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Off Topic Thread Vs: I like chocolate, I like fudge, I'll make some now or I won't...

PNG's Foreign Minister welcomes the first boat load of boat women to Manus Island.

Big Brother threads have been popular in Aus Social in previous years.

I might yet get to wear in my new modstick closing that garbage down :D
haha that they have been. Although, I think people are too afraid to admit if they watched it or not...:|
strong username you had there OPRAH WINFREY, so sad to see you leave us :(

One of my King Orchids is in full flower at the moment. I took this photo today :)


This time of year there is some sort of chemical reaction in my brain that give me this awesome feeling. It's the days getting longer and warmer I suppose, but it's deeper than that. I have joked a couple of times lately that it's called spring fever, maybe that is what spring fever actually refers to?
i just really love the change in season, i find it revitalising & refreshing. bring on daylight savings.

nice flowers, are king orchids native?
Yep, it is native. That one is Dendrobium speciosum var hilli, and is the variety of speciosum endemic to this area.

I am really looking forward to getting some native hybrids this spring.
The off-topic thread; eggs sunny side up please

Historically, here in Aus Social, the off topic thread has always been popular.

Post here if you want to post:

something that want to say but don't think is thread worthy
to shoot the breeze with other Aussies
photos of cool things you see during the day
your breakfast order (5 bucks for extra hollandaise)

My contribution right now, a photo of some of the Clivia I have been growing for more than ten years. Came with a tag calling them yellow, but I have heard these described as pastel colours, and cream before too. They multiply fairly well and cost a fortune to buy and are tough as nails. I potted up a tray of them this afternoon actually.


Yeah Klue. Tits. Nao. Rofl.

I'm sitting here at work bashing my head on my desk because I keep getting the most fucking basic of support requests for simple things like installing a piece of software on someone's PC.....FROM SYSTEM TESTERS. PEOPLE WHO GET PAID MORE THAN ME THANKS TO HAVING A TERTIARY EDUCATION AND THUS QUALIFICATION IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.

I barely passed year 12, let alone have any further certifications. I shouldn't need to help these people with something they should be able to do themselves, or at the very least possess the knowledge and common sense to work it out themselves (as the case was, I had to work out wtf I was doing with their issue before I could actually help them anyway....)
Chrome on my pc is displaying most fonts in italics. I'm hoping they fix it in the next update.
Interesting o_O admittedly I'm still using the same version of Chrome as I have been for over a year (unless it auto-updates itself without your knowledge)....no italics here :p