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Harm Reduction OD Social v3 Why is there a syringe in your butt?

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Man I wish I hadn't ruined xanax/benzos for myself by letting myself be addicted/dependent at insane doses for too long =\
yup know the feeling, was on 10mg clonazepam for 7 years now i just use phenazepam once in a while.
You quit? YAYYYYYY! If you feel like relapsing hit me up bro! Benzos are SIN lol.

Adding some dilawwwdid to this polychemical equation.
Thats the way hombre.

I think I smoked all my weed last night...

yup know the feeling, was on 10mg clonazepam for 7 years now i just use phenazepam once in a while.

I took xanax daily at manageable doses at a young age, then slipped into five years of 10-20mg/day minimum, with spikes into the triple digits occuring way more often than I would like to admit. Taking lorazepam, temazepam, and many other benzos simultaneously along the way, in addition to my opiate addiction. dangerous stuff.
same here with the same time as opiate addiction, i just liked the synergy... if i wasn't on opiates to begin with i never would have tried benzos, but i know i would have ended up trying them one day and with all my mental disorders i would find great relief using them. and it's true, benzos and opiates are tied at 1st for my fav drugs

EDIT: and no im not trying to copy what you say lol, ive said all this before so it's not my first time saying all this.. it was actually 10mg phenazepam and 5mg clonazepam a day i was addicted to but when my doctor tapered me he took the phenazepam into account and started me at 10mg clonazepam ( i was originally getting the clonaz off the street phenazepam obviously online) but the dr had to help me taper or i coulda died trying to get clean cold turkey off them.
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I just called in refills for temazepam, alprazolam, and triazolam.

edit: dont worry hood I believe you, there is no reason why you'd lie.
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Sounds like we all had a pretty similar experience with benzos...
My memory is shot too from them too. Bout 5 years are a haze 4 me.
anywayzz (moving convo away from shit that ruined my life haha) next topic: buttered cats dropped from 10ft land on their feet.. so i found out the A to my Q the other night.. now i gotta wash my cat.. nah fuck it, she can lick it off because i still can't believe its not butter!
what up hood? what up tripp?what're you guys up to???

i've been sober all day and now its time to sniff some dope, pop etizolam, and smoke weed@!
Enjoy buddy. :D.

I'm cleaning the house before I stick some morphine in my pooper.
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