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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(NRG-1 Naphthylpyrovalerone Naphyrone) - New Experience

I've experienced it so many times that I've done shitloads of research, like im doing at the moment on poor circulation and limbs :/
Unless what I just typed is already being displayed in a search result then i dont see how.

Anyway yeah either way it cant be good. I've actually got the stretchy feeling in fingertips now and its a tad annoying as moisturising cream doesnt work. Having noted the thumbs are starting to hurt and throb so maybe the sweilling might actually be due to the vascularconstriction :S I dunno lol
Yeah I stopped a couple of hrs ago, sorry for the rambling in that post ;)
Was planning on ordering a couple grams and wanted to know how bad is the vasoconstriction? anything avoidable and how does it compare to mephedrone? Also swim does not have a way of measuring in milligrams and wanted to know how small a dose could he estimate as say 10mg? Obviously he knows it would be impossible for anyone else to guess this but would it equate to a small line or key or a massive amount? Thanks.
i wouldn't order a couple of grams! the vasoconstriction stuff - i'd never got that on anything at all before, so yes it's bad on that basis. in terms of measuring stuff out - i don't have scales, but estimate everything in vegecaps (like what you get paracetemol or whatever in). i'd say start with NO MORE than maybe two millimetres high in one of those - it looks like nothing, but it is STRONG.

i dealt with the blueness with baths, body-brushing, light exercise (like, walking, nothing more strenuous) and stretching. but i also ended up in A&E to be on the safe side. as it was i was fine, but given my lifestyle generally and how nervous having my blood pressure taken makes me, i think that was probably more down to being very lucky having resilient organs, rather than the drug not being too bad.

also, towards the end, you may trip a bit - i saw smoke and stuff, perfectly chilled, but some people report hallucinating swarms of bees and stuff. overall i'd say the experience will last 2 or 3 days and you'll have a headache at the end.

incidentally, i took aspirin for this on the basis that thinning the blood might help with vasoconstriction - any thoughts on that from anyone? also considered buying anti-DVT socks from boots for the same reason but not sure...
hahaa, yes this is exactly what i got!
every intricate detail, it's like you're searching for another line hehehe.
'tis all cool though.

no matter how hard i try, just caaaaaan't concentrate. i love it though.
haven't been on it for about a month though now (N)

That wasn't what I read a couple of days ago. Stop trying to fuck up my head by changing your posts.
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i wouldn't order a couple of grams! the vasoconstriction stuff - i'd never got that on anything at all before, so yes it's bad on that basis. in terms of measuring stuff out - i don't have scales, but estimate everything in vegecaps (like what you get paracetemol or whatever in). i'd say start with NO MORE than maybe two millimetres high in one of those - it looks like nothing, but it is STRONG.

i dealt with the blueness with baths, body-brushing, light exercise (like, walking, nothing more strenuous) and stretching. but i also ended up in A&E to be on the safe side. as it was i was fine, but given my lifestyle generally and how nervous having my blood pressure taken makes me, i think that was probably more down to being very lucky having resilient organs, rather than the drug not being too bad.

also, towards the end, you may trip a bit - i saw smoke and stuff, perfectly chilled, but some people report hallucinating swarms of bees and stuff. overall i'd say the experience will last 2 or 3 days and you'll have a headache at the end.

incidentally, i took aspirin for this on the basis that thinning the blood might help with vasoconstriction - any thoughts on that from anyone? also considered buying anti-DVT socks from boots for the same reason but not sure...

Not sure whether aspirin would be a good mix or bad with naphyrone to be honest, some more research needed on combinations I reckon. I wouldn't advise mixing anything with this though. Or taking it in the first place.
Towards the end I think its sleep deprivation illusions rather than hallucinations caused by drug. Part of my brain fell to sleep while I was awake and started dreaming all weird stuff. People I thought I trusted were against me and my brain conjured up images/words etc infront of me that verified the fact.

Well scary. I wouldnt take this drug purely to experience the side effects so therefore cannot understand why you are 'preparing' yourself for vasoconstriction. Surely this is just an unfortunate side effect, not one to actually 'want' to experience???
I believe you misunderstood jeezebella who I am very thankful for answering my question, I think they were putting the idea of aspirin out there to "help with vasoconstriction" to reduce the results and not enhance them
godhatesme - yes, you're right. also i'm not sure where the quotation marks came from when i never said anything about "preparing" myself for vasoconstriction as, er, i never said that. re tripping though, other people have reported seeing things, not just dream-overlay.

also, which i forgot to mention before, i heard music (not, interestingly enough, music i know) around the same time as the smoke stuff. nothing scary, but then that is still luck of the draw.
but some people report hallucinating swarms of bees and stuff. overall i'd say the experience will last 2 or 3 days and you'll have a headache at the end.

I posted about the bee's and wasps, i could hear them, see them, and feel them (the touch always felt slightly placebo like though).

Their were a few cool experiences on my original trip, but the con's were so aweful.

Anyway, i wanted to point out that what i bought originally was unbranded, and sold only as Naphyrone. I did dose later with the same batch, no real problems. I later tried both NRG-1 and NRG-2, both with little negative effect, granted no real positives either.

One thing i did notice on my original dose, was shortly after drinking coffee in work did induce minor visuals (bear in mind, that's 4 espresso shots topped with water). According to the nutrition charts in work, that's 340mg of caffeine.

By minor visuals i mean nothing more than slight ripples in the air.

i heard music (not, interestingly enough, music i know)

I've had the same thing on another substance, i think it's just randomly accessing lost/forgotten memories, that's my only theory available on that :p Based on nothing :)
"slight ripples in the air" - did you get dots? i got black dots a couple of times, once in a concentrated group, and once generally (felt like they were on my eyeball and moved as my eyes moved, if that makes sense). otherwise, saw smoke a lot.

i was actually pleasantly surprised/relieved i didn't get anything scary, i guess it really is more random than down to your general mental state and unconscious (which in my case, are somewhat sub-optimal! lol)
Had 75mg of Naphyrone on Sat night,got me stimulated and chatty, no other effects.
Slept okay, felt alright next day. This was a floury type product, off white in colour. Seems manageable in small doses.
"slight ripples in the air" - did you get dots? i got black dots a couple of times, once in a concentrated group, and once generally (felt like they were on my eyeball and moved as my eyes moved, if that makes sense). otherwise, saw smoke a lot.

i was actually pleasantly surprised/relieved i didn't get anything scary, i guess it really is more random than down to your general mental state and unconscious (which in my case, are somewhat sub-optimal! lol)

I did get small dots, however more notably i occasionally got what looked like static (the kind from a tv). It was only minor though, and in dim lighting.

Can you explain the smoke thing, i remember thinking my eyes were a bit misty. Wonder if that's the same :p

The ripples in the air though, were kind of like refractions that appeared briefly, one after the other, and mostly just in my peripheral vision. Although i did catch a few. I actually thought it was really amusing. Although i think i may have looked a bit like a dog watching the washing machine :s
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hi all im new to this site by other half has bought 5g of nrg1, can anyone tell me the side effects or what harm it does

this may be a re-post (apologies) just a quick heads up, the headshops are selling Naphyrone branded as Whack, stay the fuck away from the stuff!

had a 4 day horrible come down, no sleep, stomach aches, chest pains, and generally felling like shit. Had about 5mg over the space of a few hours on tuesday, the come down lasted till saturday.

Whack = Crap!
Can you explain the smoke thing, i remember thinking my eyes were a bit misty. Wonder if that's the same :p

no it was (hah, "was") actual smoke, like light incense or something. i initially thought it was coming out of a smoke detector (in A&E... oh, it was a jolly few days i had with the NHS), then i checked if i could move it around passing my fingers through it like real smoke and i couldn't, so concluded i was just hallucinating. it was just very light grey, swirly, quite pretty.

this was distinct from the misty eyeballs thing, which odd as it sounds i understand completely. for me the misty eyes gave the dots, in varyingly concentrated areas of vision.
whack has glass in it..my friend took half a gramme and ended up in hospital with a minor heart attack and he is only 20..i took it wednesday night and im only a hundred per cent right now..
I will be posting my trip report later on NRG-1. I can tell everyone this. VERY UNENJOYABLE. Similar to MDPV as reported. 0 empathy. None at ALL. I am all about empathy and I found mephedrone quite enjoyable during the one occasion that I actually got to try it, this people is NO mephedrone and I'm very disappointed about how it is being advertised. I usually find some sort of therapeutic value in every psychoactive, including MDPV as an energy booster and only an energy booster in one small very low dose, NRG-1 = CRAP Don't buy this stuff people.

So annoying! I just bought 2 gs of this stuff thinking it was similar to Meph (the online source said it was pretty much the same) now I have read up on it on various forums etc (which I should have done before wasting 30 quid on it) and I am totally freaked out about it and the potential side effects... wondering if I should even bother trying it or just get rid of it??