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    Drug Discussion

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Off Topic Thread Vs: I like chocolate, I like fudge, I'll make some now or I won't...

so who else is staying in like an old codger tonight?


I'm just here silently seething a little. And missing how I lived by myself. And wondering a bit if relationships are worth it..

of course they are worth it.. you can't steal money out of your own wallet..

Time to watch some Sons of Anarchy!

screw that.. steal a motorbike, head out and pretend you are your own motorbike gang.. to start pick a fight with one of the real ones to get some street cred..
^^ hahaha I must say I never thought of stealing from them. if it is the norm though however....

again, it pains me Off-Topic is so off the topic that it's not of it at all or any topic for that matter. Hence it is deserted....
I want to learn how to tie cool lanyards and knots out of paracord...

my friends wrote this, it's pretty amusing (I would even say impressive).... (the 10 drug commandments and rewrite of Genesis)

1. Thou shall not take substances, without prior research.
2. Honour thy limits, and thy limits of friends.
3. Though shall not be a bad representative of the drug community and bring us into disrepute through your actions.
4. Thou shall act with respect and honour with all dealings.
5. Thou shall prioritise the health and safety of thyself and others above all else.
6. Thou shall not take drugs merely to compensate for emotional problems.
7. Thou shall avoid drama, conflict and being a burden to others.
8. Thou shall not purchase drugs beyond their financial needs.
9. Respect, and protect thy dealer.
10. Thou shall treat thy neighbour’s pipe as they would treat their own and not hoard the bics.

In the beginning God created the shard and the pipe. And God said “Give me the light,” God saw that the gear was good. And so he rejoiced, smoked shard and muzzed hard for seven days. And thus, the first tweeker was born.
And God said, let the GHB bring forth abundantly and pour from my plunger into the mouths of the willing. And they shall be juicy, and bloweth out. And then God saw that the charge was good, and so he rejoiced.
And God poured forth all the joys of heaven into a pill, so all may join together in ecstasy and munt hard as one. And so they raised their hands towards the lasers, and god saw that the gurn was good.
And so God saw fit to open the minds of his followers, and so he offered a vast array of psychedelics. And they did gladly feast upon them, and fractals were born and balls were thoroughly tripped. And God saw that it was indeed groovy.
Then God said “Let us kicketh on,” so he created a great many substances and set them into the hands of his dealers. And so, a great high spread throughout the earth. And the party lasted a great many days. And God rejoiced, as he was trashed.
And on the seventh day, god came down and proclaimed to the people, "go forth and lay down your heads, and drinketh from the waters, and I will see that your scat is minimal, so we can sooner get loose once more" and god did look upon his creation, and was stoked, for he was indeed a mad cunt.
In the beginning God created the shard and the pipe. And God said “Give me the light,” God saw that the gear was good. And so he rejoiced, smoked shard and muzzed hard for seven days. And thus, the first tweeker was born.

lol :)
Dat feel when you actually need to take cough syrup and it makes you want to throw up :(
I moved to melbourne...
do bluelighters still do stuff together here?
nothing you will enjoy...

mostly because you suck balls!
no, i taught you not to forget to cup the balls!


one of my fave times of the year, until game 3, when nsw lose again... and i cry.
old farts partying hard in front of the tv with a cup of tea and a movie night

who else is in?
I had the flu for nearly 3 weeks. Just about to finish the course of antibiotics I was on and I'm really really looking forward to a few drinks tonight.

I've been sitting on a bottle of Wild Turkey 101 for a few months, might be a good time to crack it. If not, the Heineken I have in the fridge better watch out.