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Off Topic!

I am trying to convince myself that really, I am intrested in all things dirt related!!
I am Iam iam iam iyam iyam
A YAM!!!
thats in dirt right?!
you know what I think about yams a lot, sweet potatoes are really yummy.
Yams just look cool, they are never the same shape, each one is a total individual!! and that is cool
you see.. back in the old days people just didn't eat bacon and eggs. whether it be from the lack of chickens to produce the eggs or the lack of pigs to produce the bacon.... it just wasn't done. what we really needed was a genius mind to combine these two products into the breakfast of the 21st century. and i salute whoever that genius may have been.

where do peanuts come from??? has neone ever seen a peanut tree??
Ah so now here is another spanner to throw into the works. If I post nothing - like in my previous post, then i am not on the topic, so i am therefore off topic, but by posting nothing at all i cannot be accused of posting off topic to merely stay on topic. So in order to stay completely on topic, that is "off topic" without being contradictory to the topic by being on topic, then
oh shit I lost my train of thought...

BTW - Eagleyes - do those banana's come with the skin on, or the skin off - like in a fruitsalad??
I would never lie...
I willfully participate in a campaign of misinformation.
im a dragon by birth, which means i should have claws instead of paws. but claws are in paws, and so i have paws! but my claws arent really claws, because im so tiny a dragon, they seem more like paws without claws.
my best friend calls me his little kitten, which means i have tiny paws with tiny claws.
my girlfriend calls me her pikachu, and she's my pokemon master.
my space cadet family calls me their little blue furry ball/thing/creature.
sometimes im a roadrunner (meep meep!)
i think im just not human.
If you smelelelelelelelelelelelel!
What The ROCK!
.....Is cookin.
And thats the Bottom Line.
They will lose interest...
They will lose interest...
They will lose interest...
They will lose interest...
It will stop, they will stop...
It will stop, they will stop...
It will stop, they will stop...
It will stop, they will stop...
chill Winston, chill
notice tarsalan, that on top of my post is a winky face, the icon apart from an arrow i have used all week!!
you bring out the best in me!!
si or no.
that is the question.
Think about it!?!?. It's very simple

Who? What? How? Where? Why?
Where can we buy??
eggnogg ist good ya?
what is this eggnogg, i want some eggnogg,
someone fetch me and egg, ive already got a nogg, what is a nogg i hear you ask, well if we consult the oggford dictionary of crap it is a post that makes absolutley no sense and resembles in so many ways the rdc board that im afraid i must call you all a bunch of hypocrits
"its all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye...but even then its still pretty funny" -That lesbian comedian woman on the abc
I think you're onto something there Tiggerchic, posting nothing, Hmmm.... could that be the only way to be off topic when the objective of the post is to be off-topic and the topic can be about anything, there-by posting anything makes you automatically on-topic..... Hmmm.. I wonder.....
But then the old age question arises, is nothing considered something? I dont mean the word itself "nothing" but the concept nothing! Is it possible for nothing to exist? Did Tiggerchic post nothing or did she post something with nothing contained within?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions then you are an idiot, if you answered "no" then.... please explain cause i sure as hell dont understand it. If you answered anything else then seek help for you may be a danger to yourself

note the winking face
keep smiling ppl
How can you soar like an Eagle when you're working with turkey's?
I guess I'm a danger to myself and everyone else around me
Sooooooooo what's up kiddie dums?????????
Been on here for a bit too long that's for sure, think I'm starting to go nuts or guts or tuts or stuts.
Help me I think it's time to get my head checked. Bye.
P.S: Please note I am not normally like this ok.
Who? What? How? Where? Why?
Where can we buy??
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck what a woodchuck could chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood
We're packing our suitcase for a place, none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen.
Well I could put down a link to something, but I thought better of it. Gee I wonder if anyone can guess?????????????????????
You know what they say?
\ /
Curiosity killed the duck
*agrees with Munke*
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna find that thread about getting a social forum started... And if the names of anyone who has posted in this thread appear in that other thread saying that the social forum was a bad idea, I'm gonna... well I'll think of something, and you won't enjoy it!
*insert evil face which I couldn't be bothered looking for*
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with tomato sauce.
Uh Oh I think I'll hide now. Ok seriously the diff between this one and RDC is most BLters have some sort of self control with colours and images and dribbling shit, although we have all gone overboard over the last couple of weeks (admit it). Is it time to close this now?????
I say yes before I go permanately crazy from reading all of this garbage.
Curiosity killed the duck
Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
Where the fuck, is my Christmas tree
(that's part of a song I wrote when I was in highschool)
Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
Where the fuck, is my Christmas tree?
(that's part of a song I wrote when I was in highschool)
CC: You bastard! I was about to post the woodchuck thing! ARGH! Now I have to think of some other bullshit to write!
"I see", said the blind man to his deaf dog in a dark room with a blindfold on.