't feel much except a little clear minded.. I'm trying to find a good dose before I start using them so I don't waste em. 5mg snorted made me feel kinda nasaus but no real high at all.. I am scared to do anymore because of how strong everyone make them out to be..

Also, it takes about 45mg of roxi to have me gone..


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You REALLY need to stop spreading false information. Silicified Microcrystalline Cellulose is a non-hazardous nuisance dust...PERIOD! Look at any MSDS write up on SMCC.

SWIM has been snorting these in the 20 & 40 mg ER pill form for over 3 yrs. SWIM prefers the 40 mg as all one needs to do is crush and snort vs the green 20's it's best to wet slightly and with a paper towel remove the green coating...then crush. Moderation in all things. (btw, SWIM bench's reps at 275, deadlifts reps at 450/500 and walks up hills with 225lbs on shoulders for 5 sets of 45 seconds)

Hey everyone,

I have been a long time reader on this board, and was interested in this post because it dealt with the pain killer I have been attracted too for some time. I have been on Opana in various amounts since late 2005. I have snorted the ER's and IR's since I got them, and in November 2009, and X-Ray showed what appeared to be fluid in my lungs, which my dr thought was pneumonia. :(

I continued to snort the ER's not knowing the danger, and as of 4 months ago, merely walking to the bathroom sent me into a panic like attack where I was not getting oxygen to the rest of my body. My heart rate went up, and I was hyperventilating. It is NOT as bad as Silicosis, HOWEVER, it WILL damage your lungs just like cigarettes will damage your lungs, just NOT in the same way. The inactive ingredient does cause damage, however, if you STOP snorting the ER's, and you are young enough, your lung tissue can repair itself.

I am merely writing this cautionary tale to try and stop anyone from snorting the ER's like I did. I get 240 10mg IR's, 60 20mg ER's, and 60 40mg ER's a month now, and it obviously has risen to this amount over time. It is not worth not being able to breathe to the point where you piss you pants because you can't control you bladder, and you have to go into the ER right after snorting a few lines of ER's, and you have to tell the dr what happened.

The IR's have not been a problem since, and the ER's are actually very nice in other methods. I know that many people say blah blah blah show me proof, but I am telling you right now it is not worth your life. It takes 3-6 years for the Silica to build up in your lungs if you snort 2 pills every 5 days for you to have really bad breathing problems.

For those of you who have gone PAST that or are having asthma like problems, Symbicort is an inhaler that is pricey, but will help a lot, and as stated before, if you stop the ER snorting, your lungs will recuperate over time just as a smoker's lungs would over time.

This is just another post among thousands on this board, and ignore it if you want, but remember it if you do, when you start to have breathing problems and can't figure out why.
Opana ER MegaPOST

Hey all, I have a very special place reserved in my heart for opana<3. After going through this thread and seeing certain questions being asked over and over again, I decided to compile a few preparation methods in this thread and elsewhere on the internet as well as my personal experience with Opana and put it in the form of a small FAQ (mainly derived from this thread and personal use.) However, I am only familiar with the peach colored 10mg Opana ERs. I am a bluelight newbie so I thought instead of an Opana thread I'd do a trial here with a megapost. If you are a mod feel free to edit my post as you see fit, I am not trying to break any rules or anything. If you notice anything wrong or would like me to add to or edit something in this, point it out to me in a PM or in this thread and I will change it. Basically this is all the important shit from this thread consolidated into one post, a thread re-cap if you will.


What is the bioavailability of Opana?

Oral: 10%
Intranasal: 35-43%
IV: 95-100%
Rectal: ? see below

How do I prepare Opana ER for intranasal use?

Make sure your nasal passages are clear and relatively dry. Blow your nose and/or use a saline to clean it out. I always try to flush my nose before use somehow.

Method 1: Scrape the colored outer coating off lightly with a razor blade and crush as you normally would any other pill. I personally carry a glass vial with me to keep my powder in, and use the bottom of the vial in a circular grinding motion. Opana ER is relatively easy to grind compared to many pills after you take off the coating. To make the most of your Opana, alternate nostrils and space out your bumps.

Method 2: This method may accidentally activate TimerX and gum up your pills if you do it incorrectly. Suck on the pill for approximately 6-8 seconds, and wipe off the coating with a paper towel. Crush and insufflate. Opana ER is relatively easy to grind compared to many pills after you take off the coating. To make the most of your Opana, alternate nostrils and space out your lines over a few minutes.

Method 3: This is the last method you may want to use, it still works but leaves pieces of coating in your nose if you are not thorough. It will still work nonetheless. Crush pill with coating, pick out large pieces of coating with powder on them and rub them on your gums. Crush and insufflate. Opana ER is relatively easy to grind compared to many pills after you take off the coating. To make the most of your Opana, alternate nostrils and space out your bumps.

How do I defeat the TimerX mechanism to shoot Opana?

Alright, think of this as a complicated CWE. Though it in no way involves water this mindset will help you grasp this. It is best to have done at least a CWE on Vicodin or Percocet etc. before you do this, and if you know how to shoot pills already that would also not hurt in helping you execute this. This is not my guide and has been pulled from paingame's post on page 24. Be careful as Opana IV is nothing to fuck with. You could die from an overdose very easily.

Opana Isopropyl Alcohol Extraction

Read through completely before attempting!

2 - 1ml Insulin Syringes

1 - Bottle Isopropyl Alcohol (Important: Must be at least 90% abv.)

1 - Bottle H2O (Or any other clean water source)

2 - Large spoons

2 - Cotton Swabs

1 - Heat Source (Candle or Electric stovetop)

1- Opana

Note: The amount of solvent (alcohol/h2o)used for this prep were used for (1) 20mg pill. You may need to adjust more/less depending on how much OM you are planning on extracting, but prepping smaller amounts is preferable for maximum extraction. If you are using multiple pills, conduct multiple extractions. I have yet to shoot one of the 40's so i'm not sure how much bigger they are than the 20's but the amount of solvent needed shouldn't too much more.

The Process:

1. Scrape coating off of the pill. Do not wet it, you do not want saliva/water anywhere near the pill at this point.

2. Crush pill finely on a sheet of paper.

3. Transfer 4-5ml of Alcohol from the bottle to one of your spoons.

4. Add opana powder to spoon.

5. Stir vigorously for a few minutes, I used an orange needle cap, but anything small and hard will do. Stir as long as you can stand to do it. At least a few minutes, there will be a noticeable amount of particulate collected at the bottom of the spoon, but stir the alc until it gets cloudy and stops getting any more opaque.

6. Wet your cotton filter in the alcohol from the bottle, stick it on the tip of your syringe, and begin to draw up the solution, transferring this solution to the other spoon. You will have to do this multiple times, but the iso will begin to evaporate almost immediate so it will not be as much as you originally put in the spoon.

7. Once the alcohol solution is transferred, repeat the process again with another mL or so of alcohol to extract more OM from the solute. Once you have removed all the alcohol you should have a noticeably reduced pile of grainy sludge left over.

8. Take your alcohol solution and hold it over your heat source. This step should not be rushed. Take your damn time, you DO NOT want the alcohol to boil, and if you get it too hot you can risk it igniting. An electric stove or candle is preferred to a lighter because you will be heating this for a while. Hold the spoon at least a couple inches over the heat, moving it away if you notice if bubbles/vapors are starting to form. Alcohol boils at around the same temperature that opiates degrade (around 80-90C) so the lower the temp and the slower you do this the better.

9. This step should take at least 5-10 minutes. As the alcohol evaporates, you will notice that a film is starting to form on the spoon as it recedes. This film contains your oxymorphone. Complete the evaporation. Be careful not to let the film bubble/burn when the alcohol is almost gone, but also make sure that the alcohol is all evaporated, as you do not want to put this shit into your veins.

10. Have your second syringe filled all the way with your water in preparation of this step. Once you feel comfortable that the alcohol is gone, unload the water from your rig into the spoon. You may have to add a small amount of additional water, 20-30units, as the film seems to absorb a small amount, and to account for the slight evaporation that occurs with the heating in the next step.

11. Scrape the film off the sides of the spoon, and get it floating and immersed in the water.

12. Stir vigorously, you need to get the OM from the film into the solution. Stir for as long as you can, while moving the spoon on and off your heat source occasionally. Remember to not let it boil, but it is okay to get it hot as it will help the film dissolve. Continue with the step as long as you have the patience for. The film will never completely dissolve, but will break down into continually smaller pieces.

13. Take a fresh cotton, wet it with h2o, and stick it on the end of your second needle. Draw the solution into your rig.

14. This is your final product. Find a nice juicy vein and bang away.


Either of the two extraction steps can be repeated to increase your yield or to perform a second wash.
The amount of alcohol I have been using has been largely trial and error, but the more you use the better the results seem to be.
The slower you heat the alcohol, the better your final product will be. A quick extraction yields a sticky, gloopy "film" that is very hard to break down, but a slower burn off of the alcohol allows the film to develop much more finely and seemingly easier to dissolve. I tested evaporating the alcohol quickly (5-10min) versus slowly (30-40min). The shot from the slow evap. was almost twice as strong as the shot from the quick one. There was a lot of left over particulate after drawing up the solution for the quick burn off, while there was barely anything left in the spoon after the slow one. The more patience you have the better. I ended up putting my stove on low, and propping the spoon over it on a text book, with another over the handle to hold it in place so i didn't have to stand there for forty minutes. If you are going to do this, just make sure to check on it periodically and adjust the height and temp if it seems to be going to fast or unreasonably slow.
Some work needs to be done with the step where you are mixing the film with water. Light heating seems to help break it down, but i feel like there is a better technique or an additional solvent that can be squirted into the solution at this point to aid in the break down of the film. However, extra steps also mean extra time, the potential for more fuck ups and loss. However, if you got a bunch to mess around with then go nuts and report on it!
The best method of dealing with the film seems to be creating a finer, weaker film through a very slow evaporation of the alcohol. You are shooting for a very thin residue, not a thick, milky skin. The film should look like very thin rings deposited around the edge of your spoon. It should look like rings of residue until you scrape it off the sides, when it's appearance will become more film-like in the water. Do not get discouraged when your alcohol is almost gone and this is all you see left on the spoon, you've done well! A very thin residue means your extraction was good and slow, and your oxymorph will break down extremely well in the water.

This is a lengthy, somewhat time consuming procedure, but if executed with patience it yields a nice strong final product. Through some trial and error and experience it become a lot easier and you really get a feel for the process. Just don't rush it. The first thought that went through my head when i saw the film for the first time was, "wtf is this shit, there is no way this worked," but once i got that shot in me and felt that rush course through my veins it was all worth it.

Good luck and enjoy!

Can I plug Opana ER?

Yes. The bioavailability of this is currently unknown (at least to me and what I've searched so far) but it is not a waste compared to snorting. I have only done this a few times because snorting works well enough for me. You can follow the above procedure, and mix the final product to plug if you want to do it quickly. Also you can put it in an oral syringe (do not crush it) with a squeeze of lemon juice, leave it in there for 20 hours (though 15 or so should do fine, yet I'm very careful about not wasting my dear Opana) and administer as you normally would. Heating is not necessary but if you want to be extra thorough you could microwave it for 15 or so seconds before you administer it. I have read (but not tested) that you can just plug the pill itself and it will have a higher bioavailability than oral yet still have a time release function. Some users report a moderate opiate buzz that lasts for about 6 hours. If that is the kind of high you are alright with, go for it. For those of you with low to moderate tolerances and a few pills to try it out with, it may be enjoyable. I am currently nearing the end of a 4 month long break and will test it as soon as I am done with my break.

How do I make the most of my oral or intranasal Opana ER?

Whether I am snorting or eating the Opana, I always make sure to drink white grapefruit juice and eat a large, greasy, fatty meal. In a pinch a large fry or two from McDonalds should definitely do the trick. Eating a fatty meal can boost your bioavailability by up to 38%, so adjust your dose accordingly.

Warning: the following is only what I personally do and I am in no way recommending that you do this. You can die or overdose and end up in the hospital. I am just posting this because people will always try and potentiate opiates with alcohol and I am telling them where to stop and what a normal dose would be. This is my own personal experience, everyone is different, if you are going to try this then start at a small dose and work up. If I really am in the mood for a beating from my lady Opana, I will take 2-4 shots of vodka. But only if I've already had the fatty meal and the grapefruit juice. Never on an empty stomach. In studies it has shown that 240ml of 80 proof alcohol have increased Cmax 70% and if you were to ingest 240 ml of 40 proof alcohol has been shown to increase it 31%. This is very dangerous, due to the fact that some people in the studies have shown it to increase by 270% and 260% respectively. You do not want to find out that you are one of those people too late.

Will Opana ER damage my lungs and nasal passages?

See the post above this and use it as a cautionary tale. Also keep in mind that they used it daily, and at huge amounts. If you don't use it daily and are careful you'll be alright with some minor recreational use. Breaks will allow your lungs to repair themselves, and as a side bonus keep your tolerance down. It is never good to snort Opana daily or any pill for that matter, but if you so choose to it's always best to sniff it lightly, and wash out your nose about an hour or two afterwards. Usually I'll either snort a small amount of water or use a water bottle to clean it out neti pot style. If you are going to do it daily, I suggest a combination of lightly sniffing a small amount, and plugging the rest. If you are able to handle doing an Acid/Base extraction on a large quantity, by all means do that, evaporate, and snort the finished product to avoid lung damage.

What will happen to my tolerance?

It will shoot the fuck up and fast. I used to be alright with about 4 Vicodin, now i have to CWE and drink at least 8-10 to feel a mild buzz and see a change in my pupils. I started off feeling super fucking high and euphoric from 5mg intranasally with none of the above mentioned potentiating, and now am taking between 10-20mg (depending on how high I want to be) all while using every single method I mentioned above. I don't even waste my time with many other opiates. Every once in a while I'll CWE Vicodin just because I have some lying around or plug some Dilaudid if I'm missing a good opiate high, but besides 6-8mg Dilaudid plugged it isn't worth it and every other opiate high leaves something to be desired, though they are still very satisfying I always end up comparing them to Opana. I also can't find Oxycodone in any form and have only been able to sporadically find Percocets so I can't give too much of a comparison between the two. It's kind of weird that all I can find is Dilaudid, Opana, and the odd bottle of Vicodin or Norco and no Oxycodone, because it seems like most people can find Oxycodone easily.

Well that's all for now. Do not PM me for pills. I won't even dignify it with a reply.
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What kinda tolerance did you have to roxis an how much opana do you do ? I normally take roxies for the past year or so and just ran across these. When I snort 5mg I don't feel much except a little clear minded.. I'm trying to find a good dose before I start using them so I don't waste em. 5mg snorted made me feel kinda nasaus but no real high at all.. I am scared to do anymore because of how strong everyone make them out to be..

Also, it takes about 45mg of roxi to have me gone..


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i would do 2-3 30mg roxies to feel good depending on my tolerance at the time. i've been doing 20mg opana er's lately and enjoying it a lot.
IMPORTANT question!

is it possible to use methanol instead of isopropanol? i know that isopropanol is pretty cheap and easy to obtain, but i know a method for cleaning up street heroin with cold water and methanol (throw brown heroin base into cold water --> colour dissolves, filter off heroin, then let it dry; dissolve the dried heroin in methanol, filter it again with a coffee or laboratory paper filter; the heroin is solved in the methano, whereas all the sugars, paracetamol and coffeine will be in the coffee/laboratory paper filter; evaporate the methanol WITHOUT heat and scrape all the nearly pure heroin powder together).

maybe the methanol would be a better solvent. i don't know, that's why i ask. i don't have access to OPANA as i live in europe, and we don't have oxymorphone here (germany and austria). we don't even have hydromorphone pills. only capsules with extremely hard to crush (nearly impossible without a mortar, and even with a mortar it's a pain in the ass). they are called "palladone" (germany) or "hydal" (austria).

oh god i wish i could live in miami for a few months. i heard that florida doesn't have monitoring, so you could get prescriped a million pills by lots of different doctors (theoretically) - you just have to buy the pills on your own. hell, i could cry because the fucking OP oxys hit the market. i think that there will be released a new "old-formula-like" oxy extended-release pill, maybe by another company than purdue pharma. i heard that watson wants to get the rights on producing the original OC formula.
it must have been a dream to live in florida (especially in miami) when the old OC's were still around. just go to some random doctor, pay that guy and get your 100 pills 80mg oxy script... or 100 8mg dilaudid... then go to another doctor.
I will try that as soon as I am able to find more opana. I should have enough to experiment with. At least enough to justify losing one or two precious pills :(

And thank fuck I don't live in the 70s in Miami or even in Miami now. Because if I did back then I'd have a habit right now that would stick with me for life due to those numorphan blues. Breaks in the already meager supply are the only thing keeping my wallet alive. But then again I guess opana saved my wallet as well because I hardly do any other opiates because it's that damn good!
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What dose is recommended for someone who has no tolerance (and what ROA)?

I'm aware of the fact that its very dangerous, but its going to happen anyway, so harm-reduction advice is very appreciated
No Id probably be dead (the pill has 30mg in it)

I was thinking 5mg insufflated (perhaps breaking it into 4 piles and staggering use) or 7.5mg oral
very sorry, my mistake. i will edit that to prevent anyone from following bad advice later. to the many opiate naive users that i've introduced to opana, they have had 1/3 of a 10mg pill intranasally. some of those weighing about 140 even got nausea, and one vicodin, tramadol, and percocet experienced (yet very very small, less than 100 lbs) opiate user had 3mg and was throwing up quite a bit. 3-5mg is good, but you might not even need 5. my advice is to start as low as you possibly can because opana is not good for your tolerance. also it was powerful enough that I had a mild opiate tolerance and was feeling great from 1/3 of a pill the first time I ever had it. So 3-5mg would be perfect.
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No Id probably be dead (the pill has 30mg in it)

I was thinking 5mg insufflated (perhaps breaking it into 4 piles and staggering use) or 7.5mg oral

Youre correct, I tell someone with no tolerance to only take 5mg's insufflated. I have seen a couple members here who got sick and were throwing up their first time using 10mg's. As far as ROA goes, taking Opana orally is a waste, you will be wishing you had that pill you swallowed back. Insufflated or IV'ed Opana is the king of the pharms IMO. Bad part is tolerance grows rapidly with Opana, Ive used it daily for over 2 years now and my tolarance is to the moon.
After reading ALL 32 pages

I had to sign up and post what I've collected. The information everyone has provided has been VERY unclear and VERY mixed. Here's What I've gathered from about forty different posts in the thread regarding conversions, dosage, etc.

The nasal bioavailabilty of oxymorphone is ~43%

Anyway, 100mgs insufflated oxy is equal to about 25-30mgs insufflated oxymorphone and around 15-17.5mgs IVed.

100/25 = 4x 100/35 = 3x

ok, i tooted about 10mg up the nose, I feel like a champ right now, a little gel i noticed hmmm, but ill let ya know how I feel in a little while, and my opiate tolerance is about 75-100 mg hydrocodone daily or every other day for 1 year, also an ocassional OC, oh and also tramadol daily. Another question too, is the WD from these gonna be ungodly?

Yes i have taken it, 5 mg, and it worked great, that was with approx. a 60 mg tolerance to oxy.
IMO it is more effective than oxy
just becareful with it, its strong 5 mg was a lot for me, i was throwing up the whole night

4 TIMES STRONGER THAN OC, so whatever your OC tolerance is divide my 4, example if u are use to 40 OC then only insuffulate 10 mg Opana

60-80 mg of OC to get a nice nod where as it only takes me 20 mg of Opana ER to do the same,

oxymorphone is atleast 5 times stronger then oc when they are both snorted.

nasal oxymorphone about 6x the potency of oxycodone. However, if it is opana ER then the time-release matrix/gel may affect this to lower it a little, but still I would imagine even then it should be at least 3-4x the potency of oxy if snorted properly.

100% certainty that 10mg of Opana ER, snorted properly, should be roughly equivalent to 60-80mg of oxycodone.

10mg-ish has me feeling quite nice. Pretty equivalent to 30mgs Perc.

Opana is around 3-8 times more potent than oxycodone when sniffed

Snorted its about 4 to 6 times stronger than oxycodone

10mg of Opana ER will get me feeling better than 40mg OC and for longer.

Opana is 2.25 to 2.5 times as potent per mg compaired to Oxycodone (any form).

If you can get off on 30mg of hydrocodone, I wouldn't mess with more than 5mg of opana at a time.

5mg snorted for me right when I started and had barely any tolerance would put me in a state of intense euphoria, pleasure, calm, ease, chilled ecstasy.

When snorted, approximately a 20-45% bioavailability.

3X-5X as potent as oxycodone. Euphoria wise, I would say 5X-7X.

OM is about 4-5x as strong as OC

Opana is supposedly 4-5 times stronger

i would say 4-5mg of intranasal opana off of a 40er is equal to about 20mg of oxycodone,

3-6x more potent

15mg OM (nasal) x 43% (BA) = 6.45mg OM (in the blood).
15mg oxymorphone snorted is equal to 64.5mg morphine in your system

10mg (snorted) opana about equivilant to 50 mg (oral) oxy. = 1mg = 5 ox oral, 2mg = 10mg ox oral
Intranasal is like 5:1

Regardless of all these posts, I've determined here's the correct factor.

1mg of OM snorted = 5mg - 7mg OC snorted.
2mg of OM snorted = 10mg- 13mg OC snorted.
3mg of OM snorted = 15mg - 19mg OC snorted.
4mg of OM snorted = 20mg 27mg OC snorted.
5mg of OM snorted = 25mg - 31mg OC snorted.
10mg of OM snorted = 50mg - 57mg OC snorted.
20mg of OM snorted = 100mg OC snorted.
40mg of OM snorted = 200mg OC snorted.

Based on experience in terms of OM - OC snorted

It can range from 3-5X stronger. Depending on how much you eat before, etc. If you drink expect this to increase to around 5-7x.

Nasal Bioavailabilty

The nasal bioavailabilty of oxymorphone is ~43%, depending on user and how snorted (43-51)


IMPORTANTThis will affect how strong of a reaction you get because one the ER will gel in the nose, however it's NOT bad at all, it's barely noticeable. Please realize that this minimal GEL will release slower in the nose vs the IRs. So If you don't feel anything right away, realize if your snorting 5mg + at once depending on pill size it's going to gel a bit and dissolve slowly over time. With some running down the throat and dissipating in the stomach. With the IRs you aren't going to see any gel, and it's going to be a normal powdered pill. Expect the reaction to be faster and you can determine if you need more sooner.

For First time and new Users

An acceptable dose is around 2-3mg. Some people say 5mg but they don't convert it out right, and realize other users have been getting sick of 5mg to start. Start with 2mg wait 30 min, then finish off another 1-2mg more if you're not feeling anything. People will say why so low, well you can never go to low but you can ALWAYS do too much. Also if you're new to opiates, or not tolerant and have never tried opana, you SHOULD start low anyways to get a feel for it. Opana can be and is a very strong drug, be careful and don't push it.

Lastly, not a doctor, etc. don't take my word for any of this, not going to be held responsible, use at own risk
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good info.
ive been a 2 year scripted user,30mg ER, always snorted.
love em love em love em love em.
besides scripted xanax bars, bud and the occasional IV (opana IR only), its the only drug i do.
fuck heroin,
i wannaopanna
I've noticed that the more I do the ER's, the worse my nasal congestion gets the next day. I don't think this is an Opana problem per se, as I have frequent problems with my sinuses being plugged, but snorting the pills is definitely aggravating it. The only way I've found to combat this is with Afrin, but I know that's not the best idea since it can produce a rebound effect that is worse. Any other suggestions for combating this (besides quitting)?
New here at blue light. I started reading hear cause SWIM got some opana and he was pretty inexperienced with opiates so he wanted to find out what was up. SWIM sniffed about 5mg of the er and that was more than enough, he puked but only a little. Even though it was the ER he didn't experience any gelling maybe cause it was such a small amount and he spent like an hour crushing it up lol. just wanted to share my experience.
yeaaa snort it! you gotta get the outside coating off but once you do that its great.. really strong and intense nodding!