Official Heroin Discussion

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Hard to find in TO. I'm in Hamilton and I usually have to drive to either to London or Guelph to get any. Meth, X, Oxy, Coke are pretty much sourced within the city.
I'm going to merge some posts from h in the gta into this one. They automatically go into chronological order.

Thanks and sorry for any confusion that it may cause.
^ That is annoying, we are talking about a particular city... Also, the majority of the cities this thread unlike the other one is about US cities and not Canadian!

Stop merging threads!
Seems dry atleast where I'm hittin'.. new to Milwaukee and continuing to look for a connect.. its definately out there tho.. just hiding from me.. :)
Ravr said:
^ That is annoying, we are talking about a particular city... Also, the majority of the cities this thread unlike the other one is about US cities and not Canadian!

Stop merging threads!

Not that we have to justify anything, but....

If every city had it's own thread about whatever drug, the NADD forum would get out of hand. There isn't many threads that are opened about heroin, and if you're looking for a particular city, there's the search individual posts option on the tool bar at the top. There's also the ctrl+f or apple+f function that also searches a page that you're on.

Thanks though. :)
bmore stand up!!!!!READ

Any one else gettin really good WHITE RAW H in BMORE (NOT SCRAMBLE) But white an powdery this shit is the best swim has had in over a year since that white shit was around last year an in 04.
Nise said:
Philly has the highest quality heroin in the country.

Well swims had dope from philly,jersey,detroit an chicago so i wonder why he lives in baltimore!!!!
^^ yea i know the white blows you are talkin about. that shit was reeel good. when injected it gave a really strong body tingling and heavy nob, real clean shit. Havnt seen it in a while tho. PM me sometimes and we can talk (c)harm city.
Heroin is fucking hard to find in Houston. I have done it 2 times. Once, it was a tiny glob for 20 bucks which was enough for one person, and the next time it was like a gram of tar heroin! Havent been able to find any since then. It used to be that everyone saying they had acid was bullshitting, but now everyone who says they can get h is bullshitting. I must just be looking in the wrong places. I heard it is more abundant in San Antonio.
Copping in Baltimore here...$40/bag of really hard rock brown heroin that is out of this world good, $120/gram of pretty damn good white chunky heroin, and the usual $10/cap scramble (some real good scramble going around bmore lately) and $20/vials of raw.
anexsia said:
Copping in Baltimore here...$40/bag of really hard rock brown heroin that is out of this world good, $120/gram of pretty damn good white chunky heroin, and the usual $10/cap scramble (some real good scramble going around bmore lately) and $20/vials of raw.

Sorry, I'm from Australia, so I'm not too knowledgable on the H scene in America, let-alone Baltimore. But, has there been some significant increase in Heroin prices over the past few months or something? I have seen some people claim they can get grams of "raw" in Baltimore for $40. It usually sells for $5-$10 a bag, from what I've read on the price discussion forums in Other Drugs. Or, maybe these people are just talking shit?

Anyways, either way, you have it pretty good in the states compared to us Aussies. At the moment, for decent quality #4 SEA Heroin, it goes for $400AUD. a gram, or $520 for a 1.7. Prices tend to fluctuate though. As does quality... but the last time I smoked some (about 2-3 weeks ago), it was of very good quality, despite what the media seem to think. 8(

Im another Aussie and damn, reading about dope in the US makes me jealous!
not as good as it should be

swim had some alright tar in the dallas fortworth area but its only half as good as H here in bmore quite comon considering swim found it the first day there
I'm moving this to the heroin thread.

Please start doing searches people. Imagine if we had one drug per state info request thread. 1 drug = 51 threads (USA + Canada), then multiply that out by the buttload of drugs out there, and that alone is a ton... let alone adding in specific city requests
^Nope, but haven't really been looking now...

I had a dream that involved heroine though, haha damn trip reports gotta stop reading 'em so much;)
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