Now open for business: Bluelight Journals

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Mar 16, 2001
Weblogs ("blogs"), journals or online diaries...whatever you want to call them, Bluelight now has them!

Every registered poster now has the option of starting a personal journal at Bluelight. After starting the journal, you can add entries as frequently or infrequently as you like. What are you supposed to talk about? Whatever you want! Typical journal entries will be concise summaries of whatever is happening in your life.

Bluelighters will get a full opportunity to set the tone and focus of their personal journal. You can write about drugs, sex, life, politics, parties, school or memories of what happened last night. Also feel free to link to an interesting thread or tell people about a great post you read. Keeping a journal can add an entirely new dimension to your Bluelight experience. ;)

If you are new to keeping an online diary, please remember to exercise caution and protect your identity. Although only registered posters will be able to add "comments" your entries, anyone (including unregistered people) will be able to view your journal. While everything is new, in theory you should expect the same reliability and stability as you see in the regular forums. Everything will be backed up once a day.

IMPORTANT: The Bluelight User Agreement will still be enforced at all times. Just like in the forums, there is a "report" feature to alert moderators to inappropriate entries or comments. Please make a "report" whenever you see something that violates the Bluelight User Agreement. In addition, each journalist is asked to help review comments made to their journal and "report" anything that they think does not belong in their journal. BlueAdonis, Blue_DragonFly and PsychoKitten will be the Journal moderators. They can be contacted at [email protected] or through the aforementioned "report" feature. They will make the necessary edits/deletions once they are notified of a problem.

Click here to visit the Journal area and get started!

Credits: chr1.5, skydancer and Catch-22 did all the work to make this project possible. skydancer originally had the idea for a "Bluelight Journal" feature in August 2002.

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Why isn't registration required to view the journals, if it's required to view all of the Community forums? Shouldn't the journals be considered part of the Community?
spinkle said:
Why isn't registration required to view the journals, if it's required to view all of the Community forums? Shouldn't the journals be considered part of the Community?

i agree. i dont think unregistered people should be allowed to view them, and also think they would be considered a community thing.
I will try to get round to this, this week.

20 hours spend on this one already. So time for a little rest.

=D a huge thank-you to chr1.5, skydancer and catch for all the underappreciated hard work they put in :)

you guys did a good job, thanks for all your hard work :)

there's quite a few things that could use some improvement, but i understand you guys are really busy. its great for an alpha version though ;)
We will offer an option to make the journal either public (for all) or private (reg. only). Remember that registration is two minutes of work and doesn't offer any real protection. But you're an exhibitionist, or you ain't ;)

Probably more insights will pop up when we get some experience with the system. All suggestions are welcome, although we are restricted in time, so we'll probably only accept the REAL GOOD suggestions!
Oopsz said:
1) RSS feed from BL journals.

2) Accept external RSS feeds.

bwahaha. Shall I?

is that like making my livejournal appear over here? or vice versa? If possible that would rawk.
As an extra present, your journal will now be available on a super easy and fashionable URL

For instance: :)

If you have a ~*~PlurNameWithWeird_Characters~*~ the URL is non-trivial, but just create a journal and it will tell you.
Just had a goos look at it... great work chris and walt! :D
I like the idea of the journals being open to anyone, even if anyone means people who don't feel like registering at bluelight.

I like the URL setup, VERY cool! Thanks to all who helped create this journal thing. Should make for some interesting reading.
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