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Off Topic!

I knew the answer to this one, 'cept my brain is too full of the history of computing so I can't find all the interesting stuff...
Ah well, here's a suggestion. Give one of them a pill or two, that'll get him all nice and chatty, and he'll forget all about the "one question" crap. After a little chat (once he stops telling you his life story) you'll be able to find out whether or not he's the liar or not, and then you'll know which room has the powder in it, and he'll be too off guts to want any more powder, so you can have it all to yourself...
Or you could just kill em both and check both rooms

Chaos: to post your image, just get rid on the space between the and the url
Meddle not in the affairs of [i]dragons[/i], for you are crunchy and taste good with tomato sauce.
easy: ask guard A if guard B would say that he is guarding the room full of powder. if guard A says yes, then the powder is behind guard A, if he says no, then the powder is behind guard B. i think, damn, not so sure, ahh...........its covered well in "Labyrinth"
Now youre playin with Fire.
Fire and Ice.
this is on a t-shirt that my uncle has. he sells amway and has all these great motivational t-shirts.
If you think you can, or
If you think you can't,
Then you're right.
he also has an amway shirt that says
Hawaii for Sure in '94
He still hasn't been to Hawaii !!!
anyone interested in a great business oportunity?
Tell me, is the whole Pink family like this?
You save me mate
Happy 31st B'day too
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
This thread is pissing me off,
And I blame it on Eagleyes too!
Oh shit..my post sounded on-topic....better think of something absurd..
SPAM - what a great gift idea. Perfect for weddings, funerals, 21st's and Christmas.
Actually..im kinda struggling to grasp the concept of this thread...My brain hurts now...I mean was my poem really on-topic?
Why do I find it hard to write the next line? I want the truth to be said. Bardumdadumdah I know this much is true. - Spandau Ballet
welll.....what could i possibly add that has not already been added, spoken about, expressed, spewed forth, explored, questioned, dissected, studied, removed....etc
except maybe for this....
am i on topic or off it?????
Teriyaki, no phobias...just good techno. And F**K the Hype!!!!
well its been a while
*climbs out from behind rock*
ill be a good boy and post my first post in ages on topic with this thread.
Meetup at all three blocksof toilets and the big teepee and the bluelight lantern thingny that Mikey is carrying around. Every hour on the hour. 9pm to 7am inclusive.
oh yeah and something to make this post a little funny. What do u call a woodpecker without a beak??
a head banger!
Only users lose drugs!
hehehheh kezza i love you man ..
*blows up the rock kezza was behind*
you aint goin anywhere boy!
*kezza finds some other rock*
DOH! hehehheh...
Nursery Rhymes, compliments of the Almighty 'Pink':-
Georgie Porgy Pudding and Pie
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play
He kissed them too 'cause he was gay.
Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To have a little fun
Jill the dill
Forgot the pill
And now they have a son.
Old mother hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To fetch her dog a bone
When she bent over
Rover drove her
And gave her a bone of his own
Mary had a little lamb
Her father shot it dead
Now it goes to school with her
Between two hunks of bread
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,
Her clothes all tattered and torn.
It had not been the spider that crept up beside her
But Little Boy Blue and his horn.
Simple Simon met a Pieman
Going to the fair
Said Simple Simon to the Pieman
What have you got there?"
Said the Pieman unto Simon
"Pies, you dickhead!"
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall
all the kings horses and all the kings men
said "Fuck him, he's only an egg !!!"
Mary had a little lamb,
It walked into a pylon,
10,000 volts went up it's arse,
And turned it's wool to nylon.

The Eagle has landed!
for wisdom just look at my signature.
Like the sands in a hour glass, so are the days of our lives.
Oh what webs we weave
when we first practice to deceive!
Presto! Huh? Wrong hat!
And now here's something we hope you really like...
LSD doesn't fry your brain...It e x p a n d s the mind!!
If you slap a cabbage in the woods and no-one is around, does it still make a sound?
carpet fungus
things work to move within
beneath beauty sleeps
a b c d e f g, h i j k l m o n p, q r s, t u v, w, x, y and z. now i know my a b c's won't you come and...
with fucked up threads like this, i’ll be a bluelighter in no time.
less is more
which is less
which would be more if there were less
lest there be more
and more is less
Repetition is the key to success. Repetition is the key to success.
Eagleyes, I take it you're familiar with Goedel's Imcompleteness Theorem. Congratulations for fucking with everyone's head.

btw, that wasn't meant to be a non-sequitur.
love is truth as is beauty
so i shall not read books
which is more