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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(NRG-1 Naphthylpyrovalerone Naphyrone) - New Experience

just wondering, but whats with the
substancecode_exotic at the bottom of the first post in invisible (??) writing?

I get the feeling that they are erowid TR category submission codes. Correct me if I'm wrong, guys.
about 10mg. 11 am.

most of the time I was not realy sure I was on something, home alone with computer.

When I got to socialise 5-7 pm I knew it was there, but, no big deal. At night I could feel it more. something in my head, but slept as normal. Woke up distinctly feeling down.

I can imagine at 3x the dose this could be hard to work with and the comedown bad.

Not worth bothering with.
I think its really wrong that many of you guys are "promoting" NRG1 online. Kids are looking on here to get other peoples views, when they are considering trying drugs. this forum was one of the first that appeared when NRG1 is typed into google.
A 13 year old girl died in my town lastnight because of taking the stuff.
I think its really wrong that many of you guys are "promoting" NRG1 online. Kids are looking on here to get other peoples views, when they are considering trying drugs. this forum was one of the first that appeared when NRG1 is typed into google.
A 13 year old girl died in my town lastnight because of taking the stuff.

I cannot find any reference to this anywhere, anyone have anything? - might be a bit late now having just tried ~400mg of something sold as NRG-1 over the lat 4 hours.

First 100mg up the nose, sticks to sides for sure, but suspect cut with novocaine, or another cheap local aesthetic commonly used to cut coke, as caused numbing of nose and mouth along with the caking.

Anyroads nothing like the effects everyone else is reporting. Certainly nowhere as good as mephedrone. In fact I have had better times on ephedrine.

Have just added 350mg of MDAI to the party feeling more alert and sociable now.

I would not recommend anyone to repeat my experiments, I have 25 years experience and suspect my NRG1 to be heavily cut.

I would absolutely NOT recommend that anyone try any drug (even, or perhaps especially, skunks - slightly off topic) before they have reached physical/psychological maturity - the research suggests this is not good for your long term mental health. But like you're going to listen, you have been warned by someone with experience you can only dream of (or perhaps nightmare about).

Enjoy Life, Stay Safe and Enjoy it Longer.

HumanLabRat (has suffered so you don't have to)
Please nobody take this, ok the buzz was good at first, after constant redosing it turned into a horrible, paranoid trip.

First took it at 6pm, felt the effects at 7, felt a lot like strong strong coke and lots of it, then after more it led to a bit of an MDMA/MCAT feeling.

From 1am onwards to 7pm it was just a horrendous experience which has put me off basically any substance, couldnt talk coherently, slurring my words till pretty much the next day, couldnt look at anybody, and sleep was out the question, truly fucking horrible and i now know at least one person in my city (which isnt a very big one at all) selling this as "MCAT"

Scary stuff folks.
I believe NRG isn't half as bad once you fully understand the dangers.

5g's from my regular (but obviously now ex..) online source. I recieved the order mid week and refrained from using it until friday night. Plans collapsed for the night and I had the run of the house to myself.

I had researched deeply into the drug and was extremely cautious, only insufflating 10mg at about 7pm. I did get a small buzz and sense of well being, albeit very short and very little comedown.

I immediately had the urge to have more, insufflating ~50mg. I found myself redosing every 20/30 mins for approx 3 hours with ever increasing doses as the feeling was not increasing. I had fallen into the trap and shoved the NRG away. 3 Hours later the feeling was going though my heart was POUNDING. I lined up 200mg but knocked it onto my carpet, spent 30mins snorting the carpet to no avail. This time I lined up ~500mg and snorted. The feeling was strong but only lasted for about 45mins. Found myself taking videos of my nosebleed, insufflating and trying to jack up a lighter, taking photo's of my road and creating a plan to sort out every single one of my lifes problems, all at 2-5 in the morning.

Of course with no sleep, I arose at around 8. I then spent 4 hours wiping up every surface in my room believing anything white was a line of NRG. When i exhausted every option my eyes would not stop darting, my mouth wouldn't stop jittering. I was seeing lines everywhere, picking up every single detail on everything. My body had turned green with flecks of purple pores on my face. My mouth was fairly dry, though not as bad as expected. I didn't really feel like shit... but i looked it.

This gradually decreased and only after 4 days was I back to complete normality. That night I had consumed around 2grams of NRG.

- I couldn't communicate properly
- I couldn't stick to a specific task
- I couldn't hide it, hard as i tried
- Extreme paranoia of everything

Now I can completely control my use of NRG with only a teeensy urge of redosing.
I now have closed the NRG chapter in my life and am willing to explore other RC's with a
better press.

[edit: forgot to mention that sleeping patterns didn't return to normal until 3 nights after, although very little fatigue was experienced]
Alot of over the top scare stories by first time posters above!! Can't find any info on any death and had no adverse effects myself to this one!
There is definitely a danger that people won't research doseage and just take 100mg lines.

Other than that it seems harmless enough. Not much high, not much low. Its not really worthy of the attention it receives.
There is definitely a danger that people won't research doseage and just take 100mg lines.

Other than that it seems harmless enough. Not much high, not much low. Its not really worthy of the attention it receives.

true that

as long as you don't go ott on it,
i mean 13 times as potent as coke? eugh, as if.
hmmmmm......... i am enjoying it a bit now (as in, it appears to have "peaked" a whole day in) but i did just have to spend a rather surreal hour in a cell that clearly used to have padding in it with two mental health men asking me about the drug (like, they took notes off the little i've picked up from here) and then wanted to know if i'd be able to get home ok, ie if i still understood how to get on a bus. i've got some very mild visuals now, but i think if i'd told them i'd still be in there. WTF. in better news, my EEG and general "is you dying" thing went fine, even blood pressure when i hate the cuffs and you'e in a hospital being stressed out. and blue veins etc no worry as long as all your circulation's balanced, which it is. this is fucking weird.
Alright guys, SWIM just thought he'd pop in to give his experience on nrg1. SWIM will be as honest as he can in this post and therefore some of you may question the stuff SWIM does but here it goes anyway.
SWIM ordered 10g last wk sometime but decided to only take it last night. Prior to taking the rc SWIM mixed the nrg1 4-1 with a cutting agent so to degrade the potency and then gave some grams to friends to share the experience with.
So SWIM tuk his first few dabs at around 7:30 last night whilst watchin the CL final.
Realised its a slow acting drug and do decided to snort a few lines. The effect hit swim after around 20 mins and within the hour he was fairly blasted.
ie. very elevated heart rate, talkitive more than ever but the you feel very sweaty after takin it. Im sure alot of u are aware of the effect whilst up on the drug n tbh swim had a great time last night but its the after effects swim rlly doesnt like.
SWIM is gonna be blunt and admit he must have takin around 1.5g in total last night and other friends took more. Very very foolish i will be the first to admit that but the total discomfort swim felt in bed this morning was something he never experienced. he couldnt stop all the voices hed bn listening to at a house party run around his head when he tried to sleep. He also just sweated horribly for hours. But swim knows that he will feel the effects of this stuff for a few days. He has already pretty bad shakes in his hands which he feels will worsen throughout the day.
Final verdict:
take in very small doses. ie share 1g between 5/6 for the night
do not take it late in the mornin. ie.3/6 hrs before u wanna sleep.
do not underestimate the potency of ur first hit. It will a while for the full effect of the rc to occur.
I will prob not take it again. The bads outweigh the goods.
I find many of these posts to be very disturbing 8o. Each to his/her own and its certainly not for me to judge, but if i was asked my opinion would probably advise not to touch this under any circumstances :)

I had to laugh at some of the quantities taken, I hope to fuck they are make believe :D. Say hi to the shadow people for me ;)
Hi Guys

I just posted my nrg-1 bad side effects thread back one section, not sure if it should have gone there or not, so can a mod move it please if I have posted it wrong?

Guys all I gotta say is do it once then find something else less risky. NRG-1 is way to creepy crawly and seriously fucks with you on all levels.
after effects

Alright guys, SWIM just thought he'd pop in to give his experience on nrg1. SWIM will be as honest as he can in this post and therefore some of you may question the stuff SWIM does but here it goes anyway.
SWIM ordered 10g last wk sometime but decided to only take it last night. Prior to taking the rc SWIM mixed the nrg1 4-1 with a cutting agent so to degrade the potency and then gave some grams to friends to share the experience with.
So SWIM tuk his first few dabs at around 7:30 last night whilst watchin the CL final.
Realised its a slow acting drug and do decided to snort a few lines. The effect hit swim after around 20 mins and within the hour he was fairly blasted.
ie. very elevated heart rate, talkitive more than ever but the you feel very sweaty after takin it. Im sure alot of u are aware of the effect whilst up on the drug n tbh swim had a great time last night but its the after effects swim rlly doesnt like.
SWIM is gonna be blunt and admit he must have takin around 1.5g in total last night and other friends took more. Very very foolish i will be the first to admit that but the total discomfort swim felt in bed this morning was something he never experienced. he couldnt stop all the voices hed bn listening to at a house party run around his head when he tried to sleep. He also just sweated horribly for hours. But swim knows that he will feel the effects of this stuff for a few days. He has already pretty bad shakes in his hands which he feels will worsen throughout the day.
Final verdict:
take in very small doses. ie share 1g between 5/6 for the night
do not take it late in the mornin. ie.3/6 hrs before u wanna sleep.
do not underestimate the potency of ur first hit. It will a while for the full effect of the rc to occur.
I will prob not take it again. The bads outweigh the goods.

Sup, bk again 2 days later just to let you know how the brain is after saturday night!!
After not sleeping all of sunday mornin I was pretty wrecked yday to say the least but i did feel pretty shitty today. ie earlier on (24th).
This drug is fukin horrible and i have learned my lesson. If u want me to sum it up in one word here we go .................
YUCK. for any of u reading this now the quoted text took me 4 times longer to write as i had god awful shakes and slow response times at the time. U feel pretty rough for a couple of days after takin it but its worse than e's, meoh or anythin i can think of anyway. What ever part of your brain it fuks with it does a gud job. The things ur mind thinks of when comin down is enough to drive u insane. I spent around 5 hrs in bed sweating convincing myself everythin was ok when in reality i was unsure whether or not i was gonna die.
This is not an RC u wanna try as a newbie or just for the craic. Stay the fuk away.
This is comin from a pretty experienced taker of RC's even though i have no excuse for takin the amount i did the other day. U have bn warned. Its fukin vile!!!
Yes, i thought about ordering this one hoping that it would be better than meph. Looks like a good stimulant for productive activity over recreational use.

Its pretty cheap so probably will try it out and put a report in as well for the heck of it.
Yes, i thought about ordering this one hoping that it would be better than meph. Looks like a good stimulant for productive activity over recreational use.

Its pretty cheap so probably will try it out and put a report in as well for the heck of it.

Please don't say you are comparing something as potent as NRG to 4-mmc (if thats what u mean by meph) in the hope it will be 'better'. I know the chemical make up of both drugs is similar but they produce different effects. You wont get the same 4-mmc euphoric rush from nrg-1, nor will you get the same empathy you had from 4-mmc when trying nrg-1 and if you take the same size dose of nrg-1 that you took with 4-mmc you're more likely not even going to be aware of what effects you're having.

There are too many dangers to this RC than there are good things - It kills your liver, kills your brain, its carcinogenic (cancer causing) its cardio-vascular (narrows your ateries causing heart attacks/strokes) it produces anxiety, paranoia and depression... the list goes on..... and I'm sounding like my mother :S

Just because nrg-1 is "pretty cheap" doesn't mean you should try it. Please do some research and make absolutely sure you know as much as there is to know before your first dose.

I don't know how anyone else feels but it seems to me that no-one who posts here is reading past the last page on long threads like this lol

(Mind you what do I know, can't go longer than a day without needing a pick me up, been up all night and anxious. Going blue in places too..... another fun packed day at the farm)
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(Mind you what do I know, can't go longer than a day without needing a pick me up, been up all night and anxious. Going blue in places too..... another fun packed day at the farm)

yes! the 'blueness' is terrible, makes you look like shit. why does it happen?
yes! the 'blueness' is terrible, makes you look like shit. why does it happen?

Naphyrone causes bad cardiovascular side effects, which start by narrowing the arteries that distribute blood.
Cold hands and feet and blotches on knees etc are a result of the thinning of arteries as is the changes in colour (mainly red)

Really bad cases can cause pins and needles and/ or sensation of burning.

[edit: the narrowing of arteries is a an effect normallyfrom when the body is cooling down]

However, things ALWAYS look worse when u are on this. 99% of the time your limbs will look okay lol. The drug exaggerates small little features to create massive dilemmas. So if this happens just chill out and wait for your worry to pass. keep telling yourself its the drug, cause it is.
I have quite visible veins aswell so when my arteries start to thin all my veins pop up making my hands look mostly purple.

I also get a numb irritable 'stretched' feeling on my hands and fingertips but I believe this is just fluid retention im not sure.

I wrote most of that during a 'not quite with it' moment lol so hope its okay :p no point re-reading as I will space out again lol
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hahaa, yes this is exactly what i got!
every intricate detail, it's like you're searching for another line hehehe.
'tis all cool though.

no matter how hard i try, just caaaaaan't concentrate. i love it though.
haven't been on it for about a month though now (N)