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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(NRG-1 Naphthylpyrovalerone Naphyrone) - New Experience

^ well I finally got round to bumping what I assume is Naphyrone (I bought Energy 1).
If it's out there it has to added to the tweaklist (guineapig I am)

I would agree with Vh above - Pee Vee like and I got jaw tension
Not a patch on Madcat for euphoria but none the less a 'working stim'
I only did 2 bumps of lowish dose 5mg & 10mg
1st one didn't hardly touch the sides - I left it 2 hours just incase
10mg worked well
Looking forward to a night out on it with a bit higher dose (30mg tops)

Didn't get the Madcat/Pee Vee fiend at all and I was able to eat.
Fuck knows what damage the shit might do though!!

If anyone fancies a dabble please think hard about the risks and be careful with the dose - it is FUCKING STRONG

Stay safe ;-)

Good advice- I did the NRG-1 version(who'e website seems to have shut down) I only did a very small amount, similar to yourself, but mate of mine did 100's of mg's, which as you have suggested is extremely foolish. Each to their own though i guess :)
I had heard about this a few months ago and was heading for U.K and tried to find it on-line but no go. When I got some Mephedrone from a site I see they were selling NRG-1 so I picked up half a gram (to my knowledge it was available now but no, only 2 sites were selling it) few more now I would of thought. I didn't do much research on this drug before I done a line, and it was good, face went numb actually felt like coke so half hour later do another line and was still convinced it was a legal type of coke, racked up a fat line next and done that then started feeling the rush you get from speed. NRG-1 is potent compared to any speed you can get though, 0.25g managed to keep me going till 6, when I should of stopped but carried on till the end. Rushing for a 11 hours was a shit hot buzz but that is where the fun ends. The come down starts, paranoia is maxed out, i was in my room at this time, the next time I left this room was when the come down was over...36 hours later. Still not really sure what I had been snorting I began looking on the internet and not much really so I text Frank to ask for the side effects to which he replied the drug is to new. When I first heard this drug was coming over it said it is a killer and Europes version of Crystal Meth. How can it kill ya?? Luckily for me I have had some harsh come-downs in the past which was about half as bad as the one I was in. All in all, the first 11 hours are worth it but not with the 36 to follow. That is where all the death is going to be especially if you have never had a come down before. M-Kat was alot better than this shit and you can sleep on it too. Dont think I will bother doing it again!!
does it burn your nose; like horrendously?
SWIM and SWIMs friend orderd a kilo of Mephedrone. Came in the usual factory sealed silver Kg packets that Kgs of M-cat usually come in.
They guy who sold it to SWIM starts saying to be really carefull with this stuff, dont sell it neat (uncut); as a tiny line really fucked up his m8 who can do 10gs of m-cat in 10hours.

It burns SWIMs nose about 10xWorse than m-cat, It wasnt euphoric at all, just felt really on edge and buzzed and a bit paranoid the whole time. The drip is also the worst drip of anythin SWIM ever snorted.

SWIM now has to try and get rid of this stuff but doesn't even know what to tell people it is.
Just pure white crystals.

Stronger than but different to mephedrone :s

It sounds a bit like this nrg1 stuff but as i havent tried it and i dont know any1 else who has im lost as to what this is.
(Im new here and wasnt sure were to ask or what section to put a new thread in.)

For SWIM this didnt seem like a working stim either, a bit too "messy" for study or excercise
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Sounds interesting, but wouldn't try it as it might be carcinogenic.
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@yalikeit: am no expert on Research chemicals, but what you may have may be metherdrone(notice different spelling). I was told by a friend that his dealer told us we had methedrone, not mephedrone. In comparison to mephedrone(if it was different) it burned my nose alot more. It gave pretty much the same effects as mephedrone but perhaps more buzzy and less of a loved up feeling. Bth are pretty good imo.
D'oesnt sound like NRG-1 to me as it isnt crystal, but more of a powder. NRG-1 doesnt burn your nose a such, but leaves a vwery horrible taste at the back of your mouth after sniffing it. It reminded me of burninig rubber or something equally as toxic. Trust me NRG-1 is nothing like mephedrone. You either have mephedrone or maybe methedrone, but i dont know enough to tell you really.
@NEO: This is probably a stupid question but how much do you have to consume for NRG-1 makes it become carinogenic? I mean say if you did under 50mg's, could that pose any problem. Don't understand how these things work. I definately didn't do more than 50mg's though. NRG-1 defiantely tastes carcinogenic lol- tastes like smoking a 100 fags at once- i'm only a social smoker though so probably a 20 pack for a true smoker :)
What's the actual point in taking drugs? If you're intelliegent like myself, you will abandon your stupid ways and not take anymore stupid fucking drugs.

I mean don't get me wrong, they can be great. But this is only when you do them in the right situations. You also have to be in the right mindset, and have control over your dosage etc. Most people i know do not stick to these guidelines.

Just pisses me off how i have recently, along with mates, taken loads of drugs for no point other than to feel good, and it just sucks really. I'm not saying don't do drugs; but seriously fucking plan your actions, as otherwise you'll lose your sanity. RESPECT THY DRUGS!

You and me go along hand in hand, I keep telling everyone that drugs will mess you up, and change you, for the worst.

thats why I separate people, those who are responsable drug users and those who are irresponsable.

and only drugs that at one time they were great and legal like MDMA, are now banned because the % that chooses to be irresponsable

and because of them, we all Pay the Price

@NEO: This is probably a stupid question but how much do you have to consume for NRG-1 makes it become carinogenic? I mean say if you did under 50mg's, could that pose any problem. Don't understand how these things work. I definately didn't do more than 50mg's though. NRG-1 defiantely tastes carcinogenic lol- tastes like smoking a 100 fags at once- i'm only a social smoker though so probably a 20 pack for a true smoker :)

I'm not 100% sure about its carcinogenic traits. But in other NRG-1 thread there were some speculations about that. As naphthalene and pronethalol are carcinogenics.
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IVed 25 mgs mixed with 50 mg buphedrone... tends to recrystalize quickly after heated and drawn... don't reccomend this route.... was able gto sleep mfime god bless bezos anhd antipsychotics.
Methedrone (bk-PMMA) smells of liquorice quite distinctly, so...

@yalikeit: am no expert on Research chemicals, but what you may have may be metherdrone(notice different spelling). I was told by a friend that his dealer told us we had methedrone, not mephedrone. In comparison to mephedrone(if it was different) it burned my nose alot more. It gave pretty much the same effects as mephedrone but perhaps more buzzy and less of a loved up feeling. Bth are pretty good imo.
D'oesnt sound like NRG-1 to me as it isnt crystal, but more of a powder. NRG-1 doesnt burn your nose a such, but leaves a vwery horrible taste at the back of your mouth after sniffing it. It reminded me of burninig rubber or something equally as toxic. Trust me NRG-1 is nothing like mephedrone. You either have mephedrone or maybe methedrone, but i dont know enough to tell you really.
Methedrone (bk-PMMA) smells of liquorice quite distinctly, so...

Did i definately not have methedrone then? Definately felt more coke like. Did not notice a liquorice smell really but it burnt a hell of a lot compared to other mephedrone i've sampled.
My dog don't know what's in nrg-1 but it aint naphyrone!!

Nrg-1 is dodgy but my dogs experiance with naphyrone is all good. Dosing up to 500mg over a night without problems!
I quite like this stuff. I take a tiny 5mg dab about midday saturday. I don't wait for the affect and just get on with my day. I then take another 5mg dab 2-3 hours later when the main effect has kicked in. I've read it works on three receptors maybe thats why
there's a 20minute affect another at 1hour and another at 2-3hours.

A dab above 5mg gets me kinda on edge , so that's why I stick to the doses I take, as I said I find the main affect comes in 2-3 hours later. After that the buzz is quite constant for about 7 hours + no sleep saturday night. The comedown isn't too bad , no depression etc.
I've been doing this Energy-1 every saturday for the last 2 month and have had no bad affects, and feel lots of energy until about wednesday.

I am however worried about what I've recently been reading about it metobolises in the body to a cancer giving toxin and for that reason wouldn't recommend anyone to take it. I just hope that someone does some research on its toxicity!
just wondering, but whats with the
substancecode_exotic at the bottom of the first post in invisible (??) writing?
Yeh, tvas22, what is that shit. Some code that us mere mortals aren't supossed to see I suspect. Or you can only see it when you're on NRG-1.... (the OP must have been well mashed writing in some sort of code tripping his tits off- my mate was doing some mad stuff too)
What's the actual point in taking drugs? If you're intelliegent like myself, you will abandon your stupid ways and not take anymore stupid fucking drugs.

I mean don't get me wrong, they can be great. But this is only when you do them in the right situations. You also have to be in the right mindset, and have control over your dosage etc. Most people i know do not stick to these guidelines.

Just pisses me off how i have recently, along with mates, taken loads of drugs for no point other than to feel good, and it just sucks really. I'm not saying don't do drugs; but seriously fucking plan your actions, as otherwise you'll lose your sanity. RESPECT THY DRUGS!

its true, cos its so easy and cheap to achieve an altered and (when your high) perhaps more comfortable state than it was before. ive been spending days on end high for not alot really other than to be high. seems like a good idea at the time, and ive gone through phases of forgetting how good it feels to be sober and ON FORM if you know what i mean. Ive got my uni finals in a month and spend the last 2 weeks pretty much sober, then i went on a 3 day mephedrone binge and for the first time felt less good while i was on it than when i was sober.
acid is the way to learn how to be respectful of substances, none of these addictive uppers which dont REALLY expand your mind at all it just makes existing a bit more fun and for some people, a bit more easy
@qwimphy: I've heard that there is a new RC being introduced shortly called AMT. I read it's similar to acid, but not as much of a head fuck. Never done acid myself, but have heard its mad. But my mate who has done it, continues to abuse all drugs. His latest session on NRG-1 proves nothing was learnt from his acid trip,although it was a while back.
aMT is nothing like the current legal highs available. It has at least a 10 hour duration and combines both euphoria and strong visuals. It's been legal for a while but has historically been difficult to get hold of.

It's becoming more available now, but it's not a toy like other legal highs. Use this one with caution (but have a fucking incredible time doing so!!!)