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Harm Reduction OD SOCIAL THREAD----Info. Support. Good times.

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Hey guys! Whats good today? Hope everybody is having a fantastic day!

Just ingested some Diaz, some Buspor (buspor is crap btw), and a some diph to potentiate it all. Will be taking a Tramadol in a bit. I should be frrling good for a while.

I love this social!
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Well, I am still here. Just nothing new to report other than I took more drugs :)
Just ate some noodles with chicken and vegetables. That had to be noticed.
this is the 3rd saturday in a row i was scheduled off

also the 3rd saturday in a row i got called in anyways

kinda upset about it but am takin it in stride cuz i planned on askin for a raise soon anyways soo i figure this wont hurt my case but its still frustrating nonetheless

everythings been good for me, work, school, girly, legal issues i dont have too many complaints but my gma had to go to the hospital last weekend n now she is in a home/rehab facility, dunno if or when she might get out and it kills me to go and see her, all the other old people there looking like they are just waiting for death, when i walk in they just stare at you like " woah, life is in the building, i think i remember what life is like" and she is a tough old gal but every now n then ill catch her starin off into space and she just looks empty inside, she says she hasnt given up and i know my gma, she hasnt, but the look on her face tells me her giving up might not be far away and it pains me, yesterday when i was with her just seeing her like that got me soo down i started thinking bout suicide again, i know i gotta be strong and visit her and not make it about me but just seein her like that gets me really depressed and i dont handle emotions well i know. cant wait till she's out but i think she'll have to spend thanksgiving there and that kinda sucks too, plus i been fiending more lately, dunno what to do bout that, figured after 7 motnhs most of that would have gone away but tbh it was easier to get to 6 months then this last month and a half has been.
Guess what i woke up! In related news cousin nod is here and is encouraging me to slouch some more :sigh: wash rinse repeat. Listening to LFO-girl on tv splendid night/day everyone.
Just made a fool of myself. I don't want to be here anymore

With one post, it was either so foolish it was deleted, or you edited this post before it could be seen. Either way, not many people could have noticed.
Doom, your ok, dont worry about looking foolish here. We all do some weird shit every now and then :)
Fucking love "carlito's way"

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