Official Heroin Discussion

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CanadianinPhilly said:
anyone with luck in toronto?

heard it's low quality...people mostly stick to oc80s

came across good powder and shitty tar a while ago...if you look hard enough you'll find it i guess
yeah, i figured as much staypuft. i guess its more likely we will have pwder than tar. lol i guess parkdale is the best place to look.
after most of regent park got moved out...yea...parkdale is probably your best bet =\
Belltown/seattle WA has decent tar, it's really hard to find powder though.

Portland, OR has decent tar, but only IN portland not anywhere outside, no real powder that i am aware of. The tar is quality though. oc80 prices are out of control in the NW too.
anyone know anything about the stuff in Phoenix? I just recently moved here and im dry. Pretty shitty.
rancid said:
anyone know anything about the stuff in Phoenix? I just recently moved here and im dry. Pretty shitty.

OK...... I know this isnt the East Coast, But goddamn...... everyone on here seems to bitch the southwest is dry of smack!!!

What about the drug game do you not understand?! MEXICANS!!!! REAL ILLEGALS TO BE EXACT!!! everyone along the mexican border has no room to bitch that you cannot find smack or coke....... Its flooding over daily....

What you should be bitching is that you cannot find a mexican..... If you white.... you stand a good chance of being lied to or denied spanish speaking or not, because they will think you are polica..... now if you roll up with a nice joint blazing and get a conversation going i am more then sure you can find some.

Carga or Chiva...... thats how the mexicans advertise the dope they have.....
^^ yes kids, all mexicans carry good dope on them. they carry it in a magic pouch that can only be opened by a stoners hand...
^ well you're going overboard but I'd agree with xxemoxx, for the most part.
of the hook-ups I know, one is an illegal who lives in LA, the other is a gang-banger from a "better" area (still a ghetto though)
so if you want chiva, your best bet IS asking a mexican who looks like they party.
youarewhatyouis said:
^^ yes kids, all mexicans carry good dope on them. they carry it in a magic pouch that can only be opened by a stoners hand...

Ok thats a bit extreme......... very extreme.... but if you live in S.W. or west coast.... you best bet is most likely mexicans, nothing against them..... but it seems like most of the ones i have ran into in my life either knew where to get it, could point you in the right direction or had it. Yes there are some that dont mess with it at all and are agaisnt it.

But i am talkin in general the less white breed, more pure F.O.B. ones.
Does anyone ever get H in tin foil strip type deals? If so how much is in those strips. Would 2 strips be equal to a g of H? I know the info I am asking for is pretty random, but I was jsut wondering if anyone has ran into people selling H in strips of foil.
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it should come tin foil wrapped around a plastic bag square.... in a balloon.... never seen it in a strip...... i know most balloons in the southwest are .1 or .2 depending on the dealer.......
I don't bother even going to Roll Call to ask, (state forum mine as well be dead)
Anyone know of smack floating around Central NC? I know it's the east coast, but Charlotte is not near a big port city (Bmore, etc) and nothing come's around but the icky sticky tar. Wondering if anyone around the area could advise me otherwise? Thanks
if your tweakin..... wtf?! you want smack for tar..... and tar isnt all that bad..... honestly tar can be pretty damn nice stuff somtimes.... just depending on your dood.
~ Oklahoma and Heroin ~

Alright, I've only tried heroin a few times, and that was when a friend who is an addict flew in from california, and he let me try it a few times. I live in Oklahoma City and I can make a phone call and get ANY drug you would imagine in a matter of minutes, marijuana, coke, speed, benzos, opiate pills, X, ketamine, muscle relaxers, shrooms, LSD, etc.... however having been an opiate addict for almost 3 years, and having spent countless hours looking for people who might have a connection, it seems that Heroin literally does not exist in Oklahoma. I have friends that are opiate addicts, but none of us can find any heroin unless we happen to go to Dallas on a vacation or something. I have even (on nights where I couldnt get my fix) gone downtown and walked around talking to crack heads and homeless guys, because I figured if it was anywhere, it would be straight in the middle of the city. Even in rehab, I met tons of people, young and old, who said they had never found Heroin in Oklahoma.

Does anyone know why this is? Are we the only state where heroin is non-existant? We have plenty of opiate addicts, especially in the city, and heroin dealers would make just as much money here as anywhere else in the mid/southwest. Maybe not as much as in the northwest, where heroin is the drug of choice, but nonetheless, even most of the meth addicts I know wish they could score some heroin to have a nice relief after binges.

Just thought I'd bring up the topic, see if anybody else in other states had the same problem after spending years trying to find a connection, and see if anybody knows why, or has a theory as to why we're all stuck with pills here in Oklahoma.
-> North American Drug Discussion. Mods move back or close if necessary.
Hear that people? Oklahoma's fiening for some smack!!
It's funny you say that..

I guess it all depends on the groups that you know and run around with. I have never seen legit LSD here and have been looking for the last 6 years. However, If I wanted to, I know where I could find H within the hour. Wish I could trade spots with you DeadheadChemistry- I would do just about anything to finally meet lucy :\
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